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StuNed has ambitious targets to support a high number of excellent Indonesian students for their studies

in the Netherlands with a StuNed scholarship Therefore, we encourage participation from various
stakeholders to co-invest in this scholarship programme. The employer of the applicant, the applicant
themselves, and any other organisation can co-fund the programme in the form various cost allocation
namely living allowance, international travel, and other studying related costs.

For the employer, this would be efficient use of available training budget, while at the same time enhancing
the chance for the applicants to be awarded. Contributors would be specifically mentioned and
acknowledged in the publicity campaign around the awarding of the scholarship.

IMPORTANT notice: co-funding does not guarantee the award of a StuNed scholarship. In the selection
process the committee first looks at 1) eligibility of the candidate 2) excellence 3) link to the priority areas.
If applicants achieve the same score in the selection on these 3 criteria the co-funding will play a role,
meaning that at that point candidates with co-funding will receive preferential treatment.

Co-funding for StuNed application (Option B)

9.1 Source of Funding.

9.1.B. Self-financed (StuNed applicant)

9.2 Form of Contribution

Please state the form(s) of contribution to be committed:

 Tuition fee: (please indicate)
 100% of total tuition fee of the study programme
 50% of total tuition fee of the study programme
 25% of total tuition fee of the study programme
 Cost of living including housing (estimated: € 970/month)
 International travel
9.3 Statement of Commitment (to be signed by the funder)

I hereby would like to declare my commitment to give the abovementioned contribution to support
the applicant (Applicant name: )
for master’s study programme in the Netherlands if she/he gets awarded a StuNed scholarship.

Name, complete address & contact number (of organization) :

Name (of contact person) and Position:

E-mail address:



Signature and Official Stamp (Obligatory):

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