Sayings/Proverbs About Time. Do They Exist in Your Own Language?

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Sayings/Proverbs about time. Do they exist in your own language?

Decide which word can fill in the spaces in a presentation on time management:

goal resource priority approach activity delegate allocate realistic

Test your TIME prepositions:

1. My best friend was born ____ the 1970s.

2. I work best ____ night.
3. I spend at least 2 weeks by the sea ____ the summer.
4. I start work every morning ___ 9.
5. I always try to get home from work ___ time to read my children a bedtime story.
6. I never have a nap ____ the afternoon.
7. My birthday is ____ March. In fact it’s____ the 6th of March.
8. I started learning English ____ 1999.
9. ___ Christmas, I reunite with my entire family.
10. My boss never starts meetings ____ time.
11. I usually feel depressed ___ Monday mornings.
12. I’m working a lot ____ the moment. I really want to get some rest ____ the weekend.

Are they true or false for you?

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