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59 55

Page No.

4.5.6 RATE 59

1963 2386 45
Chapter - 4
a) Precentage
b) Particle
Ten precentas 4.2.3
atory or
lab. Procedure
by or
where part
()f A
D by size Page
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Charge orby
Spedfied as of Mandatory Tests


1. '383-1970 Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from Natural Source for Concrete.

2. 456-1978 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete.

3. 516-1959 Method of test for strength of concrete
4. 1199-1959 Method of sampling and analysis of concrete
5. 1200 (pt.II) Method of measurement of building and civil
- 1974, engineering work (concrete work)
6. 1322-1982 Specification for bitumen felt for water proofing and damp proofing.
7. 1791-1985 Specification for batch type concrete mixers.
8. '2386-1963 Method of test for aggregate for concrete work.
a) Pt. I Particle size and shape
b) Pt. II Estimation of deleterious materials iind organic impurities
c) Pt. IIi Specific gravity, density, (km and bulking.

d) Pt. IV Mechanical properties

9. 2505-1980 ,General requirement for concrete vibraln"irnirit..'Tsioritype.
1O. 2506-1985 General requirement for screedboar'~,ixj.r':;lct{:\\brators.
11. 2645-1975 Specification for integral cement water pmoHng components.
12. 2686-1977 Specification for cinder as fine aggregate for use in Jime concrete.
13. 3068-1986 Specification for broken burnt (clay) coarse aggregate for use in lime concrete.
14. 3812-1981 Specification for flyash for use as pozzo1anaand admixtures
15. 4656-1968 Specification for fonn vibrators for concrete.
16. 7861-1981 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting (Pt. I) recommended practice
for hot weather concreting.
17. 7861-1975 For cold weather concreting
(Pt. II)
18. 9103-1979 For admixtures for concrete

4 CONCRETE WORK (c) Brick Aggregate: Brick aggregate shall
be obtained by breaking well burnt or
The concrete can be designed in grades denot- overbumt dense brickslbrick bats. They
shall be homogeneous in texture, roughly
ing characteristic compressive strength or by
cubical in shape and clean. They shall be .'
volumetric proportion of the constituents. The free from unbumt clay particles. Soluble
concrete by volumetric proportion or nominal salt, silt, adherent coating of soil, veg-
mix concrete of the constituents is specified in etable matter ..and other deleterious
this Chapter susbstances. Such aggregate should hot
contain more thaIl one percent of sulphates
4.1 MATERIAL and should not absorb more than 10% of
their own mass of water, when used in
4.1.1. Water, cement, lime, fine aggregate or cement concrete and 20% when used in
sand, surkhi, cinder and fly ash shall be as lime concrete. It shall conform to IS 306-
specified in mortar chapter. 1986 unless otherwise specified .

4.1.2 Coarse Aggregate . (d) Light weight aggregates such as sintered

fly ash aggregate may also be used pro- General: Aggregate most of which is vided the engineer in-charge is satisfied
retained on 4. 75mm IS Sieve and contains only with the data on the proportion of con-
as much fine material as is permitted in IS 383- crete made with them.
1970 for various sizes and grading is known as Deleterious Material: Coarse aggre-
coarse aggregate. Coarse aggregate shall be
gate shall not contain any deleterious material,
specified as stone aggregate, gravel or brick
such as pyrites, coal, lignite, mica, shale or
aggregate and it shall be obtained from ap- similar laminated material, clay, alkali, soft
proved/authorised sources. fragments, sea shells and organic impurities in
such quantity as to affect the strength or dura-
(a) Stone Aggregate : It shall consist of bility of the concrete. Coarse aggregate to be
naturally occuring (uncrushed, crushed used for reinforced cement concrete shall not
or broken) stones. It shall be hard, strong, contain any material liable to attack the steel
dense, durable and clean. It shall be free reinforcement. Aggregates which are chemi-
from veins, adherent coatings, injurious cally reactive with alkales of cement shall not
amounts of disintegrted pieces, alkali, be used. The maximum quantity of deleterious
vegetable matter and other deletrious material shall not be more than five percent of
the weight of coarse aggregate when deter-
susbstances. It shall be roughly cubical in mined in accordance with IS:2386-l963 Pt. II.
shape. Flaky and elongated pieces shall
be avoided. It shall conform to IS:383- Size and Grading
1970 unless otherwise specified.
(i) Stone aggregate and gravel : It shall be
(b) Gravel: It shall consist of naturally either graded or single sized as specified.
occuring (uncrushed, crushed or broken) Nominal size and grading shall be as
river bed shingle or pit gravel, It shall be under:-
sound, hard and clean. It shall be free
(a) Nominal sizes of graded stone ag-
from flat particles of shale or similar
gregate or gravel shall be 40, 20, 16,
laminated material, powdered clay, silt, or l2.5mm as specified. For any
loam, adherent coatings ,alkali, vegetable, one of the nominal sizes, the pro-
matter mId other deletrious substances. portion of other sizes as determined
Pit gravel shall be washed ~f it contains by the method prescribed in Appen-
soil materials adhering to it. These shall dix 'A' on page 59. shall be in
conform to IS:383-l970 unless other- accordance with Table 1.
wise specified.

-- 47"
- to-90- 100
0- o30
10030 16
mm to
10 100 passing (by TABLE
570 1
weight) for nominal size of


(b) Nominal sizes of single sized stone proportion of other sizes as deter-
aggregate or gravel shall be 63,40, mined by the method prescribed in
20,16,12.5 or lOmm (}sspecified. Appendix' A' on page 59 shall be in
For anyone ofthe nominal size, the accordance with Table 2.



IS Sieve Precentage passing (by weight) for nominal size of

Designation 63mm 40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12.5 mm 10mm

75mm 100

63mm - 85-100 100

37.5mm - 0-30 85-100 100
19mm - 0-5 -20 85-100 100
16mm -85-100 100
11.2mm 85-100 100

9.5mm 0-5 0-20 0-30 0-45 85-100

4.75mm 0-5 0-5 0-10 0-20

2.36mm 0-5
(c) When stone aggregate or gravel aggregate as determined by method
brought to site is single sized prescribed in Appendix' A' on page
(ungraded), it shall be mixed with 59 shall be in accordance with Table
single sizes aggreg:lte of different 1. Recommended proportions by
sizes in the proportion to be deter- volume for mixing of different sizes
mined by field tests to obtain graded of single size (ungraded) aggregate
aggregate of specified nominal size. to obtain the required nominal size
For the required nominal size, the of graded aggregate are given in
proportion of other sizes in mixed Table 3.



--23 -
Cement 41/2
Nominal size 11/2 21 1/2'pints
of sizeof single
3 size aggregate
of graded required

12.5mm lOmm

1:2:4 3

1:1 1/2:3

Note: are not premixed at site to obtain the

graded coarse aggregate required for the
(i) The proportions indicated in table 3 above the mix, the volume of single size aggre-
are by volume when considered neces- gates required for the mix shall be suit-
sary, these proportions may be varied ably increased to account for reduction in
marginally by Engineer-in-charge after total volume at the site of mixing
making sieve analysis of aggregate
brought to site for obtaining required (ii) Brick Aggregate: Nominal size of brick
graded aggregate. No adjustment<; in rate aggregate shall be 40 mm and its grading
shall be made for any variation in the shall be as specified in Table 4 when
proportions so ordered by the Engineer- tested for sieve analysis by the method
in-charge. If single size coarse aggregate prescribrd in Appendix 'A' on page 59.

TABLE 4 gross measurements of the stacks ·i s to be made
in respect of aggregates of nominal size below
Brick Aggregate 40mm.

IS Sieve Designation precemage passing 4.1.3 Admixtures: When required, admix-

(by weight) tures of approved quality shall be mixed with
concrete, as specified. The admixtures shall
75 mm 100 confonn to IS 9103-1979.
37.5 mm 95 - 100 4.2 Cement Concrete.
19.0 mm 45 - 100
4.2.0 This shall be prepared by mixing graded
4.75 mm 0-5 stone or bIick aggregate of nominal size as
specified with tIne aggregate and cement in
Note: Coarse aggregate for cement con- specified proportions with required quantity of
crete shall generally conform to water.
para 4.2.1 oOS 456-1978 and fine
The grading and quality of aggregates shall be
aggregate shall conf01ill to IS:383-
such as to give rninimum compressive strength
of 140 kg/cm2 and 210 kg!cm2 at 7 days and 28
days respectively in case of mix 1:2:4. (One
cement: Two Coarse sand: Four stone aggre- Stacking: Aggregate shall be stacked gate)
on a hard, dry and level patch of ground. When One sample consisting of 6 cubes 15x15x15
stack piling, the aggregate shall not form pyra- em shall be taken for every 15 cubic metre or
mids resulting in segregation of different sized part there of of cement concrete 1:2:4. The cube
materials. It shall be stacked separately accord- tests shall not be carried out in case the quantity
ing to nominal size of coarse aggregates. Stack- .of cement concrete placed on any day is less
ing shall be done in regular stacks, of height not -than 15 cubic metre unless otherwise speci-
exceeding 100 em. fied. For other details, refer Chapter on R. C.C
work. Testj'ttg : Coarse aggregate shall be
4.2.1 Proportioning: It shall be done by
tested for the followings (as per IS : 2386- volume. Boxes of suitable size shall be used for
1963) :
measuring sand and aggregate. The internal
dimentions of the boxes shall be generally
(a) . Determination of particle size and shape
35x25x40 cm deep or as otherwise approved·
(Appendix' A' on page 59) by the Engineer-in-charge. The unit of mea-
surement of cement shall be a bag of 50 kg. and
(b) Estimation of organic impurities (as per
this shall be taken as 0.035 cubic metre. While
IS:2386-1963 Part II)
measuring the aggregate, shaking, ramming or
(c) Surface moisture (Appendix 'B' on page heaping shall not be done. The proportioning·
60) of sand shall be on the pasis of it~ dry volume
and in case of damp sand, allowances for
(d) Determination of 10% fine value (Ap- bulkage shall be made as given in the chapter
for mortar.
pendix 'c' on page 60) Measurements: The aggregates shall 4.2.2 Preparation: This shall be prepared
be measured in stacks and paid for after making by mixing coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and
a deduction of? .5% of the gross measurements cement in specified proportions with required
quantity of water. ,Nominal size and quality of
of stacks in respect of aggregates of nominal
size 40 mm and above. No deduction from the aggregate shall be as specified.

Except where brick aggregate is used in cement Power Loader : Mixer will be fitted
concrete, minimum compressive strength on wiL~ a power loader complying with the fol-
works test for different concrete mixes sha11be lowing requirements.
.as specified for various grades prepared by
volume basis, in Table 5 below. The work test a) The hopper sha11be of adequate capacity
shall be carried out for every 15 cum of a da y's to receive and discharge the maximum
nominal batch of unmixed materials with-
concrc6ng unless otherwise specified.
oui: spillage under normal operating con-
ditions on a level site.

28 15cm
5 cubestrength
kg/cm2 in Note: In such a case the volume of the
maximum nominal batch of mixed
cm2 material is 50% greater than the
nominal mixed batch capacity

b) The minimum inside wid~h Qfthe feeding

edge of the hopper shall be as specified
below in table 6.

Table 6

Nominal size Minimum inside

of mixer (1', width of hopper Mixing: Concrete shall be mixed in
NT or feeding edge in
mechanical batch type concrete mixers con- R), litre mm
forming to IS 1791-1985 having two blades 140 1.0
and fitted with power loader (lifting hopper
type). Half bag mixers and mixers without 200 1.1
lifting hoppers shall not be used for mixing 280 1.2
concrete. In exceptional circumstances, such
as mechanical breakdown of mixer, work in 375 1.4
remote areas or power breakdown and when 500 1.5
the quantity· ef concrete work is very small,
1000 2.0
hand mixing :may be done with the specific
prior permission of the Engineer-in-Charge in
writing subject to adding 10% extra cement.
When hand mixing is permitted, it shall be R=Reverse
carried out on a water tight platform and care
shall be taken to ensure that mixing is contin-
c) The design of the loader shall be such that
ued until the concrete is uniform in colour .&
it allows the loading hopper to be el-
consistency. Before mixing the brick aggre-
evated to such a height that the centre line
gate shall be well soaked with water for a
of the chute plate of the hopper when in
minimum period of two hours and stone aggre-
discharge position, is at an angle of not
gate or gravel shall be washed with water to less than 50° to the horizontal. A me-
remove, dirt, dusCand 6therforei~n mateIials. chanical device to aid discharge of the
For guidance. the mixing time maybe 1-1/2 to
contents as quickly as possible from the
2 minutes, for hydrophobic cement it may be hopper to the drum ma y also be provided.
taken as 2-1/2 to 3 minutes.
Even when a mechanical device is pro-

vided, it is recommended that the angle of following limits :
centre line of the chute plate of the hopper
Cement 8%
when in discharge position, should be as
larger as parcticable, preferably not less
Fine aggregate
than 40° to horizontal.
Coarse aggregate 5%
d) Whe,n the means of raising and lowering
the loading hopper includes flexible wire
ropes winding on to a drum or drums, the Machine Mixing : The mixer drum
method of fast~ning the wire to rope to shall be flushed dean with water. Measured
the drums shall be such as to avoid, as far quantity of coarse aggregate shaH be placed
as possible any tendency to cut the strands first in the hopper. This shall be followed with
of, the' ropes and the fastening should measured quantity of fine aggregate and then
preferably be positioned clear of the bar- cement. In case fine aggregate is damp, half the
rel of the drum for example, outside the required quantity of coarese aggregate shall be
drums flange. When the loading hopper placed in the hopper, followed by fine aggre-
is lowered to its normal loading position, gate and cement. Finally the balance quantity
there should be at least one and a half of coarse aggregate shall be fed in the hopper,
drums of rope on the drum. & then the dry materials are slipped into the
drum by raising the hopper. The dry material
e) Gutch brake and hydraulic control lever shall be mixed for atleast four turns of the
shall be designed so as to prevent dis- drum. While the drum is rotating, water shall
placement by liberation or by accidental be added graduaHy to achieve the water cement
contact with any person. ratio as specified or as required by the Engi-
neer-in-charge. After adding water, the mixing
,f) The clutch and brake cotrol arrangements shall be continued until concrete of uniform '
shall also be so designed that the operator colour, uniformly distributed material and
can control the falling speed of the loader. conistency is obtained. Mixing shall be done
for atleast two minutes after adding water. If
g) Safety device shall be provided to secure
there is segregation after unloading from the
the hopper in raised position when not in
use. mixer, the concrete should be remixed.

The drum shall be emptied before recharging. Mixing efficiency: The mixer shall be
When the mixer is closed down for the day or
tested under normal working conditions in
accordance with the method specified in IS at any time exceeding 20 minutes, the drum
shall be flushed cleaned with water.
464:3 - 1968 with a view to check its' ability to
mix the ingredients to obtain concrete having ' Hand Mixing: When hand mixing
uniformity within the prescribed limits. The has been specifically permitted in exceptional
uniformity of mixed concrete shall be evalu- circumstances by the Engineer-in-Charge. in,
ated by finding the precentage variation in writing, subject to adding 10% extra cement, it
quantity (mass in water) of cement, fine aggre~ ,shall be carried out on a smooth, clean and
gate and coarse aggregate in a freshly mixed water tight platform of
I suitable size. Measured
batch of concrete:'
quantity of sand spread evenly on the
platform and the cement shall be dumped on
The precentage variation between the quanti-
ties of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggre- the sand and 9Jstributed~evenely. Sand and
gates (as found by weighing in water) in the cem~ELshall15e mixed intimately with spade
/ _,until the mixture is of even colour throughtout.
two halves of a batch and average of the two/
halves of the batch shall not be more tha_uihe Measured quantity of coarse aggregate shall be

spread on top of cement _sand mixture and 4.2.3 Workability: The quantity ofl water
mixing done by shovelling and turning till the to be used for each mix shall be such that the
coarse aggregate gets evenly distributed in the concrete is of. adequate workability for the
cement sand mixture. Three quarters of the placing condition~ of the concrete arid can
total quantity of water required shall be added properly be compacted with the means ~peci-
in a hollow made in the middle of the mixed fied.Generally, the quantity of water to be used
pile and the material is turned towards the for each mix of 50 kgs. cement shall not be
middle of pile with spade. The whole mixture more than 34litres for 1:3:6 mix, 30 litres for
is turned slowly over and again and the remain- 1:2:4 mix, 30 litres for 1:1-1/2:3 mix and 25
ing quantity of water is added gradually. The litres for 1:1:2 mix. In case of vibrated con-
mixing shall be continued until concrete of crete, the quantity of water may be suitably
uniform colour and consistency is obtained. reduced to avoid segregation. The quantity of
The mixing platform shall be washed and water shall be regulated by carrying out regular
cleaned at the end of the day. slump tests as described in Appendix 'D' on
page 62. The slump and workability for differ-
ent kind of works shall be as per ta,ble 7 ~elow.


Placing conditions. Degree of workability Value of Workability

Concreting of shallow Very low. 0.75-0.80
sections with vibration Compacting

Concreting of lightly Low Slump up to. 25mm, J,

reinforced section 10-5 seconds, vee
with vibration. bee time
or 0.8-0.85
compacting factor.

Concreting of lightly 25-75mm,

reinforced section without Medium slump for 20mm
vibration or heavily aggregate. ,~~
reinforced sections with
. vibration.

Concreting of heavily High 75-125 mm slump

reinforced sections. for 20mm
without vibration. aggregate .

. Note:- Whe~considered necessary, the workability of the concrete may also be ascertained by
compacting factortest and vee- bee. censistometer method as specified in IS: 1199~1959. For
~~/ suggested ranges of value of workability of concrete by the above two methods, reference
- may be made to IS:456-1978. i

4.2.4 Transportation: Concrete shall be When the work has to be resumed on a
transported from the mixer to the· place of surface which has hardned. such surface shall
laying as rapid Iy as possible by methods which be roughend. It shaH then be swept clean and
will prevent the segregation or loss of any of throughly wetted. For vertical joints, neat ce-
the ingredients
1 and maintaining the required ment slurry, of workable consistency by using
workability. 2 kgs. of cement per sqm shall be applied on the
surface before it is dry.
4.2.5 Placing: The concrete shall be depos-
ited as nearly as practicable in its final position For horizontal joints, the surface shall be cov-
to aviod rehandling. It shall be laid gently (not ered with a layer of mortar about 1O-15mm
thrown) and shall be thoroughly vibrated and thick composed of cement and sand in the same
compacted before setting commences and ratio as the cement and sand in concrete mix.
should not be subsequently disturbed. Method This layer of cement slurry of mortar shall be
of placing shall be such as to preclude segrega- freshly mixed and applied immediately before
tion. Care shall be taken to avoid displacement placing of the concrete.
of reinforcement or movement of form work
and damage due to rams. Where the COi1cretehas not fully hard-
ened, alliaitance shall be removed by scrub-
4.2.6' Compaction : Concrete shall be bing the wet surface with wire or bristle brushes,
throughly compacted and fully worked around care being taken to avoid dislodgement of
embedded fixtures and into comers of the fonn particles of coarse aggregate. The surface shall
work. Compaction shaH be done by mechani- be throughly wettcd and all free water re-
cal vibrator of appropriate type till a dense· moved. The surface shall then be coated with
concrete is obtained. The mechanical vibrators neat cement slurry @ 2 kgs of cement per sqm.
shall conform to IS 2505-1980 specifications On t.hissurface, a layer of concrete not exceed-
for concrete vibrators (immersion type). To ing 150 mm in thickness shall first be placed
prevent seggregation, over vib~ation shall be and shall be well rammed against comers and
avoided. The use of mechanical vibrator may close spots; work, thereaftei, shall proceed in
be relaxed by the Engineer-in-charge at his the normal way.
discretion for certain items and permit hand
compaction. 4.2.8 Concreting under special conditions

Hand compaction shall be done with the help of Work in extreme weather conditions
tamping rods. Compaction shall be completed
During hot and cold weather, the concreting
before the initial setting starts. For the items·
shall be done as per the procedure set out in
where. mechanical vibrators are not to be used,
IS:7861 (Part-I) - 1975 and IS:786 1(Part II)-
the contractor shall take permission of the
1981 respectively. Concreting shall not be
Engineer-in-Charge in writing before the start
done when the temperature falls below 4.5°C.
of the work. After compaction the top surface
shall be finished even and smooth with wooden In cold weather, the concrete placed shall be
trowel before the concrete begins to set. protected against frost. During hot weather, it
shall be ensured that the temperature of wet
concrete does not exceed 38° C.
4.2.7 Construction Joints: Concreting shall
be carried out continuously upto construction Under water concreting
joints. The position and arrangement of con-
struction joints shall be as shown in the struc- Concrete shall not be deposited under water if
tural drawings or as directed by the Engineer- it is practicable to de-water the area and place
in-Charge. Number of such joints shall be kept concrete in the regular manner. The concrete
minimum. Joints shall be kept as straight as shall contain at least 10% more cement than

that required for the same mix placed in dry Over the foundatioljl concrete, the ma-
conditions, the quantity of extra cement vary- sonry work may be started after 48 hours ofits
ing with conditions of placing with prior writ- compaction but the curing of exposed surfaces
ten permission of the engineer-in-charge. Such of cement concrete shall be continued along
extra cement will be paid extra. The volume of with the masonry work for atleast 7 days. And .
coarse aggregate shall not c;; l~SS than 1-1/2 where cement concrete is used as base concrete
times nor more than twice the fine aggregate for flooring, the flooring may be commenced
and slump not less than 100mm nor more than before the cUling period of base concrete is '
18Omm. Where found necessary to deposit any over but the curing of base concrete shall be
concrete under water; the method, equipment, continued along with top layer of flooring for
materials and mix shall first be got approved by a minimum period of 7 days.
the Enginer-in-Charge. Concrete shall be de-
posited continuously until it is brought to re- 4.2.10 Testing of concrete will be done as
quired height. While depositing, the top sur- described in chapter ofR.C.C.
face shall be kept as nearly level as possible
4.2.11 Form work : Form work shall be as
and the formation of heaps shaH be avoided.
The concrete shall be deposited under water by specified in R. C.C chapter and shall be paid for
one of the approved methods such as tremie separately unless otherwise specified.
method, drop bottom bucket, bags, grouting
4.2.12 Finishes: Plastering and special fin-
etc. as per details given in IS 456-1978. Ifit is
necessary to raise the water after placing the ishes other than those, obtained through form
concrete, the level shall be brought up slowly work shall be specified and paid for separately
\vithoutcreating any waves or commotion tend- unless otherwise specified.
ing to wash away cement or to distrub the fresh 4.2.13 Measurements:
concrete in any way. - Dimensions of length, breadth &
4.2.9. Curing: When the concrete begins to
thickness shall be measured correct to nearest
harden i.e. two to tl1f.t~e
hours after compaction,
the exposed surfaces shall be' kept damp with cm. except for the thickness of slab & partition
which shall be measured to nearest 5 mm.
moist guny bags, sand or any other material
Areas shall be worked out to nearest 0.01
approved by the Enginner-in-Charge. 24 hours
after compaction, the exposed surface shall be square metre and the cubic contents of cons6li-
dated concrete shall be worked out to nearest
kept continuously in damp or wet conditions
by ponding or by covering wit.l], a layer of 0.001 cubic metres. Any work done in excess
sacking,canvass, hessian or similar absorbent over the specified dimension or sections shown
materials and kept constantly wet for atleast7 in the drawing or as required by Engineer-in-
days where ordinary portland cement is used Charge be ignored.
and 10 days, where portland pozzolona cement Concrete work executed in the follow-
is used from the date of placing of concrete. For
concrete work with other types of cement, ing conditions shall be measured separately
curing period shall be as dirceted by the Engi- a. Work in or under water
b. Work in liquid mud
Approved curing compounds may be used in
lieu of moist curing with the permission of the c. Work in or under foul positions
Engineer-in-Charge. Such compounds shall be
applied to all exposed surfaces of the concrete 4.2.133 Cast-m-situ conc,rete and or precast
as soon as possible after the concrete has set. cOIlcrete work Shall be measured in stages
described in the item of work, such as; Fresh! y laid concrete shall be protected
from rain by suitable covering.

'a. At or near the ground level Cast-in-situ and precast concrete work
shall be measured separately.
f b. Upto specified floor level Cast-in-situ concret shall be classified
c. Between two specified floor levels and measured as follows :

d. Up~o specified height above or a) Foundation, footings, bases for columns

depth below plinth 'level/defined b) Walls (any thickness) including attached
datum level pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string
cours~s, fillets etc.
e. Between two specified heights or Shelves
depths with reference to plinth level/
defined datum level. d) Slabs
e) Chajjas including portions bearing on the No deduction shall be made for the wall
follpwing t) Lintels, beams and bressummers
a. Ends of dissimilar materials for ex- g) Columns, piers abutments, pillars, post
ample beams, posts, girders,'fafters, and struts
purlins trusses corbels and steps h) Stair case including stringer beams but
upto 500sq cm in cross sections. excluding landings.
i) Balustrades, newels and sailhg
b. Openings upto 0.1 sq. metre
(1000 j) Spiral stairase (including landings)
k) Arches
.j C. Volume occupied by pipes, con-,
':1 1) Domes, vaults
• duits, sheathing etc. not exceeding
100 sq em each in cross sectional m) Shell roof, arch ribs and folded plates
areas. n) Chimneys and shaft.

I d. 0) Breast walls, retaining, walls, return w~lls

Small voids such as shaded por-
tions in Figure below when these do p) Cqncrete fIlling to precast components
\., not exceed 40 sq cm each" in cross q) Kerbs, steps and the like
section. r) String or lacing courses, parapets, copings,
bed block, anchor blocks, plain window
Note: In calculating" area of opening, the sills and the like
thickness of any separate lintel or sill shall be
s) Cornices and moulded windows sills.
included in the height. Nothing extra shall be
payable for forming such openings or voids. t) Louvers, fins, facia.

i--- 1 L-+ +-L-+

+- -U.LLTeOf--+
IE-f--L -+
LJf r--
fIe; +

BE-:zL;><[AVfRJ6E. Cf
11 ~[~
FFI6-+ A ==
FY] H 52 J
.....•• Precast cement concrete solid articles 100 parts o.l4.P mm nomimil size graded stone
shall be measured separately and shall include aggregate, gravel or brick aggregate as speci-
use of moulds, finishing the top surfaces even fied and 40 parts oflime mortar of the specified
and smooth with wooden trowel, before setting mix.
in position in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement :2
coarse sand). Plain and moulded work shall be 4.3.2 Mixing: Concrete shall be mixed in a
measured separately and the work shall be mechanical mixer. In exceptional circumstances
classified and measured as under. specified in hand mixing may be done
with the specific permission of the Engineer-
Classifications Method of measurement in-Charge in writing. Before mAing, briCKS
aggregate shall be well soaked with water for a
a. Wall panels In square meters stating minimum period of 2 hours and stone aggre-
the thickness
gate or gravel shall be washed with water to
b. String or lacing remove dirt, dust or any other foreign materi-
courses, copings;' als.
bed plats, plain
windows sills, Machine Mixing: The mixer shall be
shelves, louvers,
flushed clean with water. Mixing shall be done
steps etc. In cubic meters
by pouring measured quantity of coarse aggre-
c. Kerbs, edgings etc. In cubic meters gate and wet ground mortar for one batch in the
d. Solid block work In square metres stating drum of the mixer, while it is revolving. The
the thickness or in cubic quantity of materials loaded in the drum shall
meters. not exceed the rated capacity of the mixer. The
e. Hollow block work In square metres stating water shall be added gradually upto the re-
the thickness or in cubic quired quantity and'the wet mixing of batch
metres. shall be continued for at least two minutes in
the drum till concrete of uniform colour uni-
f. Light weight In square metres stating
Partitions the partition's thickness
formly distributed materials and consistency is
obtained. The consistency of the. concrete shall
4.2.14 Rate: The rate is inclusive of the cost be such that the mortar does not tend to separate
of labour and materials involved in all the from the coarse aggregate. If there is segrega-
tion after unloading from the mixer the con-
operations described above.
crete should be removed. The entire concrete of
4.3 LIME CONCRETE batch shall be discharged before the materials
for the new batch are poured into .the drum.
4.3.0 This shall be prepared by mixing coarse Before suspending the work, the mixer shall be
aggregate and lime mortar in the specified cleaned by revolving the drum with plenty of
proportions with required quantity of water. water each time.
Lime shall conform to IS 712 - 1984 & shall be
classified as below. Hand Mixing: When hand mixing is
specifically permitted by Engineer-in-Charge,
Class A - Eminently hydraulic lime. used for it shall be done on a clean and water tight
structural purposes. masonry platform of sufficient size t<;> provide
ample mixing space. The specified wet lime
Class B - Semi hydraulic lime used for lime mortar shall be laid on the top of the aggregate
concrete. and turning shall be done over and again with
addition of necesary quantity of water till a
4.3.1 PROPORTIONING:Theproportions uniform mix of required consistency is ob-
of aggregate to lime mortar shall be done by tained. The consistency of the concrete shall be
volume. Generally lime is prepared by mixing such that the mortar shall not ,tend to separate
from the coarse·aggregate.

4.3.3 Placing and Compaction: Concrete portland cement and llyash in specified propor-
shall be laid (anduot. thrown) in layers while it tions with required quantity of water. The
is quite fresh. Each layer shall be throughly recommended cmnposition of cement fly ash
rammed and consolidated before the succeed- concrete are as under:
ing layer is placed. Consolidated thickness of
Table S
each layer shall not exceed 15 em. Joints where
necesary shall be staggered in different layers
unless otherwise specified. Ramming shall be
done by heavy iron rammers of 4.5 kg to 5.5 kg. Composition (Dry volume) Compressive Strength
The area of each rammer shall not be more than at St;ven days.

300 sq. em. Ramming shall be continued tin a

Lean concrete (1:5:10)
skin of mortar covers the surface completely.
Concrete laid on a particular day shall be Cement 1.0
consolidated throughly on the same day before (Ordinary Port land)
the work is stopped. Ramming on the follow-
ing day shall not be done. Le,-ill
shall be protected from
laid concrete
suitable Portland)
FlyashJI 37 kg/cm2
28 Kg/cm2

Sand Cement
Sand Stone
Stone Aggregate
aggregate Flyash
:~oo J
4.3.4 Curing: After the concrete has begun
to harden i.e. about 24 hours after its placing
and compaction, .thc curing shall be done by
keeping dIe concrete damp with moist gunny
bags, sand, or any other method approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge for a minimum period
of? days. Till then, masonryand Hooring work
over the foundation or base concrete shall not
be started.

4.3.5: Measurements: Length, breadth and depth orthickness

shall be measured correct to a em and the Note: No flyash is to be added to
consolidated cubic contents of the concrete Puzzolona Portla~d cement in any case which
shall be calculated nct to the nearest 0.01 cubic itself contains flyash
metre. Concrete laid in excess of the dimen-
sions shown in the drawings shall not be mea- 4.4.1: Proportioning'shall be as specified in
sured. 4.2.1

4.4.2: Mixing shall be as specified in 4.2.2

4.3.5~2: Deductions shall be as specified in except that the flyash shall be placed in the
hopper before cement in case of machine mix-
4.3.6: Rate: The rate shall include the cost of ing.
materials and labour involved in all operation
described above. 4.4.3: Pladng and Gompaction shall be as
specified in 4.2.5 & 4.2.6.
4.4.4: Curing shall be as specified in\4 ..2.9.
4.4.0: Fly Ash'concrete shall be prepared by
mixing graded coarse aggregate of nominal 4.45: Fonn work shall be as specified in
size as specified with fine aggregate, ordinary

4.4.6: .Measurements shall be as specified in specifications stating the quantity of water
4.2.13. proofing material in litres or kg per 50 kg of
cement and will be paid for separately;
4A7: Rate: Rate shall include the cost of
materials and labour involved in all the opera- 4.5.5. Measurements: The length and
tions described above. breadth shall be measured correct to a em and
its area shall be calculated in square metres
4.5 DAMP PROOF COURSE correct to two places of decimal. The depth
shall not be less than the specified thickness at
4.5.1: Cement Concrete layer: This shall
any section.
consist of cementconcrete of specified propor-
tions and thickness. The surface of brick or 4.5.6 Rate: The rate is inclusive of the cost
stone masonry work shall be levelled and pre- of materials and labour involved in all the
, pared before laying the cement concrete. Edge operations described above except for the ap-
of damp poof course shall be straight, even and plication of a coat of hot bitumen and addition
vertical. ~ide shuttering shall consist of steel of water proofing materials which shall be paid
forms and shall be strong and properly fixed so forseparately, unless otherwise specified .
. that it does not get di~turbed during compac-
tion and the mortar 40es not leak throgh. The APPENDIX A
concrete mix shall be of workable consistency
and shall be tamped throughly to make a dense
mass. When the sides are removed, the surface SIZE
should come out smooth without honey-comb- (Clause &
ing. Continuity shall be maintained while lay~
ing the cement concrete layer and laying shall The apparatus, sample size and test procedure
be terminated only at the predetermined loca- shall be same as specified in sub-head 'MOR-
tion where damp proof course is to be discon- TARS'
tinued. There shall be no construction joint in
the Damp Proof Course. In order that the sieves shall not be overloaded,
care must be taken to ensure that the maximum
4.5.2 Curing: Damp proof course shall be sieve loads shown in table below are not ex-
cured for at least seven days, after whichit shall ceeded at the completion of sieving.
be allowed to dry.

4.5.3 Application of Hot Bitumen: Where

so directed, hot biutmen in specifed quantity TABLE 9
shall be applied over the dried up surface of
Maximum weight for
cement concrete, properly cleaned with brushes I.S. Sieve 45 em dia 30 em dia
and finally with a piece of cloth .soaked in sieve sieve

kerosene oil. .Bitumen of penetration A 90 or 21.58 kg

4361.0 0.30
equivale~t where used shall be heated to a 45mm
temperature of 160° ± SoC. The hot bitumen,
shall be applied uniformally. allover, so that no
31.5mm or 22.1mm
blank spaces are left anywhere. It will be paid
for separately. 19mm
16mm or 11.2mm
••.5.4 Water proofing ~aterials : Where 9.5mm
so specified, water proofing material of ap-
proved qhality shall be added to the concrete
mixture in accordance with the m:mufacturer's 4.75mm

The sample weights taken_will thus nanniilly cantact with the aggregate shall be m.a-
require several aperatians on each sieve~ Each chined and case hardened ar atherwise
sieve shauld be shaken separately over a Clean treated sa as to' have a diamand (VH)
-tray arreceiveruntil namare than a tiace passes, pyramid hardness num ber af nat less than
but in any case for nat less than twO'minutes. -650 VH.
Material shauld nat be forced through _the
(b) A staight metal tamping rod af circular
apertures but hand placing is pennitted. A light
crass-section 16 mm in diameter and 45
brush should be -used with fine sieves~ The
to' 60 cm lang, raunded'at ane end.
cumulative weight passing each sieve shauld
be clacuJated as a percentage afthe total sample (c) A balance af capacity 3 kg, readable and
weight to' the nearest whale number. accurate to' ane gram:
APPENDIX B (d) I.S Sieve af sizes 12.5, 10 and 2.36 mm

TEST FOR SURFACE MOISTURE (e) A campressian testing machine capable-

af applying a laad af 50 tonnes and which
(Clalise can be ape rated to' give aunifann rate af
laading sa that the maximum 10' ad in any
Take a sample af wet aggregate and weigh it test is reached in 10 minutes. This laad
(A) Then place it in a frying pan and gently may vary from 0.5 to' 50 tannes.
apply heat, meanwhile stirring with a glass rod
until the surface maisture disappears. This is (f) Far measuring the sample, a cylindrical
apparent when the aggregate lases its shining metal measure af sufficent rigidity to'
wet appearance and becames dull, ar when it retain its fann under rough usage and af
just attains a free running canditian. The satu- the fallawing internal dimensians:
rated surface-dry material is then weighed (B).
Diameter l1.5cm
Cantinue the heating there~fter until the mais~
ture is evaparated and weigh the dry sample Height 18.0 cm
(C). The surface maisture is then calculated as
fallaws:- (g) Means af measuring the reductian in the
distance between the plates afthe testing -
A-B machine to-the nearest ane millimetre
Surface maisture ,,;lOOx -- during the test (far example, dial gauge).
Test Sample :- .Material fo'r the test shall
It is expressed as a pyrcentge af dry aggregate. cansists af aggregate passing a 12.5 mm I.S.
Sieve and retained an a 10 mmI.S. Sieve. The
aggregate shall be tested in a surface dry can-
ditian. If dried by heating the periad af drying
shall nat exceed faur haurs, the temperature
DETERMINA TION OF TEN PERCENT shall be 100° tall ace and the aggregate shall -
FINE VALUE becaale~ to roam temperature befare testing.
The quantity af aggregate shall be such ~at the
dept~ afmaterial in the.cylinder, aftertamping
as described belaw, shall be 10 cm. _.
Apparatus :- The apparatus far the standard
test shall cansist af the fallawing:
The weig~ta~ m,aterial camprising the test
(a) A 15 cm diameterapen-ended steel cylin- saI11pleshall be de~enpined (weight A) and the
same weight af sample shall be taken far the
der~with plunger and base-plate, as shawn
. repeat test.
ip Fig. an page NO'. 61. The surfaces in

,NOTE::' .Abou!, 6.5 kg~of natUral aggregate is Load:required·for 10 percent filles = 14·x X
require~to provide the ~two'testsanJpl~s:!--ess Y+4
of lig])tweight aggregate
.~ ,
is' reqUired. ".-..
c~ ,':

Where X=Load in tonnes and

The measuring cylinder is filled ill three layers '
of approximately equal,depth:"with aggre&ate Y=mean ~rcentage fines from two test at X
'passing a 12.5mm,tS~Sieve and refainedoriJO tomles load.
mm I.S.Sieve. :Eachlayer is subje~ted to 25
strokes f:r:omthe tamping rod (16 mm dia and, :' Reporting ofr,esults:- ~,~ load required, to
45 to 60 cm long) ropn<:!edaq, one end, care, produce 10 percent fines shall be ~eported to
being takenin case of we.ak m;uerials not to 'the nearest whole number for loads of 10
break the partic1es.:The surface,of 1lle aggre- tonnes <?rmore, the nearest 0...5 tonneJor loads
gate shall be carefully.1~v~~led and the plunger . ofless than 10 tonnes. The v'alue expressed to
inserted so that it rests h<;>rlzontally on this the nearest 0.5 tonne shouldbe as follows: i
surface. 11/;
(a) For'normal concrete, not less than 5
Test Ptocedur~ :- Theapparatus, with thet~st·
sample alld plunger in position; shall tpeI) 'be
placed ill the'compression'te~tingmachiiie:' (b)' Forweating sufaces, noiles's°than 10
, ~, .~-~ -
'.'"" - ":,
, tonnes.
The load shall'be. applied
~ .
at a ,umfoml
',' .*"
rate so as .

to cause a total pen~tration of the p!iIDger in 10 " (c) " For granolithic concrete, not less than 15
minutes of' about; 15.qrnm for rounded or tonnes.
partially~qunded aggregat~s (for example,~ex-
panded shales ~9 slags Il}aybe
varied accordJ-ng t9 !he "exte~t '9t therqunding
or honey combing. > "

After reaching the required tfiaximum peIJetra~

tion, the load shall be released and the whole of
- the material removed, from 'the cylinder and -,
sieved on a 2.36 mm I.S. Sieve. 'DIe fines t2
passing the sieve, shall be weighed, and this o
weight expressedl as a precentage of the:'weight
of the test sample. 'Nqrmally, this percentage
will fall within the range 7.? to 12.5; butifiL
does not, a further test shag be made, at a load
adjusted appropriately, to bring th~ precentage
fines within the range of 7:5 to 12.5

A repeat test shall ,be made at the ,load thaL

gives as percentge fines within the range 7.5 to

Cah;ulations:- Themeanp~[centage filles fro,m

the two tests at'thiscload shall be used In the . _.~

following form\lla .to' calculate. the load' re.t

quired 19 give 10 percentage fines.
~- ,--,,~ ~-" ~ t', ,~.~: ~: ~"-, '':" ~

'. APPt>~ATyS'{F()R'bEfE~A pON Of ~",


. ....

APPENDIX D the concrete - shall be struck off level with
trowel or the tamping rod, so that the mould is
SLUMP TEST exactly fIlled. Any mortar which shallleatc out
between the mould and the base plate shall be
(Clause 4.2.3)
cleaned away. The mould shall be removed
from the'concrete immediately after filling by
raising it slowly and carefully in a vertical
Apparatus : Mould shall consists of a metal direction. The moulded concrete shall then be
frustum of cone having the following internal -allowed to subside and the slump shall be
dimensions :-' measured immediately by determining the dif-
ference between the height of the mould and
Bottom diameter 20 cm that of the highest point of specimen.

Top diameter ..: : lOcm The aboye operations shall be carried out at a
place free from vibration or shock, and within
Height 30cm
a period of two minutes after sampling.
The mould shall be of a metal other than brass
Result:- The slump shall be recorded in terms
,and aluminium, of at least 1.6 mIl} (or 16 BO)
of millimetres of subsidence of the specimen
thickness. The top and bottom shall be open
during the test Any slump specimen which
and at right angles to the axis of the cone. The
mould shall have a smooth internal surface. It collapses or s~ears offlaterallygives incorrect
result. If this occurs, the test shall be repeated
shall be provided with suitable foot pieces and
with another sample.
handles to facilitate lifting it from the moulded
concrete test specimen in a vertical direction as The slump test shall not be used for very dry
required by the test. A mould provided with a mixes as the results obtained are not accurate.
suitable guide attachment may be used .

Tamping roishall be of steel or other suitable

material 16 mm in diameter 60 mm long and
rounded at one end.

Procedure:- The internal surface.ofthe mould

shall be throughly cleaned and free from super-
fluous moisture and any set concrete before
commencing the test~The mould shall be placed
on a smooth horizontal, rigid ana non absor-
bent surface viz. levelled metal plate. The
operator shall hold the mould firmlyin place
while it is being filled with test specimen of
concrete. The mould shall be filled in four
layers, each approximately one quarterofheight
of mould. Each layer shall be tamped with
twenty five strokes of the rounded end of the
tefiping rod. The strokes shall be distributed in
a uniform manner over the cross section of the
mould and for the second and subsequent lay-
ers shall penetrate into the under-lying layer. ,
The bottom layer shall be tamped through
_. ". - out
its depth. After the top layer has been rodded,


63 .


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