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GRUPO: _203058_2





*TUTOR: Wilmer Hernán Gutiérrez


Snell's Law
Snell's law is a formula used to calculate the refractive angle of light when crossing the
separation surface between two means of propagation of light and the electromagnetic wave
with a different refractive index. n_1 sinθ_1 = n_2 sin θ_2 n = c / v

Principle of Huygens
It is a method of analysis applied to the problems of wave propagation. "The whole point of
an initial wave can be seen as a source of spherical waves that extend in all directions with
the same speed, frequency and wavelength as the wave front from which it comes.

It refers to the shock of the electromagnetic wave with the boundary between the medium
and the part or all the power of the wave does not propagate in the medium if it is not reflected
in the opposite direction to the second medium.

It refers to the modulation or redistribution of energy within a wave front as it passes along
the edge of an opaque object. Diffraction is the phenomenon that allows light or radio waves
to propagate around corners. When there is a wave front near an obstacle or discontinuity,
the dimensions are comparable to a wavelength, geometric analysis cannot be used. In these
cases the Huygens principle must be used.

It refers to the change of direction of a ray when passing in the oblique direction from one
medium to another with the velocity of propagation. The speed at which an electromagnetic
wave propagates is inversely proportional to the density of the medium in which it does so.
Therefore, the refraction of hay whenever a radio wave passes from one medium to another
with density density.

Terrestrial wave propagation

Terrestrial waves are the waves that travel on the surface of the earth, these must be vertically
polarized because the electric field is in a horizontally polarized wave would be parallel to
the surface of the earth and short-circuited by the conductivity of the ground.

Composition of a good reflector

For a perfect driver, T = 0.
The law of conservation of energy establishes that. For a perfect reflecting surface, the total
reflected power must be equal to the total incident power y. in consequence.
T + | I'| ² = 1
I'= reflection coefficient (dimensionless)
T = transmission coefficient
Atmospheric conditions that cause electromagnetic refraction
It is due to the troposphere, to changes in its density, temperature, water vapor content and
relative conductivity.

Electromagnetic wave interference

It is produced whenever two or more electromagnetic waves are combined in such a way that
the functioning of the system is degraded. It is subject to the principle of linear superposition
of electromagnetic waves, and occurs whenever two or more waves occupy the same point
of space simultaneously.

Critical frequency
It is defined as the maximum frequency that can propagate directly upwards and is reflected
by the ionosphere towards the earth. It depends on the ionization density and consequently,
it varies with the time of day and with the season.

Maximum useful frequency

The maximum usable frequency (MUF, usable frequency maximum) is the highest frequency
that can be used in celestial wave propagation between two specific points of the earth's

Loss in trajectory
The loss in trajectory through the free space is usually defined as the loss suffered by an
electromagnetic wave as it propagates in a straight line through a vacuum, without absorption
or reflection of energy in nearby objects.
In reality, no energy is lost; it is only distributed as it propagates away from the source, and
a lower power density occurs at a certain point at a certain distance from the source.

Driver losses
Every transmission line internally has a finite resistance, which causes unavoidable power
losses of the circulating signal through the line. This loss is directly proportional to the length
of the line, meaning that the greater the length, the greater the internal resistance and the
greater the loss of power. The losses in the conductor can vary from a small amount of
receivers per hundred meters in rigid coaxial cables with air dielectric, up to two hundred
decibels per hundred meters in a flexible line of rigid dielectric. Because the resistance is
distributed along the transmission line, lapse by heating the conductor is directly proportional
to the square length of the line. In addition, because the power dissipation is directly
proportional to the square of the current, the loss of the conductor is inversely proportional
to the characteristic impedance. An alternative to reduce the losses of the conductor, consists
simply in cutting the transmission line, or using a larger diameter cable (it must be taken into
account that when changing the diameter of the cable, the characteristic impedance and
consequently, the current also changes).

Density of power and intensity of electric field

Electromagnetic waves represent the flow of energy in the direction of propagation, the speed
with which energy passes through a given surface in free space is called power density; it
means that the power density is the energy per unit time and per unit area and is expressed in
watts per square meter. The field strength is the
Intensity of the electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave that propagates in a
vacuum. The electric field is expressed in volts per meter and the magnetic field in amps per
meter. The expression that allows to calculate the power density is:

𝑃 =𝐸∗𝐻

Impedance characteristic of a transmission line

It is the existing relation between the difference of applied potential and the current absorbed
by the line in the hypothetical case that this has an infinite length, or when even being finite
there are no reflections.
In the case of real lines, it is true that their impedance remains unchanged when they are
charged with elements, generators or receivers, whose impedance is equal to the
characteristic impedance.
The characteristic impedance is independent of the line length. For a line without losses, this
will also be independent of the frequency of the applied voltage, so it will appear as a resistive
load and reflections will not occur due to mismatch of impedances, when a generator with
impedance equal to its impedance is connected to it. Characteristic.

The impedance of an antenna

It is defined as the relationship between voltage and current at its input terminals. This
impedance is generally complex. The real part is called the antenna resistance and the
imaginary part is the antenna reactance.

The radiation resistance is defined as the ratio between the total power radiated by an antenna
and the effective value of the current at its input terminals, squared.
The ohmic resistance of an antenna is refined as the relation between the power dissipated
by the effect of resistive losses and the current at its terminals squared.

Therefore the antenna resistance can be considered as the sum of the radiation resistance and
the ohmic resistance.

The efficiency of an antenna can be obtained from the radiation and ohmic resistances, taking
into account that it is the ratio between the total radiated power and the power delivered to
the antenna.

The Stationary Wave Ratio or ROE

It refers to the geometric ratio between the maximum value and the minimum value of the
voltage amplitude observed in an electric standing wave condition as it would be along a
transmission line. This phenomenon is explained by the concepts of direct wave and reflected
wave. The standing wave ratio is a positive number without dimensions and always greater
than or equal to one. If the reflected wave is zero, there will be no maxima or minima, or in
other words the amplitude is constant, and therefore the value ROE = 1. On the contrary, if
there is a reflected wave, maximum and minimum voltages will appear and the ROE will be>
1. In the limit, if the entire direct wave is reflected there will be maximum values and points
where the minimum voltage is zero, in this last case the ROE will be infinite.

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