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‘Mark P. Robinson, Jr, (SBN 54426) Daniel 8. Robinson (SBN 244245) ROBINSON CALCAGNIE, INC, 19 Corporate Plaza Drive ‘Newport Beach, CA92660 (049) 720-1288; Pax (049) 720-1292 rarobinson( robinson drobinsonfirm com ENPORSE| JAMES LEE, E50. ne pening) odedeeee WoL 8800 ov 21 2018 Houten, Tex 7700 (713) 275-6990; Fax: (713}-275-6991 Eee eee jlee@leemurphylavicom o_o ae Catherine Lombardo (SBN #160461) ‘THE LOMBARDO LAW FIRM 433 W Arrow Highway, Claremont, CA 9171 (09) 482-0384; Fax 87) 301-0139 « Attorneys fr Plainifs ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 080 -18-571522 NEVARODRIGUES,nvdualy, andas_ | CASENO.: te Scsorintnoeto THE ESTATE OF GeRALD RODRIGUES MPLAINE & Pini, pemaRD FORIORY TRIAL Asin ORE Corpraton «Calton Cronin: | ESE Pacific Gas & ‘Electric, a Califomia Corporation; and DUESIKUES 1 rough 50, inclusive, “ [Filed concurrently with Notice of Related | Cases} Defendants J COMPLAINT Plaintiff Neva Rodtigues, individually and as the Successor-in-Interest to the Estate of Gerald Rodrigues, deceased (“Plantif™”) by her undersigned atiomeys, brings this action against 1 ~ COMPLAINT & DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL. Defendants PG&E Corporation, a California Corporation; Pacific Gas & Electr, a California Corporation; and DOES/ROES 1 through 50, inclusive (collectively, “Defendants” or “PG&E"), ‘with personal knowledge as to their own aetions, and upon information and belief as to those of | ‘others, and respectfully allege the following: NATURE OF THE ACTION 1, This ation seeks to redess the damages Paint suffered arising out of «fre Janited by PG&E on the early morning of November 8, 2018, at Camp Creek Real inthe town of Paradise, Bute County which caused Plait’ father, Mr. Rodrigues, to sufer while burning to

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