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Horizontal Augmentation Through the Ridge-Split

Procedure: A Predictable Surgical Modality in Implant
Len Tolstunov, DDS, DMD1*
Bruce Hicke, DDS2

Among alveolar ridge augmentation techniques, the ridge-split procedure demonstrates many benefits,
including no need for a second (donor) surgical site, rare risk of inferior alveolar nerve injury, and less pain and
swelling, and others. Lateral bone augmentation through the ridge-split works best in a localized lateral bony
defect intended for 1 or 2 implants and where the ridge is vertically intact. In this article, the authors present a
detailed description of the implant-driven technique of alveolar ridge-split procedure in small and large bone
deficiencies, in maxilla and mandible, supplemented by multiple photographs. The authors emphasize the
need for careful manipulation of the thin ridge based on knowledge of precise surgical principles and stress
that a practitioner needs specialized training and experience to perform this type of alveolar bone

Key Words: split-crest, bone expansion, ridge manipulation

INTRODUCTION distraction osteogenesis.1 Although ridge-widen-

ing techniques were used in the pre-implant era as

ince the introduction of root-form endo-
sseous dental implants, the need to a form of pre-prosthetic ridge plasty for the
establish a proper alveolar ridge has improved support of partial and full dentures,
become essential. Two-dimensional there has been renewed interest in such tech-
hard-tissue augmentation techniques niques in the past 30 years since the advent of
are mainly designed for vertically preserved but osseointegration and root-form dental implants.
width-deficient alveolar ridges, and 3-dimensional An edentulous ridge expansion or split-crest
(3D) hard-tissue grafting procedures are intended technique for implant placement was originally
to gain height and width in volumetrically described by Simion et al2 and later by Scipioni et
deficient ridges. Many surgical pre-implant bone al. 3 A few literature reports depict different
augmentation techniques have the goal of recon- modifications of a ridge-split procedure (RSP) with
structing deficient alveolar width, height, or both, or without interpositional bone grafting in the
including guided bone regeneration (GBR) with a edentulous maxilla4–13 and edentulous mandi-
cancellous graft, onlay/veneer block graft, inlay ble.8,14–17 Following is a description of the classic
grafting, ridge split, and vertical and horizontal RSP that has been successfully used for many
years in the authors’ oral and maxillofacial surgery
Private practice, San Francisco, Calif, and Department of Oral practices. In this article, the authors describe the
and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of the Pacific, Arthur A.
Dugoni School of Dentistry and University of California San RSP as a form of ridge modification (widening or
Francisco, School of Dentistry, San Francisco, Calif.
augmentation), a technique that offers many
Private practice, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.
* Corresponding author, e-mail:
advantages in oral pre-prosthetic implant recon-
DOI: 10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-12-00112 struction.

Journal of Oral Implantology 59

Horizontal Augmentation Through the Ridge-Split Procedure

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE osteal) vascularization to the gingiva, to the cortical

Patient selection bone, and partly to the cancellous alveolar bone.
The complete reflection of a full-thickness buccal
An ideal candidate for the RSP is a nonsmoker in soft-tissue flap eliminates the periosteal vascular
reasonably good health, who is committed to oral pedicle to the buccal (labial) cortical plate and
hygiene and has teeth in a good repair. The classic results in a devascularized free graft during an RSP.
RSP requires a staged approach with 2 to 3 surgical Periosteum plays a critical role in vascularization of
procedures that culminate with implant insertion the buccal cortex and in graft osteogenesis. Gray et
into the edentulous region of the jaw. al18 concluded that at least one-third of early graft
Before the procedure, a comprehensive oral osteogenesis could be attributed to the periosteum
examination should be done to assess skeletal and alone. Meticulous tissue manipulation preserving
dental maxillomandibular relationship, obtain prop- the periosteum and its role in peripheral vascular-
er radiographs, prepare diagnostic models, and ization is extremely important in RSP.19
prepare a surgical stent for implant placement, if The third characteristic relates to the treatment
needed. A collapsed alveolar ridge demonstrating a of the wound as a result of the RSP and
narrow width (less than 5 mm in many cases) and appreciation of the wound healing by secondary
grossly adequate alveolar height is the most intention. Primary closure is not applicable in most
common candidate for the RSP. It is the authors’ RSP cases. The widened alveolar ridge has to
practice to consider an alveolar width between 3 maintain its proper soft-tissue architecture (vesti-
and 5 mm for the RSP. A 3-mm alveolar ridge bule and keratinized tissue), and the labial soft
generally consists of 3 thin bone layers (in a tissue has to be undisturbed. After RSP, the alveolar
horizontal sandwich fashion): 2 cortical plates ridges are treated openly and will heal by secondary
(about 1 mm each) separated by 1 cancellous layer intention analogous to the grafted extraction
(about 1 mm). In the hands of a skilled surgeon, 2.5- socket. A resorbable or nonresorbable membrane
mm and even 2-mm ridges can be split. The wider is used to retain graft material, isolate the wound
the cancellous bone layer (the layer where the split from the oral environment, and guide the soft
is done), the easier it will be to accomplish the RSP. tissue’s healing over the graft.
Although panoramic or periapical radiographs are
frequently used, cone-beam computerized tomog- Surgical technique
raphy (CBCT) is the ideal way to evaluate the 3D The authors administer preoperative antibiotics 1
anatomy of the alveolar ridge. A comparative hour before the procedure followed by a 1-week
assessment of postoperative and preoperative scans postoperative course of antibiotics as well as a
is often done (Figure 1). 0.12% chlorhexidine rinse for 3 days before and 1
Surgical considerations week after the procedure. Preoperatively, the
alveolar ridge is evaluated visually and by palpation.
As with any surgical technique, the RSP is based on Palpating the ridge with 2 fingers sliding along the
an understanding of distinct surgical principles. The alveolar crest helps to develop a tactile sense of the
authors suggest that the following 3 characteristics ridge thinness and presence of bone undercuts. The
should be evaluated when considering RSP: future implant fixture length and position of the
The first characteristic is bone density. The inferior alveolar canal (in posterior mandible)
maxillary alveolar ridge is generally less dense than usually determine the vertical dimension of the
the mandibular alveolar ridge and more amenable split. Commonly, the vertical extension of the split
to a single-stage RSP, whereas the authors usually approximates the future implant length and falls
treat the mandibular alveolar ridge with a two-stage into the 8- to 12-mm range. The length of the ridge
RSP. to be expanded is practically unlimited and can vary
The second characteristic relates to the blood from a single tooth to a full arch. Although there
supply to the alveolar process and the role of can be many surgical modifications, traditionally the
periosteal vascularization. During an RSP, a buccal ridge-split technique consists of a single surgical
vascular bone flap is created. The muscular-perios- stage in the maxilla and a two-stage approach in
teal soft-tissue envelope provides peripheral (peri- the mandible.

60 Vol. XXXIX /No. One /2013

Tolstunov and Hicke

FIGURE 1. Cone-beam computerized tomography (CBCT) slices are useful in providing necessary information on alveolar
thickness, position of the inferior alveolar canal in the mandible or maxillary sinus in the maxilla, and comparative
assessments of postoperative and preoperative bone morphology. CBCT demonstrates enhancement in alveolar width after
ridge augmentation with the ridge-split procedure.

Journal of Oral Implantology 61

Horizontal Augmentation Through the Ridge-Split Procedure

Maxillary single-stage alveolar RSP mobile buccal plate. Any grafting material (eg,
autogenous, allogeneic, xenograft, bone morpho-
This procedure usually consists of a single-stage,
genetic protein 2, composite) can be used in these
though occasionally a two-stage technique can be
cases; the choice is usually based on the practition-
performed with the delayed placement of im-
er’s preference. The authors’ preference for RSP is a
plant(s). Generally, 3 mm of alveolar width and 7
bovine xenograft and human allograft. One author
mm of alveolar length (between teeth) should be
present for a single-tooth edentulous ridge to (L.T.) believes Bio-Oss cancellous spongiosa gran-
undergo RSP. The buccal-palatal dimension can be ules of a 300–500 particle size (Osteohealth Co,
decreased with a more experienced surgeon. A full- Division of Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Shirley,
thickness incision of the appropriate length is NY) tend to preserve the split opening better
performed in the edentulous area at the crest of because of the crystals’ mechanical properties and
the ridge. It is recommended, if possible, to use a slow resorption rate. The graft is loosely packed into
papilla-preservation approach. The developed flap the created bone gap from the bottom up (Figure
is a limited crestal (not buccal) full-thickness flap 3). The remaining portion of the procedure is
just large enough to see the top of the alveolar concluded with the goal of preserving the created
crest; again, no formation or wide reflection of the alveolar width and promoting healing by secondary
buccal flap should occur. intention. Similar to the socket preservation (Bio-
Splitting of the ridge is a technique-sensitive Col) technique described by Sclar,20 a split and
procedure that could be done with many different grafted ridge is covered with an appropriately sized
instruments, ranging from scalpel blades to spatula membrane (resorbable Colla-Tape membrane (Zim-
osteotomes, piezoelectric surgical systems, and mer Dental Inc, Carlsbad, Calif) or a dense polytet-
ultra-fine fissure burs. Thin maxillary alveolar ridges rafluoroethylene (PTFE or Teflon) non-resorbable
can usually be split along the crest in a single-stage membrane (Kendal Curity, Tyco Healthcare, Mans-
procedure if the anterior-posterior dimension is field, Mass). With any membrane, it is important to
moderate in size. A two-stage procedure may be make sure that most of the graft particles are
appropriate if the segment is greater than 3 teeth in covered and not exposed. Exposed bone particles
length or if the bone is unusually dense. In the will disturb proper healing. After membrane place-
single-stage procedure, a crestal bone cut is ment, continuous locking or multiple interrupted 4-
initiated as described earlier and carried to depth 0 chromic gut or 4-0 silk sutures should be placed
with a spatula osteotome. A greenstick separation without tension (Figure 4). Occasionally, a tissue
of the deficient (often collapsed) buccal cortical glue (eg, PeriAcryl,GluStitch Inc, Delta, BC, Canada)
plate from the palatal portion of the alveolar bone,
can also be placed on top of the wound, creating an
if carefully done, will lead to an opening of the bony
extra protective layer. Infrequently, before the
gap (like the slow opening of a book) with
grafting, 10–12 mm long 1.5–2.0 mm mini-screws
formation of a buccal vascular osteoperiosteal bone
can be used to stabilize buccal and palatal cortical
flap (Figure 2). Beginners in RSP should initially
plates in the new separated position. An experi-
choose a 4–5 mm thickness of an even maxillary
alveolar ridge and strive to almost double it in width enced practitioner may attempt to place implants at
(7–8 mm) to prepare it to accept an average 4-mm this stage, although they are usually placed 4 to 6
implant fixture at the next surgical phase. An months later. For a better prognosis of implant
overcorrection of approximately 2 mm is recom- osseointegration, primary (apical) implant stability
mended because there is some tendency for has to be present if implant insertion is selected at
relapse. The 7-8-9-10 rule can be a guide for the this stage.21
ideal implant-oriented alveolar ridge augmentation The patient is usually instructed to complete a
after the RSP, where at least 7–8 mm of bone width week-long course of antibiotic therapy and chlor-
and 9–10 mm of bone height are necessary. hexidine intraoral rinses. It is recommended to wait
The second aspect of RSP is grafting/GBR. The 4 to 6 months before implant placement at the
grafting in the ridge-split technique is done second surgical phase. A repeat CBCT scan may be
internally (inside the split). In essence, this proce- done at that time for a comparative assessment of
dure is similar to a large socket GBR but with a the gain in alveolar bone width (Figure 1). On

62 Vol. XXXIX /No. One /2013

Tolstunov and Hicke

FIGURES 2–7. FIGURE 2. An intraoral photograph demonstrating a narrow osteotome that is lightly tapped into the cancellous
layer of bone with a surgical mallet separating 2 cortical layers during the ridge-split procedure in the edentulous maxillary
ridge. FIGURE 3. An intraoral photograph demonstrating a cancellous graft that is packed into the created bone gap. FIGURE
4. An intraoral photograph demonstrating placement of sutures without tension to allow healing by secondary intention;
the depth of the vestibule and position of the keratinized tissue are preserved. FIGURE 5. An intraoperative photograph
demonstrating 4 corticotomies (1 crestal, 1 apical, and 2 vertical) at stage 1 of the ridge-split procedure; about 9–10 mm of
distance is needed between the apical and crestal corticotomy. FIGURE 6. Patient 1: Preoperative panoramic radiograph
demonstrating a failing bridge connecting the upper right lateral incisor with a non-restorable canine and extending as a
cantilever to the premolar region. FIGURE 7. Patient 1: Intraoperative photograph demonstrating 2 endosseous implants
(Biomet 3i) that were placed after the split stage of the ridge-split procedure. Good primary implant stability (20 NCm) was

occasion, in severely resorbed ridges, additional weeks later (3 weeks in younger patients and 4–5
bone augmentation may be necessary. weeks in older patients).
The described surgical approach of ridge split/
Stage 1: Corticotomy
expansion can be successfully used for anterior or
posterior maxilla or for a full maxillary arch. On The goal of corticotomy is to section through the
occasion, anterior maxillary alveolar bone may be exposed buccal cortex around the periphery of the
very dense and difficult to manipulate. In these buccal bony plate (to weaken the most dense
cases, a staged surgical technique similar to the portion of the bone), which is to be laterally
mandibular RSP described in the next section can repositioned at the stage-2 surgery. The two-stage
be performed. ridge split starts with a crestal incision similar to that
performed in stage 1 of the maxillary ridge surgery.
Mandibular two-stage alveolar RSP In contrast to the RSP in the maxilla, the stage-1
corticotomy requires a full-thickness buccal soft-
As presented earlier, one of the more common tissue flap with 2 releasing incisions that should
differences between maxillary and mandibular bone extend beyond the bone cuts. After the appropriate
is the density. Thus, use of a single-stage RSP is less bony exposure is achieved, peripheral corticotomies
predictable in mandibular alveolar ridges. In the outlining a ‘‘buccal door’’ are performed: crestal
mandible, the procedure usually has 2 stages: stage (similar to the maxillary procedure), apical (about
1 consists of corticotomy and stage 2 consists of 10–12 mm below; it is important to observe the
splitting and grafting, which is performed 3–5 proximity of the mental nerve), and 2 vertical

Journal of Oral Implantology 63

Horizontal Augmentation Through the Ridge-Split Procedure

connecting corticotomies (Figure 5). The corticoto- described previously is performed. Primary closure
mies should all be connected as a continuous of the wound is not needed nor is it usually
rectangular line, extending through the buccal possible. A 4- to 6-month waiting period is
cortical plate into the cancellous layer of the bone, suggested before an implant treatment.
paying particular attention to the 2 apical corners of The most common regions of the jaws that
this outlined bone osteotomies. The crestal cortico- undergo RSP are the anterior and posterior maxilla
tomy or trough is very important and will be used at and the posterior mandible. Following are 2 reports
stage 2 with a limited flap for the actual splitting. of patients undergoing RSP: one in the maxilla and
Attention to details and proper performance of this one in the mandible.
stage, directed to weakening the buccal cortical
plate in the key areas (future split), will guarantee Case report 1: RSP in the maxilla
the success of the stage-2 procedure. The buccal A healthy 82-year-old woman interested in im-
flap is repositioned and sutured with interrupted 4- plant treatment was referred for the extraction of
0 chromic gut sutures. This buccal flap, which has a fractured upper right canine tooth. Clinical and
been elevated from the alveolar ridge, needs time radiographic findings consisted of a failing bridge
to heal in order to reestablish the periosteal blood connecting the upper right lateral incisor with a
supply to the buccal bone (revascularize it). The non-restorable maxillary right canine and extend-
buccal cortical bone will be subfractured at the next ing as a cantilever to the premolar region (Figure
stage, together with the adhered periosteum (in 4 6). The alveolar ridge in the premolar and first
to 5 weeks). molar region of the posterior maxilla were found
Stage 2: Splitting and Grafting to be narrow. Treatment consisted of sectioning
the porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) bridge be-
The second stage of the mandibular ridge expan- tween the lateral incisor and the canine, extracting
sion procedure is done in a manner similar to a the non-restorable cuspid with bone grafting of
single stage of the maxillary ridge split, using a the socket, and performing an RSP with simulta-
limited-reflection flap. A crestal incision just wide neous placement of 2 implants in the premolar/
enough to see the crestal corticotomy is performed molar region of the right posterior maxilla. The
(closed approach). The operator should feel for the alveolar ridge was narrow, about 2.5 mm thick,
crestal groove created at the stage-1 surgery with and the cancellous layer was practically missing.
the scalpel blade. The blade should be held firmly in Careful use of the scalpel helped to separate the 2
this groove and run the full extension of this bony cortical plates in the premolar low-density region
groove. Papilla-sparing curved incisions should be (behind the extracted cuspid). Paralleling pins
created toward the buccal and lingual side at the were used to visualize the emergent profile of
mesial and distal extensions of the groove. Tissue both implants inside the widened alveolar ridge.
should be reflected to the lingual side as needed, Two Biomet 3i 4-mm internal hex Certain implants
but the tissue on the buccal side should only be (Biomet 3i, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla) were inserted
elevated at the points where the buccal curved with a primary stability of 20 Ncm (apical bone
incisions are carried onto the adjacent bone. It is stability) between the 2 thin cortical plates (Figure
important to create flexible relief at the mesial and 7). The bone gap between both implants and the
distal extensions so that the buccal soft-tissue flap socket of the removed canine were filled with
will not tear when the bone plate is transported cancellous granules of Bio-Oss xenograft (300–500
laterally. particle size) (Osteohealth Co) (Figure 8). A layer of
Next, the spatula osteotome is tapped to depth Colla-Tape membrane (Zimmer Dental Inc) was
with the osteotome of the next thickness and a placed on top of the graft, and the wound was
controlled lateral force should begin to be used to closed with 4-0 chromic gut sutures (primary
mobilize the buccal plate. Thus, a buccal muco- closure was achieved in this case). Nine months
osteo-periosteal flap with its own buccal soft-tissue later, surgical stage 2 was done with placement of
blood supply is created and can be manipulated the healing abutments into the well-osseointe-
(widened). An overall ridge expansion up to 8–10 grated implants. The restorative stage was com-
mm is usually adequate, and grafting similar to that pleted 2 months later and consisted of a splinted

64 Vol. XXXIX /No. One /2013

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FIGURES 8–13. FIGURE 8. Patient 1: Intraoperative photograph showing bone grafting (Bio-Oss) placed between 2 implants
into the created gap (split). FIGURE 9. Patient 1: Final panoramic radiograph of the completed case demonstrating porcelain-
fused-to-metal implant-supported bridge. FIGURE 10. Patient 2: Intraoperative photograph at stage 2 showing a greenstick
fracture widened to a 8-mm width (stabilized with two 2.0-mm tru-fix self-drilling mini screws). FIGURE 11. Patient 2: Intraoral
photograph showing the implant surgical stage in which 3 Replace Select 4.0-mm tapered implants were placed in the
position of the second and first molars and second premolar 6 months after the ridge-split procedure. FIGURE 12. Patient 2:
Clinical post-completion intraoral photograph demonstrating osseointegrated and restored implants; 3 separate porcelain-
fused-to-metal implant-supported crowns were cemented to full function and satisfactory occlusion and esthetic results.
The patient was satisfied with the results. FIGURE 13. Patient 2: Close-up panoramic radiograph demonstrating
osseointegrated and restored implants; 3 separate porcelain-fused-to-metal implant-supported crowns were cemented
to proper function and occlusion.

PFM implant-supported bridge connecting both routine fashion. Stage 2 of the RSP (split and graft)
implants and extending as a cantilever to the was done 4 weeks later. In a closed-flap fashion,
canine region (Figure 9). The patient was very sequential osteotomes were used to tap to depth
satisfied with the final restoration, which had been into the crestal osteotomy to create a fully
functional for approximately 4 years at the time of mobilized buccal muco-osteo-periosteal flap (Figure
publication. 10). A Teflon non-resorbable guided tissue regen-
eration membrane (Kendal Curity) was placed inside
Case report 2: RSP in the posterior mandible
the buccal side of the split. The membrane was
A healthy 60-year-old woman presented with a tucked several millimeters under the developed
history of loss of a lower left 4-unit bridge 1 month lingual flap after the graft was placed. Puros cortical
earlier and the presence of a retained root of the and cancellous allograft 1:1 was used as the graft
anterior abutment of that bridge. Clinical findings material (Zimmer Dental Inc). Six months after the
were significant: a 3-mm narrow mandibular alve- RSP, 3 Replace Select tapered implants, 2 at 4.3 mm
olar ridge in the first molar and second premolar 3 13 mm and 1 at 5.0 mm 3 13 mm (Nobel Biocare,
sites and a non-restorable root of the first premolar. Yorba Linda, Calif), were placed in the position of
Treatment consisted of removal of the retained first the second and first molars and the second
premolar root and the staged RSP. Stage 1 of the premolar (Figure 11). All implants osseointegrated
RSP (corticotomy) was done in the standard manner successfully and were restored 6 months later in the
described earlier with 4 connecting corticotomies. restorative dental office with 3 separate PFM
The buccal flap was repositioned and sutured in a implant-supported crowns to a fully functional

Journal of Oral Implantology 65

Horizontal Augmentation Through the Ridge-Split Procedure

occlusion (Figures 12 and 13). The patient’s DISCUSSION

restoration had been functional for approximately
In the 1990s, initial reports on the ridge-splitting
4 years at the time of this publication.
technique described it as a successful surgical
Modifications of the technique and instruments procedure that could be used simultaneously with
implant placement. Original reports by Simion et al2
The Meisinger split control bone expansion kit and Scipioni et al,3 in 1992 and 1994, respectively,
(Meisinger, Jacksonville, Fla) uses a screw-type demonstrated an alveolar width gain between 1
configuration of expansion and condensing burs and 4 mm after the split-crest procedure and
and threadformers for lateral bone expansion/ successful immediate implant placement and os-
condensing with a delayed or simultaneous endo- seointegration (success rate of 98.9%). In 1997,
sseous implant insertion.22. It appears that the Engelke et al26 reported the reconstruction of
precondensed bone cavity improves the primary narrow anterior maxillary alveolar ridges by the
implant stability. Another way to approach the RSP preparation of an ‘‘artificial socket’’ (lamellar cortical
is by using piezosurgical instruments. Although splitting) with immediate interlamellar implant
slightly slower, this method is an accurate way to placement and primary stabilization with micro-
perform the bone cuts in experienced hands. fixation. This report documented a 5-year cumula-
Scopioni et al5 proposed a graftless ‘‘morphogenic tive success rate of 86.2% for 121 implants and a
bone splitting’’ technique done through the partial mean marginal bone loss of 1.7 mm. Also in 1997,
thickness flap in which the bone-mucosa-gingival De Wijs and Cune27 described a 4-year cumulative
complex is displaced laterally in its entirety to survival rate of 93.7% for 68 implants placed
eliminate the facially inclined hinge displacement simultaneously with a bone-splitting technique for
often seen with a traditional RSP. A horizontal anterior single-tooth replacement. They also no-
alveolar ridge widening with a titanium mesh plate ticed only a minor decrease in marginal bone loss
using distraction osteogenesis principles15 or an that ranged from 0.8 to 1.3 mm and concluded that
alveolar crest widening/horizontal distraction de- the technique was safe and predictable ‘‘when
vice 23 can also be used for a lateral bone performed carefully on selected patients and with
augmentation. Induced osteogenesis by periosteal the proper instrumentation.’’ In a large case series of
distraction or GBR by dynamic periosteal elevation 303 patients in 1998, Bruschi et al28 showed a
are other modifications of the lateral wall augmen- successful combination of the edentulous ridge
tation technique24,25 when the bone crest-split is expansion with sinus lifting and an immediate
not done but the periosteum is tented to promote implant placement. The success rate of the 499
bone regeneration and widening. Many other implants was 97.5%. Also in 1998, Malchiodi et al29
technique-sensitive procedures have been pro- described a successful use of titanium mesh as a
posed for alveolar expansion, but their description space maintainer after ridge expansion with an
is outside the scope of this article. immediate implant placement. Only 3 failures from
120 placed implants were recorded. In 2000, Sethi
Complications of the RSP
and Kaus30 reported a 5-year survival rate of 97% for
Fracture of the buccal plate in the mandible during two-stage implants simultaneously placed with
a single-stage split (the full-thickness flap is fully maxillary ridge expansion. In 2008, Elian et al31
reflected and the buccal cortex is devascularized) demonstrated the possibility of a two-stage full-
leads to a free bone graft that has to be stabilized maxillary arch bone expansion using a ridge-split
with mini screws and postponement of the RSP. approach, and highlighted the inability of this
Infection and uncontrolled bleeding are rare com- technique to be used for a vertical augmentation
plications of RSP and are usually controlled with of the alveolar ridge. In 2011, Gonzalez-Garcia et al4
antibiotics/debridement and local hemostatic demonstrated 98% bone regeneration in the
agents, respectively. Position of the mental foramen intercortical gap (implant sites) and 100% implant
has to be determined preoperatively and monitored survival rate (delayed implant placement) after
intraoperatively to prevent neurosensory complica- more than 2 years of follow-up. At the second
tions during mandibular RSP. Other complications procedure, mean loss of the alveolar bone height
are rare. was 0.542 mm. The authors commented on

66 Vol. XXXIX /No. One /2013

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