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Name & ID Signature Date




Group Assessment Criteria Total Given Marks


1. Research and discussion on company 10

2. Analysis of Current Business, problem 15
encountered, gap analysis and competitive
3. Proposed Business Analytical solution & the transformation scope

3.1 Discussion on Business Intelligence 5

3.2 Data warehouse & Online Analytical 5
Processing (OLAP) models proposed
3.3 The Predictive Modelling Techniques 5
4. Discussion on the analytical team , roles and 10
5. Discussion on the Technology – Hardware & 10
Software Readiness
5. Discussion on the impact of the proposed
analytics solution to the organization


Individual Assessment Criteria 1 2 3

Presentation of proposed solution content & 10
professional presentation skills
Ability to handle Questions / Understanding 10
Participation and Contribution to the assignment 5
Received by: ……………………………………. Final
Date:………………… Marks

Lecturer’s Comments

Penalty for late submission:

1 day – minus 20% of total mark awarded

2 days – minus 50% of total mark awarded
3 days – 0 mark for this piece of coursework

Table of content

1.0 Introduction………………………………………………………..p.g 4

1.1 Company Overview……………………………………………p.g 4

1.2 Company Division……………………………………………..p.g 4

1.3 Organization Chart……………………………………………p.g 5

1.4 Organization information system…………………………….p.g 5

2.0 Analysis of current Business……………………………………….p,g 5

2.1 Current business environment………………………………..p.g 5-6

2.2 Competitive Environment…………………………………….p.g 7

2.3 The Problem Of Grabcar……………………………………..p.g 7

2.3.1 Current/Future problem…………………………….p.g 7-8

3.0 Proposed Business Analytical Solution………………………….p.g 9

3.1 Discus the Business Transformation Scope…………………p.g 9-10

3.2 BI components…………………………………………………p.g 10
4.0 Identify the Key roles/Team who may be Involved in The Business Analytic
Project Team……………………………………………………….p,g 10-11

5.0 Future status of Grab car Business Analytical…………………..p.g 12-13

5.1 Impact of Proposed Analytical Solutions…………………….p,g 13

6.0 Conclusion………………………………………………………….p.g 13-14

7.0 Reference……………………………………………………………P,g 15

8.0 Appendix…………………………………………………………….p,g 16-23


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Company Overview

Grab is a technology company and transportation network that provides
services in Southeast Asia, with its headquarters in Singapore and Malaysia.
The main industry is online technology that covers 6 countries about 30 cities
in South Asia. Grab was founded in 2012 by Anthony Tan and Tan Hool Ling.
Furthermore, by 2016 the number of registered drivers exceeded 350,000 and
the app exceeded 19 million downloads. Moreover, it connects passengers
and drivers with the development of mobile applications and provides sharing
economy services for passenger vehicle rental and real-time ride-sharing.
Passengers can make an appointment by sending SMS or using any mobile
device text messages to request for the vehicles, which can also track the
location of the vehicle when using the mobile application.

1.2 Company Division

Grab's billing is app pricing and direct distance. When you enter the
location and destination in the mobile device, you can check the exact price,
and you won't be able to adjust the price because some external factors are
stuck in traffic. Similar as Uber, Grab is based on transportation service
which according to the facility charge from low to high, which divided by 3
classes: ‘Grabeshare’, ‘MyTeksi’and ‘Grabecar’. For Grabeshare, the
cheapest and most original of Grab, which Passengers can share their tracks
with others and split the costs. When the passenger books the vehicle, they
can save up around 30% of total fare. MyTeksi is most normal usual form,
that provide regular cars. The system will automatically help allocate to the
nearest taxi, reducing the waiting time for passengers. Besides that, Grabecar
offers luxury sedans, including some brands such as BMW, which hold
premium fare price.

1.3 Organization Chart

1.4 Organization information system

Grab collects their own feedback through questionnaires and complaints.

Moreover, it will ask passengers for comments about the trip and drivers at
the end of the trip. As a reward, they would give positive ratings to a
passenger's coupon to offset the fare, encouraging them to continue using
These data are structured data, which are coming from words and graphs.
Instead of coming from pictures, video and so on. In order to help Grab to
identify problems and make targeted solutions to improve competitiveness
and product use.

2.0 Analysis of current Business

2.1 Current business environment

Grab are operating the transportation mobile application to develop their market.
Before access to Grab apps, people need using their smart phone or tablet to
download the software of Grab application from android market or app store. After
that, People can sign up to Grab user by using their own phone number or access to

their Facebook account. In addition, Grab is offer the fixed fares that people can know
their exact fare even before their booking for a transportation from Grab.

For Grab driver, Grab provides an accessible way to become your own boss and earn
extra money income .If people want to drive a Grab car, they can use their own car or
rent a car to drive. They only need to have a IC (identification card) and a valid
driving license to ensure the quality of service. What’s more, the car is required to be
in a good condition, and only vehicles which are been bought between 2011 and 2017
can be accepted to be a Grab Car.

For Grab user, these are the steps how people using the mobile application to book a
transportation from Grab.


First, key in the destination where you wish to go, it will show the upfront fares when
you book, it also will shows us to choose a payment which we prefer to pay the fees.
After confirm with your booking, Grab will help you to find a driver and it will shows
the driver’s details and about their vehicle number. In addition, Grab will estimate the
arrived time of driver. While in the trip, you also can track yourself in your journey.

2.2 Competitive Environment

These are no doubt that Grab has a lot of competitors which are from different
e-commerce company .And Uber can be one of the most competitive opponent.


As we can see from this chart .Grab Taxi’s market share vs its most competitive
opponent Uber rise from 74% to 81%.That indicates Grab Taxi has a sharp increase in
this period.

In addition, the way they operate and charge customers has significant
differences .Uber charges a base fare that based on your travel distance and the time
spending. While Grab Car charges a fixed rate basis which does make it a cheaper
option based on traffic.

2.3 The problem of Grab car

2.3.1 Current/Future problem

I. Did not show the full vehicle numbers

It poses a threat to the safety of the person if some illegal driver does not display full
vehicle number. In last year, that are few case about the taxi drivers started to abused

Grab drivers since Grab have not shown the full vehicle number in the app. Drivers
are unfamiliar with route.

(source :
-the-taxi-private-car-booking-app/ )

Here is the example of showing that problems, the Grab application just only show
the car vehicle number as XXX389 since the original vehicle number is WQP389.

II. Wi-Fi data access problem

Most of Grab Driver are part-time driver, they use Google map to find the
destinations .But the problem arises when they are facing some issue to access the
WIFI data , it will waste customer’s time .

III. High Price during Peak Hour

Duo to the increasing requirement of taking a car, the price will rise during peak hour.

3.0 Proposed Business Analytical Solution

3.1 Discus the Business Transformation Scope

With the popularity of the Internet and the development of IT, E-commerce has
become the most quick and convenient interactive platform. Grab have taken
advantage of this opportunity to run their 'Transportation business' by using Grab
application .This E-Business application help company to expand their brand
greatly .At the same time, provide more easy and convenient transportation service for
customers. It not only serves as a mechanism of business commerce, but also a
successful model of business transaction. Moreover, the online service of Grab has
bought not only higher profit margin, but also posed competitive advantage that has
ability to compete with other company of transport service.

 The business intelligence architecture

 BI architecture diagram and description
This picture (Figure 1) shows the processes of BI. It is basically divided with 4 steps:
 Collecting data from different data system (CRM, ERP, SCM)
 ETL, all wide data get into data warehouse for analyzing and strategizing
 OLAP, data mining, reporting
 Provide a better decision to improve the performance or competitiveness in

(Figure1 )

3.2 BI components
The business intelligence system has 4 major components:
 The data warehouse is a special database or repository of data that had been
prepared to support decision making applications, ranging from simple
reporting to complex optimization.
 Business analysis are the software tools that allow users to create on-demand
reports, queries and conduct analysis of data, originally, they appear under
the name online analytical processing (OLAP)
 Business performance management (BPM) based on balanced scorecard
methodology—a framework for defining, implementing and managing an
enterprise’s business strategy by linking objectives with factual measures.

4.0 Identify the Key roles/Team who may be Involved in The Business Analytic
Project Team

I. Grab Car Customer

The Grab Car customer they should install the Grab apps from their phone whether
IOS system or Android system they can download from their Apps store or their

Android Market. When they successfully download Grab apps into their phone they
need to sign up for register as our customer. Grab Car customer may use their
smartphone device to request a drive or a long distance travel. The customer just need
to wait the Grab driver to pick up at the location that and tap request and customer
just need to wait for the driver a few minutes. Customer can see the personal
information of Grab driver from the apps. Besides that, customer can see the price that
there are take order and customer also can set up what paying method they are using,
first credit or debit card and second pay with cash. When the customer reach the
location they may give a rate for the drive through the Grab apps, and the Grab driver
can also give a rate for the Grab customer.

II. Data analyst

Grab car data analysts are the team directs itself by following the three cores of the
philosophies. Data analyst are focus on the big data of the humanizing, being a bridge
between the operation which are the market side and the technology side to use the
data in order to align with the Grab strategy goals.

The role of the Data analyst is using the data to measure and analyze the Grab
business performance with each of the Grab market or lines of the business. Data
analyst should be cooperate with the operation and the management department teams
to keep a good partner relationship on the core issue and use the Grab data to find the
answer. Furthermore, data analysts also need to lead the new data analyst capacity to
rollout the data-led initiative through the Grab

III. Grab Car Driver

Grab driver need to register to be a Grab driver with their own cars. When they are
successfully to register as Grab driver they start to receive the order through the Grab
apps. The main tasks of the Grab driver are drive safety and send the customer to their
destination with timely. Besides that, the Grab drivers also need to keep their car with
the best condition in order to protect the safety of the customer and the driver
themselves. Grab driver also need to clean they also need to clean their car with
regularly, they also need to know the traffic rules, and they need to know more than
one language such as Malay and English so they can communicate with their
customer. At last but not least, Grab driver supposed to respect to their customer.

5.0 Future status of Grab car Business Analytical

Nowadays, Grab car have been become one of the public transport that the people will
use it more that the taxi. The Grab car provide the same service with the taxi but the
only difference between them are taxi was using the traditional way to call it but for
the Grab car was using the modern way like booking through the online. The main
service that provided by then Grabcar are:

1. The citizens may take the Grabcar as a full time job or the part time job.
2. Will be become the public transport as well as like the taxi.

The citizen may drive the Grab car to earn the profit for the future. Grab car have
been announce that will help the driver to receives the jobs in a more systematic way.
When the driver receives the jobs, they need to inform the customers or the
passengers that you are on the way through the Grab apps. Ride-sharing services such
as Grab could soon be legalized in Malaysia after the government tabled amendments
to existing transport laws. The amendments to the Commercial Vehicles Licensing
Board (CVLB) Act 1987 and the Land Public Transport Act 2010 were tabled by
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nancy Shukri in Parliament. Under an
amendment to the CVLB Act, e-hailing vehicles will be classified as public service
vehicles, and the operators would need to obtain an “intermediation business license”
which will be issued by public transport regulator, the Land Public Transport
Commission (Spad).

For the future of the Grab car companies, it has been in collaboration with GreenTech.
Its means that the Grab companies now offering the Malaysian customers to get the
chance to be the one of the first Malaysian who can rides the world bestselling electric
car, Tesla Model S. Nowadays everyone was care about the problem of the
environment and encourages to protect the environment. The best way for the people
to save the environment and the earth was start from the daily transport that we are
using. For example, we using the apps to call the Grab car to deliver us to the
destination we can save the times to find the parking. The times that we use to finding
the parking will let us use more petrol and it will affect the environment. But for the
Grab car, they are start to using the electric car which means it will not affect to the
environment and the customers no need to find the parking by themselves so it can be
just save the time and also we can save the environment from getting pollution.

Nowadays the price of everything was increase, the income of the people was not able
to afford the daily expenses and also some of the people could not find the job. But
Grab car provide the chance for everyone who get a car and they may use the car to
earn the money to cover their daily expenses. Grab car was give the guarantee to the
driver that the minimum fare for each trip will be RM5 and if you achieve 50 trips or
more in a week, the minimum fare of RM6 will be guarantee for you. So, it solves the
problem of the people who cannot to find the jobs and also Grab car working time
was free. You may start or you may stop for any time that you wish to.

5.1 Impact of Proposed Analytical Solutions

A success company needs to have a good leader to lead the company to be success. A
good leader can make the company to earn more profit and the leader may help the
company to promote to the worldwide. So, Grab car also need a good leader to lead
them to be success. Grab services are set to be legalized soon as the government has
given the green light to Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) to regulate the
e-hailing taxi concept by year-end. The decision was reached after a presentation by
SPAD chief executive officer Mohd Azharuddin Mat Sah revamp the conventional
taxi industry and expand transport services by legalizing the controversial Grab
services. In the next three years, it is estimated around 150,000 new individual permit
holders, consisting of Grab will co-exist in the market. (Shahrim Tamrin,August

6.0 Conclusion

In this era of rapid technological development, new technology will make the market
increasing comprehensive amount of world on the mobile devices and tablet as
possible Mobile calling for transport will become famous in the future to replace the
traditional transport order because it was convenience to the people. For example,
Grab car have trying to develop the mobile calling transport to convenience the
people. Furthermore, Business Intelligence (BI) is one of the tools that Grab use to
deliver the data in a way and make it cycling through the process with fast and
efficient. As a conclusion, BI is not only can advance the organization but it can make
the organization becoming a totally data-driven organization. So the Grab Company

can use the data warehouse to collect the customer and the driver data in order to
storage the data with the safe way. Because maybe in one day Grab can use the data
federation, data access and change capture to group up the business

9.0 Reference

8.0 Appendix


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