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1 to 4 refer to the text below

A major affective factor in second or subsequent language literacy development is age. As

mentioned above, most learners in literate societies begin their formal literacy education in their
first language when they start school at about the age of five. However, most second language
learners do not begin to learn literacy in a second language until they are older than this
(Hammond & Derewianka 1999,p.30). some may be studying a second language at school or
university while living in their own culture. Others may have migrated to a new culture where they
must learn a second language in order to participate in the adopted society.
1. The passage above is … text.
a. narrative
b. exposition
c. recount
d. news report
e. none of the options are correct
Answer: b

2. What is a major factor in learning second language to language literacy according to the
a. intelligence
b. address
c. habits
d. age
e. experience
Answer: d
Pembahasan: tentang hal ini terdapat pada kalimat pertama

3. Some may be studying a second language at second or university while living in their own
culture. The statement above is ….
a. a supporting idea to the writer point of view
b. a thesis the writer expresses for his/her point of view
c. an opposite ideas to counter his/her ideas
d. a theme the writer uses to support his/her ideas
e. none of the options are correct
Answer: a

4. Why does the writer mention the name Hammond & Derewianka in his/her writing?
a. To show that s/he reads more books
b. To tell readers that s/he has read the books
c. To mention the reader that s/he they are his/her friends
d. S/he wants to describe more facts about his/her ideas
e. S/he wants to support his/her point of view by quoting other ideas
Answer: e

No. 5 to 9 refer to the text below.

Taking care of the keyboard

The keyboard is a roburts device used for inputting data on to your computer. As you type in
information small letters are sent via the cable to the inside of the machine where they are
organized into the words that you see. Keep your cable straight.
It is important that the keyboard cable has no kinks or that no object is placed on the cable to
restrict the flow of letters to the machine. Care also must be taken that letters with sharp point do
not become snared in the cable.
X’s and Z’s are the most common letters to be snared, and the result will be words appearing on
the screen with these letters missing. O’s and D’s move the easiest through the cable.
To best take care of your keyboard cable stretch it out and straighten the kinks frequently. Letters
are snared most frequently where the cable enters the machine, so be sure to straighten that
section of cable on a weekly basis.
Be aware that any spelling mistakes may be the result of letters stuck in the cable rather than
dyslexic fingers. Letters caught in the cable decay away quickly once the machine is turned off,
so no lasting damage occurs in the buildup of snared letters.
5. The description of in the script includes ….
a. selling your keyboard
b. cleaning your keyboard
c. washing your keyboard
d. none of the options are correct
e. all of the options are correct
Answer: d

6. What does the writer compared keyboard with?

a. small machine
b. tools
c. group of small letters
d. robust device
e. hardware
Answer: d
Pembahasan: terdapat pada paragrap pertama, kalimat pertama

7. The most common letters to be snared are ….

a. X and W
b. X and A
c. X and Z
d. Z and A
e. A and X
Answer: c
Pembahasan: terdapat pada paragraph ketiga, kalimat pertama

8. To take care of your keyboard cable you should ….

a. straighten the kinks frequently
b. stretch the cable rarely
c. rolled the cable
d. let decay cable in use
e. none of the options are correct
Answer: a
Pembahasan: terdapat pada paragraf ketiga, kalimat ketiga

9. Keyboard needs to be cleaned so that ….

a. dirt move away
b. keyboard works slowly
c. dirt and grit spread away
d. it smell good

e. none of the options are correct

Answer: a

No. 10 to 15 refer to the text below.

Location and habitat

The Giant Austarlian Cuttlefish (Sepia apama) is found in waters from less than a metre deep to
probably around 100 m off Southern and eastern Australia.
Australian Giant Cuttlefish (a solitary creature) is by far the biggest type of cuttlefish growing up
to a length of 1 meter and up to 3 kg. They have a big flat broad head with 2 large eyes with 8
tentacles (arms) and 2extendable feeding tentacles emerging from this head. The 2 feeding
tentacles which are used for feeding retract into pouches between the bases of the third and
fourth arm pairs. Along their sides they have thin fins.
It breathes like fish through gils.
Internally they have a spongy chalk like internal shell (cuttlebone) whice gives the body its shape.
The cuttlefish has three hearts, which pumps blue blood

Slow movement is obtained by using its thin fins located along their sides. Propulsion is
increased by using jets of water squirted out from a funnel. Australian Giant Cuttlefish swim eith
their tentacles close to their body, and cuttlefish regulate their buoyancy by pumping water in and
out of the gas filled cuttlebone to change the volume (and thus buoyancy) of the gas to enable
them to maintain the depth they wish.

Cuttlefish have the ability to change their colour to match their background, even the texture of its
skin to be more like sand or seaweed and can push up fingers of soft skin to impersonate the
shape of seaweeds or rubble.
They can also eject ink from ank ink sack just like an octopus to confus and disorientate enemies
so it can escape.

They actively forage amongst seaweeds and sea grasses catshing shrimp, fish, prawns, crabs
and other crustaceans. They use their 2 extendable feeding tentacles to snatch their catch, which
is then mashed up by a hard “beak” (jaws).

Individuals breed from April to July. This is the time they come closer to the surface and thus can
be observed A courting and mateship dance ends up with the male and female entwining their
tentacles together. The eggs (hundreds)are then laid a short time later often in litle coral caves or
on rocky reefs further south. The eggs take a couple of months to hatch.

10. The passage above is … text.

a. narrative
b. exposition
c. recount
d. news report
e. report of information
Answer: e

11. To which depth of water can a giant cuttlefish live?

a. 450 meters
b. 350 meters
c. 250 meters
d. 150 meters
e. 100 meters
Answer: e
Pembahasan: terdapat pada paragraf pertama

12. To which part of information criteria can you find about the weight of this giant cuttlefish?
a. habitat and location
b. breeding
c. feeding
d. description
e. movement
Answer: d

13. The followingtimes that are suitable for breeding of giant cuttlefish is ….
a. June
b. August
c. September
d. October
e. November
Answer: a
Pembahasan: terdapat pada paragraf terakhir

14. This food is common for giant cuttlefish, except ….

a. seaweeds
b. sea grasses
c. mud
d. shrimp
e. crabs
Answer: c
Pembahasan: terdapat pada paragraf kelima

15. The passages above is best read for astudent of ….

a. Kindergarten
b. High school, science department
c. High school, technicaldepartment
d. High school, social department
e. None of the options are correct
Answer: b


Zenit St. Petersburg beat Manchester United 2-1 to win the European super Cup for the first
time on Friday. The match pitted the Champions League winner against the UEFA cup champ
from Russia, which led 2-0 then held on.
Pavel Pogrebnyak put Zenit ahead a minute before halt-time from close range after Igor Denisov
flicked on a corner from Alejandro Dominguez. Danny, signed for a Russian record euro 30
million (US$44 million) from Dinamo Moscow, added the second goal in the 59th when he drifted
past two defenders and beat goalkeeper Edwin Van der Sar with a low shot.
Nemanja Vidic pulled a goal back in the 73rd after good work by Carlos Tevez down the left, and
substitute Jhon O’Shea almost equalized for United in the 88th when his header has tipped over
by goalkeeper Vyacheslav Malafeev. United midfielder Paul Scholes was shown a second yellow
card and sent off in injury time for punching the ball into the net.

16. The passage above is … text.

a. narrative
b. exposition
c. recount
d. news report
e. report of information
Answer: d
Pembahasan: teks Zenit beats Manchester United to win Super cup adalah sebuah news report.

17. Zenith first position on super cup is ….

a. for the first times
b. for the fifth times
c. for the second times
d. for the tenth times
e. for the third times
Answer: a
Pembahasan: terdapat pada paragraf pertama, kalimat pertama

18. Who made the first score for Zenith?

a. Igor Denisov
b. Pavel Pogrebnyak
c. Alejandro Dominguez
d. Carlos Tevez
e. Danny
Answer: b
Pembahasan: terdapat pada paragraf kedua, kalimat pertama

19. The goal back MU was the assist of ….

a. John O’shea
b. Carlos Tevez
c. Paul Scholes
d. Nemanja Vidic
e. None of the options
Answer: b

20. Who wrote news?

a. Mu press released officer
b. Zenith press released officer
c. Jerome Pugmire
d. The Associated Press
e. None of the options are correct
Answer: c

21. Andi : To begin with our discussion today,

Let’s have a look on Kompas today’s headlines.
Mita : Yeah, That’s right.
The underlined expression is used to express ….
a. closing discussion
b. opening a discussion
c. asking for input
d. clarifying ideas
e. offering thing
Answer: b
Pembahasan: ungkapan pada soal yang digarisbawahi merupakan pembukaan pada sebuah

22. Sandy : So, what do you think about our food cleanliness?
Tuty : That’s ok, but I think we need to imporove the quality.
The underlined expression is used for expressing ….
a. closing discussion
b. opening a discussion
c. asking for input
d. clarifying ideas
e. giving order
Answer: c
Pembahasan: kalimat pada soal yagn digarisbawahi merupakan ungkapan untuk meminta

23. Sam : I agree with you, but what I am trying to say is that we need tostrengthen the class
Joe : Hmm, that’s a good idea.
The underlined expression is used to ….
a. closing discussion
b. opening a discussion
c.asking for input
d. clarifying ideas
e. showing pain
Answer: d

24. Arman : Well, we need to buy new sport equipment. They are all out of date already.
Director: Hmm … that sounds like a good idea.
The underlined expression is used to ….
a. clarifying ideas
b. asking for clarification
c. interrupting politely
d. responding to idea/opinion
e. showing pleasure
Answer: a

25. Duka : Iwant to marry her soon.

Anna : Sorry, what was that again?
The underlined expression is used to ….
a. asking for clarification
b. clarification
c. interrupting politely
d. responding to idea/opinion
e. satisfying
Answer: a

26. Sofyan : Excuse me sir, Do you mind I have some question first?
Teacher : No, not at all, …. Please ….
The underlined expression is used to ….
a. interrupting politely
b. asking for clarification
c. asking for questions
d. responding to idea/opinion
e. suggestion
Answer: c

27. Tourist : Wow … what a wonderful key holder!

How did you make it?
Seller : Oh, I’II explain later, but do you want to buy it?
The expression underlined is used to say ….
a. asking for opinion
b. giving instruction
c. starting out
d. asking for intructions
e. disagreement
Answer: c

28. Old man : Excuse me sir, do you know the nearest post office around here?
Policemen : Sure, first, turn left of this block then go straight about one hundred metres. And
the post office is on the right. You can’t miss it.
The underlined expression is used to say ….
a. asking for opinion
b. giving instruction; sequencing
c. starting out
d. asking for instructions
e. giving order
Answer: b
Pembahasan: ungkapan pada soal yang digarisbawahi merupakan sebuah instruksi (pemberian
29. Anton : Well, the first step is boils the water. The next step, pour the powder into the water
and don’t forget to ….
Santo : All right, let me remember from beginning, first ….
The underlined expression is used to say ….

a. continuing
b. starting out
c. giving introduction
d. asking for instructions
e. agreement
Answer: a

30. Which expression below is to express satisfying?

a. I am bored, I need something satisfying .
b. All want the eats doesn’t satisfy his starve.
c. I am really satisfied with your work.
d. At first, spell your name then me your phone numbers.
e. I am dissatisfied.
Answer: c
Pembahasan: kalimat c adalah kalimat yang menunjukkan rasa puas

31. I thanked the women … helped her

a. who
b. whose
c. whom
d. which
e. where
Answer: a

32. The book …. Is on the table is mine

a. who
b. whose
c. whom
d. which
e. where
Answer: d

33. The movie …. Saw last night wasn’t very good.

a. whom
b. where
c. that
d. whose
e. who
Answer: c

34. I know the man … bicycle was stolen.

a. where
b. whose
c. who
d. that
e. which
Answer: b

35. I’II never forget the day … I met you.

a. where
b. whose
c. when
d. which
e. who
Answer: c
Pembahasan: when merupakan keterangan tentang waktu

36. The building … he live is very old.

a. who
b. whose
c. when
d. where
e. whom
Answer: d
Pembahasan: where merupakan keterangan tentang tempat

37. She is the woman … I told you.

a. whom
b. whose
c. where
d. when
e. which
Answer: a

38. Mr. Catt has a painting … valve is cheap.

a. whom
b. whose
c. where
d. that
e. when
Answer: b

39. The student …. Composition I read writes well

a. whom
b. when
c. where
d. whose
e. who
Answer: d

40. The scientist … we ment yesterday is well-known for her research.

a. whom
b. where
c. when
d. whose
e. which
Answer: a

Part I.Incomplete dialog ( 16 – 30 )
16. paquita :” What do you do in your week end ?
Farah :” I love...a novel and news paper”
a. Read c. Reading
b. Reads d. Writing
17. Endi : “ I heard that Bandi has been hospitalized since last week “
Bagas : ” She must avoid .... too hard because of his poor condition.”
a. work c. Be working
b. Working d. In working
18. Mila : “ can’t you stop making noisy Satrio ?”
Satrio : “ What makes you angry Mila ?”
Mila : “ your music is....
a. Enough loud c. Loud enough
b. Too loud d. Slow enough
19. Son : “ what will we have for dinner tonight , mam?I don’t see any food in the kitchen.”
Motheer: “Don’t worry my son, I still have for us in the cupboard.”
a. So c. too
b. Very d. Enough
20. Waiter : Good morning , .....................?
Guest :” I’d like to start with a glass of hot tee, please.
What is the right expression to complete the dialog about ?
a. How are you , sir ?
b. Are you ready to order, sir ?
c. What would you like to drink, sir?
d. Have you made a reservation before, sir?
21. Reseptionist : Good afternoon,sir.Welcome to Nirwana hotel, What can I do for you ,Sir ?
Guest :” Yes,I’d like to book single room for three days, please.
Reseptionist :”......................?”
Guest :” Not yet.”
a. Have you call me before ?
b. Do you want a single room ?
c. Do you want to book a room?
d. Have you made a reservation before ?
22. Yusuf :”Is this book yours ?
Hasan :” No, it isn’t.”
Yusuf : “It is not yours and it isn’t mine either, so is it ?
a. How c. What
b. Which d. Whose
23. Denny :” ........ is the river ?”
Jenny :” I think it is about two hudred meters depth.”
a. How far c. How long
b. How tall d. How deep

24. Guest : “We can’t have dinner at our room,,...?

Reseptionist : “Of course, sir. “
a. Do we c. Can’t we
b. Can we d. Don’t we
25. Luluk :” You are the candidate of schoolarship,....?
Holly : “ I don’t know exactly, you can see it on the announcement board. “
a. Aren”t you c. Aren’t I
b. Are we d. Am not I
26. Secretary :” Firdaus Company, Can I help you ?
Caller :” Yes, I’d like to see Mr Firdaus ,please?
Secretary :” One moment, please. Oh sorry he is not in his office right now,....?
Caller :” No thanks, I’ll call back later.
a. Is he having a meeting ?
b. Do you want to call him ?
c. Would you like to see him ?
d. Would you like to leave a message ?
27. Zaenal : “ Who helps Ananto to repair the machines in the workshop ?
Zahra : ‘ No one help him, he does it....
a. itself c. herself
b. himself d. hisself
28. Cipta :”do you know our new headmaster ?
Priya :” Yes,of course. The woman........blouse is white and wearing glasses is our
a. Who c. Whom
b. Whose d. Which
29. Kusno :”look ! who is sitting beside Gondo ?
Fahmi :” His elder in Japan. He is very friendly and nice.”
a. Who c. Which
b. Whom d.whose
30. Dwi :” what does our teacher say ? I couldn’t hear clearly”
Lina :” He said that we ... a listening test tomorrow.
a. Has c. Will have
b. have d.Would have
II. Error Recognition ( 31 – 35 )
31. The Boss : What’s wrong ?
employee : There is a customer whom is sitting on the corner wants
to see you,sir.

The Boss : Ok, I’ll meet her soon.


32. A : Why don’t you follow the speech contest? I think you have a big chanceto
be the winner.

B: Prepare the material for English speech contest is not easy, so

I decided not to follow.

33. Receiver : Good evening, front desk. May I help you?

Caller : Yes, I’ll have a flight at 7 tomorrow, so I think I need a wake up call.
Receiver : Sure, Do I call you at 6 o’clock ? it takes araount 15 minutes to the
34. Manto : I see a red car in front of our class, whose car is that ?
Harno : Hariz told me that he just bought a new car, I think it’s him.
35. Bandi : Our instructur gives we many English tasks today, can we do it
together ?
Laila : Ok, let’s do it at my house this afternoon.
36. Virna : What did Mutmainah tell you ? you looked very serious when talking with
Gany : She told me that her mother has been hospitalized since the day before.
She got a

III. Reading Comprehention

Question 37 – 40 refer to the following text.

Jl. A. Yani 20

June 16th,2009

Hi, Friends.
Please come and join to my birthday party of the 17th anniversary, on:
Date : June 24th, 2009
Time : 03:00 p.m.
Place : Kampung Laut Resto
Jl. Marina Semarang
See you and have fun with me

Code dress : blue and black

Best regards: Suci

37.What event will be held based on the invitation?

a.17th anniversary
b.come and joit
c. at Kampung Laut
d.a birthday party
38.. Who has the party?
a. Suci
d Yani
39.How old is Suci at that time of celebration?
a.16 years old
b.24 years old
c. 20 years old
d. 17 years old
40. If you are invited, what colour of shirt will you wear?
a. June 24 th
b. 03.00 pm
c. blue and black
d. Kampung Laut Resto
Question 41 – 43 refer to the following telephone message
From : Mrs.Safeera howard.
Day/Date : September 17th
Time : 13.00
To : Mr. Jach harold
Office :Genta Nusa Corps
Telp :656730
Message :reorder 112007. Four monitors were damaged. He has got a buyer who wants to buy
them. So, he needs replacement urgently.
Taken by : Rihana
41. Who takes the message ?
a. Rihana
b. Mr. Jach harold
c. Genta Nusa Corps
d. Mrs.Safeera howard
42. What is the message of the telephone message ?
a. The fourty damage monitors
b. ordering new type of monitors
c. Offering the new type of monitors
d. Replacement for damage monitors
43. What will probably Mr. Jach Harold do after reading the message ?
a. Replay the letter soon
b.send the new monitor
c. Call Mrs.Safeera howard back
d.write a letter for Mrs. Safeera Howard
Question 44 – 47 refer to the following reservation


3284A, Sky Light Avenue. Melbourne
Front office Managaer

Siguntang Hotel
17 Musi Street, Palembang

Dear Sir/ Madam, I would like to book a single executive room for three nights From August 17th.
Would you mind reserving a comfort suite room and providing a private set of facilities, please ? I
expect to arrive on Friday 17th around 7 a.m. and check in at your hotel immediately. Please send me
the bill of payment I have to pay as soon possible. I would like to pay it in cash, then.
Thank you for serving.

Yours faithfully,
Allan McGonagal.
44. What does the content of the letter above?
a. confirmation
b.Booking a place
c. a room reservation
d.A reservation payment
45. How long is the sender going to stay ?
a. one night c. Three nights
b. two nights d. Four nights
46. What kind of facilities does the man order ?
a. Provide facilities
b. Private facilities
c. High class facilities
d.comfortable bedroom
47. when will Mr. Allan McGonagal check – out from hotel ?
a. on Sunday c. On Tuesday
b. on Monday d. On wednesday
Question 48 to 50 refer to the following card.

Some years ago, Gordon Summer dropped out of teaching to risk all in the chancy world of pop
music. Two years later, he was struggling to pay the rent. Now he is known as sting, the lead singer of
today hottest band, The Police. How did this ex school master manufacture the right sound, the right
image, the right band of sex appeal, to make himself into a teenage idol? Lulu Appleton reports.
Gordon Summer, an exceptionally good-looking man idolized by millions and so rich, that he
can afford all he could ever wish for. Better known as Sting, he’s the lead singer of the Police. His
naturally fair hair has replaced the dyed blond hair of his stage act. The face magnetizes. The voice is
low and husky, eyes bright and intelligent, yet wary.
Suddently he has become a superstar. “I can’t walk down a street anymore without feeling that
people are watching me. I can’t be anonymous any longer, and that’s a drag,” he says.

48. Who’s Gordon Summer?

a. dropped out of teacher to risk all in the chancy world of pop music.
b. the chancy world of pop music.
c. a street anymore without feeling
d. an exceptionally good-looking man idolized by million teenagers.
49.What was Gordon Summer look like ?
a. he has become a superstar
b. His face was magnetizes. his voice was low and husky,his eyes was bright and he
was intelligent
c. he was struggling to pay the rent. How did this ex school master manufacture the right sound, the right
image, the right band of sex appeal, to make himself into a teenage idol
d. he can afford all he could ever wish for

50.What was the most difficult time for Gordon Summer two years after dropped out of teaching to risk
all in the chancy world of pop music. ?
a. he was struggling to pay the rent.
b. Now he is known as sting, the lead singer of today hottest band, The Police.
c. Suddently he has become a superstar
d. “I can’t walk down a street anymore without feeling that people are watching me. I can’t be anonymous
any longer, and that’s a drag,” he says

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