Second Partial Life5A Units3&4 AdditionalLanguageI 15&17BB

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LIFE 5A –2ND PERIOD EXAM Name: ____________________________________________

Universidad del Valle de México Group: ____________ Account Number: ________________
PREPARATORIA BICULTRAL Date: _____________________________________________
Additional Language I 2nd Teacher: __________________________________________
_____/50 pts.


I. Circle the correct expression of quantity to complete each sentence. (6 points; 1 each)
1. _____________ the exhibits were installations, not paintings or sculptures.
a) Much of b) Some c) A large number of
2. ____________ young dancers won prizes this year.
a) Hardly any b) Only a little c) A small amount of
3. _____________ sculptures were accepted for the competition.
a) Several b) A bit of c) Not much
4. There _____________ information about the artists in the catalogue.
a) aren’t many b) isn’t much c) isn’t many
5. A surprising _________ of artists are working with batik this year.
a) number b) many c) lots
6. There is _________ interest in your work, John.
a) many b) no lack of c) several

II. Choose the correct future verb forms and write the letter in the space provided. (5 points; 1 each)
1. Most people already know what ____________ next.
a) is going to happen b) is happening c) happens
2. Many cities ______________ twice as big in the next twenty years.
a) are growing b) will grow c) grow
3. I am afraid you _____________ late for the opening lecture.
a) are about to be b) are being c) are going to be
4. The train _______________ early in the morning.
a) leaves b) is about to leave c) is going to leave
5. Ladies and gentlemen, quiet please. The lecture ________.
a) starts b) is about to start c) will start

III. Complete the sentences with the future continuous or future perfect. (5 points; 1 each)
1. In twenty years’ time everyone _________________ (drive) electric cars.
2. I don’t think I ________________ (work) for this company in five years’ time.
3. ________________ they ________________________ (complete) the new hospital by next spring?
4. By 2050 people ___________________________ (not use) phones.
5. The town center _________________ (change) completely by 2040.

I. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. Write the letter in the space provided. (5 points; 1 each)
1. The device uses only a little energy and is very _____________.
a) efficient b) renewable c) easy
2. The machine should be _________________ for the job.
a) long-term b) appropriate c) time-consuming
3. It’s made of _______________ materials like wood.
a) long-term b) cutting-edge c) renewable
4. This saves a lot of work. It’s a ________________ device.
a) labor-saving b) time-consuming c) long-term
5. Quick solutions are not always the best in the ________________.
a) time b) long term c) past

Life 5 – 2nd Period

II. Complete each sentence with the correct word from the box. (5 points, 1 each)
with to lost really keep down

6. We went to a __________________ cool party last Saturday at Pete’s.

7. Why is she being so cool _______________ you? Is she angry?
8. If the computer crashes, just ________________ your cool and try to fix it.
9. Don´t try and eat it yet. Wait for it to cool __________ a bit first.
10. It’s not very cool __________________ talk about school on the weekend!

III. Circle the correct answer.

1. Where do you see an art exhibition?
a. a gallery b. a club
2. Who tells jokes?
a. an artist b. a comedian
3. Who plays a gig?
a. an orchestra b. a band
4. Who plays rock music?
a. a band b. an orchestra
5. Who puts on a play?
a. a dance company b. a drama company


Read the article and match the inventions (1-3) to their advantages (a-c) and their disadvantages (i-iii). (3 points)

1. flying cars
2. 3D printing
3. a robot suit
a. It could help people walk again.
b. We could avoid speeding tickets.
c. We could make our own plastic products.
i. Mechanical failure might be a big problem
ii. The main disadvantage is cost.
iii. The process is slow and expensive.

Read the article and write T for true, F for false and DNS for does not say. (7 points, 1 each)

1. Flying cars will allow us to avoid traffic congestion on the roads. _____
2. Mechanical failure will not be much of a problem for flying cars. _____
3. We might be able to print things like necklaces or chairs in the future. _____
4. 3D painting was invented in 1984. _____
5. BMW and Volkswagen are going to use 3D in printing soon. _____
6. Robot suits are heavy objects. _____
7. The battery life of a robot suit is short at the moment. _____
Life 5 – 2nd Period
Life 5 – 2nd Period


Answer The following questions, explaining your answer. You need to have at least 2 correct to get the point.

1. If you had only one match and entered a dark room containing an oil lamp, some kindling wood, and a newspaper, which
would you light first? _________________________________________________________________________________

2. How could a man go outside in the pouring rain without protection, and not have a hair on his head get wet?

3. What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is all the time? ________________________________________

4. Complete this series of numbers: 9 = 4, 21 = 9, 22 = 9, 24 = 10, 8 = 5, 7 = 5, 99 = 10, 100 = 7, 16 =?, 17 =?


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