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Name Neil Vernocy Course AP ECONOMICS Date 8/27-8/31

Objective No School




Objective a. Tlw analyze course syllabus

b. Tlw analyze and discuss the 10 principles of economics
c. Tlw apply economic theory to everyday life
Procedure The students will take the majority of the class to review the AP Economics
Syllabus and to turn in their summer assignments. Over the summer the students
were asked to read Hidden Order: The Economics of Everyday Life. The students
were to write a 5-6 page book analysis on the reading. The students were to add
in economic theory that was covered within the book. The first 45 minutes of
class will be used to review the syllabus and briefly talk about the summer

reading. From there, the students will take an in-depth look at the 10 principles of
economics. The students will see that each principle focuses on the faction that
scarcity, choice, and rational thinking and decisions play a large role in the study of
economics. This lesson will be mostly review for these students. They have
already taken honors economics and some of the content will be very familiar.
The majority of this lesson will be discussion and will be displayed through a
power point presentation.
Homework Read pg. 4-32 and complete Application for Understanding Problems 1,2,7,9, 13

Standards 6.2.12 a,

Objective a. TLW analyze the functions and theory that Economists use
b. TLW analyze and create PPC Curves
c. TLW study the difference between Micro and Macroeconomics
Procedure The majority of this lesson will be conveyed to the students through power point
presentation, promethean board application exercises, large, and small group
discussion. To begin class the students will be given a prompt, “How are scientists
and economists that same?” I expect the students to give a range of answers.
Both use math, data, and theory to reach conclusions, as well as the scientific

method. From there, I will review the scientific method with the students. Next,
we will discuss the impact of assumptions within the study of economics. The
students will discuss and analyze why assumptions are made, how economists
measure the outcomes of their assumptions, and discuss the role of assumptions
from our summer reading book. Next, the students will review and interpret
Production Possibilities curves and the Circular Flow Model. The students will be
given opportunities to come to the board and create PPC Curves and the Circular
Flow Model on their own. Finally, the students will review the definitions for the
studies of Micro and Macroeconomics. The students will be put into groups and
each group will be asked to create either an economic scenario that falls under the
study of micro and Macroeconomics. The students will then present their
scenarios and each group will guess which scenario falls under what category.

Homework Read pages 34-39 and complete Application for Understanding Questions 1,2,3,4,6

Standards 6.2.12 h,k

Objective TLW. Analyze and interpret Positive and Normative Economic Theory
TLW. Analyze and discuss Economists as Policy Advisors
TLW Interpret various economic models and mathematical equations
Procedure This lesson will be conveyed to the students in the form of a power point
presentation, large and small group discussion, and activities. To begin class we
will review the concepts of positive and normative economic theory. From there,
the students will be put into groups of two or three. Each group will create a brief
economic scenario that could display both normative and positive economic

theory. As a class, we will come back together to discuss each scenario. From
there, we will identify and discuss the various offices within the federal and state
gov’t that design economic policy and advise politicians. The schools of thought of
both positive and normative economic theory come into play when designing
Homework Read Pg. 50-59 and complete Application for Understanding Questions 1-7

Standards 6.2.12 a,

Objective A. TLW analyze and discuss specialization and trade

B. TLW analyze and apply the theories of comparative and absolute
advantage to real world scenarios
C. TLW measure the opportunity costs within trade
Procedure The majority of this lesson will be conveyed to the students in the form of power
point presentations, promethean board activities, small and large group

discussion. This lesson will begin with a review of the terms specialization and
opportunity costs. Each way why nations and people get involved in producing
certain goods and services and the costs they incur with their decisions. From
there, the students will partake in a Promethean Board activity focusing around
trade between a farmer and rancher. The students will create and examine PPC
Curves for each and measure their opportunity costs. From there, we will review
the theories of comparative and absolute advantage. Next, the students will apply
each theory to our Farmer and Rancher trade scenario. Finally, the students will
be given a list of items to study for Monday’s Unit I Test.
Homework Monday’s Exam on Chapter 1-2

Standards 6.3.12 a,c

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