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10/31/2018 Business Research

Assignment # 01

why business school are not

producing entrepreneurs?

Submitted to: Proff. AHMED FAISAL SIDDIQI

Prepared by: Muneer Hussain L1F18MBAM0246
Faisal Rasheed L1F18MBAM0245
Date: 30/10/2018
Section: (E)
Broad Problem Area

The statement, “Why Business school are not producing entrepreneurs?” highlights a broad problem
area. The foregoing problem provides us with insights to embark upon a research journey.
However, it still needs to be transformed into a researchable topic.
As defining the problem statement is most important part in the research process to know the
factors behind the problem and finding the solution. A good problem statement should be clear
and precise to understand the problem.
For this purpose, secondary data, in the form of literature review, can be very helpful. A study of
literature suggests that following factors are causing business school to not produce entrepreneurs:

Broad Problem Area Factors Problem Statement

How intentions of business

Intention of Business Schools schools to produce managers
to produce Managers effect their ability to produce
Does focus of business schools
Focus on theoretical on theoretical knowledge
Business school are not knowledge rather than rather than practical experience
producing entrepreneurs. practical learning result in non-production of
What is the impact of
Incapability of academia to incapability of academia to
inspire individuals with real inspire individuals with real
time examples time examples on production
of entrepreneurs?

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