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birth of athena

Zeus was the god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods

metis was one of the Titans, a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys;

She was the first wife of Zeus, and became the goddess of wisdom, and

in this history An oracle of Gaea prophesied that Metis' first child would be a
girl and that her second child would be a boy that would overthrow Zeus,
similarly to what had happened to his father and grandfather.

Zeus took this warning to heart. When he next saw Metis,

he initially flattered her and made her defenseless. Then, Metis' guards was
out , Zeus opened his mouth and swallowed her and her unborn child. This
was the end of Metis, but also the beginning of Zeus' wisdom.

After a time, Zeus developed an unbearable headache,

which made him scream out of pain so loudly it could be heard throughout the

The other gods came to see what the problem was. Hermes realized what
needed to be done and directed Hefesto to take a wedge and split open Zeus's

Out of the skull ........ sprang Athena, fully grown and in a full set of armour.

Due to the way of her birth, she became the goddess of intelligence and

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