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———pocuMENT 4 2018- Twelfth Granid Jury Session INDICTMENT ae (GINo: 1812276 State of Alabama STATE OF ALABAMA * CIRCUIT COURT OF Willie S Philips Je. ‘TENTH JUDICIAL CrRCUIT A-TRUE BILL, pccanted tothe presiding Judge in open court by the foreperson of the Grand Jury, in the pasence of AC Grand Jurors nd filed in open Court by orde of the Court on this the 9* day of November, 2018, Siro Rij tncas llama’ ‘CerkatCheai'Goet “Tenth Suda Celt of Alabama CHARGES: CL)BRIBE/ RECEIVED FROM LOBBYIST s1o21022 (2) ETHICS/ USING OFFICE POSITION 51031001 (G)ETHICSIUSING OFFICE RESOURCES 51031002 (4) SOLICITIRECEIVE MONEY 51031202 (5) SOLICITIRECEIVE MONEY 51031202 (6) SOLICITIRECEIVE MONEY 51031202 (7) SOLICITIRECEIVE MONEY 51031202 (8) SOLICIPIRECEIVE MONEY 31031202 (9) SOLICITIRECEIVE MONEY 51031202 (10) SOLICIT/RECEIVE MONEY $10312I2 (11) SOLICTTIRECEIVE MONEY 51031202 (12) SOLICITIRECEIVE MONEY 51031212 (13) SOLICITIRECEIVE MONEY 31031202 (14) SOLICITRECEIVE MONEY. $103122 (13) SOLICTTIRECEIVE MONEY. $1031202 (16) SOLICITRECEIVE MONEY 51031202 Circuit Court of Jefferson County, 2018 Twelfth Grand Jury Session CCouat 1 “The Grand Jury of sid county charge that, before the finding of this indictment, WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR, alias, W. SCOTT PHILLILPS, whose name isto the Grand Jury otherwise unknown, public employee or publica or Fanily member of pubic employee or publi offical saliited or recaved a thing of val as described uae Sesion 36 25-1, af the Code of Alban, to wits compensation from principal, to wit: DRUMMOND COMPANY, INC. Violation of Section 36-25-51), ofthe Cede of Alabama, against the peace ad digit ofthe State of Aah count “The Grand Jury of sid county charge that, before the finding ofthis indotnent, WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR lis, |W,SCOTT PHILLILPS, whose me isto the Grand Juy otherwise unknown, a public oficial or employe, to-wit ‘Commissioner ofthe Alsbama Exvicnmental Management Commission, dd intentionally use er ause tote used the ici position andlor office held by WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. to obtain personal gain for WILLIE S PHILLIPS J, ‘and/or antl member of WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. andor a business with which WILLIE $ PHILLIPS Ris ‘sesoclated to-wit: compensation from DRUMMOND COMPANY, INC., and said uso andor gain swat turwise suthoriae by la, in violation of Section 36-25-50, of the Cade a Alabama, against the peace and digi the State of Alban, come “The Grand Jy of sid county charge that, before the finding ofthis indictment, WILLIE S PHILLIS JR. alias, \W. SCOTT PHILLILPS, whose name isto the Grand Jury otherwise unknown, public offal or employe, to-wit Commissioner ofthe Alabuna Environmental Management Conmisson id intentionally use or cause to bused DOCUMENT 4 2018 -T welt rand Jury Session INDICTMENT Gano: 1912276 auipment fasts, time, materials, human labor, o other publi poperty under the isretion or control af WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR for tho private benef or business benefit of WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. and/reny other pos, oF ‘rincipal campaign committee ax defined in Setion (7-22A-2, ofthe Code of Alar, which would mately affest the inal interest of WILLIE S PHIILLIPS JR. to-wit: compensition Fors DRUMMOND COMPANY, INC. ix Violation of Seetion 36-25-5(), ofthe Code of Alabam, against the peace end dignity of the State of Alcan, count 4 “The Grand Jury of sid county charge that, before the finding oF this indictment, WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. alias, W. SCOTT PHILLILPS, whose name isto the Grand Jury otherwise unknown, a public officiel or public employee, did ‘elicit andlor receive money from, to wit: DRUMMOND COMPANY, INC; in ation to that caved by WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. in an official capcity, or advice or assistance cn mater concerning the Legislature, lobbying logialtive body, an exeoulive department oe any’ public epulatry board, commision orator body of whch WILLIE S| PHILLIPS 3. i member lo wit Alabsm Enviconmenal Management Commission, ia violation of Seton 3625-7 (@),of the Cade of Alabam, spainst the pace and dignity ofthe State of Alabama, ‘counts “The Grand Jury of said county charge tha, before the Finding ofthis indictment, WILLIE $ PHILLIPS JR, ais, W. SCOTT PHILLILPS, whose name isto the Grand Jury atherwise unknown, a public official or public employee, di solic andor roeive money frre, to wit DRUMMOND COMPANY, INC in aditon to that eceved by WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. nan official capacity, for advice or assistance on mates concerning the Legislature, lobbying 2 legislative body, an executive department or any public regulatory boar, commision or aher body of wich WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. ia member, o wit Alabama Environnetal Managemen Coxanision, in Voltion of Sein 3625-7 (), ofthe Code of Alabams, against the peace and dignity ofthe State of Alabama, ‘Count 6 “The Grand Jury of sid county charge that, before the Finding ofthis inditment, WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR, alles, W, SCOTT PHILLILPS, whose name so the Grand Jury otherwise urknove, x public oficial or public employes, id solicit and ceive money From, to wi DRUMMOND COMPANY, INC, in addition to that received by WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. in an offical eapacity, for advice or assistance on mates concerting the Legislature obeying legislative body, an executive department or sny public eguatary boar commission or ather body of whch WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. fea member, o wit Alabama Environmental Management Commision, in volation of Satin 3625-7 (of he Code of Alabama, agains the peace ae dignity ofthe State of Alabama. count “The Grand Jury of eid county charge tht, before the inding ofthis indiciment, WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR lias, W.SCOTT PHILLIPS, whose name i tothe Grand ary otherwise unknove, «public oficial o public enployee, id alist andor roceive money from, to wit: DRUMMOND COMPANY, INC, in aditon to that ceeived by WILLIE S PHILLIPS J. in an ofiial capacity, Tor advice oe esistanc on matters concerning the Leislature, lobbying a legislative boy, an executive deparment or any public regulator bot, commission a ther boy’ of wich WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. is amerber to wie Alabarea Environmental Management Corwnssion, in violation of Sexlon 3625-7 {Gyofthe Code of Alsbams, against the peace and dignity of the Stat of Alabama, Count 8 “The Grand Jury of sid county charge ht, before the Finding ofthis indictment, WILLIE S PHILLIPS J. alias |W.SCOTT PHIILLILPS, whose name isto the Grand Jury otherwise unknovm,a public oficial or pubic employee, did solicit andor ecelve money fro, twit: DRUMMOND COMPANY, INC, in addition to that eceved by WILLIE S| PHILLIPS JR. in an official eapacity, for advice or saistanee on matters concerning the Lapslature, lobbying a DOCUMENT 4 2018 - Twelfth Grand Jury Session INDICTMENT GINo: 1812276 legislative body, an executive departntent or any public regulatory board, commission ar other body of weieh WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR isa member, to wit Alabama Environmental Management Comission, in voltion of Setin 3625-7 (ofthe Code of Alabama, agains the peave and dignity of the State of Alabams, ‘Count “The Grand Jury f said county charge tht, before the fining ofthis indictment, WILLIE S PHILLIPS, LW. SCOTT PHILLILPS, whose name isto tho Grand Jury otherwise unknown, a publi offical or public employes, did alice cece money fro, to wi DRUMMOND COMPANY, INC; in addition to tha eceved by WILLIE S PHILLIPS IR, nan official capacity, for sve rasistanceon matrs concerning the Legislature, lobbying x legislative body, an executive department or any public regulatory boar, commision or other body of whch WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. i member, to wit Alabama Environmental Management Commission, in violation of Seton 3625-7 (@), of the Code of Alabama, sguinst the peace and dignity of the Stat of Alabama. Count 10 “The Grand Jury of sid county charge that, before the fining of this inditment, WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. fis, W, SCOTT PHILLILPS, whose name is tothe Grand Jury otherwise unknown, «public offal or public enploye, di oli andor rceive money from, t0 wit DRUMMOND COMPANY, INC. in xditon to that recived by WILLIE S PHILLIPS J. in an oficial capacity, for advice resistance on maters concerning the Legislature obiyiag a legialative body, en exeetive department or any’ public regulatory bos, commision or other body of which WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. ia member, to wit Alabama Environmental Management Commission, in veltion of Seaton 3625-7 {ofthe Code of Albans, ggainst the poaco and dignity othe State of Alabama. Count 11 "The Grand Jury of sid county charge thu, foe the Finding ofthis indictment, WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR lis, |W. SCOTT PHILLILPS, whose nae isto the Gand Jury otherwise unknown, public official or public employe, did soli nde ceive money frm, to wi DRUMMOND COMPANY, INC, in aditon to that received by WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. in an official capacity, foe advice o assistance on mates concerning the Legislrure lobbying slave body, an executive departnet or any public regulator board, commission a ther boy of wich WILLIE S PHILLIPS J. a member, to wit Alabame Environmental Management Commission, in violation of Seton 36-25-7 (of the Code of Alabama, epuinst the peace and dignity ofthe Stat of Alama, Count 12 ‘The Grand Jury of sid county charge that, before the Finding of hs indictment, WILLIE S PHILLIPS IR |W. SCOTT PHILLILPS, whose name isto the Grand Jury othervive unknown, publi official or public employe, did solic andor receive mney re, to wi; DRUMMOND COMPANY, INC, in adition to that received by WILLIE.S PHILLIPS J. nan oficial capacity, for advie or ssitance on matters cancering the Legislature, lobbying a legislative body, an executive deparment or any public regulatory boar, comission or ther boy of wich WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR i amamber, to wit Alabama Envicnmental Management Commission, in violation of Seton 36-25-7 (@), ofthe Cade of Alabama, agznstthe peace and dignity ofthe State of Alaban, Count 13 “The Grand Jury of suid county charge hat, before the Fading ofthis intent, WILLIE S PHILLIPS JR. lis, |W.SCOTT PHILLILPS, whose name isto the Geand Jury otherwite unknown public oficial or public anloyee, did solic andlor rosive money from, to wit: DRUMMOND COMPANY, INC., i addition to that received by WILLIE S PHILLIPS J. in an oficial capacity, for advice or asistanee on matters concerning the Leisatr, lobbying a legaitve body, an executive department or any public regulatory board, commission or other body of which WILLIE S ember, 0 Wit Alsbara Environmental Management Commission, in violation of Seton 3625-7 INTAKE: IG011355" Ne

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