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Isa Whalen Experiential Learning Interview

Professor Carissa Mayer

Honors 100
November 4, 2018

For this project, I interviewed Izabela Carpenter. After many changes of STEM majors,
Ms.Carpenter will be double majoring in Material Science Engineering and Astronautics
Engineering. Fortunate enough, UW’s Engineering Programs were one of the main reasons she
had decided to attend University of Washington! Izabela spoke about her past experiences
related to STEM with academic based space camps. More recently, Izabela has taken part in
UW’s Society of Advanced Rocket Propulsion and Society of Women Engineers clubs. As for
the near future, she wishes to take leadership positions within those clubs. Aside from
academics, Izabela likes to explore art, cinematography, and creative writing. Relating to
Experiential Learning, Izabela prefers to get involved with International Engagement and
Research. Specifically, she is interested in Study Abroad programs for International Engagement
that are short in term, not related to her major, and preferably located in her home country,
Germany. Research on the other hand, could take from a quarter to a year long, or more.
Knowing that Izabela will be taking leadership in her STEM clubs, I have chosen to provide
information regarding International Engagement and Research.
CIEE Global Institute - Berlin, Germany.
I think this study abroad program would be a good fit for International Engagement. This
study abroad program takes place in her desired location, Germany! For this program, students
have the option to build their own academic track for their trip. They are allowed to choose from
five broad categories: Language, Literature, and Culture; Business; Communications,
Journalism, and New Media; Health Sciences; International Relations and Political Science.
Students are also granted the option to expand their studies in additional locations like London,
Paris, and Rome! The length of this program is a quarter long.
CIEE College Study Abroad. Film Studies Program in Prague, Czech Republic.
Although this alternative study abroad option does not take place in Germany, it explores
one of Izabela’s personal hobbies that does not involve STEM. This program focuses on
cinematography, screenwriting, and film studies. Students are able to choose from two courses
highlighting Film Production or Screenwriting. This program is short in term and only takes a
quarter long.
WSGC Summer Undergraduate Research Program. University of Washington.
This annual research program is under the Washington NASA Space Grant Consortium. I
thought this would be perfect for Izabela’s academic interests in STEM and love for space! This
program runs during the summer, but is open to negotiate schedules with the UW professor that
the student will be working with. Students can utilize this program to compliment their studies
related to their major at UW.

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