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COMPUTER CENTRE Page 1 21-11-18

Group Names

This denotes your decision area.

This denotes instructor's input after you have made your decisions.
This denotes the calculations done based on your & instructor's input.

All values used in the spreadsheet are either in '000 units of production or '000 US$ as the case may be.
Your Decision Cost Details
No. of Advt. Initial Sales Current Potential Prodn. Shift Prem- Net.Optg.
Period Shifts Prodn. Level Invntry. n n+1 n+2 Dmd. Optg. Contr.Advt. Change Change iums Invntry Backlog Tot.CostContr (NOC)Cum.NOC

-1 0 18

0 1 71 0 26 28 0

1 1 62 1 10 29 36 25 76.00 216 10 18 0 5 5 24 62 154 154

2 2 87 1 -4 15 60 15 84.50 249 10 50 7 14 0 9 89.5 159.5 313.5

3 2 125 2 -1.5 31 15 10 131.20 370.5 20 76 0 33 0 46.2 174.7 195.8 509.3

4 1 61.9 0 -7.7 19 25 17 53.50 160.5 0 126.2 3 4.8 0.35 0 134.3 26.2 535.5

5 1 73.5 0 0.7 29 50 13 66.00 198 0 23.2 0 34 4.45 0 61.4 136.6 672.1

6 2 83.5 1 8.2 17 65 6 85.70 257.1 10 20 7 12 7.1 0 55.85 201.25 873.35

7 2 140 2 6 53 43 10 148.10 438 20 113 0 40 3 12.6 188.6 249.4 1122.75

8 1 68.2 0 -2.1 15 30 21 73.20 198.3 0 143.6 3 21 0 42.6 209.7 -11.4 1111.35

9 1 84 1 -7.1 32 42 14 77.20 230.7 10 31.6 0 60 0 1.8 103.4 127.3 1238.65

10 2 110 2 -0.3 20 66 19 91.20 273.6 20 52 7 25 9.25 0 113.3 160.35 1399

Prepared by COMPUTER CENTRE 21-11-18 Page 1

COMPUTER CENTRE Page 2 21-11-18

11 2 150 2 18.5 57 31 8 163.00 489 20 80 0 45 12 0 157 332 1731

12 1 70 1 5.5 15 24 10 76.50 226.5 10 160 3 25 2.75 0 200.8 25.75 1756.75

Prepared by COMPUTER CENTRE 21-11-18 Page 2

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