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Sunitha Kumar Biswal et al.

, IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 21-36

International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries An International peer
Review Journal for Science

Review Article Available online through


Susanta Kumar Biswal1, Ashok Kumar Nayak2, Umesh Kumar Parida3 and P. L. Nayak*
1Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, India; 2Bio-Lab, Bhubaneswar, India;
3Center for excellence in Nanoscience and Technology and Research Foundation, Synergy Institute of Technology,
Bhubaneswar, India

Nanotechnology is the creation and utilization of materials, device, system,
Received: 19.01.2012
through the control of the properties and structure of the matter at the nanomatric scale.
Accepted: 06.03.2012
Nanotechnology is a new and existing field of research in which the advances in the
nanotechnology are integrated into the biology realm, in particular in the molecular
*Corresponding Author
biology and cell biology. Nanobiotechnology will increase agriculture’s potential to
harvest feedstocks for industrial processes. Meanwhile tropical agricultural commodities
.Agro-Nano connects the dots in the industrial food chain and goes one step further down.
With new nano-scale techniques of mixing and harnessing genes, genetically modified
plants become atomically modified plants. Pesticides can be more precisely packaged to
knock-out unwanted pests, and artificial flavorings and natural nutrients engineered to
please the palate. Visions of an automated, centrally-controlled industrial agriculture can
now be implemented using molecular sensors, molecular delivery. The agricultural
Address: industry is no exception. So far, the use of nanotechnology in agriculture has been mostly
theoretical, but it has begun and will continue to have a significant effect in the main areas
PL Nayak
Place: of the food industry: development of new functional materials, product development, and
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India design of methods and instrumentation for food safety and bio-security . The effects on
E-mail: society as a whole will be dramatic. Nanotechnology can be used for combating the plant
diseases either by controlled delivery of functional molecules or as diagnostic tool for
disease detection.
Key words: Agriculture, Food, Nanotechnology, Nanoparticle.

International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012

Sunitha Kumar Biswal et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 21-36

Nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionize the agricultural and food industry with new tools for the molecular
treatment of diseases, rapid disease detection, enhancing the ability of plants to absorb nutrients etc. Smart sensors and smart
delivery systems will help the agricultural industry combat viruses and other crop pathogens. In the near future nano
structured catalysts will be available which will increase the efficiency of pesticides and herbicides, allowing lower doses to be
used. Nanotechnology will also protect the environment indirectly through the use of alternative (renewable) energy supplies,
and filters or catalysts to reduce pollution and clean-up existing pollutants. There are new challenges in this sector including a
growing demand for healthy, safe food; an increasing risk of disease; and threats to agricultural and fishery production from
changing weather patterns. However, creating a bio economy is a challenging and complex process involving the convergence
of different branches of science.
Agriculture and Nanotechnology:
In the agricultural sector, nanotech research and development is likely to facilitate and frame the next stage of
development of genetically modified crops, animal production inputs, chemical pesticides and precision farming techniques.
While nano-chemical pesticides are already in use, other applications are still in their early stages, and it may be many years
before they are commercialized. These applications are largely intended to address some of the limitations and challenges
facing large-scale, chemical and capital intensive farming systems. This includes the fine-tuning and more precise micro-
management of soils; the more efficient and targeted use of inputs; new toxin formulations for pest control; new crop and
animal traits; and the diversification and differentiation of farming practices and products within the context of large-scale
and highly uniform systems of production.
Nanotechnology will leave no field untouched by its ground breaking scientific innovations. The agricultural industry
is no exception. So far, the use of nanotechnology in agriculture has been mostly theoretical, but it has begun and will continue
to have a significant effect in the main areas of the food industry: development of new functional materials, product
development, and design of methods and instrumentation for food safety and bio-security (1). The effects on society as a
whole will be dramatic.
Recent advances in materials science and chemistry have produced mastery in nanoparticle technology, with wide
ramifications in the field of agriculture. One area in particular is that of the cotton industry where current techniques of
spinning cotton are quite wasteful. From harvesting the cotton to finalizing the fabric it’s made into, over 25% of the cotton
fiber is lost to scrap or waste (2). However, Margaret Frey, an assistant professor of textile science at Cornell University, has
developed a technique called electro spinning that makes good use of the scrap material that would otherwise be used to make
low-value products like cotton balls, yarn, and cotton batting (3). At Cornell University, polymer scientists have used this
technique of electro spinning to spin nanofibers from cellulose ((C6H10O5)n ), a complex carbohydrate composed of glucose
units that makes up 90% of the cotton material. The technique of electro spinning cellulose on the nanoscale was successfully
used for the first time about two years ago. “The technique relies on electrical rather than mechanical forces to form fibers.
Thus, special properties are required of polymer solutions for electro spinning, including the ability to carry electrical charges”
says Frey (2). The process involves dissolving cellulose in ethylene diamine, a relatively benign solvent, squeezing the liquid
polymer solution through a tiny pinhole while applying a high voltage to that pinhole. This charge pulls the polymer solution
through the air into a tiny fiber, which is collected on an electrical ground (3). The fiber that is produced is less than 100
nanometers in diameter, which is 1,000 times smaller than what is produced in conventional spinning (2). If Frey’s process
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012

Sunitha Kumar Biswal et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 21-36

meets its expected potential, possible applications of electro spun cellulose may include air filtration, protective clothing,
agricultural nanotechnology, and biodegradable nanocomposites (2). Another application that the scientists have speculated
upon is using the biodegradable cellulose mats to absorb fertilizers and pesticides. These materials would then release the
fertilizers or pesticides at a specific time and location for targeted application (2).

Figure -1: Electro spinning mechanism

Developments in the Agricultural Sector due to Nanotechnology:
Agriculture is the backbone of most developing countries, with more than 60% of the population reliant on it for their
livelihood. As well as developing improved systems for monitoring environmental conditions and delivering nutrients or
pesticides as appropriate, nanotechnology can improve our understanding of the biology of different crops and thus
potentially enhance yields or nutritional values. In addition, it can offer routes to added value crops or environmental
Particle farming is one such example, which yields nanoparticles for industrial use by growing plants in defined soils.
For example, research has shown that alfalfa plants grown in gold rich soil absorb gold nanoparticles through their roots and
accumulate these in their tissues. The gold nanoparticles can be mechanically separated from the plant tissue following
harvest. (4)
Nanotechnology can also be used to clean ground water. The US Company Argonide is using 2 nm diameter aluminium
oxide nanofibres (NanoCeram) as a water purifier. Filters made from these fibers can remove viruses, bacteria and protozoan
cysts from water. (5) Similar projects are taking place elsewhere, particularly in developing countries such as India and South
Africa. The German chemical group BASF’s future business fund has devoted a significant proportion of its 105 million USD
nanotechnology research fund to water purification techniques. The French utility company General des Eaux has also
developed its own Nanofiltration technology in collaboration with the Dow Chemical subsidiary Filmtec. Ondeo, the water unit
of French conglomerate Suez, has meanwhile installed what it calls an ultra filtration system, with holes of 0.1 microns in size,
in one of its plants outside Paris.(6) While some companies are working on water filtration, others such as Altairnano are
following a purification approach. Altairnano’s Nanocheck contains lanthanum nanoparticles that absorb phosphates from
aqueous environments. Applying these in ponds and swimming pools effectively removes available phosphates and as a result
prevents the growth of algae. The company expects this product to benefit commercial fish ponds which spend huge amounts
of money to remove algae. (7)

International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012

Sunitha Kumar Biswal et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 21-36

Research at Lehigh University in the US shows that an ultrafine, nanoscale powder made from iron can be used as an
effective tool for cleaning up contaminated soil and groundwater- a trillion-dollar problem that encompasses more than 1000
still-untreated Superfund sites (uncontrolled or abandoned places where hazardous waste is located) in the United States,
some 150,000 underground storage tank releases, and a huge number of landfills, abandoned mines, and industrial sites.(8)
The iron nanoparticles catalyses the oxidation and breakdown of organic contaminants such as trichloroethene, carbon
tetrachloride, dioxins, and PCBs to simpler carbon compounds which are much less toxic. This could pave the way for a nano-
aquaculture, which would be beneficial for a large number of farmers across the world. Other research at the Centre for
Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology (CBEN) has shown that nanoscale iron oxide particles are extremely effective at
binding and removing arsenic from groundwater (something which affects the water supply of millions of people in the
developing world, and for which there is no effective existing solution)(9).
Nano-particles controlling the plant diseases:
Some of the nano particles that have entered into the arena of controlling plant diseases are nanoforms of carbon,
silver, silica and alumino-silicates. Nano carbon many times a simple question takes us into ocean of chemistry, that’s why
carbon is chosen as brick molecule for simple as well as complex architectural designs of almost all molecules by nature ?
What is so special with carbon? Why only carbon and not silicon or other similar elements? Why carbon is so unique? Many
scientists have come forward to explain carbon’s uniqueness in a unique way. But the fact is that there are many concepts yet
to be understood. At such a situation Nanotechnology has astonished scientific community, because at nano-level material
shows different properties. Thus we are exposed to a huge spectrum of Nanosciences, wherein there are totally new materials,
new technologies and new hope for existing problems related to agrochemicals, pesticides, herbicides- regulation and smart
utilization. Brazil is trying to improve the value of its exports by developing agricultural nanotechnologies. Brazilian
agriculture research corporation’s (Embrapa) areas of focus are to include research for producing carbon nano-fibers to
strengthen natural fibers for example those from coconuts and sisal and making nanoparticles that contain pesticides and
control their release. Scientists are mostly concentrating on carbon nanotubes (CNT). Carbon nanotubes are allotropes of
carbon whose nanostructure is cylindrical in shape. These nanotubes have many applications, especially in the fields of
nanotechnology, electronics, and architecture. Often used as thermal conductors, these nanotubes also host unique electrical
properties and are surprisingly strong. Recently scientists (10) have reported that when they planted tomato seeds in a soil
that contained carbon nanotubes; these CNTs could not only penetrate into the hard coat of germinating tomato seeds but also
exerted growth enhancing effect. They envisaged that the enhanced growth was due to increased water uptake caused by
penetration of CNT. This could be a boon for using CNT as vehicle to deliver desired molecules into the seeds during
germination that can protect them from the diseases. Since it is growth promoting, it will not have any toxic or inhibiting or
adverse effect on the plant.
Nano Silver :
Nanosilver is the most studied and utilized nano particle for bio-system. It has long been known to have strong
inhibitory and bactericidal effects as well as a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities. Silver nanoparticles, which have high
surface area and high fraction of surface atoms, have high antimicrobial effect as compared to the bulk silver (11) studied the
antifungal effectiveness of colloidal nano silver (1.5 nm average diameter) solution, against rose powdery mildew caused by
Sphaerotheca pannosa Var rosae. It is a very wide spread and common disease of both green house and outdoor grown roses.
It causes leaf distortion, leaf curling, early defoliation and reduced flowering. Double capsulized nanosilver was prepared by
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012

Sunitha Kumar Biswal et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 21-36

chemical reaction of silver ion with aid of physical method, reducing agent and stabilizers. They were highly stable and very
well dispersive in aqueous solution. The nano silver colloidal solution of concentration of 5000 ppm was diluted in 10 ppm of
500 kg and sprayed at large area of 3306 m2 polluted by rose powdery mildew. Two days after the spray more than 95% of
rose powdery mildew faded out and did not recur for a week. Nano silver colloid is a well dispersed and stabilized silver nano
particle solution and is more adhesive on bacteria and fungus, hence are better fungicide. No wonder that maximum patents
are filed for ‘Nano silver for preservation and treatment of diseases in agriculture field.’ This popularity of nano silver has
caused concern about regulating and classifying the nano silver as pesticide (12). In May 2008, the International Center for
Technology Assessment (ICTA) submitted a petition to EPA requesting that it regulate nano-silver used in products as a
pesticide under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Silver is now an accepted agrochemical
replacement. It eliminates unwanted microorganisms in planter soils and hydroponics systems. It is being used as foliar
spray to stop fungi, moulds, rot and several other plant diseases. Moreover, silver is an excellent plant-growth stimulator.
There are literally thousands of other essential uses for this odorless, nearly tasteless and colorless, totally benign,
powerful, non-toxic disinfectant and healing agent. Nano Silica-Silver composite Silicon (Si) is known to be absorbed into
plants to increase disease resistance and stress resistance (13). Aqueous silicate solution, used to treat plants, is reported to
exhibit excellent preventive effects on pathogenic microorganisms causing powdery mildew or downy mildew in plants,
Moreover, it promotes the physiological activity and growth of plants and induces disease and stress resistance in plants
(14,15). But, since silica has no direct disinfection effects on pathogenic microorganisms in plants, it does not exhibit any
effect on established diseases. Further, the effects of silica significantly vary with the physiological environment and thus,
they are not registered as an agricultural chemical. As mentioned above Silver is known as a powerful disinfecting agent. It
kills unicellular microorganisms by inactivating enzymes having metabolic functions in the microorganisms by oligodynamic
action (16), and is known to exhibit superb inhibitory effects on algal growth also. Silver in an ionic state exhibits high
antimicrobial activity (16-18). However, ionic silver is unstable due to its high reactivity and thus gets easily oxidized or
reduced into a metal depending on the surrounding media and it does not continuously exert antimicrobial activity. Silver in
the form of a metal or oxide, is stable in the environment, but because of its low antimicrobial activity it is used in relatively
increased amount, which is not very desirable. A new composition of nano-sized SilicaSilver for control of various plant
diseases has been developed (19), which consisted of nano-silver combined with silica molecules and water soluble
polymer, prepared by exposing a solution including silver salt, silicate and water soluble polymer to radioactive rays. It
showed antifungal activity and controlled powdery mildews of pumpkin at 0.3 ppm in both field and greenhouse tests. The
pathogens disappeared from the infected leaves 3days after spray and the plants remained healthy thereafter (19) also
studied the ‘effective concentration’ of nanosized silicasilver on suppression of growth of many fungi; and found that,
Pythium ultimum, Magnaporthe grisea, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Botrytis cinere and, Rhyzoctonia solani, showed
100% growth inhibition at 10 ppm of the nanosized silica-silver. Whereas, Bacillus subtilis, Azotobacter chrococum,
Rhizobium tropici, Pseudomonas syringae and Xanthomonas compestris PV. Vesicatoria showed 100% growth inhibition at
100 ppm. They have also reported chemical injuries caused by a higher concentration of nanosized silica-silver on cucumber
and pansy plant, when they were sprayed with a high concentration of 3200 ppm.
Nano Alumino-Silicate :
Leading chemical companies are now formulating efficient pesticides at nano scale. One of such effort is use of
Alumino-Silicate nanotubes with active ingredients. The advantage is that Alumino-Silicate nanotubes sprayed on plant
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012

Sunitha Kumar Biswal et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 21-36

surfaces are easily picked up in insect hairs. Insects actively groom and consume pesticide-filled nanotubes. They are
biologically more active and relatively more environmentally-safe pesticides. Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles (20) have
shown that mesoporous Silica nano particles can deliver DNA and chemicals into Plants thus, creating a powerful new tool
for targeted delivery into plant cells. Lin's research group has developed porous, silica nanoparticles systems that are
spherical in shape and the particles have arrays of independent porous channels. The channels form a honeycomb-like
structure that can be filled with chemicals or molecules. These nanoparticles have a unique "capping" strategy that seals the
chemical inside. They have also demonstrated that the caps can be chemically activated to pop open and release the cargo
inside the cells where it is delivered. This unique feature provides total control for timing the delivery. Plant cells have rigid
cell wall. Hence to penetrate it they had to modify the surface of the particle with a chemical coating. It has been successfully
used to introduce DNA and chemicals in to Arabidopsis, tobacco and corn plants. The other advantage is that with the
mesoporous nanoparticles, one can deliver two biogenic species at the same time.
Nanotechnology for detecting plant diseases :
A need for detecting plant disease at an early stage so that tons of food can be protected from the possible outbreak;
has tempted Nanotechnologists to look for a nano solution for protecting the food and agriculture from bacteria, fungus and
viral agents. A detection technique that takes less time and that can give results within a few hours, that are simple, portable
and accurate and does not require any complicated technique for operation so that even a simple farmer can use the portable
system. If an autonomous nano-sensors linked into a GPS system for real-time monitoring can be distributed throughout the
field to monitor soil conditions and crop, it would be of great help. The union of biotechnology and nanotechnology in
sensors will create equipment of increased sensitivity, allowing an earlier response to environmental changes and diseases.
Nanostructures in Association- Colloidal forms for delivery of Functional Ingredients:
Surfactant micelles, vesicles, bilayers, reverse micelles, and liquid crystals etc have been found to be ideal
nanomaterials for nano-dispersions and nano-capsulation for delivery of functional ingredients. Colloid is a stable system of a
substance containing small particles dispersed throughout in a liquid. Association colloids have been used for many years to
deliver polar, non-polar, and amphiphilic functional ingredients (21-24). Size of nano particles in colloids, range from 5 to 100
nm. The major disadvantage of colloids is that they can spontaneously dissociate if diluted.
It is a mixture of two or more liquids (such as oil and water) that do not easily combine. In nanoemulsion, the
diameters of the dispersed droplets are 500 nm or less. Nano-emulsions can encapsulate functional ingredients within their
droplets, which can facilitate a reduction in chemical degradation (25)
Nano lamination:
Technique is another viable option for protecting the food from moisture, lipids and gases. Moreover, they can
improve the texture and preserve flavor as well as color of the food. Nanolaminates consist of two or more layers of nano-sized
(1 – 100) thin foodgrade films which are present on a wide variety of foods: fruits, vegetables, meats, chocolate, candies, baked
goods, and French fries (26-29). Nanolaminates are prepared from edible polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids (30) has shown
that polysaccharide- and protein-based nanolaminates are good barriers against oxygen and carbon dioxide, but poor in
protecting against moisture. Whereas, lipid-based nanolaminates are good at protecting food from moisture. Trials are on to
develop laminates that can protect against all the desired f actors. Coating foods with nanolaminates is done simply by
spraying it on the food surface (31).
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012

Sunitha Kumar Biswal et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 21-36

(A) Nanoemulsion (B) Schematic representation of Nanoemulsion

Nanotechnology in Agriculture and food processing:
Nanotechnology can be applied in all phases of the food cycle “from farm to fork” which are reviewed below. The
following examples of potential future applications of nanotechnology in agriculture and food are mainly based on the Dutch
MinacNed roadmap on Microsystems and Nanotechnology in Food (32 & 33) and Woodrow Wilson Project on Emerging
Nanotechnologies (34) reports on nanotechnology on agriculture and food. Some of these applications will result in the
presence of nanoparticles or nanostructures materials in the food. Other applications only use nanoelectronics or other
nanotechnologies in food production where there is no direct interaction between the nanotechnology and the food system.
Nanotechnology may be used in agriculture and food production in the form of nanosensors for monitoring crop growth and
pest control by early identification of animal or plant diseases. These nanosensors can help enhance production and improve
food safety. The sensors function as external monitoring devices and do not end up in the food itself. Nanomaterials can also
be introduced in or on the food itself. The effectiveness of pesticides may be improved if very small amounts are enclosed in
hollow capsules with a diameter in the nanometer range which can be designed to open only when triggered by the presence
of the pest to be controlled. Nanopesticide residues on the food and from animal feed and veterinary medicine, may end up
inside the stomach but what happens then is not clear.(32)
Enhancing agricultural productivity:
This includes developments relating to disease detection and treatment in plants, sensors and delivery systems to
ensure optimal nutrients availability to crops at the required time, more efficient delivery systems for fertilizers, pesticides,
herbicides etc. thereby preventing excess dosing. In addition, NT applications in the energy and environment sectors (such as
increased use of renewable energy sources, remediation of polluted water and soils) would also contribute towards providing
an improved environment for agricultural activities.
Nanomaterial preparation:
This includes the use of plants as factories for nanoparticles production, preparation of nanomaterials from biomass
based constituents like cellulose etc.

International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012

Sunitha Kumar Biswal et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 21-36

Packaging :
Conventional plastics, used widely in food packaging, are difficult to degrade thereby creating a serious problem of
solid waste disposal. In this context, biomass based materials have been explored for the development of eco-friendly food
packaging (35,36). The challenge is to overcome performance related issues (e.g. poor mechanical strength, brittleness, poor
gas and moisture barrier), processing problems (e.g. low heat distortion temperature), and high cost associated with
biopolymer based packaging. Incorporation of nanomaterials in biopolymers (usually neutral polysaccharides such as starch,
cellulose and its derivatives (37)polyesters such as polyhydroxyalkanoates, poly(lactic acid (38) as well as plant oils, gelatin,
chitosan (39) provides the necessary reinforcement, improving both mechanical strength and barrier properties (40) in
addition, cost-price-efficiency is also improved (41,42). A recent review on nanocomposites provides an overview of the
subject (43). Nanocomposites with conventional polymers such as nylon 6 have also been prepared with the aim of obtaining
lighter, stronger plastics with better heat resistance and barrier properties (44). Nanoclay reinforced synthetic polymers such
as polyethylene, polypropylene etc. are being used for food packaging in view of their better strength and enhanced barrier
properties (45,46). Yet another aim of nanoparticles addition has been to obtain polymer degradation as well as stabilization
(47). The following nanomaterials have been primarily employed in food packaging applications (48).
Though polymer–clay nanocomposite formulations have been known for nearly three decades(49), research into their
application for food packaging picked up in the late 1990s (50). Clays and silicates are layered inorganic solids that are readily
available at low cost; further they are easy to process and can result in significant improvement in properties. The most
extensively investigated clay is montmorillonite, hydrated alumina-silicate layered clay (51). Addition of nanoclays in polymer
formulations results in several benefits viz. enhanced mechanical properties (52-56), superior barrier properties because of
the high tortuosity imparted by these materials (57,58) thus, permeability of oxygen and water vapor can be significantly
reduced(59-63). In addition, increased glass transition (64) and thermal degradation temperatures (65,66) have also been
observed. The only reported concern with polymer-nanoclay formulations is the decreased transparency (67).
Cellulose nanofiber:
This is a low cost and readily available nanomaterial obtained from the natural polymer cellulose (68). This has been
used to improve thermo mechanical and barrier properties in biopolymers like starch without affecting the biodegradability
(69). Cellulose nanoreinforcements also improve moisture barrier (70-72) and enhance thermal stability (73,74) .
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012

Sunitha Kumar Biswal et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 21-36

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs):

CNTs have been incorporated in various polymers such as polyvinyl alcohol (75), polypropylene (76) and polyamide
(77) the focus has been on improving the mechanical properties
Other nanomaterials used in polymer nanocomposites include silica nanoparticles (78) starch nanocrystals (79,80)
chitin (81) chitosan nanoparticles (82)
Quality control and testing:
Food safety is a major concern for food producers, consumers and food safety authorities. Nanosensors may help to
improve food safety by enabling faster quality control and testing not only in the factory but also on the shelf and even in your
refrigerator. These sensors can be integrated in the food processing equipment or in refrigerators and do not introduce
nanoparticles into the food itself. A nanosensor is a device consisting of an electronic data processing part and a sensing layer
or part, which can translate a signal such as light, or the presence of an organic substance or gas into an electronic signal. The
electrodes or the active layer can be structured at the nanometer scale. The whole device is usually at the scale of centimeters.
A typical nanosensor would be the “electronic nose”. Many sensors used for olfactory applications are based on MOSFET
(Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) technology, which is commonly used in electronic circuits. Cantilever
sensors are particularly interesting because they work in liquids. Such a cantilever sensor is equipped with tiny cantilevers
with a biochemical layer which can detect the presence of a pest or disease. If the pest is present in a food product, molecules
typical for that pest attach to the detection layer. The cantilever bends under the additional weight, leading to an electronic
signal warning for the presence of the pest. Nanosensors can be connected to an electronic or wireless network. They can, for
example, be used for pest control of crops growing in the field or for quality control of milk during industrial processing. Other
types of nanosensors can also be integrated in food packaging to show whether the product is still fit for human consumption.
The nanosensors may for example change colour if the food is no longer fresh. Micro and nanosensors have been developed for
food safety and quality control in the European project GOODFOOD (2004-2007).(83)
Synthesis and Assembly of Nanomaterials
Nanomaterials are, of course, abundant in nature as living organisms operate basically at a nanoscale level.
Nanotechnologists seek to produce and utilize both novel nanomaterials and some natural nanomaterials in larger quantities
and within a more consistent size range. Numerous techniques are used to fabricate different nanomaterials. Nanoparticles
can be produced from larger structures (top down) by use of ultrafine grinders, lasers, and vaporization followed by cooling.
For complex particles, nanotechnologists generally prefer to synthesize nanostructures by a bottom-up approach by arranging
molecules to form complex structures with new and useful properties.
Solvent extraction/evaporation
Nanoparticles of some organic polymers can be fabricated by solution in a solvent such as dichloromethane followed
by sonication, evaporation, filtration, and freeze-drying (84).
Hydroxyapatite-aspartic acid (or glutamic acid) crystals were synthesized in the presence of solutions containing
different amounts of the amino acids (85).

International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012

Sunitha Kumar Biswal et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 21-36

Manipulation of physical and chemical conditions such as pH, temperature, and solute concentrations can induce self
assembly of molecules to form fibrous nanostructures (85,86). Vesicles, called polymerosomes, that may be useful for
encapsulation, can also be self assembled by slow evaporation of an organic solvent (87).
Layer-by-layer deposition.
Platforms for bilayer membranes that can be used for protein analysis, can be fabricated by layering of sodium silicate
and poly(ally amine hydrochloride) on gold followed by calcinations in a furnace. Lipid bilayers can fuse to the silicate layer
and be used to detect specific proteins (88)
Microbial synthesis.
Living cells have been harnessed to produce nanoparticles, for example, silver nanoparticles produced extracellularly
by the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus (89). Gold and silver nanoparticles
can also be produced by other fungi and a number of bacterial species (90).
Biomass reactions.
Gold nanorods and nanoparticles with other shapes were produced by incubation of dead oat stalks with an acidic
aqueous solution of gold ions (Au III) (91). Some living plants are also known to take up and sequester heavy metals (to
prevent being poisoned by these metals) and these plants may also be useful in producing nanoparticles of metals (90).
Measurement, Characterization, Manipulation
High resolution electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopy can produce direct images of nanostructures and
with the aid of computer controlled probes can be used to manipulate nanomaterials. Other instruments provide information
on nanostructures based on their physical properties such as the scanning tunneling microscope, which detects electronic
structure and properties, magnetic force spectroscopy, which produces images of magnetic domains, and magnetic resonance
microscopes, which detect nuclear or electron spin resonance. Cantilever probes and optical tweezers can manipulate
nanoparticles. A variety of computer programs have been developed to simulate and model formation and interactions of
nanomaterials (92).
Societal Effects:
Coming nanotechnologies in the agricultural field seem quiet promising. However, the potential risks in using
nanoparticles in agriculture are no different than those in any other industry. Through the rapid distribution of nanoparticles
to food products – whether it be in the food itself or part of the packaging – nanoparticles will come in direct contact with
virtually everyone. The environmental group ETC (Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration) is deeply
concerned with the implications and regulation of nanotechnology used in food. Currently, there are none. Their main concern
is that of the unknown. In a publication in November 2004, the ETC stated that “the merger of nanotech and biotech has
unknown consequences for health, biodiversity and the environment” [91]. Since there is no standardization for the use and
testing of nanotechnology, products incorporating the nanomaterials are being produced without check. The ability for these
materials to infiltrate the human body is well known, but there is really no information on the effects that they may have.
While there is no evidence of harm to people or the environment at this stage, nanotechnology is a new and evolving area of
study that could cause a great deal of harm due to its still ambiguous chemical properties. With the current application and
advancements soon to come, nanotechnology will have a great impact on the direction that agriculture will take. Scientists are
blazing a trail for a new technology and looking at every possible avenue to improve upon current methods in every possible
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012

Sunitha Kumar Biswal et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 21-36

field. In the field of agriculture, there are still many possibilities to explore and a great deal of potential with upcoming
products and techniques.
Futuristic speculations :
Not all ideas about future applications of nanotechnology in Agriculture and food closely resemble currently available
Agriculture and food technologies. Even though such futuristic speculations are probably not the aim of present-day research,
the fact that they are suggested in public media influences the public awareness about Agriculture and food based on
With the current application and advancements soon to come, nanotechnology will have a great impact on the
direction that agriculture will take. Scientists are blazing a trail for a new technology and looking at every possible avenue to
improve upon current methods in every possible field. In the field of agriculture, there are still many possibilities to explore
and a great deal of potential with up-coming products and techniques There is an urgent need for informed public debate on
nanotechnology Agriculture and food. There are currently several dozen food and beverage products with nanotechnology on
the market according to their producer or experts. Governments and food companies in several countries are investing in
hundreds of projects developing nanotechnology in food and agriculture. Market analysts predict billion dollar markets for
food produced with nanotechnology within five years. However, without commonly accepted definitions for nanotechnology,
food produced with nanotechnology and other relevant terms, it is difficult to determine how many products actually include
new nanomaterials. Nanotechnology can be applied in all aspects of the food chain, both for improving food safety and quality
control, and as novel food ingredients or additives, which may lead to unforeseen health risks. The current strict food
legislation in Europe seems to be sufficient to cover food produced with nanotechnology. There are some concerns about
implementation guidelines and risk assessment methods. The general public lacks awareness of nanotechnology in general,
and applications of nanotechnology in food in particular. This must be addressed in public dialogue initiatives in the short
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