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Data Analysis

MS Spatial Ecology Data Sheet

1. We located a tortoise in the (circle one):
Field Biologist: __________________________
(your name) Resident Group / Wash Habitat Group / Flats Habitat Group

 2. Complete the data table below using the map provided for ALL tortoises in
What do I know? Major threats? your group.
3. Calculate the AVERAGE for your habitat group and record it in the table
4. After the class shares their findings, record the remaining habitat averages.
Tortoise Release to Day 10 to Day Total
# Day 10 (m) 35 (m) Distance (m) Which group traveled
the shortest distance
+ =
on average?
+ =
1 2
+ =
What can zoos do to help? What is spatial ecology? Which group traveled
the farthest distance
Resident Group AVERAGE=
on average?
Wash Group AVERAGE= __________
Flat Group AVERAGE=

What do you think the tortoises are traveling for? (Hint: refer to the Desert
Tortoise Habitat Study sheet for ideas).
How could shorter or longer distances traveled be beneficial or harmful for
3 4 tortoises?_____________________________________________________
How does radio telemetry Release site selection- Look at the board: In which habitat were tortoises found to be least healthy
work? things to consider? after 35 days? __________________
Based on the average distance traveled and health of the tortoises after
35 days, which habitat (wash or flats) do you think is best for releasing
tortoises? Why?

30 Day Conservation Challenge

I ____________________ pledge to ___________________________
(your name) (action you are taking)

5 6 for the next 30 days to help save desert tortoises!

Data Analysis
MS Spatial Ecology Data Sheet
Field Biologist: __________________________ 1. We located a tortoise in the (circle one):
(your name) Resident Group / Wash Habitat Group / Flats Habitat Group
2. Complete the data table below using the map provided for ALL tortoises in
What do I know? Major threats? your group.
3. Calculate the AVERAGE for your habitat group and record it in the table
4. After the class shares their findings, record the remaining habitat averages.
Tortoise Release to Day 10 to Day Total
# Day 10 (m) 35 (m) Distance (m)
Which group traveled
the shortest distance
+ =
on average?
+ =
1 2

What can zoos do to help? What is spatial ecology? + = Which group traveled
the farthest distance
Resident Group AVERAGE=
on average?
Wash Group AVERAGE= __________

Flat Group AVERAGE=

What do you think the tortoises are traveling for? (Hint: refer to the Desert
Tortoise Habitat Study sheet for ideas).
3 4 How could shorter or longer distances traveled be beneficial or harmful for
How does radio telemetry Release site selection-
work? Look at the board: In which habitat were tortoises found to be least healthy
things to consider? after 35 days? __________________
Based on the average distance traveled and health of the tortoises after
35 days, which habitat (wash or flats) do you think is best for releasing
tortoises? Why?

30 Day Conservation Challenge

I ____________________ pledge to ___________________________
(your name) (action you are taking)
5 6 for the next 30 days to help save desert tortoises!

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