Dbms Outline

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Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to provide students with the background to design, implement, and
use database management systems.
Lecturer's Name: Ahmad Shaher Ahmad Elmustafah
Course Name Fundamentals of Database
Course number and symbol 203 CS
Number of Units 8
The course place to level Level three
Department Computer Science
Course Description:-

The main aim of this course is to introduce the fundamental concepts

necessary for designing, using, and implementing database systems and
applications. Our presentation stresses the fundamentals of database
modeling and design, the languages and facilities provided by database
management systems, and system implementation techniques.

The course mainly aims to achieve the following objectives:

1. Describes databases, their typical users.
2. Describes DBMS concepts, terminology, and architecture.
3. Describes the concepts of the Entity-Relationship (ER) model.
4. Describes ER diagrams are presented and used to illustrate
conceptual database design.
5. Focus on data abstraction and semantic data modeling concepts, and
extends the ER model to incorporate these ideas, leading to the
enhanced-ER data model and EER diagrams.
6. Describes the basic concepts necessary for a good understanding of
databases design and implementation
7. Describe the conceptual modeling techniques used in database
8. Describes the relational data model, its integrity constraints and
update operations, and the operations of the relational algebra.
9. Describes the relational DBMSs.
10. Give a comprehensive introduction to object databases.
11. Give a comprehensive introduction to object-relational

Course elements:-
Week Lecture Element Ref.
1 Introduction about Database
1 2 Characteristics of the database approach Ref1
3 Actors on the scene

4 Workers behind the scene

2 5 Advantages of using a DBMS Ref2
6 Implications of the database approach

7 When not to use a DBMS.

3 8 Data models, schemas, and Instances. Ref3
9 DBMS Architecture and Data Independence.

10 Database language and Interfaces

4 11 The database system environment Ref4
12 Classification of DBMSs.

13 Data modeling using the Entity-relationship model(ER)

5 14 Using high-level conceptual data models for DB design. Ref5
An example database application
16 Entity types and entity sets
6 17 Attributes and keys Ref6
18 Relationships and relationship types.

19 Roles and structural constraints.

7 20 Week entity types Ref7
21 First exam

8 22 Refining the ER design for the company database Ref8

23 ER diagrams, naming conventions. Assignment1
24 ER diagrams and design Issues.
25 Subclasses, superclasses, and Inheritance.
26 Specialization and Generalization.
9 Constraints and characteristics of specialization and
28 Modeling of Union Types using categories.
29 An example University EER schema and formal
10 definitions for the EER model. Ref10
30 Conceptual object modeling using UML class diagrams.

31 Relationship types.
11 32 Relationship types of a degree higher than two.
Data abstraction and knowledge representation concepts Ref11
34 Relational model concepts.
12 35 Relational constraints, and relational database schemas Ref12
36 Second exam

37 Update operations
13 38 Dealing with constraint violations Ref13
39 Additional relational operations

40 Examples of queries in relational algebra

14 41 SQL- The relational database standard Ref14
42 Data definition, constraints.

43 Basic Queries in SQL

15 44 Schemas changes in SQL2 Ref15
45 Normal forms

1- Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe. “Fundamentals of
Database Systems”. Pearson Education. 4th edition (2004).
Course Outline - Microsoft Access 2003 - 1
Course Description
Discover what a relational database is and what it can do for you. Learn to create a new database and
create tables using design view and the Table Wizard. Find out how to set field properties, create input
masks and lookup lists. Learn how to find and filter data, print data from your database, create
relationships and use simple queries. Find out how to create basic forms and how to add records using
the forms. See how to analyze tables, create reports and how to get help.
Course Outline
• Exploring Access
• Creating Databases
• Creating and Designing Tables
• Using Design View and the Table Wizard
• Working with Tables and Records
• Setting Field Properties
• Creating Input Masks, Custom Input Masks and Lookup Lists
• Editing Table Height, Width and Font Attributes
• Selecting, Moving, Hiding/Unhiding and Freezing Columns
• Finding and Filtering Data
• Printing Data
• Creating Relationships
• Creating and Using Simple Queries
• Modifying Query Results
• Creating Basic Forms
• Using AutoForm
• Adding Records Using Forms
• Creating Basic Reports
• Analyzing Tables
Introducing Access 2007
• Access 2007 Basics:Office 2007 Overview, Access 2007 Overview.
• Screen Layout:Getting Started, The Ribbon, The Title Bar & Quick Access Toolbar, The Office
Button, The Navigation Pane, Database Objects, Display & View Database Objects.
• Create And Open A Database:What Is A Database? Creating A New Database, Open An
Existing Database.
• Customize Access:Access Options, Customizing The Quick Access Toolbar.
• Help in Access 2007:Microsoft Office Access Help, Working In The Access Help Window,
Context Specific Help, Office Diagnostics.
Design A Database
• Planning A Database:Planning Basics, What Is A Table? Define A Table, Define Fields,
Identify Primary Keys.
• Define Relationships:One-To-Many Relationships, Many-To-Many Relationships, One-To-One
• Review The Design:Refining The Design, Queries, Forms & Reports.
Build A Database
• Database Templates:Database Templates, Use A Database Template.
• Create A Table:Create A Blank Database.
• Work With Table Data:Enter Data.
• Modify A Table:Modify Table Structure, Modify Table Format, Create A Lookup Field.
• Build A Relational Database [Expert]:Referential Integrity & Cascade Options, Create A One-
To-Many Relationship, Create A Many-To-Many Relationship.
• Control Data Entry In Tables [Expert]:Validation Rules, Create A Validation Rule, Create A
Validation Rule Error Message.
Work With Forms
• Form Basics:What Is A Form? What Is A Sub-Form? Form Views.
• Create A Form Automatically:Create & Use A Form, Use The Form Wizard, Split Forms.
• Create Forms In Design View:Creating Forms, Form Controls, Bound & Unbound Controls,
Create A Form In Design View, Create A Calculated Control.
• Modify Control Properties:Control Properties, Modify The Format Of A Control, Add Data
Validation To A Control.
• Create Subforms:Subforms, Create A Subform Using The Form Wizard.
Sort, Retrieve And Analyze Data
• Find And Sort Data:Find A Record, Sorting Records, Perform An Advanced Sort.
• Work With Filters:What Is A Filter? Apply & Remove Filters.
• Use Queries To Retrieve Data:Creating & Saving Queries, Multi-Table Queries, Create A
Select Query, Add A Calculated Field To A Query.
• Summarize Data With Select Queries:Summarizing Data, Create A Query To Summarize Data.
• Create Complex-Criteria Queries:Complex-Criteria Queries, Create A Complex-Criteria Query.
• Create Parameter Queries:Parameter Queries, Create A Parameter Query.
• Create Action Queries To Modify Data:Action Queries words/min, Create A Delete Query,
Create An Update Query, Create An Append Query.
Work With Reports
• Report Basics:What Is A Report?
• Create Reports Using The Report Wizard:Use The Report Wizard.
• Create Reports In Design View:Creating Reports, Report Controls, Error-Checking In Reports,
Report Sections, Create A Report In Design View, Add A Calculated Control To A Report.
• Modify Reports:Report Element Properties, Modify Control Properties, Modify Section
Properties, Modify Report Properties.
• Sort And Group Report Data:Set Sorting & Grouping Options.
• Use Subreports:Use Subreports, Create A Subreport.
Integrate Access With Other Applications
• Import Data Into Access:Importing Data, Import Data Into A New Table.
• Link To External Data:Link To Another Access Database Table, Working With Linked Tables.
• Export Data From Access:Exporting Data, Export Data (Exercise).
Manage An Access Database
• File Formats & Compatibility:New PowerPoint 2007 File Format, Saving An Access 2007
Database In An Earlier Version, Converting A Database to Access 2007 Format.
• Database Security:Database Security In Access 2007, Encrypt A Database With A Password.
• Database Splitter:Splitting Databases, Split A Database.
• Improve Database Performance:Use Performance Analyzer, The Compact & Repair Tool.
• Share A Database:Publishing A Database, Exporting Data To A SharePoint List.
• Collect Database Data:Collecting Data Via E-mail.

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