Model Imputernicire Auto

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SC ………………….


CIF: RO………

Str. ………………… nr. ..,

bl. …, sc. …, ap. …., sector …, Bucuresti, Romania


SC ………………. SRL, identificata prin CIF RO …………., cu sediul in str. ……………….. nr. …..,
bl. ……., sc. ……., ap. ……, sector …., Bucuresti, Romania, imputernicim prin prezenta pe ………
………., identificat prin pasaport nr. ………………, eliberat pe data de ……………. sa foloseasca
autovehiculul (marca si model) cu numarul de inmatriculare B-xx-XXX pe teritoriul Bulgariei si

Director General,
SC …………………. SRL

CIF: RO………

Str. ………………… nr. ..,

bl. …, sc. …, ap. …., sector …, Bucuresti, Romania


SC …………………… SRL, identified by CIF RO ………….., established in ……………….. street

no. ….., bl. ….., sc. …, ap. …., district …., Bucharest, Romania, we delegate Mr. ………..……..
…………….., identified by passport no. …….…………., issued on ………………. to use the vehicle
(marca si model) with registration number B-xx-XXX in Bulgary and Turkey.

General Manager,

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