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Lesson Title: Introduction to ethnicity in human geography

Lesson #: 3.2
Date: April 24, 2018
Subject: Human Geography
Grade: 11
Teachers: Mr Virgin
Rationale: (lesson context and reasons why lesson matters)
No humans, not even those on Sentinel Island, live in total isolation. Human ethnicity (not to be confused with
race), is a source of pride and cultural influence to billions of people all over the world. Ethnicity differs from
other major cultural traits in that we often can not pick our ethnicity. In this lesson, students will be introduced to
the concept of ethnicity from a human geography point of view and where different ethnicities are distributed in
the USA and in Canada.

Curriculum Connections :

Big Idea: A geographic region can encompass a variety of physical features and/or human interactions.
Curricular Competency: Draw conclusions about the variation and distribution of geographic
phenomena over time and space (patterns and trends).
Content: increased urbanization and influences on societies and environments

Learning Intentions Activity Assessment

Students will be introduced to Writings about ethnic clustering The submission will be
ethnicity, to the different evaluated based on student
distribution of ethnicities, and to understanding of why ethnic
why ethnicities tend to group minorities tend to group
together in metro areas and into
regional areas.

Prerequisite Concepts and Skill :( for student success)

As this is an introductory lesson, students will not need to be familiar with ethnicity from a human geography
point of view. They will need to be familiar with more basic geography terms, such as diffusion and distribution.
A few of them brought up that they did not know what these words meant during the gallery walk on Monday.
Encourage them to ask questions if they do not know what they are meant to be doing.

Materials and Resources with References/Sources:

For Teacher For Students

Slideshow Writing Utensils
First two minutes of E vs. R video
Video about Toronto neighbourhoods
Differentiated Instruction (DI): (accommodations)
We will have a few short discussions throughout the lecture to give students a chance to ask questions and pair
and share their information. Some of the exchange students will be on their phones a lot during this lesson; it is
because they are using translation technology so encourage them to do so. Allow students to pick their own
groups during pair and share discussion so that they can communicate with someone in their own language if
they so choose. Use the examples of different countries that students may be from to reinforce the idea that
human geography phenomenon are a world wide event, not just things that are local to Canada.

Organizational/Management Strategies: (anything special to consider?)

If D starts getting annoyed with G, ask them to keep their temper and remind them that G is trying. Let G ask
questions but if they try to get the class off topic, bring the conversation back on course. As always when
talking about things related to culture, make sure that students are discussing their topics in a respectful
manner. Make sure that cellphones are being used for something related to the class, such as for translation or
to look up information.

Possible Aboriginal Connections / First Peoples Principles of Learning and

Lesson Activities
Teacher Activities Student Activities Pacing

Introduction (Hook, Motivation, Lesson

Begin by reminding students that we are going Listen and remember to please be 2m
to be talking about some sensitive topics respectful.
during this unit. Students need to remember to
be respectful of each other and the topic
during our discussions.

Ask students what they think ethnicity means. Pair and share with a partner about what 5m
Ask them to pair and share what a partner they think ethnicity means.
what they think it means and what comes to
mind when discussing ethnicity.

Body (Lesson Flow, Management)

Show students the first few minutes of the Watch the video and think if this fits what 3m
difference between ethnicity and race video. their idea of ethnicity was.

Start the slideshow about the introduction to Take out a pen and a piece of paper in 4m
ethnicity. Remind students to ask any order to take notes. Mark down the date
questions that they might have, in addition to of the test.
the questions that are embedded in the slides.
Tell students that it would be beneficial if they
took notes as there will be a test on May 10th
covering this and the next unit.

Go over the information in the slideshow. Watch, listen, and take notes. Please ask 25m
There will be plenty of questions to ask any questions that occur to you; if you are
students embedded throughout the slides. thinking it, someone else probably is as
Keep an eye on the room for questions being well.
asked, people with that confused look that
means they want to ask a question, and for
students who are getting off task.

Show students the video about the different Watch the video and offer answers to why 5m
ethnic neighbourhoods of Toronto. Ask minorities tend to live together in
students why they think it is that minorities tend neighbourhoods like Toronto’s ‘Little italy’.
to group together in large urban centres?

Ask students to write ten full sentences about Finish writings and hand them in when 15m
why they think it is that minorities tend to they are finished. If they are unsure of
practice urban clustering. This isn’t just how to proceed, ask me for clarifications.
something that happens in Canada so be sure
to ask students from other countries if they
have noticed similar things happening in their
countries. Why does everyone think this is a
worldwide phenomenon.

Closure (Connections within Lesson or

between lessons,sharing successes,
Remind students that if they have not handed Work on and hand in any work they have 15m
any of the things we covered in our religion not finished yet.
unit (other than the presentation), today is the
absolute last day to do so. They can have the
rest of the block to catch up on anything they
haven’t finished for this class.

Reflections: (over)

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