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(Clay as a source of Electricity)

An Investigatory Project Proposal

Submitted to T. Jev Domalaon and T. Arabelle Baquiler
of First City Providential College

In partial fulfillment
For the requirement of the Course Research I

Leonardo Neira Sibal
Emie Rio Quisquis Titular

II – Special Science Class

February 2009
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Problem and Background of the Study
A. Introduction………………………………………………………………………..4
B. Statement of the problem………………………………………………………….5
C. Objective…………………………………………………………………..………5
D. Hypothesis…………………………………….…………………………………...5
E. Scopes and delimitation of the Study….…………………………....……………..6
F. Significance of the Study.…………………………………………………………6
G. Related Literature
G1. Physical Properties of Clay……………………………………….…………..6
G2. Chemical Properties of Clay……………………………………………….…7
G3. Physical Properties of Copper (metal)………………………………………..7
G4. Chemical Properties of Copper……………………………………………….7
G5. Physical Properties of Zinc (metal)…………………………………………...7
G6. Chemical Properties of Zinc………………………………………………….8
G7. Related Studies……………………………………………………………….8

Chapter 2 – Methodology
A. Materials…………………………………………………………………………11
B. Procedure………………………………………………………………………...11
C. Treatment………………………………………………………………………...12



The preparation and completion of this study would not have been
possible without the support, hard work, and endless efforts of the people and the
institutions around us. We would like to thank our Alma Mater, First City
Providential College, for lending us some materials that would help a lot in this

We would also like to thank our mentors, T. Jev Domalaon, T.

Arabelle Baquiler and T. Marrie Janine Edquilane, for giving us advices on how
to improve the study, for helping us in conducting the study, and for guiding us
while doing the study.

Our classmates shared an important role in conducting this study.

We would like to express our gratitude to our classmates for giving prior
knowledge about the study, the happy and sad memories we’ve shared, and
encouragement to pursue the study.

The support and help of our parents have been significant to us, since then
they didn’t forget to give moral and financial support to us, they always guide us
in every activities we do, and they also give us courage and self-confidence to
continue conducting the study.

And lastly, we are particularly grateful to our Creator for giving us

strength to conduct the study and to help those people who were beneficial to this

Chapter 1 – Problem and
Background of the Study

A. Introduction

Clay is a type of soil when wet becomes plastic and sticky but
permanently hard when baked or fired. For some people, clay is a blessing
because clay has economic uses to human; they earn money like by making pot,
kitchen utensils and vases. But still, other people treat it as their enemy because
clay is common to compaction and water clogging. Organic materials found on
the clay particles that are essential to plants are calcium, magnesium, sodium,
potassium, and many others.

One of 2008’s primary issues is the rise of electric bill. MERALCO, a

company distributing electricity, implemented “system loss charge” to the public
to regain billions of money being stolen by illegal jumpers. Electricity is very
important to man. It helps us to do some activities which were hard to perform.
Without electricity, the appliances, like television, refrigerator, computer and
radio, won’t work and would be helpless.

Due to technology and modernity, this study aims the possibility of

generating electricity from clay. It will also seek the possibility of using this
technology as one of the non-renewable resources of electricity.

This study finds out if there would be an environmental effect on using

clay as a source of electricity. It would also help us understand more about
electricity and clay, to inform the public on how to conserve electricity, and help
those people who cannot afford to pay their electricity bills and those who
consume large amount of electricity.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know if clay could be a source of electricity.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

a. How much voltage can be obtained in the clay?

b. Is there a significant difference between the amount of electricity
generated on clay to the electricity generated from the vegetable (e.g.
c. Is there a significant difference between the period of time the clay light
up the bulb than in the vegetable?
d. Which is more environmental friendly, the clay electricity or the vegetable

C. Objectives

This study aims to know if it is feasible to generate electricity form clay.

Specifically, the study aims to:

a. light up a small bulb

b. create a simple electric circuit
c. compare the electricity generated to the other source, which is the potato.

D. Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between the amount of electricity

generated on the clay than in the vegetable (e.g. potato).

E. Scopes and Delimitation of the Study

This study was conducted from October to September 2009 at the First
City Providential College Laboratory. This study focuses mainly on generating
electricity on clay. The clay was taken in any anthills at in Francisco Homes
Subdivision A miniature bulb having 1.2 volts would be used. In case the
miniature bulb was not lit by the clay and the potato, LED would be used.

F. Significance of the Study

This study is all about generating electricity on clay. The study will help
those people who consume large amount of electricity. Clay could serve as
emergency candle or flash light when there is brown out, if proven it could
generate electricity.

If clay will be used to generate electricity, it can be a new source of

electricity aside of using it in making bricks, pots, vases, and many others.

G. Related Literature

G1. Physical Properties of Clay

Geologists define clay as extremely small particles of soil that measures

less than four micrometers in diameter. The word clay also refers to the earthly
material composed of certain kinds of silicate minerals that have been broken
down by weathering. There are two general types of clay. Expandable clay
becomes liquid when so much water is added to it while nonexpendable clay
becomes soft then mixed with water.1
World Book Encyclopedia, Volume#4, (U.S.A.: World Book International, 1996), pp. 69-70

G2. Chemical Properties of Clay
Iron oxide may color the clay red. Clays that contain various amounts of
carbon compounds may be different shades of gray.2 Organic materials found on
the clay that could help generate electricity, and essential to plants, are calcium,
magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc.

G3. Physical Properties of Copper

Among the metals, copper is second only to iron in amounts used today.
The principal uses are electrical, because of the extremely high conductivity of
pure copper. Because copper is very ductile, it can be drawn into wires of any
diameter from about 0.025mm upward.3

G4. Chemical Properties of Copper

The symbol of copper is Cu, atomic number 29, and atomic weight
63.546. It has many desirable properties such as its conductivity of electricity and
heat, its resistance to corrosion, malleability, and ductility.4

G5. Physical Properties of Zinc

Zinc is most often seen as a green light grey metal surface that is
galvanized (coated) onto water buckets and many other articles made of iron or
steel. Zinc also is used in flashlight batteries and in most paints. The shiny yellow
alloy called brass is a mixture of copper and zinc.5
World Book, ibid.
Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, Volume#7, (U.S.A.: Rand McNally and Co., 1995), pp. 200-201
Funk and Wagnalls, ibid.
World Book Encyclopedia, Volume#20, (U.S.A.: World Book International, 1996), p. 370

G6. Chemical Properties of Zinc

Zinc (symbol Zn, atomic weight 65.37) is combined chemically with other
elements in ores found in many parts of the world. Most zinc ores also contain

G7. Related Studies

History of Electricity7

The ancient Greece observed that amber, when rubbed, attracted small
light objects. About 600 B.C. Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus held that
amber had a soul, since it could make other objects move. In a treatise written
about three centuries later, another Greek philosopher, Theophrastus, stated that
other substances also have this power.

For almost 2,000 years later after Theophrastus, little progression was
made in the study of electricity. In 1600 English physician William Gilbert
published a book in which he noted that many substances beside amber could be
charged by rubbing. He gave the substances the Latin name electrica, which is
derived from the Greek word electron (which means “amber”). The word
electricity was first used by English writer and physician Sir Thomas Browne in

The fact that electricity can flow through a substance was discovered by
17TH-century German physicist Otto von Guericke, who observed conduction in a
linen thread. Von Guericke also described the first the first machine for producing
an electric charge in 1672. the machine consisted of a sulfur sphere turned by a
crank. When a hand was held against the sphere, a charge was induced on the
World Book, ibid.
Microsoft Encarta Premium 2009

sphere. Conduction was rediscovered independently by Englishman Stephen Gray
during the early 1700. Gray also noted that substances are good conductors while
others are insulators.

Also during the early 1700’s, Frenchman Charles Dufay observed that
electric charges are of two kinds. He found out that opposite kinds attract each
other while similar kinds repel. Dufay called one kind vitreous and the other kind

History of Battery8
The first battery was created by Alessandro Volta in 1800. To create his
battery he made a stack by alternating layers of zinc, blotting papers soaked in salt
water, and silver. This arrangement was known as a voltaic pile. The top and
bottom layers of the pile must be different metals. If you attach a wire to the top
and bottom of the pile, you can measure a voltage and a current from the pile. The
pile can be stacked as high as you like, and each layer will increase the voltage by
a fixed amount.

Voltaic and Electrolytic Cells9

A voltaic cell uses a spontaneous reaction to generate electrical energy. In

the cell reaction, the difference in chemical potential between higher energy
reactants and lower energy products is converted into electrical energy. This
energy is used to operate the load−flashlight bulb, CD player, car starter motor, or
other electrical device. In other words, the system does work on the surroundings.
All batteries contain voltaic cells.

An electrolytic cell uses electrical energy to drive a nonspontaneous

Silberber, Martin, Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, (USA:McGraw-
Hill, 2003), p. 292

reaction. In the cell reaction, electrical energy from an external power supply
converts lower energy reactants into higher energy products. Thus, the
surroundings do work on the system.

Note that the two types of cell have certain features in common. Two
electrodes, which conduct the electricity between cell and surroundings, are
dipped into an electrolyte, a mixture of ions (usually in aqueous solution) that are
involved in the reaction or that carry the charge. An external circuit provides the
means for electrons to flow between them.

Other Studies

A study is conducted by using potato as a source of electricity. Through

copper and zinc electrodes, juices generate electricity. Results and findings
showed that it generated 1.2V. But it didn’t light up the miniature bulb; instead, it
lit up the LED as substitute for the bulb.10

Another study is conducted by using Copper Sulfate as electrolyte. Still,

the electrodes used are copper and zinc. Results and findings showed that the
solution generated 0.7V, that didn’t light a 1.2V bulb.11

Another study is conducted by determining which battery lasts longer. The

batteries used are Duracell, Eveready, Energizer and BA 30 “army batteries”. The
power of the different brands of batteries was tested on a light bulb. There were
two batteries from each brand. Results and findings showed that the Duracell
battery lasted the longest, 101 hours and 20 minutes; Energizer battery, second,
99 hours and 17 minutes; Eveready battery, third, 28 hours and 30 minutes, and
last but not the least, BA 30 batteries, 25 hours and 58 minutes.12

Another study is conducted by using lemon as a source of electricity.
Copper and steel electrodes were put on the squeezed lemon. Results and findings
showed that it generated 0.7 volts of electricity.13

Chapter 2 – Methodology

A. Materials
1. Clay
The clay were got in any anthills in Francisco Homes Subdivision, San
Jose Del Monte, Bulacan.
2. Electrodes and other Materials
In the experiment, copper metal will be used as the anode, and zinc metal
will be used as the cathode instead of using carbon metal because zinc metal is
more accessible and cheaper. This two, along with the miniature bulb having
1.2V, miniature sockets, LED (in case the clay would not light the bulb) and the
alligator clips will be bought at the electric shops. The multimeter will be also
borrowed at the electric shop. Salt and water are also needed to enhance the
electrolyte level of the clay, and to compact it. Potato is also needed since it is the
control. Beaker would help to hold the salt solution to be mixed.

B. Procedure
Mixing and molding
Salt and water are to be mixed with different concentrations. Then, the
solution will be mixed to the clay, to increase its electrolyte level of the clay, and
to compact the clay. Then, mold the clay to compact it.
Inserting electrodes and measuring voltage
Insert the copper and zinc electrodes, close but not touching each other.
Then, connect the copper and zinc electrodes to the multimeter through the use of
alligator clips.

C. Treatment
The control group of this study is the potato generating 1.2 volts. There
are four treatments in this study: S1 contains 200mL of water and 4 tablespoon of
salt mixed with 700g of clay, S2 contains 150mL of water and 3 tablespoon of salt
mixed with 650g of clay, S3 contains 100mL of water and 2 tablespoon of salt
mixed with 600g of clay, and S4 is the control group.

The table below shows the amount of solution to be mixed per treatment.

Treatment Amount of Salt (tbsp) Amount of Water (mL) Amount of Clay (g)

S1 4 200 700

S2 3 150 650

S3 2 100 600


A. Encyclopedia
The World Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 4. USA: World Book International,
pp. 69-70.
Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. Vol. 7. USA: Rand McNally and
Company, pp. 200-201.
World Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 20. U.S.A.: World Book International, p. 370

B. Websites

C. Book
Martin Silberberg. Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change.
USA:McGraw-Hill, p. 292

D. CD-ROM Encyclopedia
History of Electricity. (2007). Microsoft Encarta Premium 2009 [DVD].
Microsoft Corporation.


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