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Overview of
Training organizing

1. Why training?
2. Application to AC
3. Procedure
4. Success driver and Learning points
Why now?
• HR Demand
• Org Development
• YOU are the key players
Why training
Organization’s Purpose  Goals  Functions’ Goals  Action  Delivery

How to achieve goals?

Available resources, e.g:
• Capital
• Brand
• Database
• Sales channels
• …
• PEOPLE (core)
Why training
• Improve employee performance: understanding, confidence
• Improve employee satisfaction and morale: feel valued, culture
• Addressing weaknesses: skills needed, without supervision
• Consistency: roadmap, procedure awareness
• Reduce employee turnover: recruitment cost
• Enhance organization reputation: attract talents

Two main types of training: On-the-job training & Off-the-job training

• 70% working
• 20% surrounding
• 10% formal training
Application to AC

“Truyền tải văn hóa 15 năm hình thành và phát triển CLB. Đảm bảo tinh
thần nhiệt huyết của thành viên trong suốt nhiệm kỳ. Tập trung phát triển
năng lực thành viên theo mô hình MASK (Mindset – Attitude – Skill –

Trong đó,
M (Mindset): Start with Why;
A (Attitude): Chân thành, chủ động, chuyên nghiệp, cống hiến;
S (Skills): Làm việc với con người, quản lý công việc;
K (Knowledge): Nghiệp vụ ban, kiến thức chung về doanh nghiệp, kiến thức tổng quan về ngành nghề.
• Training Need Analysis
• Guest Speakers
• Event:
• Pre-Event: Communication; (venue, concept, script, roles, sponsor,
budget planning)
• during Event: execution
• post-Event: Communication
• Assessment (effectiveness)

Head (Planning scheme), Leader (Planning & Execution sessions)
Success driver and Learning points

Mindset: Service, Innovation

Skills: Leadership, Communication, Execution, Planning
Knowledge: Event, Procedure
Thank you

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