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Li companies rake
in higher profits Macroeconomic
and geopolitical un-
certainties, together
also cut its economic growth
By BLOOMBERG in Hong Kong
forecast for next year and
with fragile market
Ty c o o n L i K a - s h i n g ’s 2018, citing concerns about sentiment, could
two main companies — CK weaker investment and con-
Hutchison Holdings and sumption. potentially lead to
Cheung Kong Property Hold-
ings — saw higher earnings
“The UK’s withdrawal from
the EU will bring with it con-
a less sustainable
in the first half of the year, siderable challenges both for recovery as vola-
fueled by growth from the the UK and Europe for at
group’s European telecom- least the next two to three tilities in the equity,
munications business and
property sales on the Chinese
years,” Li said in CK Hutchi-
son’s earnings statement.
commodity and cur-
mainland. “Macroeconomic and rency markets are
Profits, excluding earnings geopolitical uncertainties,
from discontinued opera- together with fragile market likely to persist in
tions, rose 1.9 percent from sentiment, could potential-
ly lead to a less sustainable
the second half of
a year earlier to HK$15.2
billion at CK Hutchison, Li’s recovery as volatilities in the 2016.”
main holding company, while equity, commodity and cur-
Li Ka-shing, chairman of CK
Cheung Kong Property saw rency markets are likely to Hutchison Holdings and Cheung Kong
underlying profit climb 51 persist in the second half of Property Holdings
A penguin dives into a water tank at Ocean Park. The marine-themed park saw a 14-percent dip in the number of visitors last year, percent to HK$8.3 billion. 2016,” he said.
compared with 2014, due to the decline in the number of Chinese mainland visitor arrivals in Hong Kong. JUSTIN CHIN / BLOOMBERG

0.75 percent
Yet headwinds abound. Li’s attempts to cut his reli-
Li, who had urged Britons ance on the UK hit an obstacle

Ocean Park fights on

to vote in favor of staying in on Thursday after the Austra-
the European Union (EU), lian government signaled it
decrease in the share price of
is now bracing for the eco- will block a bid by his Cheung CK Hutchison Holdings at the
nomic fallout from Brexit as Kong Infrastructure Holdings close of trading on Thursday
CK Hutchison counts the UK for a local electricity distribu-

with its ‘uniqueness’

as its biggest earnings con- tor. The company has a week
tributor. In the Hong Kong to submit a revised offer. Kong minority shareholders
property market, prices and Australia’s decision is the blocked the $12.4-billion buy-
transactions have dropped latest in a series of setbacks in out offer for his Power Assets
amid a slowing economy and the past few months for Hong unit.
government efforts to make Kong’s richest man, whose The share prices of CK
housing more affordable. business empire sprawls Hutchison Holdings and
HK’s oldest marine-themed park Earlier this month, the across energy to infrastruc- Cheung Kong Property Hold-
Bank of England cut the ture and telecommunica- ings dropped 0.75 percent
confident in pushing out new nation’s benchmark interest tions. A plan to merge his UK and 1.3 percent, respectively,
business with Telefonica’s O2 on Thursday, while the Hang
attractions amid stiff competition rate and expanded a stimu-
lus plan as it prepares for a was blocked by regulators Seng Index added 1.16 per-
downturn. The central bank in May, months after Hong cent.
By FELIKS CHEANG ism from the mainland. “But
in Hong Kong these are just short-term draw- backs.” OUTSIDE THE BOX
Latest statistics show that
With strikingly family- total visitor arrivals in the SAR
oriented theme parks in the fell 7.4 percent in the first half
region, like Zhuhai’s Chime of this year, compared wit the
Long International Ocean same period last year, with
Resort and the newly opened the number of mainland tour- Matthias Li Sing-chung, chief executive of Ocean Park, believes
Shanghai Disneyland, breath- ists down 3.8 percent in June, that the rapid growth in entertainment parks on the Chinese
ing down its neck, Hong while visitor arrivals from mainland will not deal a big blow to Ocean Park’s business.
Kong’s 39-year-old Ocean Park Northeast Asia were up nearly Instead, it would create a trend of visiting theme parks. PARKER
has been hastily pulling up its 20 percent. ZHENG / CHINA DAILY

socks to stay in the race. Hong Kong’s amusement

A slew of new attractions, parks have not been spared by than 900,000 square meters other Asian countries. By 2018,
including water parks and the slump. As mainland visi- on southern Hong Kong Universal Beijing, 21st Cen-
plush hotels, are on the menu tors make up more than half Island, aims to shore up local tury Fox World Malaysia, Six
as the city’s oldest theme park of ticket sales, Ocean Park saw attendance which, currently, Flags, multiple new Legolands,
takes up the challenge and a 14-percent dip in the number accounts for more than 30 Wanda theme parks and many
dips its toe into other Asian of visitors last year, compared percent of the total number smaller peers will be popping
markets. with 2014 — the first decline of visitors. “It’s a high propor- up across the region.
Chief Executive Matthias since 2008 — while Hong tion if you compare it with Li, who had held various
Li Sing-chung expects Ocean Kong Disneyland posted a other theme parks,” remarks positions at Ocean Park for
Park to see a turnaround in 9-percent decline in mainland Li, adding that “freshness” is more than two decades, aims
visitor traffic within years, tourists. the key to getting local visitors to roll out new attractions and The proposed overhaul of the city’s listing regime by the Securities and Futures Commission has
with Chinese mainland tour- Li says he considers the to return. infrastructure, including new caused a stir in the market. Experts have urged both sides to explain their positions to the public as the
ists slated to make a comeback slowdown normal, especially On the top of the five major hotels and a perennial water issue would have a far-reaching impact on the equity market in which many have invested their savings.
after a lengthy decline. after the upsurge in mainland annual events — the Spring park — almost 20 years after
“It’s a healthy adjustment,” tourist arrivals here in the past Festival, Easter, the summer a previous one closed — and
he says, referring to the down-
ward swing in visitor numbers
five years.
Hong Kong’s now a “bar-
gain destination” for mainland
holidays, Halloween and
Christmas — the theme park
will focus on more innovative
turn the park into a regional
resort which will be the first
of its kind in Southeast Asia
Watchdog should have no fear
Li, who took up the top job
at the popular marine-themed
park just recently, blamed
visitors as many local tourist
spots and hotels are offering
tempting discounts amid the
attractions and events to enter-
tain local visitors, for whom it
was built in the first place.
that’s built on a hill slope next
to the sea.
He believes that the rapid
telling the public the true story
external factors for the sub- gloom. The picture should “Visitors want to go to plac- growth in entertainment parks
dued visitor flow, such as also improve, he says, with es where local people enjoy as on the Chinese mainland will PETER LIANG Hong Kong’s reputation as an
the negative impact of anti- the opening of the soon-to-be- well,” emphasizes Li. not deal a big blow to Ocean international financial center.
mainland protests that had completed Hong Kong-Zhu- Ocean Park is also looking Park’s business. Instead, it Members of the public are not
rocked Hong Kong earlier,
and relaxed visa restrictions
hai-Macao Bridge and Hong
Kong’s high-speed railway
afar — to other Asian markets
to attract more visitors, includ-
would create a trend of visit-
ing theme parks.
Most reporters know that
anecdotes can make their sto-
In the tussle, both interested in both sides’ argu-
ments, and improvement in
for mainland travelers to other linking southern China. ing the Association of South- “They’ll come to Ocean Park ries a better read. That’s because sides have ignored communication means abso-
tourist destinations. “Convenient transporta- east Asian Nations, which is as they know we are at the top relevant accounts of real people lutely nothing to them.
“Some mainland tourists tion is vital to every amuse- home to more than 600 mil- of the game.” Li reckons. “We’re doing real things can help read- public interests in What they want to know is
have been discouraged by
the city’s unfriendliness — an
ment park,” Li says, adding he
expects improved MTR links
lion people.
Li notes there has been an
proud of being the trendsetter
for amusement parks in Asia.”
ers better understand the issues
involved and appreciate their
the issue which can whether the proposed reform
can improve on the existing
attitude which may have been to encourage more local visi- increase in the number of Apart from the attractions gravity in real life. have a far-reaching arrangement in weeding out
exaggerated. They feel they’re tors from Kowloon and the Indonesian and Filipino visi- and rides, edutainment is what This is a journalism lesson under-qualified companies
more welcome in other (desti- New Territories to visit the tors to the park. distinguishes Ocean Park from that businesspeople can benefit impact on the se- from obtaining a listing on
nations),” he says.
Besides, an uncertain macro
Ocean Park, which opened
Apart from dwindling tour-
ist numbers, Ocean Park faces
its competitors. Visitors can
learn more about the ani-
from. A case in point is the IPO
(initial public offering) reform
curities market ... the local bourse. The SFC can
greatly strengthen its argu-
environment and a stronger amid great fanfare in 1977 stiff competition from theme mals and the threats they face proposal that pits the watchdog (and) in a wider ment for reform by citing
US dollar have also hit tour- and covering an area of more parks across the border and through the posters at galler- agency Securities and Futures specific examples of abuse to
ies and aquariums. Trainers Commission (SFC) against
scope, Hong Kong’s illustrate the system’s short-
5,000,000 Number of Chinese mainland visitor arrivals are also available to talk about
animals both in captivity and
powerful interests in the stock reputation as an in- comings.
exchange. Such examples shouldn’t
in Hong Kong since June 2015 in the wild. ternational financial
The proposed reform that be hard to find. The shares of
Source: Hong Kong Tourism Board
The Ocean Park Academy
— the park’s educational arm
would involve the SFC in
the early stages of the IPO
center.” many companies had shot up
multiple times compared to
— offers more than 30 differ- approval process must be rati- their debut prices, only to fall
ent courses for children and fied by the board of directors bers. The regulator countered precipitously in ensuing trad-
teachers. Students can learn of Hong Kong Exchanges and by saying that the defiant stock ing sessions. There are compa-
4,043,000 about animals, conservation, Clearing (HKEx) — a publicly exchange members have failed nies known to have sought a
the natural environment and traded company which has the to understand the purpose of flotation for the sole purpose of
3,845,273 3,857,524
even Chinese culture by tak- monopoly from the govern- the planned reform which only offering themselves as a take-
3,721,049 ing part in the activities and ment to operate the city’s only seeks to improve communica- over target for backdoor listings
see the real life animals and stock exchange and its clearing tion between HKEx and the by other companies that aren’t
resources in the park. facilities. SFC. qualified under the normal IPO
“I hope visitors can have Some leading members have In the tussle, both sides have channels.
3,509,432 3,512,410 3,322,758
3,400,000 3,367,736 not only a lot of fun here, but publicly opposed the overhaul ignored public interests in the The proposed IPO system
also learn something about plan, fearing it would give the issue which can have a far- overhaul should be supported
animals and conservation,” regulators unnecessary power reaching impact on the secu- by the public who have a stake
3,206,043 says Li. “This is what makes of intervention in the IPO mar- rities market in which many in it. The SFC shouldn’t be
June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June us unique in Hong Kong, if not ket, which is a major source of people have invested their afraid to tell them the story as
2015 2016 Asia.” income for HKEx and its mem- savings and, in a wider scope, it is.

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