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Sony Dharmawan, S.E

Phone Number:
Pondok Karya Permai
Tangerang Selatan

I am have high motivation to work, Good Attitude, kind, discipline, honest and responsible. Now
I had completed my Bhacelor degree on Manajemen education at Mercubuana University
Jakarta, I am able to speak in front of many people, and I can work individually or in team.


2015-2018 : State Senior High School 8 Tangerang Selatan

2018-2022 : Bachelor of Management Education at Mercubuana University Jakarta

(accredited A)

1. Seminars and Training

Being participant on Sekolah Pasar Modal Syariah Jakarta on 2018, I also became

participant seminar Al-Faruq with the theme “Get Success With Akhlak and Persistance“,

I was also invited as participant seminar kebangsaan with the theme “Merajut

Kebersamaan dan Keberagaman Dalam Pancasila”, I was also invited as participant

seminar Etik UMB with the theme “Membangun Kapasitas Diri Mahasiswa sebagai Agen

Perubahan untuk Indonesia Maju”.

2. Sports Skills

Being Champion of Futsal Competition in State Senior High School 3 Tangerang Selatan

on 2017, being Champion of Futsal Competition in Islamic Senior High School 4 in

Jakarta on 2017 , being Champion of Futsal Competition in State Senior High School 70

Jakarta on 2017 and being third winner of Futsal Competition in Ahmad Dahlan

University on 2018.


1. Committee Cup State Senior High School 8 Tangerang Selatan

2. Youth Organization Pondok KaryaPermai

3. Participating in Seminar Nationality

References available upon request

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