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Default prepayment account for employees

user331316 4 posts since Jan 18, 2014

Default prepayment account for employees Dec 23, 2011 12:21 AM Client would like a form personalization
so that the default Prepayment account on the supplier record is different for Employees than the one
defaulting from the Financials Options for other suppliers.

They do not want to accomplish the same thing by customizing SLA.

Does anyone have any idea how to do this? I guess I will create a lookup with the employees prepayment
account, and would want it to kick in either for supplier type Employee, (or maybe for supplier category
"Supplier used to process expense payments to internal employees").

Ram KK 1,450 posts since Jul 25, 2012

Re: Default prepayment account for employees Oct 11, 2011 9:13 AM

Any particular reason why the client is against using SLA for this?
Maybe the client does not like the word "customize". Actually, what would not be necessary is to "customize"
SLA, but to "configure".
In any case, it is far more easier to accomplish configuring SLA than to perform "form personalization". As
far as I know, since these are part of OA framework pages, it may not even be possible to accomplish the
requirement without performing highily invasive customization of the jsp page which will not even be supported.
Remember, in this case, the prepayment account in the supplier > accounting > Prepayment tab is defaulted
from the Financials Options window.

user331316 4 posts since Jan 18, 2014

Re: Default prepayment account for employees Oct 12, 2011 12:28 AM
in response to Ram KK Hi

Thanks for the reply.

The default prepayment account from the Financials options is the one they use for external suppliers. They
want to use a different one for employees (which is not unreasonable).
Client does not want to touchSLA configuration, because as soon as that happens Oracle will not support it,
and as the client is currently still on 12.0.4 they are experiencing plenty of accounting issues and cannot afford
to lose support in resolution of these.

Default prepayment account for employees


Ram KK 1,450 posts since Jul 25, 2012

Re: Default prepayment account for employees Oct 12, 2011 5:38 AM
in response to user331316 Ian,

Unfortunately, there is no way of "personalizing" an OA Framework page (which will be supported by Oracle
As far as I know, SLA configuration will not be considered as customization and Oracle will indeed support, if
there are any issues. (This is based on my experience)

madhu arepalli177607 381 posts since Jan 25, 2011

Re: Default prepayment account for employees Dec 21, 2011 8:59 AM
in response to Ram KK Hi Ram,

Is it possbile to achieve the requirment through form personalization.

I hope, Form Personalization wil not work for keyflexfields. If it works, please let me know.

Ram KK 1,450 posts since Jul 25, 2012

Re: Default prepayment account for employees Dec 21, 2011 10:22 AM
in response to madhu arepalli177607 Madhu,

You are correct. In this case, it is not possible to use OA Framework personalization to default a different value.

Cheryl Riniker-Oracle 4,091 posts since Oct 30, 2013

Re: Default prepayment account for employees Dec 21, 2011 12:50 PM
in response to user331316 Hi,

Default prepayment account for employees

DIFFERENT SUPPLIER TYPES was logged for this issue. There is no current way to accomplish this without a
customization that I am aware of.


madhu arepalli177607 381 posts since Jan 25, 2011

Re: Default prepayment account for employees Dec 21, 2011 9:45 PM
in response to Cheryl Riniker-Oracle Hi Chery,

Thanks for update.

Could you explore(your thoughts) the feasibility for customization of same requirement.

Ram KK 1,450 posts since Jul 25, 2012

Re: Default prepayment account for employees Dec 22, 2011 6:57 AM
in response to madhu arepalli177607 Madhu,

I know, I may be repeating (perhaps like a broken Vinyl record!!!), but i still think SLA is the way to go. If you
are interested I can put some screen shots together and post it.
Let me know.

madhu arepalli177607 381 posts since Jan 25, 2011

Re: Default prepayment account for employees Dec 23, 2011 12:21 AM
in response to Ram KK Hi Ram,

How to customize the SLA. could you share your thoughts.


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