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Precision Infrared (IR)

Moisture Measurement
User’s Manual

November 1999 Part No. 46019901

Precision Infrared (IR)
Moisture Measurement
User’s Manual

November 1999

P/N 46019901 i
Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Confidentiality Statement

This manual is a product of Honeywell-Measurex Corporation. It is intended for use only by Honeywell-Measurex and
customer personnel in connection with Honeywell-Measurex products. It is strictly prohibited to copy this manual or
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All information and specifications contained in this manual have been carefully researched and prepared according to the
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However, due to continued efforts in product improvement, we reserve the right to make changes at any time without

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© 1999 by Honeywell-Measurex Corporation, One Results Way, Cupertino, CA 95014-5991, U.S.A.

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Printed in the United States of America.

ii P/N 46019901
Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Contents


1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................1-1
1.1. Purpose ..................................................................................................................1-1
1.2. Scope......................................................................................................................1-1
1.3. Intended Audience .................................................................................................1-1
1.4. Related Reading.....................................................................................................1-2
1.5. About This Manual ................................................................................................1-2
1.6. Conventions ...........................................................................................................1-3
1.7. Installation Procedure ............................................................................................1-4
2. Sensor Description..........................................................................................................2-1
2.1. General...................................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1. Standard Power Source ..................................................................................2-1
2.1.2. High-Power Source ........................................................................................2-1
2.1.3. INFRAND Optics...........................................................................................2-2
2.1.4. Receiver Optics ..............................................................................................2-2
2.1.5. Receiver Electronics.......................................................................................2-3
2.1.6. Filter Selection ...............................................................................................2-3
2.2. Specifications.........................................................................................................2-4
3. Software Description......................................................................................................3-1
3.1. Inputs and Outputs.................................................................................................3-1
3.2. Background............................................................................................................3-1
3.3. Reference/Standardize ...........................................................................................3-4
3.4. Sample/Onsheet .....................................................................................................3-5
3.4.1. Raw Ratios .....................................................................................................3-6
3.4.2. Gap (Z) Correction .........................................................................................3-7
3.4.3. Dirt Correction ...............................................................................................3-8
3.4.4. Optical (InfrandPLUS) Correction.................................................................3-8
3.4.5. HiCurve Correction ........................................................................................3-8
3.4.6. SingleCal (Basis Weight) Correction.............................................................3-8
3.4.7. Low Curve Correction....................................................................................3-9
3.4.8. Carbon Correction ..........................................................................................3-9
3.4.9. Water Weight .................................................................................................3-9
3.4.10. Static Percent Moisture ..................................................................................3-9
3.4.11. Dynamic Percent Moisture.............................................................................3-9
3.4.12. Scattering Parameter ....................................................................................3-10

P/N 46019901 iii

Contents Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

3.5. Calibration Constants...........................................................................................3-11

3.5.1. Time-Zero (Calibration Time) Constants.....................................................3-11
3.5.2. Static Moisture Calibration Constants .........................................................3-12
3.5.3. Scattering Parameter Default Constants.......................................................3-13
3.5.4. Correctors Determined On-Site....................................................................3-13
4. Hardware Alignment .....................................................................................................4-1
4.1. Standard Power Source Assembly.........................................................................4-1
4.1.1. Power Supply Adapter Board (05333000) .....................................................4-1
4.1.2. Tuning Fork Driver Board (05341600)..........................................................4-3 Alignment Check................................................................................4-4 Alignment: Obtain Stable Oscillation ...............................................4-4 Adjust Maximum Amplitude .............................................................4-5 Test for Clean Start ............................................................................4-5
4.2. HPIR Source Assembly Alignment .......................................................................4-6
4.2.1. HPIR Source Backplane (05341100) .............................................................4-6
4.2.2. Power Supply Adapter Board (05333000) .....................................................4-6
4.2.3. Sync Generator/Lamp Modulator Board (05341000) ....................................4-6
4.3. Receiver Assembly Alignment ............................................................................4-11
4.3.1. Backplane Assembly, Type II (05401100) ..................................................4-11
4.3.2. Temperature Control Board (05298102)......................................................4-11
4.3.3. Sensor Temperature Output .........................................................................4-15
4.3.4. Fastcard Board (05413200)..........................................................................4-15
4.3.5. Edge Detection .............................................................................................4-18
4.3.6. Detector and Filter Locations.......................................................................4-19
5. Maintenance....................................................................................................................5-1
5.1. Preventive Maintenance.........................................................................................5-1
5.2. Troubleshooting.....................................................................................................5-2
5.2.1. Standard Power Sensors .................................................................................5-2
5.2.2. HPIR Sensors .................................................................................................5-3
5.3. Part Numbers .........................................................................................................5-4
5.3.1. Standard Power Sensors .................................................................................5-4
5.3.2. HPIR Sensors .................................................................................................5-5
5.4. Board Replacement Procedure...............................................................................5-6
5.5. Alignment After Replacing Parts...........................................................................5-7
5.6. Replacement of Quartz-Teflon Plates....................................................................5-8
5.6.1. Checking for Water in Quartz-Teflon Plates................................................5-10
5.6.2. Removing the Plate and Checking the Seal in the PrecisionPak Head ........5-10
5.6.3. Installing the Plate........................................................................................5-11
6. Static Calibration ...........................................................................................................6-1
6.1. Sample Selection ...................................................................................................6-1
6.1.1. Standard Sample Selection.............................................................................6-1
6.1.2. Representative Grade Selection .....................................................................6-2 Carbon Detection................................................................................6-3 Selection of Samples with High and Low Carbon Content ...............6-5

iv P/N 46019901
Manual Title Contents

6.2. Sample Preparation................................................................................................6-6

6.2.1. Materials Required .........................................................................................6-6
6.2.2. Dry Weight Determination.............................................................................6-7
6.3. Hardware Checks...................................................................................................6-9
6.4. Sample Measurement...........................................................................................6-11
6.4.1. Preparation ...................................................................................................6-11
6.4.2. Glass Sample ................................................................................................6-11
6.4.3. Bagged Samples ...........................................................................................6-11
6.5. Data Reduction ....................................................................................................6-12
6.5.1. Full Calibration ............................................................................................6-12
6.5.2. Recalibration ................................................................................................6-12
6.6. Verification ..........................................................................................................6-13
6.6.1. Verification of Sheet Temperature Independence (Optional) ......................6-13
6.7. Recalibration........................................................................................................6-14
6.8. Measurement Operations .....................................................................................6-15
6.8.1. Sample Paddle Setup....................................................................................6-15
6.8.2. Reference Procedure ....................................................................................6-16
6.8.3. Sample Procedure.........................................................................................6-16
7. Da Vinci System Maintenance/Calibration Software .................................................7-1
7.1. Gain Setup .............................................................................................................7-1
7.1.1. MSS Setup......................................................................................................7-2
7.1.2. IRP Configuration Table ................................................................................7-4
7.1.3. Main Code Table............................................................................................7-5
7.2. Maintenance Mode Setup ......................................................................................7-7
7.2.1. Sample Preparation ........................................................................................7-8
7.3. Background............................................................................................................7-8
7.4. Reference .............................................................................................................7-10
7.5. Sampling ..............................................................................................................7-12
7.5.1. Measurement Operations..............................................................................7-12
7.5.2. Determination of GFLAGs (HPIR Only).....................................................7-13
7.5.3. Bagged Samples ...........................................................................................7-15
7.6. Data Reduction ....................................................................................................7-18
7.6.1. Accuracy Specification ................................................................................7-18
7.6.2. Standard Calibration.....................................................................................7-18
7.6.3. Carbon Correction ........................................................................................7-18
7.6.4. Forms for Calibration Constants ..................................................................7-19
7.7. Verification ..........................................................................................................7-20
7.7.1. “Advanced…” Button ..................................................................................7-20
7.7.2. Entry of Calibration Constants.....................................................................7-23
7.7.3. Verification of Calibration ...........................................................................7-24
7.8. Verification of Sheet Temperature Insensitivity..................................................7-26

P/N 4601xxxx v
Contents Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

8. Dynamic Calibration......................................................................................................8-1
8.1. Nominal Dynamic Correction Constants...............................................................8-1
8.2. Terminology...........................................................................................................8-2
8.3. Dynamic Sampling ................................................................................................8-4
8.3.1. Reel Sampling Procedure ...............................................................................8-4
8.3.2. Sampling for Medium and Heavy Weight Grades .........................................8-5 Equipment Required...........................................................................8-5 Sampling Procedure for Medium and Heavy Grades.........................8-6 Weighing and Drying Medium and Heavy Grade Samples...............8-8
8.3.3. Sampling for Tissue and Toweling Grades ..................................................8-10 Equipment Required.........................................................................8-10 Tissue and Toweling Sampling Procedure.......................................8-10 Reel Sampling Procedure for Toweling and Tissue.........................8-12 Weighing and Drying of Toweling and Tissue ................................8-14
8.4. Dynamic Correction.............................................................................................8-16
8.5. Z-Correction and Dirt Correction ........................................................................8-17
8.5.1. Z (Gap) Correction .......................................................................................8-17 Nominal Correction..........................................................................8-17 Sampling...........................................................................................8-18 Data Reduction.................................................................................8-19
8.5.2. Dirty Plate Correction ..................................................................................8-20 Nominal Correction..........................................................................8-21 Sampling...........................................................................................8-21 Data Reduction.................................................................................8-22
9. Da Vinci System Production Software .........................................................................9-1

A. Preparation of Static Moisture Samples ..................................................................... A-1
A.1. Equipment Required ............................................................................................. A-1
A.2. Dry Weight Determination ................................................................................... A-2
A.3. Sample Moisturizing............................................................................................. A-3
B. Preparation of Glass-Encased Samples....................................................................... B-1
C. Forms.............................................................................................................................. C-1

vi P/N 46019901
Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to enable Honeywell-Measurex field and factory
personnel to install, calibrate, and maintain the Precision Infrared (IR) Moisture
sensor on a Da Vinci™ System.

1.2. Scope
This manual covers both standard and high-power IR Moisture sensors. Table 1-1
shows the model numbers and head gap measurements for each type.

Table 1-1. Model Numbers and Head Gap Measurements

Marketing Hardware Standard/ Head Gap

Model No. Model No. High-Power Inch mm

4205-01 094205-01 Standard 0.2 or 0.4 5 or 10

4205-02 094205-02 High 0.2 or 0.4 5 or 10

1.3. Intended Audience

This guide is intended for use by technically oriented people who are involved
with the IR Moisture sensor as user, operators, field maintenance,
troubleshooting, designers, and developers.

P/N 46019901 1-1

Introduction Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

1.4. Related Reading

The following documents contain related reading material:

P/N Document Title

46000344* MOICAL-IR Moisture Sensor Calibration Utility

46018100 Precision Platform Installation and Setup Manual
46018200 Da Vinci System Installation and Setup Manual
46020000 Da Vinci Operator’s Manual

* Contains a DOS-executable program for IBM PC-compatible

computers that may be used in conjunction with the Precision
Infrared (IR) Moisture Measurement User’s Manual for data
reduction in static calibrations.

1.5. About This Manual

Chapter 1, Introduction, includes the purpose and scope of the manual, the
intended audience, related reading material, the conventions used, and an
overview of the Precision IR Moisture sensor installation procedure.

Chapter 2, Sensor Description, describes the sensor and its specifications.

Chapter 3, Software Description, provides the calibration equations and

calibration constants.

Chapter 4, Hardware Alignment, contains the hardware alignment procedures.

Chapter 5, Maintenance, contains troubleshooting procedures.

Chapter 6, Static Calibration, contains the static calibration procedures.

Chapter 7, Da Vinci System Maintenance/Calibration Software, describes the

IR Moisture sensor maintenance/calibration software used on the Da Vinci

Chapter 8, Dynamic Calibration, contains the dynamic calibration procedures.

Chapter 9, Da Vinci System Production Software, explains how to perform a

dynamic calibration of the IR Moisture sensor using the RAE software.

Appendix A, Preparation of Static Moisture Samples, describes the equipment

required and the procedure to follow to prepare a static moisture sample.

1-2 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Introduction

Appendix B, Preparation of Glass-Encased Samples, explains the steps

necessary to verify sheet temperature independence.

Appendix C, Forms, contains forms for use in sample preparation and calibration.

1.6. Conventions
The following conventions are used in this manual:

Courier New 10 pt User commands and typed entries are shown in this
or 11 pt Bold special type.

Courier New 10 pt System responses are shown in this special type.

or 11 pt Regular

Italics In a command line or error message, words and

numbers shown in italics represent filenames,
words, or numbers that can vary; for example,
filename represents any filename.

In text, manual titles are shown in italics.

Times New Roman In text, boldface is used for key terms, button
12 pt Bold names, menu and screen selections, and emphasis.

UPPERCASE In a command line, words in uppercase letters are

filenames or words that must be entered exactly as
they appear in the command line.

lowercase In an error message, words in lowercase letters are

filenames or words that can vary.

In a command line, words in lowercase letters

indicate variable Input.

Key-1 In text, names of keys are written with initial caps;

for example, Tab.

[Key-1] In command lines, names of keys are enclosed with

square brackets and written with initial caps; for
example, [Tab].

P/N 46019901 1-3

Introduction Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

[Key-1]-[Key-2] Keys pressed simultaneously are shown separated

by a hyphen; for example, [Ctrl]-[C].

[Key-1], [Key-2], [Key-3] Keys pressed in sequence are shown separated by

commas; for example, [Alt], [F], [A].

[] In command lines, square brackets signify that the

content is optional.

<> Angle brackets enclose commands and parameters

used to construct diagnostic command lines.

\ or / A slash or backslash precedes a directory

specifier; for example, /DATA or \DATA.

1.7. Installation Procedure

Before installing a Precision Infrared (IR) Moisture sensor, you should read
this manual, paying special attention to Chapter 2, “Sensor Description,” and
Chapter 4, “Hardware Alignment.” To install the sensor, do the following:

1. Check the calibration constant table in the maintenance frame or

production frame for a given code that matches that on the calibration data
sheets provided with the system. (Refer to Section 3.5, “Calibration

2. Check the source alignment for standard power sensors. (Refer to

Section 4.1, “Standard Power Source Assembly.”) For HPIR sensors,
refer to Section 4.2, “HPIR Source Assembly Alignment.”

3. Check the receiver alignment. (Refer to Section 4.3.1, “Backplane

Assembly, Type II;” Section 4.3.2, “Temperature Control Board;” and
Section 4.3.4, “Fastcard Board.”)

4. Verify the static calibration samples. (Refer to Section 6.6,


5. Recalibrate as needed. (Refer to Section 6.7, “Recalibration.”)

1-4 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Introduction

6. Enable Z-Correction and enter the appropriate Z-Correction calibration

constants. (Refer to Section 8.3, “Z-Correction and Dirt Correction.”)

7. Check to see if Dirt Correction is needed. If so, enable Dirt Correction

and enter the appropriate Dirt Correction calibration constants. (Refer to
Section 8.5, “Z-Correction and Dirt Correction.”)

8. Enter nominal Dynamic Correction calibration constants. (Refer to

Section 8.1, “Nominal Dynamic Correction Constants.”)

9. Perform dynamic calibration. (Refer to Chapter 8, “Dynamic


P/N 46019901 1-5

Introduction Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

1-6 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Sensor Description

2. Sensor Description

2.1. General
IR moisture sensors use the strong and very specific absorption by water of
infrared radiation at a wavelength of 1.9 microns to provide a measurement of the
amount of water in paper or other materials.

The Precision IR Moisture sensors are 3-channel transmission sensors that

measure the water weight and percent moisture when operated in conjunction
with a nuclear Basis Weight sensor. The source and receiver hardware are
mounted on 6-inch-by-6-inch baseplates for assembly into PrecisionPak and
PrecisionPak 6 heads. Section 5.6, “Replacement of Quartz-Teflon Plates,” gives
the complete cross-section view of the Standard Power sensor and the HPIR
sensor mounted in a PrecisionPak head.

2.1.1. Standard Power Source

The standard power source employs a long-life halogen 20W 6V lamp
(39000201) powered by a DC-DC converter on a printed circuit board (PCB)
(05333000), and is underrun at 4.4V. An elliptical reflector focuses the light at
the 570 Hz tuning fork chopper (29000152). A tuning fork driver circuit
(05341600) drives the fork and sends its timing signal to the receiver. There it is
used in the demodulation of the received signal to make the sensor insensitive to
ambient light.

2.1.2. High-Power Source

The high-power source uses the same 20W halogen lamp (39000201) and DC-DC
converter board (05333000) as the standard power source, but it uses a low-
frequency (170 Hz) chopper wheel powered by a motor (35000081) and Motor
Controller board (05421400). The light modulation phase is monitored by a
Single-Sided Detector board (05340900) and the Sync Generator/Lamp
Modulator board (05341000). An elliptical reflector focuses the light through the
chopper wheel aperture onto the sensor window. A low-wavelength blocking
filter blocks the visible light to minimize heating of the sheet.

P/N 46019901 2-1

Sensor Description Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

2.1.3. INFRAND Optics

The sensor employs 2 flat quartz-Teflon diffusing reflector plates (08607800 or
08607801 Standard Power; 08607801 upper and 08632100 lower HPIR) with a
single-source aperture and two receiver apertures offset 2 inches in the machine
direction. Light that passes from the source to the receiver and is not scattered by
the sheet enters the straight-through aperture directly above the source aperture.
Light that is scattered by the sheet makes multiple passes through the sheet and
enters the receiver optics via the offset aperture. For very light sheets, the average
number of passes may be as high as 10; for very heavy sheets, the average number
of passes is slightly more than one. This increased sensitivity to light sheets
compensates for the strong scattering of light from fibers which increases the path
length inside heavy sheets and thus increases sensitivity in heavy sheets. This
offset optics is called INFRAND for INfinite RANDom scattering optics. Past
models based on INFRAND optics have been shown to have excellent
independence of basis weight and sheet composition. The straight-through optics
added in InfrandPLUS is further used to compensate for scattering effects and to
give even greater independence of sheet composition.

InfrandPLUS employs quartz-Teflon diffusing reflector plates specially

constructed for high signal transmission and independence of sheet pass line and
flutter. Advanced Optically Tuned versions of these plates (08607801 and
08632100) with black borders on 3 sides have been available since October, 1993.
These plates minimize the dynamic offset (see Section 8.1, “Nominal Dynamic
Correction Constants”).

2.1.4. Receiver Optics

The light that reaches the offset aperture in the receiver window passes to a light
pipe (00300000), is collected by a lens (38000001) mounted in the lower body
optics block (07631900), and is collimated into a parallel beam. The beamsplitter
(38000172) mounted in the upper body (07631600) transmits about 60% to the
REF channel filter and detector, reflecting about 30% to the MES channel filter
and detector.

The light that reaches the straight-through aperture in the receiver window passes
to a second light pipe (00300000), is collected by a second lens (38000001)
mounted in the lower body, is collimated into a second parallel beam, and is
attenuated by a neutral density filter (38000222), also mounted in the lower body.
A second beamsplitter in the second upper body reflects about 30% to the 3RD
channel filter and detector, and transmits about 60% to a mirror assembly. On
InfrandPLUS sensors with the Opacity sensor, the mirror assembly is replaced by
the Opacity filter and detector.

2-2 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Sensor Description

The InfrandPLUS HPIR includes 2 flags: one for offset optics and one for
straight-through optics. The flags are inserted by a single-contact output. They
are used to attenuate the light during Background and Standardize, and for
onsheet and sample measurement on lighter paper grades. In these situations,
without the flags the light would be too intense and the electronics would saturate.

2.1.5. Receiver Electronics

The IR for each channel is detected by a PbS photoconductive detector and
amplified in the Fast PbS Detector Assembly (08631800) or PbS Detector
Assembly (08578800). Each channel is further amplified by a Fastcard PCBA
(05413200) and demodulated using the phase signal from the source, resulting in
a 0–10 VDC signal for reading. The PbS detector contains a thermistor and a
Peltier cooler which, along with the Temperature Control PCBA (05298102),
maintain the detector temperature at a few degrees above freezing. This increases
sensitivity, reduces noise, and decreases sensitivity to temperature, while the
accurate temperature control (r0.005qC) maintains accurate sensitivity to the IR
signal. All of these elements are supported by the Unigauge Backplane, Type II
(05401100), which passes the various signals and voltages to the other
components and houses the DC-DC converters (r15V, 8V, and 250V) used to
power the electronics.

2.1.6. Filter Selection

The 3 IR bandpass filters for the 3 channels are chosen according to the
application. The wavelengths and functions are given in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. Wavelengths and Functions

Channel Wavelength Function

REF 1.8 microns Correction for effect of basis weight, dirt, drift, etc.
MES 1.9 microns Measurement of absorption by water
3RD 1.8 microns Straight-through signal providing optical
compensation for sheet-scattering

P/N 46019901 2-3

Sensor Description Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Sheet temperature influences all IR moisture sensors to some degree because the
absorption spectrum of water shifts with temperature. The shift results from the
fact that water molecules tend to group together, and the number of molecules in a
group influences the absorption spectrum of the molecules. At higher
temperatures, fewer molecules group together, causing the absorption to shift to
lower wavelengths. InfrandPLUS minimizes the sheet temperature effect by
carefully balancing the REF and MES filters.

2.2. Specifications

Model Numbers and Basis Weight Ranges

Table 2-2 shows the model numbers and their basis weight ranges for clean furnish.

Table 2-2. Model Numbers and Basis Weight Ranges

for Clean Furnish

Marketing Hardware Standard/ Basis Wt. Range

Model No. Model No. High Power gsm lbs/1000 ft2

4205-01 094205-01 Standard 450 92

4205-02 094205-02 High 750 155

The High Power Sensor is recommended for maximum basis weight of 400 to 750 gsm. The
INFRAND VI High Power Sensor (092235-07) may be used for 750 to 1000 gsm. For furnish
containing elemental carbon from recycle or as a pigment, or iron oxide as a pigment, the basis
weight range may be further reduced. For high carbon content, the range may be reduced to
only half those given here. Samples should be submitted to the Honeywell-Measurex
Marketing Dept. for an evaluation if the choice of sensor is uncertain.

Moisture Range
The standard ranges are 2 to 10% or 12% moisture. Higher ranges are special and they will
further restrict the basis weight range and degrade the accuracy. Any range of 10% up to a
maximum moisture level of 30% is possible.

Equivalent to 2•Sigma = r0.05% moisture on the internal optical standard.
2•Sigma = r0.1% moisture on stirred bagged samples. (Note that, if heated, moisture in a
sample may redistribute, thereby degrading repeatability.)

2-4 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Sensor Description

Static Accuracy
2•Sigma = r0.25% for well-made bagged calibration samples. When elemental carbon or iron
oxide is present, accuracy may be degraded to 2•Sigma d r0.50%. Above 12% moisture,
accuracy is also degraded to 2•Sigma = r0.02•Sheet Moisture, or in the presence of carbon,
2•Sigma = (r0.02•Sheet Moisture + 0.25%). Note that this accuracy includes not only sensor
error, but also calibration, sampling, and lab errors.

Calibration Accuracy
Mean Error d r0.10%

Dynamic Accuracy
The same as static accuracy for basis weights up to 300 gsm. Above that, the accuracy may be
degraded to 2•Sigma d r0.50% (or static accuracy, whichever 2•Sigma is higher) due to higher
process variations causing greater sampling errors. Note that this accuracy includes not only
sensor error, but also calibration, sampling, and lab errors.

Flutter Sensitivity
Full range less than 0.25% moisture (d r0.125%) as long as the sheet is not touching the
quartz window. When the sheet touches the window, the sensor deviation may reach ±0.15%.

Sensitivity to Basis Weight

Negligible for variations within a grade. Between grades, it is also usually negligible. Basis
weight sensitivity is normally removed in the calibration by the SingleCal correction.

Sensitivity to Coatings, Additives, and Furnish

Negligible for variations within a grade. Between grades, it is also usually negligible (rarely
more than r0.30%). Sensitivity to composition is normally removed in the calibration by
Optical Correction.

Carbon Effect
When used on paper containing elemental carbon (from recycle or added as a pigment), or on
paper containing iron oxide as a pigment, the sensor may read substantially low if not
corrected by Carbon Correction. Calibration of Carbon Correction is normally performed with
papers made with different levels of carbon or iron oxide.

Streak Sensitivity
For a Standard Power sensor, the full width at half maximum of the cross-direction sensitivity
profile is from 0.4 inch (1 cm) width in cross-direction. For a High Power sensor, this is
1 inch (2.5 cm).

P/N 46019901 2-5

Sensor Description Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Sample Averaging
70% of response is from 2 inches (5 cm) in machine direction.

Stratification Sensitivity
Negligible up to a basis weight of 200 gsm; less than r0.25% moisture beyond that.

Response Time
The response times and cutoff frequencies are given in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3. Response Times and Cutoff Frequencies

Fast Electronics Standard Electronics

(05413200, 08631800) (05298000, 08578800)

Response Cutoff Response Cutoff

Standard Power 2 msec 200 Hz 10 msec 16 Hz

HPIR 5 msec 70 Hz N/A N/A

Sensor Temperature Sensitivity

<0.1% moisture/10qF

Sheet Temperature Sensitivity

Sheet temperature dependence is less than ±0.003% moisture/qC.

Dynamic Moisture Loss

The flashoff (evaporation with accompanying heat loss) between the reel scanner and take-up
reel is normally corrected in the software with Dynamic Correction. A temperature loss of
23qF (12.8qC) is typically accompanied by a loss of 1% moisture due to flashoff. The typical
moisture loss for various products is presented in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4. Typical Product Moisture Loss

Product Moisture Loss

Tissue 1%
Newsprint 0.75%
Fine paper 0.5% to 0.75%
Board 0.25% to 0.5%

2-6 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Sensor Description

Sensor Window Cleanliness

The software contains the provision for correcting the effect of dirt buildup on the windows.
Without correction, the sensor will measure lower with increasing dirt levels. The amount of
dirt buildup is indicated by a decrease in the REF channel volts at Standardization relative to
those at calibration time (clean windows). The dirt effect depends on basis weight and the
calibration constants. Table 2-5 contains typical sensor errors for a 50% decrease in REF volts
if no Dirt Correction is used.

Table 2-5. Typical Sensor Errors

Without Dirt Correction

'M% for 50%

Product Attenuation

Tissue -0.8 to -1.1%

Newsprint -0.7 to -1%
Fine Paper -0.4 to -1%
Board -0.2 to -0.8%

Gap (Z) Sensitivity

The sensors may be used at either 0.4 inch (10 mm) or 0.2 inch (5 mm) gap; however,
changing the sensor gap from one configuration to another requires recalibration.
To correct for normal scanner gap variations, the software contains the provision for correcting
the moisture sensor reading using the Z-Sensor. The gap effect depends on the calibration
constant EEE (degree of correction for scattering power). If no Z-Correction is used, a
Z deviation of -0.05 inch (1.27 mm) will typically produce the moisture reading deviations
shown in Table 2-6.

Table 2-6. Typical Moisture Reading Deviations

Without Z-Correction

'M% for
EEE 'Z = -.05 Inch

0 +0.25%
0.25 +0.4%
0.5 +0.65%
0.8 +0.8%

P/N 46019901 2-7

Sensor Description Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

The sensor will read slightly low at the edge due to some light going around the sheet.
Typically, a sensor will read low by no more than 0.25% up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the edge
for fine paper. Tissue has less effect; board has somewhat more.

Power Requirements
Both heads require 24 VDC. The source dissipates about 20W; the receiver also dissipates
about 20W.

Scattering Parameter
InfrandPLUS sensors include the additional measurement of Scattering Parameter (also
called Scattering Coefficient) to indicate the power of the sheet to scatter light at 1.8 micron
wavelength. Due to lack of lab instruments to verify this measurement, no specifications for
its accuracy are currently available.

2-8 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Software Description

3. Software Description

The Precision IR Moisture sensor uses Real-Time Application Environment

(RAE) software on a Da VinciTM System.

3.1. Inputs and Outputs

There are 3 analog outputs to voltage, corresponding to the 3 channels: REF,
MES, and 3RD. The upper head provides one temperature output (TEMP) for an
ADC. There are 5 contact inputs (24 VDC relay or solenoid): DARK, GAIN1,
GAIN2, GAIN ATTENUATE, and FLAG. DARK zeroes the inputs from the
3 detectors to allow the software to read the offset due to the electronics for
subtraction from all subsequent readings. GAIN1 provides an analog gain of
about 2.85 to the 3 input signals. GAIN2 provides an analog gain of about 9.8 to
the 3 input signals. These gains are used to increase the signal levels for heavier
grades of paper. GAIN ATTENUATE reduces the voltage on the PbS detectors
and thus reduces the signals by about a factor of 10 to 20. GAIN ATTENUATE
is used to assist in measurement of the precise gains of the GAIN1 and GAIN2
functions during Background. In HPIR sensors, FLAG inserts a strongly
attenuating flag into each of the Receiver beams during Background, Standardize,
and Offsheet, and for some grades while measuring in Sample, Onsheet, and
Single Point modes.

3.2. Background
Background is scheduled periodically (typically every 8 to 24 hours) to measure
the dark offsets and analog gain factors for subsequent correction of the readings.
There are 4 phases to background, as shown in Table 3-1.

P/N 46019901 3-1

Software Description Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Table 3-1. Background Phases


Phase Contact Output Set Channels Reading in Volts

1 Read, Store dark offsets GAIN ATTEN Dark volt Dark volt Dark volt
FLAG (HPIR only)
2 Read Gain0 Phase FLAG (HPIR only)
(after Dark offset corrected)
3 Read Gain1 Phase GAIN1
FLAG (HPIR only) (after Dark offset corrected)
4 Read Gain2 Phase GAIN2
FLAG (HPIR only) (after Dark offset corrected)

The results from phases 2, 3, and 4 are combined to calculate the analog gains for
GAIN0, GAIN1, GAIN2, and GAIN3, respectively. These are typically 1, 2.85,
9.8, and about 28 on standard power sensors:

GAIN0 1 GAIN1 Gain1/Gain0 GAIN2 Gain2/Gain0



Thus, after dark offset correction the analog Gains for the respective phases are
calculated and stored for subsequent corrections like gain-compensated channel
ratios. These results are displayed in the sensor report of the Da Vinci System
when the background report is selected.

3-2 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Software Description


Gain1REF Gain1MES Gain13RD

Gain0REF Gain0MES Gain03RD

Gain2REF Gain2MES Gain23RD

Gain0REF Gain0MES Gain03RD




For an HPIR, this value is further multiplied by GFLAG for grades for which the
flag is selected to be out during onsheet measurements. (See Table 3-2.)

Table 3-2. Gain Factors in 3 Channels


0 1 1 1

The typical values of these gains are 1, 2.85, 9.8, and 28, respectively, for
Standard Power sensors.

These Gain factors are stored and used further in calculating the Gain
Compensated channel ratio of the REF, MES, and 3RD; hence the raw
ratios, RN and RN2, which will be explained in detail in Section 3.3,
“Reference/Standardize,” and Section 3.4, “Sample/Onsheet.”

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Software Description Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

3.3. Reference/Standardize
A Reference is manually requested, while a Standardize is scheduled periodically
during sensor scanning. Otherwise, these functions are identical: a reading is
taken on an empty gap to correct Sample and Onsheet readings for dirt buildup on
the sensor windows, electronic drift, lamp brightness changes, and so on. In the
HPIR sensor, the flags in the receiver assembly are inserted to prevent saturation
of the electronics.

After subtracting from the Dark volts, the reference (or standardize) measurement
will give the net open volts for the 3 channels. These net open volts are stored
and used in determining the gain-compensated channel ratios of REF, MES, and
3RD, which will be explained in Section 3.4, “Sample/Onsheet.”

The standardize ratios are also calculated from the net open volts for the
3 channels after correction with the dark offsets:


According to the gain selection, the analog REF gain factor (REFGR) is
calculated. For standard power IR, REFGR=GAINREF. On a Standard Power
sensor, the value of RFGR is 1 for GAIN0, about 2.85 for GAIN1, about 9.8 for
GAIN2, and about 28 for GAIN3. For an HPIR sensor, this value is further
multiplied by GFLAG for grades for which the FLAG is selected to be out during
Sample/Onsheet measurement. Here GFLAG is a calibration constant and is
equal to the attenuation factor of the offset optics flag. Thus, for HPIR:


This value is subsequently used in carbon correction and dirt correction.

The value DIRTY is calculated for subsequent use in Dirt correction. The
DIRTY calculations are defined as Ratios of time-zero REF to now REF, time-
zero MES to now MES, and time-zero 3RD to now 3RD, respectively.

In the following equation, T0 REF is a time-zero constant, which is the REF

channel measurement at the calibration time. The reference measurement thus
displays the open net volts of the 3 channels and the RS and RS2 ratios.


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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Software Description

The sensor report displays the Dark volts, the net open volts of the 3 channels,
and the ratios of the 3 channels to their time-zero calibration values respectively
when a reference report is requested. This ratio will be stored for subsequent use
in Dirt correction. It will also display the standardize ratios: RS and RS2.

The values of RS and RS2 are compared with their time-zero calibration values:
RS0 and RS20. If they drift by more than the allowed limits (default .05), an
error ordinal is set.

If ABS[RS-RS0] > ratio Drift limit or ABS[RS2-RS20] > ratio Drift limit,
an error message is printed.

3.4. Sample/Onsheet
The Sample and Onsheet readings involve several optional correctors. These
correctors can be enabled or disabled by choosing them in the recipe-based
options in both the Sensor Maintenance display and the Production display. A
sample operation request will display the measurement of the REF, MES, and
3RD channels in net volts. These measurements will be used to determine the
channel ratios of the RES, MES, and 3RD. Thus, the channel ratios of the REF,
MES, and 3RD are defined as follows:

Channel Ratio REF

Channel Ratio MES

Channel Ratio 3RD

Based on the GAIN selection, Gain-compensated channel ratios are further

computed as follows:

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio REF Channel Ratio REF x GAINREF

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio MES Channel Ratio MES x GAINMES
Gain Compensated Channel Ratio 3RD Channel Ratio 3RD x GAIN3RD

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The raw ratio is defined as:

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio MES

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio REF

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio 3RD

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio REF

The principal measurement comes from the ratio RN-1, which is proportional to
the water weight. To make the measurement more accurate under a wide variety
of conditions, correctors are applied sequentially. At each stage, a corrected Ratio
minus one is calculated and displayed on the Status frame. The final corrected
value is called RCOR-1; it is used to calculate the water weight. The calculations
for moisture are defined in the following sections.

3.4.1. Raw Ratios

For standard power, the raw ratios are:

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio MES

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio REF

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio 3RD

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio REF

REFSample REFSample
REFStandardize x REFGR REFStandardize x GAINREF

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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Software Description

On an HPIR for grades for which the flags are selected to be out during Sample,
Onsheet, and Single Point measurement, an additional correction is made to RN
and RN2 to correct for the effects of the flags.

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio MES

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio REF

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio 3RD

Gain Compensated Channel Ratio REF

GFLAG2 and GFLAG3 are calibration constants (see Section 7.5.2,

“Determination of GFLAGS (HPIR Only)).”

REFSample REFSample
REFStandardize x REFGR REFStandardize x GAINREF x GFLAG

3.4.2. Gap (Z) Correction

The INFRAND VI form for Z-Correction is:

RZ-1 = (RN-1) • [1+ZCR1 • (ZCR2+REFA) • (Zmm/ZmmST-1)]

RZ2-1 = (RN2-1) • [1+ZCR3 • (ZCR4+REFA) • (Zmm/ZmmST-1)]

The InfrandPLUS form for Z-Correction is:

RZ-1 = (RN-1) • [1+ZCR1 • (ZCR2+REFA) • (Zmm/ZmmTO-1)]

RZ2-1 = RN2 • [1+ZCR3 • (Zmm/ZmmST-1)] – 1

For the HP retrofit system and for the MXOpen system at Release 1.401 or later,
use the InfrandPLUS form.

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Software Description Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

3.4.3. Dirt Correction

The INFRAND VI form for Dirt Correction is:

(RD-1) = (RZ-1) • (1+KDTY • DIRTY • REFA)

(RD2-1) = (RZ2-1) • (1+KDT2 • DIRTY • REFA)

The InfrandPLUS form for Dirt Correction is:

RD-1 = (RZ-1) • (1+KDTY • DIRTY • REFA)

RD2-1 = RZ2 • (1+KDT2 • DIRTY • (1-REFA))-1

For the HP retrofit system and the MXOpen system at Release 1.401 or later, use
the InfrandPLUS form of the Dirt Corrections.

3.4.4. Optical (InfrandPLUS) Correction

The algorithm for Optical Correction is confidential. It uses the ratios RD and
RD2, the calibration constants EEE and FFF, and produces the ratio RT.

3.4.5. HiCurve Correction

ª RT º
RH - 1 « » -1
¬ (1  CURV x RT) ¼

3.4.6. SingleCal (Basis Weight) Correction

The algorithm for SingleCal Correction is confidential. It uses the ratio RH, the
basis weight in gsm, the calibration constants BBB and CCC, and produces the
ratio RS-1. The calibration constants FFF and BWMIN are no longer used for

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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Software Description

3.4.7. Low Curve Correction

The Low Curve (Breakpoint) correction is used in a few low moisture
applications. If RS<RBRAK (the breakpoint), then:

RL - 1 RS - -1

3.4.8. Carbon Correction

The algorithm for Carbon Correction is confidential. It uses the ratios RL-1 and
REFA, the basis weight in gsm, the calibration constants C2, C3, and GGG, and
produces the ratio RK-1. The final corrected ratio is:

RCOR-1 = RK-1

3.4.9. Water Weight

The water weight in gsm is calculated as:


3.4.10. Static Percent Moisture

The static percent moisture is calculated as MSTAT = 100 • WW/BW, where BW
is the basis weight in gsm. During Sample mode, this is the entered basis weight
target; onsheet, it is the current slice value. MSTAT is the percent moisture value
reported in the Sample mode.

3.4.11. Dynamic Percent Moisture

Onsheet there is also the Dynamic Correction for flashoff (evaporation) from the
sheet between the scanner and the reel:


where TEESH is the temperature value from the Sheet Temperature sensor or
from the Air Gap Temperature sensor.

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Software Description Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

3.4.12. Scattering Parameter

InfrandPLUS includes a measurement of Scattering Parameter. This uses the
offset and straight-through ratios with moisture corrections:

1  MCOF x RN - 1

RN2 x >1  MCST x RN - 1 @


The Scattering Ratio and Scattering Power are calculated:

RST - 1


The Scattering Parameter is:


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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Software Description

3.5. Calibration Constants

3.5.1. Time-Zero (Calibration Time) Constants

Table 3-3 shows the time-zero moisture calibration constants determined in the
factory from empty-gap Standardize or Reference. These are typical values for
the Standardize measurements. They should also be checked and redetermined in
the field at installation or when the sensor is aligned or repaired.

Table 3-3. Time-Zero Moisture Calibration Constants

Name Typical value Description

T0 REF 7.0 to 8.0V REF net volts at time zero

T0 MES 7.0 to 8.0V MES net volts at time zero
T0 3RD 7.0 to 8.0V 3RD net volts at time zero
RS0 1.00 r 0.07 Standardize ratio of REF/MES
at time zero
RS20 1.00 r 0.07 Standardize ratio of REF/3RD
at time zero
GFLAG 20 r 2 FLAG Attenuation (HPIR)
GFLAG2 1.00 r 0.1 FLAG Corrector (HPIR)
GFLAG3 1.00 r 0.1 FLAG Corrector (HPIR)

P/N 46019901 3-11

Software Description Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

3.5.2. Static Moisture Calibration Constants

Table 3-4 shows the static moisture calibration constants determined in the
factory calibration. Normally, only AAA and DDD should be redetermined in the

Other calibration constant changes require use of the MOICAL calibration utility.
Refer to the MOICAL-IR Moisture Sensor Calibration Utility (P/N 46000344).

Table 3-4. Static Moisture Calibration Constants

Name Range Description

AAA 0.5 to 20 Water weight slope

DDD r10 Water weight intercept
BBB r0.01 SingleCal primary corrector
CCC r100 SingleCal secondary corrector
CURV r0.3 HiCurve Correction
EEE 0 to 0.5 Std Pwr Optical Correction primary corrector
0 to 0.8 HPIR
FFF r1 Optical Correction secondary corrector
C3 20 to 200 Carbon Correction scale factor
C2 -1000 to 200 Carbon Correction basis weight offset
GGG 0 to 1.25 Carbon Correction primary corrector

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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Software Description

3.5.3. Scattering Parameter Default Constants

Table 3-5 shows the default calibration constants normally used for the Scattering
Parameter measurement.

Table 3-5. Scattering Parameter Default Calibration Constants

Name Function Value

ASD Slope 35,000

DSD Offset 0 for tissue
0.144 for all but tissue
ESD Exponent 0.75
MCOF Moi Corrector 0
MCST Moi Corrector 0

3.5.4. Correctors Determined On-Site

Table 3-6 shows the calibration constants normally determined or entered on-site.

Table 3-6. Calibration Constants Entered On-Site

Name Default Description

DMBE 0 Dynamic intercept corrector

DMAE 1 Dynamic slope corrector
KAYE 0 Dynamic temperature corrector
T0SH 100qF Temperature at static cal
(Dynamic temp)
ZCR1 0 Z-correction for RN
ZCR2 0 Z-correction for RN
ZCR3 0 Z-correction for RN2
ZCR4 0 Z-correction for RN2 (unused in
KDTY 0 Dirt correction for RN
KDT2 0 Dirt correction for RN2

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Software Description Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Recommended values for dynamic correctors can be found in Section 8.1,

“Nominal Dynamic Correction Constants.”

Recommended values for Z-Correction can be found in Section 8.5.1,

“Z (Gap) Correction.”

Recommended values for Dirt-Correction can be found in Section 8.5.2,

“Dirty Plate Correction.”

If there is enough dirt buildup on the quartz plates to significantly reduce the volts
on the offset optics channels REF and MES, then RS2 may be lowered also and
go out of limits. In this case, you should clean the plates more often and, if
necessary, increase the tolerance for the limit check on RS2. To change it in the
RAE software, perform the following steps:

1. Select the SETUP button on the Horizontal Dispatcher.

2. Select Recipe Maintenance.

3. Under MAIN CODE TABLE, select the MOIP11 Limit Table.

4. In the MOIP11 Limit Table, change the value of MOIP11 Corr TO

CH DRF Lim and save it. (The default value of this tolerance is 0.1.)

3-14 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Hardware Alignment

4. Hardware Alignment

For hardware alignment, you will need the following:

x A digital voltmeter with 2 clip leads

x An oscilloscope with 2 probes

x An Alignment Record Sheet

An Alignment Record Sheet is provided with each sensor to record the relevant
alignment data. At the completion of each section in this chapter, you should
record the data specified on the record sheet. For the Standard Power sensor, the
record sheet is provided as page 1 of P/N 42000852; for an HPIR, the record sheet
is P/N 42000859.

4.1. Standard Power Source Assembly

The schematic for the Standard Power Source Assembly is shown in Figure 4-1.

4.1.1. Power Supply Adapter Board (05333000)

Check that the input voltage is 24 ± 0.5 VDC at TB1-2 (+24V) and TB1-1 (Gnd).
Check that the lamp power is 4.4 ± 0.2 VDC at TB1-4 (+) and TB1-3 (RTN). The
layout of the Power Supply Adapter board (used in both Standard Power and
HPIR sources) is shown in Figure 4-2. Record the input voltage and lamp voltage
on the Alignment Record Sheet.

P/N 46019901 4-1

Hardware Alignment Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Figure 4-1. Standard Power Source Assembly Schematic

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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Hardware Alignment

Figure 4-2. Power Supply Adapter Board

4.1.2. Tuning Fork Driver Board (05341600)

The layout and a block schematic of the Tuning Fork Driver board are shown in
Figure 4-3. The R1 Gain pot attenuates the input signal from the tuning fork,
which is then pre-amplified and appears at TP5. This signal is then attenuated by
an AGC circuit which is controlled by a comparison of its output with a reference
to hold the amplitude at TP5 constant. The result is amplified by a push-pull
amplifier and fed to the drive coil of the fork. The TP5 signal is also used to
generate a square wave for the phase signal sent to the Receiver Assembly. R2
adjusts the bias of the AGC circuit. An auxiliary circuit boosts the gain of the
pre-amp when the fork is not vibrating.

P/N 46019901 4-3

Hardware Alignment Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Figure 4-3. Tuning Fork Driver Board Alignment Check

Power up the sensor. Connect a voltmeter to TP6 (+) and TP2 (-), and an
oscilloscope with probes to TP5 and TP3 with ground to TP1. There should be a
12V peak-to-peak sine wave on TP5, and a 4 to 16V peak-to-peak sine wave on
TP3. TP6 should be in the range from -0.3 to +0.1 VDC. The Phase Reference
signal should appear on TP4 as a 6V peak-to-peak signal with a frequency of
570 ± 20 Hz. If all of these conditions are satisfied, you may record the
TP6 voltage on the Alignment Record Sheet and proceed to align the receiver
(see Section 4.3, “Receiver Assembly Alignment.”) Alignment: Obtain Stable Oscillation

Power up the sensor. If, or when, the fork vibrates cleanly, proceed to the next
section. If there is no vibration, turn R1 counterclockwise (CCW) until the fork
starts vibrating. If it fails to start with R1 fully CCW, turn R2 clockwise (CW)
until the fork oscillates. If the fork vibrates but chatters, turn R1 CCW until the
chattering stops. If it still chatters, turn R2 CW until it stops.

4-4 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Hardware Alignment Adjust Maximum Amplitude

Connect a voltmeter to TP6 (+) and TP2 (-), and an oscilloscope with probes to
TP5 and TP3 with ground to TP1. There should be a 12V peak-to-peak sine wave
on TP5, and a 4 to 16V peak-to-peak sine wave on TP3.

Turn both R1 and R2 fully CCW. TP6 should be in the range from
-1 to -10 VDC.

Turn R1 CW while watching the voltmeter. Note the voltage at which the fork
begins to chatter.

Turn R1 back CCW until the chattering stops, then turn R1 CW again until the
meter reads 0.25 to 0.5V lower than the voltage at which chattering starts.

Now adjust R2 until the meter reads -0.2 to 0V.

Adjust R1 until the meter reads 0.2 to 0.3V, then adjust R2 to bring it back to
-0.2 to 0V. Repeat adjusting these two pots until the fork begins to chatter.

Turn R1 slowly CCW until the chattering stops, then CW until the meter reads
-0.25 ± 0.1V. Finally, adjust R2 until the meter reads 0 ± 0.1V. The Phase
Reference signal should appear on TP4 as a 6V peak-to-peak signal with a
frequency of 570 ± 20 Hz. Test for Clean Start

Power down, wait a few seconds, and then power up again. The fork should start
up quickly and cleanly. If there is any tendency to chatter, turn R1 CCW to
reduce the TP6 voltage by 0.2 ± 0.1V, and then R2 to bring it back to 0V.

As the fork heats up, the voltage on TP6 will increase
about 0.2V and the fork may chatter. For this reason,
it is good practice to make a final adjustment when
the sensor is at temperature. If time does not permit
a warm-up period, make a final adjustment on R1 to
make TP6 read -0.2 ± 0.1V to allow for warm-up.

Record the TP6 voltage on the Alignment Record Sheet.

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Hardware Alignment Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

4.2. HPIR Source Assembly Alignment

Figures 4-4 to 4-8 pertain to the High Power Source Assembly (08628700). The
HPIR Source Assembly schematic is shown in Figure 4-4.

4.2.1. HPIR Source Backplane (05341100)

The layout of the HPIR Source Backplane board is shown in Figure 4-5. Check
that the lamp is on and the chopper wheel is spinning. Check for 24 ± 0.5V at
TB1-1 (+24) and TB1-2 (RTN) on the Backplane.

4.2.2. Power Supply Adapter Board (05333000)

Check that the input voltage is 24 ± 0.5 VDC at TB1-2 (+24V) and TB1-1 (Gnd).
Check that the lamp power is 4.4 ± 0.2 VDC at TB1-4 (+) and TB1-3 (RTN). The
board layout is shown in Figure 4-2. Record the input voltage and lamp voltage
on the Alignment Record Sheet.

4.2.3. Sync Generator/Lamp Modulator Board (05341000)

The layout of the HPIR Sync Gen/Lamp Modulator board is shown in Figure 4-6.
Connect the oscilloscope probes to TP3 and TP4 with TP5 as ground. TP3 should
give a clean square wave, which indicates clear detection of the chopper wheel
position by the Single-Sided Detector (05340900). The layout of the HPIR
Single-Sided Detector board is shown in Figure 4-7. TP4 should give narrow
clock pulses generated from the small holes in the wheel. Amplitudes should be
about 9V. If the signals are not clean or of adequate magnitude, adjust the
3 spring-loaded mounting screws on the Single-Sided Detector to correct the

TP2 should give a clean square wave of 10V amplitude. The frequency should be
170 Hz (period 5.88 ms). If necessary, adjust the pot on top of the Motor
Controller board (05421400). The layout of the HPIR Motor Controller board is
shown in Figure 4-8.

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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Hardware Alignment

Figure 4-4. HPIR Source Assembly Schematic

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Hardware Alignment Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Figure 4-5. HPIR Source Backplane Board

Figure 4-6. HPIR Sync Gen/Lamp Modulator Board

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Figure 4-7. HPIR Single-Sided Detector Board

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Figure 4-8. HPIR Motor Controller Board

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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Hardware Alignment

4.3. Receiver Assembly Alignment

Figures 4-9 to 4-14 pertain to the Receiver Assembly (08617400 Standard Power;
08628600 HPIR). Figure 4-9 is the assembly schematic. Figure 4-10 summarizes
the test points.

4.3.1. Backplane Assembly, Type II (05401100)

The Backplane Assembly, Type II, is shown in Figure 4-11. Check the input
voltage at the 2 pins of the DC-DC converter at the front of the Backplane. It
should read 24 ± 0.5V. Record the voltage on the Alignment Record Sheet.

Check the +8 VDC between TP3 on the Temperature Control board (05298101)
and ground TP1 on the Backplane. It should read 8.0 ± 0.5 VDC. Record the
voltage on the Alignment Record Sheet.

Check the 250 ± 5V between TP8 (the protected red test point) and TP1.
Record the voltage on the Alignment Record Sheet.

Check the ±15V by removing the Temp board and the first 2 Fastcard boards,
and testing the +15 and -15 indicated outputs from the middle DC-DC converter
(PS2, 40000303), using TP1 as ground. Replace the boards in their appropriate
slots. Record the voltage on the Alignment Record Sheet.

4.3.2. Temperature Control Board (05298102)

With this board and all 3 Detector Preamps plugged in, check the voltages
supplied to the 3 Peltier coolers. They should be between 0.4 and 0.8 VDC:

A (REF) channel, TP3(+) to TP4

B (MES) channel, TP7(+) to TP8
C (3RD) channel, TP5(+) to TP6

Record the voltages on the Alignment Record Sheet.

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Hardware Alignment Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Figure 4-9. IR Receiver Assembly Schematics

4-12 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Hardware Alignment

Fastcard Board

TP2 Preamp Signal
TP3 Amplified Signal
TP7A-TP7B Phase Signal
TP8 Added Phase Signal
TP9 Output
W1/W2, W3/W4, W7/W8, W9/W10
High/Low (Standard) Power
W5/W6 Phase A/B

Temperature Control Board

TP2 Sensor Temperature =15V
TP3-TP4 Cooler A, 0.4 to 0.8 VDC
TP4-TP5 A Control, >0.8 VDC
TP5-TP6 Cooler C, 0.4 to 0.8 VDC
TP6-TP7 C Control, >0.8 VDC
TP7-TP8 Cooler B, 0.4 to 0.8 VDC
TP8-Gnd B Control, >0.8 VDC

Figure 4-10. Receiver Test Points

P/N 46019901 (Rev. 7-24-2000) 4-13

Hardware Alignment Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Figure 4-11. Unigauge Backplane Board, Type II

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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Hardware Alignment

4.3.3. Sensor Temperature Output

If you need to check and adjust the sensor temperature output to an ADC, check
that there is a 10-kohm resistor at the computer across the ADC input. Remove
the first FCA board and read the voltage between TP1 and TP2 on the Temp
board. Adjust R14 until the voltage reading corresponds to the head temperature
(±5ºF or ±2.7ºC) using the table below:

TqF 59 62 65 68 71 74 77 80 83 86 89
TqC 15 16.7 18.3 20 21.7 23.3 25 26.7 28.3 30 31.7
VDC 2.24 2.08 1.94 1.80 1.68 1.57 1.46 1.36 1.27 1.18 1.10
TqF 92 95 98 101 104 107
TqC 33.3 35 36.7 38.3 40 41.7
VDC 1.03 0.96 0.90 0.835 0.78 0.73

Return the first FCA card to its slot.

4.3.4. Fastcard Board (05413200)

(Refer back to Figure 4-10. Follow the procedure described below for all
3 boards.)

There are 5 jumpers on the Fastcard board. Four of the jumpers are labelled H/L,
and they govern the frequency response. These should be in the L position for
Standard Power sensors and in the H position for HPIRs. The fifth jumper is
labelled A/B and it governs the phase delay. Normally, this should be on A, but it
may need to be switched to B for HPIRs to adjust the phase.

Check the output of the Detector Preamp by connecting the oscilloscope probe to
TP2 (signal) and TP1 (Gnd) of the Fastcard. Connect the voltmeter to TP9(+) and
TP1(Gnd). The signal should be a 570 Hz or 170 Hz (HPIR) sine wave of
amplitude between 0.3 and 3V peak-to-peak. Check this for all 3 channels. If the
signal is greater than 3V, select a lower gain on the Preamp by changing the
jumper selection on the Fast Preamp board in the Fast PbS Detector Preamp.
(See Figure 4-12.) If the signal is less than 0.3V, select a higher gain by changing
the jumper selection on the Preamp. There are 3 jumper-selectable gains; their
exact values depend on the revision of the assembly.

P/N 46019901 4-15

Hardware Alignment Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

W1 = High Gain
W2 = Medium Gain

Neither W1 nor W2 =Low Gain

Figure 4-12. PbS Detector Assembly

Connect the oscilloscope probe to TP7A and adjust R1 to bring the meter reading
into the range from 4 to 8 VDC.

Adjust R2 to balance the phase. (See Figure 4-13.)

Adjust the source lamp position as needed to maximize all 3 signals without
overloading any channel with too much signal. No channel (including Opacity,
when present) should have more than 3V peak-to-peak with jumper-selected
lowest gain on the Preamp. To adjust the lamp position, loosen the screw holding
the lamp holder and move the lamp up and down to find the maximum signal.
Usually this occurs when the lamp is pushed almost all the way into the holder.
Back off the lamp if any signal is too high. Tighten the screw firmly.

Measure and record the TP2 peak-to-peak voltage for each channel (including
Opacity, if present) on the Alignment Record Sheet.

4-16 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Hardware Alignment

Fastcard Temp Fastcard Fastcard

REF Chan PCB MES Chan 3RD Chan

Detector Detector Detector

MES Chan REF Chan 3RD Chan

Figure 4-13. Standard Detector Location

Adjust R1 again to bring the meter reading to 7.5 ± 0.1 VDC. If it is not possible
to bring the meter reading to this level, select a different jumper on the Fast
Preamp board (05416900 in the Detector Preamp Assembly 08631800). (Refer to
Figure 4-10 for the layout of these boards.)

Perform the above checks for all 3 channels. Record the TP9 voltage on the
Alignment Record Sheet.

P/N 46019901 4-17

Hardware Alignment Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

The test points should be as shown in Table 4-1 (with TP1 as ground).

Table 4-1. Test Points for the Fastcard Board

Test Point Voltage

TP2 0.3 to 3 VAC peak-to-peak

TP3 0.6 VAC peak-to-peak
TP5 1.2 VAC peak-to-peak
TP7A, TP7B 4V trough-to-peak half-sine wave
TP8 3.5V trough-to-peak both
half-sine waves
TP9 7.5 VDC

None of the AC signals should be clipped.

Activate the DARK relay by touching a clip lead between TP1 and the third
contact of the board in its socket, or by initiating a Background. The TP9
voltages should drop to 0.45 to 0.6V for the Fastcard.

4.3.5. Edge Detection

In a few systems, the IR sensor is used for detecting the edge of the sheet during
scanning. In such cases, a jumper on the Unigauge Backplane, Type II, is placed
into either W1, W2 (default), or W3 to select the channel (REF, MES, or 3RD,
respectively) from which the edge detect is taken.

To adjust the edge detection, bring a sheet of the paper (for example, the lightest
grade) into the gap so that its edge is at the cross-direction midpoint of the source
spot on the sensor window. Connect a voltmeter between TP7 (+) and TP1 (Gnd)
of the Unigauge Backplane. Adjust R23 so that TP7 is high (13 to 15 VDC) when
the sheet is out of the beam, and goes low (0 to 1 VDC) when the sheet passes the
middle of the beam.

4-18 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Hardware Alignment

4.3.6. Detector and Filter Locations

For the standard locations of the PbS Detector Assemblies for the 3 channels,
refer back to Figure 4-9. During installation, be sure to check the configuration
you have and note it on the figure for future reference.

Phasing adjustment can be done using TP7A and TP7B. If phasing is impossible
on Fastcard, change the selection on jumper W5. See Figure 4-14 for a phase
adjustment diagram.

Switching spikes will appear on some sensors.
Disregard their position and magnitude. If the sine
wave from the preamp is asymmetric, the balance
could be above or below ground (B1 or B3).

Figure 4-14. Phase Adjustment

P/N 46019901 4-19

Hardware Alignment Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Figure 4-15 shows the Standard Power sensor configuration.

Figure 4-15. Standard Power Sensor Configuration

4-20 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Hardware Alignment

Figure 4-16 shows the HPIR sensor configuration.

Figure 4-16. HPIR Sensor Configuration

P/N 46019901 4-21

Hardware Alignment Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

4-22 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Maintenance

5. Maintenance

5.1. Preventive Maintenance

Keep the sensor windows clean. Clean with a cloth or paper towels dipped in
methanol or isopropyl alcohol and wrapped on a thin stick.

The windows are made of thin quartz and
are fragile. Broken windows must be
replaced, and complete recalibration of the
sensor will be required.

Inspect the Daily Sensor Report each day to check for the level of dirt and any
indications of instability or failure. The RS2 Standardize ratio is particularly
sensitive to the dirt level. It may be necessary to increase the tolerance of the
ratio Drift limit on the drift check to prevent Bad Standardize alarms caused by
too much dirt buildup. This can be done as follows:

1. Choose the SETUP button from the horizontal dispatcher.

2. Select Recipe Maintenance.

3. Choose the MOIP11 limits table and increase the MOIP11 ratio Drift

P/N 46019901 5-1

Maintenance Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

5.2. Troubleshooting

5.2.1. Standard Power Sensors

Table 5-1 contains troubleshooting information for standard power sensors.

Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Standard Power Sensors

Symptom Check/Action Likely Cause

Lamp not lit. Check 24V and 4.4V on Power Lamp failure
Supply Adapter Board
05333000 failure
24V failure
Tuning Fork will not start or Replace Tuning Fork. Tuning Fork damage
will not stop chattering.
Replace Tuning Fork Driver Board 05341600 failure
No signal at TP2 on Fastcard. Check other channels. Failure of lamp, 05333000,
or 05341600
Check Backplane 250V, ±15V, 5V. Backplane failure
Swap PbS Detectors. PbS Detector failure
Fastcard cannot be Check Fastcard jumpers. Jumper set wrong
adjusted into phase.
Check Fast PbS Detector jumper. Jumper set wrong
Check Detector part numbers. 05413200 needs 05416900
Check Temp Board (05298102). Temp Board failure
Fastcard will not adjust Check TP2 > 0.3V pk-pk. Gain jumper on PbS
to 7.5V at TP9. Detector
set too low
Check Temp Board.
Temp Board failure
Swap Fastcard.
Fastcard failure
All 3 channels unstable. Check Temp Board. Temp Board failure
Replace Tuning Fork Driver Board 05341600 failure
Replace Tuning Fork. Tuning Fork unstable
One channel unstable. Check/Replace Temp Board. Temp Board failure
Swap PbS Detector Assy. Detector unstable
Swap Fastcard. Fastcard unstable

5-2 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Maintenance

5.2.2. HPIR Sensors

Table 5-2 contains troubleshooting information for HPIR sensors.

Table 5-2. Troubleshooting HPIR Sensors

Symptom Check/Action Likely Cause

Lamp not lit. Check 24V and 4.4V on Power Lamp failure
Supply Adapter Board
05333000 failure
24V failure
No phase square wave at Adjust Single-Sided Detector 05340900 needs adjustment
05341000 TP2. Board (05340900) to give clean
signals on 05341000 TP3 & TP4.
Check chopper motion/ Motor failure
Replace Motor.
Check chopper motion/ 05421400 failure
Replace Motor Controller Board
Replace Sync Gen/Lamp Mod 05341000 failure
Board (05341000).
Replace Single-Sided Detector 05340900 failure
Board (05340900).
No signal at TP2 on Fastcard. Check other channels. Failure of lamp, 05333000,
Check source. 05340900, 05341000, or
Check Backplane 250V, ±15V, Backplane failure
PbS Detector failure
Swap PbS Detectors.
Fastcard cannot be Check Fastcard jumpers. Jumper set wrong
adjusted into phase.
Check Fast PbS Detector Jumper set wrong
Must be 05413200 and
Check Fastcard/Detector 08631800
part numbers.
Temp Board failure
Check Temp Board (05298102).
Fastcard will not adjust Check TP2 > 0.3V pk-pk. Gain jumper on PbS Detector
to 7.5V at TP9. set too low
Check Temp Board. Temp Board failure
Swap Fastcard. Fastcard failure


P/N 46019901 5-3

Maintenance Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Table 5-2. Troubleshooting HPIR Sensors (Continued)

Symptom Check/Action Likely Causes

All 3 channels unstable. Check Temp Board. Temp Board failure

Check motor frequency constant Motor problem
on 05341000 TP2.
Adjust Single-Sided Detector 05340900 needs adjustment
Board (05340900) to give clean
signals on 05341000 TP3 & TP4.
Check flag in. Check Fastcards Fastcards may be saturated.
TP7AB & TP9.
One channel unstable. Check/Replace Temp Board. Temp Board failure
Check Fastcard TP7AB & TP9. Fastcard may be saturated
Swap PbS Detector Assy. Detector unstable
Swap Fastcard. Fastcard unstable

5.3. Part Numbers

5.3.1. Standard Power Sensors

The part numbers in Table 5-3 are provided for reference purposes. Items with an
asterisk are included in Spares Kit SP09420501.

Table 5-3. Part Number List for Standard Power Sensors

Part Number Name

05298102* Temperature Control Board

05333000 Power Supply Adapter Board
05341600* Tuning Fork Driver Board
05401100* Unigauge Backplane Type II
05413200* Fastcard Board (needed if 08631800 is used)
08607801* Quartz-Teflon Plate Assembly
08631800* Fast PbS Detector Assembly
or or
08578800 PbS Detector Assembly
39000201* Lamp
51000194 Fuse: 2 Amp, 3AG (on 05333000)
51000282* Fuse: 1.5 Amp Pico (on 05401100)

5-4 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Maintenance

5.3.2. HPIR Sensors

The part numbers in Table 5-4 are provided for reference purposes. Items with an
asterisk are included in Spares Kit SP09420502.

Table 5-4. Part Number List for HPIR Sensors

Part Number Name

05298102* Temperature Control Board

05333000* Power Supply Adapter Board
05340900* Single-Sided Detector Board
05341000* Sync Generator/Lamp Modulator Board
05341100* High-Power, Low-Frequency Source Backplane
05421400* Motor Controller Board
05401100* Unigauge Backplane, Type II
05413200* Fastcard Board
08607801 Quartz-Teflon Plate Assembly (upper)
08631800 Fast PbS Detector Assembly
08632100 HPIR Quartz-Teflon Plate Assembly (lower)
22000041 Solenoid
35000081 Motor
39000201* Lamp
51000194* Fuse: 2 Amp, 3AG (on 05333000)
51000282* Fuse: 1.5 Amp Pico (on 05401100)

P/N 46019901 5-5

Maintenance Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

5.4. Board Replacement Procedure

Printed circuit boards are not to be repaired in the field. Replace defective boards
and return them to Honeywell-Measurex for repair.

Wear a static electricity discharge band on your wrist and ground its wire.

Turn off head power before removing or inserting a board.

Exchange only one board at a time.

If a replacement board does not solve a problem, reinstall the original before

Set jumpers and/or switches of new boards exactly as positioned on the replaced

Tag the defective board (at the time you confirm that it is defective) with the
suspected trouble or symptom.

Handle boards by their edges or wear clean gloves. Do not touch edge connectors
on printed circuit boards.

5-6 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Maintenance

5.5. Alignment After Replacing Parts

Replacement of some parts requires realignment of other parts. (See Table 5-5.)

Table 5-5. Replaced Parts Requiring Realignment of Other Parts

Replaced Item Check/Section

Lamp (39000201) Lamp focus, gain, and phase of Fastcards (4.3.4)
Tuning Fork (Standard Power) Tuning Fork Driver Board (4.1.2);
(29000152) Gain and phase of Fastcards (4.3.4)
Tuning Fork Driver Board Section 4.1.2;
(Standard Power) (05341600) Gain and phase of Fastcards (4.3.4)
Power Supply Adapter Board Section 4.1.1.
Motor (HPIR) Motor frequency (4.2.3);
(35000081) Gain and phase of Fastcards (4.3.4)
Source Backplane (HPIR) None
Sync Gen/Lamp Mod Board Section 4.2.3;
(HPIR) (05341000) Gain and phase of Fastcards (4.3.4)
Motor Controller Board Section 4.2.3.
(HPIR) (05421400)
Single-Sided Detector Board Sync signals (4.2.3);
(HPIR) (05340900) Gain and phase of Fastcards (4.3.4)

Detector Preamp Peltier cooler voltages (4.3.2);
(05578800 or 08631800) Gain and phase of Fastcards (4.3.4)
Fastcard (05413200) Gain and phase of Fastcards (4.3.4)
Temp Control Board Peltier cooler voltages (4.3.2);
(05298102) Gain and phase of Fastcards (4.3.4);
Temperature output, if needed (4.3.3)
Unigauge Backplane Board Section 4.3.1;
(05401100) Gain and phase of Fastcards (4.3.4);
Edge detect, if used (4.3.5)

Quartz Plates:
(08607800, 08607801, 08632100) Gain of Fastcards (4.3.4);
Check static calibration (6.6)

P/N 46019901 5-7

Maintenance Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

5.6. Replacement of Quartz-Teflon Plates

InfrandPLUS sensors use composite Quartz-Teflon plates to create an optical
cavity around the sheet, requiring the light to make multiple passes through the
sheet to reach the offset optics detectors. Figure 5-1 shows a cross-section view
of the Standard Power sensor, and Figure 5-2 shows a cross-section view of the
HPIR sensor. The quartz is breakable, and the Teflon is porous and can become
filled with water; therefore, any cracked or broken plates should be replaced. In
addition, for early shipments of the sensor in PrecisionPak heads, the heads are
not sealed to prevent water that has filled the head from entering the plates. This
is another reason to always be careful in attaching water connections inside the
head. If a lower head has been flooded, it should be drained of water and dried
before turning it upside down and resting it on the sheet guide.

Figure 5-1. Cross-Section View of Standard Power Sensor Mounting

in PrecisionPak Head

5-8 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Maintenance

Figure 5-2. Cross-Section View of HPIR Sensor Mounting

in PrecisionPak Head

P/N 46019901 5-9

Maintenance Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

5.6.1. Checking for Water in Quartz-Teflon Plates

If water has entered a plate, the water will cause a very strong reduction in the
MES volts during Standardize/Reference and may be visible upon inspection.
You can check for and remove water as follows:

1. Perform a Reference to see if the MES volts are greatly reduced.

2. Split the heads.

3. Heat the central area of the Quartz-Teflon plate (3 inches long by 1 inch
wide or 7.5 cm by 2.5 cm) with a blow dryer to drive the water away.

You should observe some change in appearance.

4. Once the plate is hot, quickly put the heads back together and perform
several References.

The MES volts should have risen and will gradually fall as the plate cools
down and the moisture redistributes itself.

5.6.2. Removing the Plate and Checking the Seal in the

PrecisionPak Head
If it is necessary to replace a plate, check to see if the head is properly sealed to
prevent water from reaching the plate. Remove the plate using an Exacto knife to
cut the RTV around the edge and a screwdriver to pry it out. (See Figure 5-3.)
Clean the RTV off the sheet guide using the knife and screwdriver, followed by
alcohol and tissue. Then inspect the Light Pipe(s). If the head is sealed, the Light
Pipe should be sealed to the sheet guide with clear RTV. Next, remove the Light
Pipe, using a knife to cut away the RTV at the sheet guide and the RTV holding
the Light Pipe to the head platform. Now push the Light Pipe in either direction
to dislodge it. Clean away the RTV using a knife, followed by alcohol and tissue.
Check for sealing of the head by looking into the Light Pipe hole(s) from the
direction of the sheet guide to see if the foam insulation has been sealed with
white RTV.

5-10 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Maintenance

Figure 5-3. Orientation of Black-Border Quartz-Teflon Plates

on PrecisionPak Heads

5.6.3. Installing the Plate

The part numbers for materials needed to install the plate are listed in Table 5-6.

Table 5-6. Plate Installation Part Numbers

Upper Head Lower Head

Part No. Quantity Part No. Quantity

Plate 08607800 1 08607800

or or
08607801 08607801 1 (Std Pwr)
08632100 1 (HPIR)
Light Pipe 00300000 2 (Std Pwr) 00299900 1 (Std Pwr)
2 (Med Pwr) None
1 (HPIR) None None
White RTV 16000119 As required 16000119 As required
Clear RTV 16000001 As required 16000001 As required

P/N 46019901 5-11

Maintenance Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

The white RTV is needed only if the head has not been sealed. The 08607800 is
the fully white plate; the 08607801 and 08632100 are Optically Tuned black
border plates which minimize dynamic correction. It is generally advisable to
keep the same type of plate that you have in order to minimize recalibration.
Because of the consistency of manufacture of the plates, a sensor should not
normally require recalibration if the same type of plate is used in replacement.
Also if the decision is made to change to Optically Tuned plates, both plates must
be changed.

If the head has not been sealed, then seal the insulation inside the 2 holes using
white RTV. For Light Pipe holes, use a narrow syringe tip, or put some RTV on a
Q-Tip and wipe it on the insulation. Seal the face of the insulation, and also fill
the gap between the insulation and the head platform. Wipe away excess buildup
so that the Light Pipe will still fit in the hole. On the lower head, the second hole
has no Light Pipe. The plug in it should be removed and the hole plugged with
white RTV. Allow the white RTV to dry for at least 2 hours.

Mount the head with the sheet guide facing up. Insert the Light Pipe(s) into the
hole(s) so that they project about 0.25 inch (6 mm) at the sheet guide. Fill the
circular cavity around the Light Pipe(s) with clear RTV. Push the Light Pipe(s)
back in until they only project by about 0.125 inch (3 mm).

Without pausing, lay down a bead of clear RTV about 0.25 inch (6 mm) wide
around the inside of the rectangular recess for the plate. Place the Quartz-Teflon
plate into the recess, pushing against the RTV and Light Pipe(s) until the plate is
flush with the sheet guide. Optically Tuned plates should be mounted with the
white edges opposing: on the lower head, the white edge should be on the offset
optics side (nearer the sheet guide edge); on the upper head, the white edge should
be on the straight-through optics side (nearer the head center line). Make sure
that the Light Pipe(s) do not fall through. It may be helpful to gently restrain
them with masking tape and a ball of paper in the head (make sure the restraint
does not lift the plate). Using tissue and alcohol, wipe off any excess RTV
around the plate. Be sure the corner cavities are filled with RTV. Allow the RTV
to dry for at least 4 hours.

5-12 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Static Calibration

6. Static Calibration

This chapter describes all of the procedures for performing static calibration.
Normal installation requires only hardware checks (see Section 6.3, “Hardware
Checks”) and verification or recalibration (see Section 6.7, “Recalibration,” and
Section 6.8, “Measurement Operations”). Chapter 7, “Da Vinci System
Maintenance/Calibration Software,” describes in detail the Da Vinci software for
the static calibration.

If there is no static calibration, or if a change in grade structure occurs requiring a

complete new static calibration, refer to Sections 6.1 through 6.6.

Operation of the sample paddle and scanner buttons is described in Section 7.5.1,
“Measurement Operations.” During the operation of the sample paddle, make
sure that the slide plate is set to the "Moisture" position.

6.1. Sample Selection

6.1.1. Standard Sample Selection

Five moisturized samples of each grade are required for calibration (typically 2, 4,
6, 8, and 10% for reel scanners). Select 5 target moisture values spanning the
range needed.

If it is feasible, prepare samples for each grade; if not, a representative set of

grades should be selected (see Section 6.1.2).

If Carbon Correction is required, a 5.5-inch die should be used to eliminate light

leaks around the samples; otherwise, use a 4.5-inch die.

P/N 46019901 6-1

Static Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

6.1.2. Representative Grade Selection

If there are so many grades that it is impractical to moisturize samples for all of
them, select a set of grades that is representative in basis weight and composition.
For dry end sensors, it may be helpful to use the method of "Ambient Grade
Grouping," as follows:

1. For each grade, die out one sample and label it to indicate the grade.

2. Weigh each sample and calculate its basis weight:

Basis Weight in gsm = Weight in grams • Conversion Factor;

Conversion Factor = 97.46 for 4.5-inch samples,

65.24 for 5.5-inch samples.

3. Perform a Reference on the sensor with the sample paddle in the gap.

4. Using the sample paddle, measure each sample on the sensor.

(See Chapter 7, “Da Vinci System Maintenance/Calibration Software.”)

5. Plot the sensor ratio RN-1 (vertical) vs. basis weight using symbols to
identify the grades.

6. Draw a straight line through the main body of the points starting from near
the origin.

7. Check to see if points lie more than 10% above and below this line. If so,
draw additional lines 10% above and below the central line, as needed
(that is, pick a basis weight, note the corresponding RN-1, and multiply it
by 1.1 and 0.9 to determine the positions of the lines using a common

8. Select the grades to be moisturized using the following criteria:

x Include grades that cover the full basis weight range.

x Select representative grades for each line.

x Choose grades that represent a large percentage of the customer's

production, if this is known.

6-2 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Static Calibration Carbon Detection

If you suspect that there is carbon, but cannot be certain, you can use the
following procedure to determine if carbon is present:

1. Die out a sample at ambient moisture for each grade suspected, and weigh
it to determine its basis weight.

2. Bag the sample without sealing it.

3. Enable Carbon Correction on the Moisture Status frame.

4. Perform a Reference with the paddle and rings.

5. Perform a Sample on the sample in the rings and paddle. If the volts in
each channel are not adequate (see Table 6-1), adjust the gain and repeat
the Reference and Sample.

6. Note the REFA on the Sample printout and the basis weight, and plot them
(see Figure 6-1). If they fall below the central band, there is probably
elemental carbon or iron oxide present in the sample.

Table 6-1. Voltage Levels for Hardware Checks

of IR Sensors

Check Voltage

Allowed Dark Volts Fastcard Board 0.45 to 0.6V

Allowed difference between REF, MES,
3RD at Reference
Allowed full spread for each channel on 12 mV
10 References
Allowed maximum volts drop with 1.2V
paddle and black rings at Reference

P/N 46019901 6-3

Static Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Lower Limit
Upper Limit




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Basis Weight (gsm)

The central diagonal band is for paper with no carbon or iron oxide.
Paper with carbon or iron oxide will give REFA values below the band.

Figure 6-1. Sensor REFA vs. Paper Basis Weight in gsm

for Precision IR Moisture Sensors

6-4 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Static Calibration Selection of Samples with High and Low Carbon

If variable levels of carbon may be present due to use of recycle, use this
procedure to select samples with low and high levels of carbon for the calibration.
Ideally, each grade with variable levels of carbon should be represented by
moisturized samples with high and low levels of carbon. Follow these steps:

1. Collect a variety of samples (at least 8.5 by 11 inches, or 21 by 28 cm)

from different days of production.

2. Check the samples visually for the grayest or darkest and the brownest or
whitest ones. Select the extremes of color for trial measurement on the
sensor, and arrange them by grade.

3. Enable Carbon Correction on the Moisture Status frame.

4. Perform a Reference with an empty gap.

5. Insert a sheet into the gap so that it is centered on the sensor windows, and
perform a Sample. Be sure that the gain is correct.

The allowed REFA reading on a sample when sampling for carbon

correction should be between 0.5 and 8.6V at 2 MHz VFC or between
0.06 and 1.07V at 250 kHz.

6. Repeat the Sample for the other samples of that grade.

The samples of the same basis weight with the lower REFA have the more
carbon. For each grade, choose those samples with the highest and lowest
REFA for sample preparation. The REFAs should differ by more than
10% to be significant.

P/N 46019901 6-5

Static Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

6.2. Sample Preparation

6.2.1. Materials Required

The following materials are required for sample preparation:

x Lab with controlled humidity and temperature (23qC or 73qF and

50% relative humidity), free from drafts and vibration

x Forced-air drying oven, controlled to 105 r 0.5qC (221 r 0.9qF), with

drying racks and accurate thermometer

x Analytical balance, accurate to 0.1 mg

x Faraday cage balance pan (08265500)

x Aclar bags (4.5-inch, P/N 42000025; 5.5-inch, P/N 42000806)

x Bag sealer (P/N 42000030)

x Sample die (4.5-inch 07279100; 5.5-inch 07612500)

x Mallet for die

x Wood or hard rubber backing block for sample die

x Permanent ink pen for bags

x Rubber gloves (42000272)

x Aluminum foil for sample protection

x Humidity cabinets, or beaker of boiling water (covered by screen)

and tweezers

x Copies of the worksheet (42000852, page 3)

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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Static Calibration

6.2.2. Dry Weight Determination

The procedure for dry weight determination is as follows:

1. Die out 5 samples for each grade selected.

Do not use samples with worn or frayed edges; they will cause errors if
pieces fall off.

2. Mark the sample I.D. and target moisture on each sample, near the edge.

Be sure to use gloves and to keep bags and samples clean and dry.
Accumulation of dirt and fingerprints will cause errors.

3. Bone dry all samples for 4 hours in the 105 r 0.5qC (221 r 0.9qF) oven.

Make sure that no other materials are drying in the oven and that no one
will disturb them.

4. Pre-weigh two Aclar bags for each sample: one dry bag for weighing the
bone-dried sample, and one wet bag for weighing the moisturized sample.

5. Label each bag with the grade and target moisture level.

6. Record bag weights on the moisture sample worksheet.

7. Remove each bone-dry sample and quickly insert it in its bag.

8. Weigh the bone-dry samples and subtract the bag weights to get the dry
sample weight.

9. Enter the dry sample weight on the worksheet.

10. Calculate a target weight for the wet samples using the following formula:

T = 100 • Dg/(100-M)


T = target sample weight in grams

M = target percent moisture

Dg = bone-dry sample weight in grams

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11. Enter the wet sample target weight on the worksheet.

12. For each sample to be moisturized, remove it from its dry bag and bring it
up to target moisture and weight.

For moisture up to 4%, this can be done in the balance. For higher
moistures, it will be necessary to use steam or conditioning chambers. In
steaming samples, do the following:

a. Hold the samples over boiling water and steam both sides evenly.

b. Use a screen over the water as large errors can result from uneven

Water drops from spattered, condensed, or picked up water will

cause large errors. Discard and replace any samples that pick up

13. Let each sample dry to the target weight on the balance, then seal it
quickly in its Aclar bag, removing excess air.

14. Weigh the bagged samples and record the weights. Calculate the
Wet Sample Weight = Sealed Bag & Wet Sample - Bag

Basis Weight in gsm = (Wet Sample Weight) • Conversion Factor

15. Calculate the water weight in grams in the sample:

Water Weight = Wet Sample Weight - Dry Sample Weight

16. Calculate the water weight per unit area in gsm using the appropriate gsm
Conversion Factor for the sample size from Table 6-2.
WW(gsm) = Water Weight(grams) • (gsm Conversion Factor)

17. Calculate the percent moisture:

100 x Water Weight (grams)

% Moisture
Wet Sample Weight (grams)

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18. Wrap each grade of samples in aluminum foil for protection, and allow
them to condition for at least 24 hours before measurement on the sensor.

19. Reweigh and recalculate the lab values before measurement on the sensor.

Table 6-2. Basis Weight Unit Conversion Factors

4.5-Inch Sample 5.5-Inch Sample

Basis Weight Units
Conversion Factor Conversion Factor

gsm 97.46 65.24

lbs/3300 ft 65.871 44.1
lbs/3000 ft2 59.883 40.09
lbs/1000 ft 19.961 13.362

6.3. Hardware Checks

To perform a hardware check, follow these steps:

1. In the Maintenance frame, set the sampling time to about 4 seconds.

2. Perform two Backgrounds.

The dark volts should repeat within 2% and be between 0.45 to 0.6V for
Fastcards (see Table 6-1 for the voltage level).

3. Request a printout of gain factors for each of the channels.

These Gain Factors should be within the ranges of 2.85 to 3.05 and 9.6 to
10.1, respectively. If a Gain Factor is too low or fluctuates, there may be a
hardware problem, or the delay in the software at the beginning of
Background or the integration time may need to be increased.

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4. Set up a cycle of 10 to 30 References over a 10-minute period.

The REF, MES, and 3RD volts should be within 0.5V of each other
(see Table 6-1). The standard deviations of the 2 Standardization ratios
(RS and RS2) should be within limits. If
2 • Sigma[RS/Avg(RS)] < 0.001, and

2 • Sigma[RS2/Avg(RS2)] < 0.001,

and if the highest minus the lowest volts for each channel are no more than
12 mV (see Table 6-1), then the sensor is stable.

5. Insert the sample paddle and take 3 References.

For black rings, the volts should be no more than 1.2V (see Table 6-1)
lower than the References above. RS and RS2 should not have changed
by more than 1% from those obtained with the empty gap.

6. When the sensor has passed these stability checks, note the volts and ratios
from the last empty gap Reference and enter them as REF, MES, and
3RD, and RS0 and RS20 on the data sheet as well as in the calibration
table. To enter the calibration parameters in the MOIP11 calibration table:

a. Choose the Setup button on the horizontal dispatcher and then choose
the Recipe Maintenance button.

b. Press the main code table and, in the table, choose the MOIP11
Moisture calibration table.

c. Save the file and load the code by pressing the Sample Recipe
Change button on the vertical dispatcher before performing sample

For more information, refer to Section 7.4, “Reference.”

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6.4. Sample Measurement

6.4.1. Preparation
Organize the following materials:

x Glass-encased samples

x Sample paddle and rings

x Bagged samples

Enable the appropriate correctors on the Moisture Status frame as determined in

the factory calibration. Be sure to include Carbon Correction if needed.

6.4.2. Glass Sample

Perform a Reference with the paddle and glass Reference disk. Perform a Sample
on each glass sample using the appropriate gain setting to give between 0.5 to 8V
on each channel.

Table 6-3 shows the allowed voltages for sampling on glass-encased paper
samples and Aclar-bagged paper samples.

Table 6-3. Allowed Voltages for Sampling

Sample Voltage

Glass sample, each channel 0.5 to 8.5V

Bagged sample, REF chan 2.3 to 8.5V

6.4.3. Bagged Samples

Follow this procedure for each grade:

1. If the appropriate gain for the grade is unknown, perform a Sample on the
lowest moisture sample and make sure the REF channel gives between 2.4
and 8V. As needed, raise or lower the gain.

2. Perform a Reference with the paddle and rings once the gain is set.

3. Perform a Sample on each sample in the grade.

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6.5. Data Reduction

6.5.1. Full Calibration

Either request the assistance of the Calibration Dept. in the Honeywell-Measurex
Cupertino factory or use the MOICAL Calibration Utility, Version 1.10 or later.
You will need the following values for each sample: RN, RN2, (REFA, if using
Carbon Correction), the lab Water Weight in gsm, and the lab Basis Weight in
customer units. If you are calibrating the Temperature Compensation, you will
also need the following values for the glass sample(s): RN, RN2, (REFA, if using
Carbon correction), lab Water Weight in gsm, and the lab Basis Weight in
customer units, and approximate glass sample temperature in degrees Centigrade
(usually 22, 60, and 22qC).

6.5.2. Recalibration
In a normal site recalibration, the calibration constants for the correctors are not
changed. In this case, see Section 6.8, “Measurement Operations.”

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6.6. Verification
Verification involves the following steps:

1. Enter the appropriate determined calibration constants in the system via

the Recipe Maintenance display and the MOIP11 calibration table for
permanent storage.

2. Check the sensor stability. (See Section 6.3, “Hardware Checks.”)

3. Load the grade for the glass sample(s) to download the calibration

4. Perform a Reference with the paddle and glass disk.

5. Enter the target basis weight and percent moisture for the sample.

6. Perform a Sample on the glass sample(s).

7. Repeat the grade code entry and Reference for each grade.

8. Repeat the entry of basis weight and percent moisture for each sample.

9. Record the moisture readings on the Sensor Stability Record Sheet

(Figure 6-3).

Note any samples that measure with an error greater than the static
accuracy appropriate for the sensor (usually .25%; see Section 2.2,
“Specifications”). If more than 20% of the samples fail this criterion, the
verification and/or calibration/recalibration should be repeated.

6.6.1. Verification of Sheet Temperature Independence (Optional)

This is normally only performed when there is reason to suspect that the
temperature compensation is not adequate. The procedure is as follows:

1. Load the grade code for the glass sample(s).

2. Enter the appropriate target basis weight.

3. Perform a Reference on the glass Reference disk.

4. Perform a Sample on the glass sample. Note the moisture reading.

5. Heat the sample(s) in the oven at 60°C (140qF) for 5 minutes.

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6. Perform another Reference while the sample is heating up.

7. Remove the sample, wrap it to keep it warm, and bring it quickly to the

8. Perform a Sample.

9. Allow the sample(s) to cool for 10 minutes (back to room temperature),

then repeat the Reference and Sample.

The 2 room-temperature readings should repeat within 0.1% moisture.

10. Calculate the percent moisture reading change between the average of the
2 room-temperature readings and the hot reading.

It should be less than 0.3% moisture.

6.7. Recalibration
For a normal recalibration, only the slope and intercept are refit. This is normally
done during installation when the factory calibration does not verify within
accuracy specifications. It may also be performed to calibrate new grades.

Prepare the appropriate samples and measure them on the sensor, following the
procedures in Sections 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4 or 6.5.

For each grade, fit RCOR-1 from the Sample printout against the lab Water
Weight in gsm to determine the slope AAA and intercept DDD. Grades with
approximately the same slope and intercept may be grouped together by fitting
them together to obtain a common AAA and DDD. For each sample, calculate
the sensor percent moisture:

Water Weight in gsm = DDD + AAA•(RCOR-1)

100 x (Water Weight in gsm) x BWUCF

% Moisture
Basis Weight

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BWUCF is the Basis Weight Unit Conversion Factor. See Table 6-4.

Table 6-4. Basis Weight Conversion

Factor for Various Customer Units

Basis Weight Units BWUCF

gsm 1
lbs/3300 ft 0.6759
lbs/3000 ft2 0.6145
lbs/1000 ft 0.2048

Calculate the Error = Sensor - Lab. At least 95% of the samples within each
group should have their errors less than the static accuracy (usually .25%; refer to
Sections 2.2 or 2.3). If this is not the case, there are too many grades in a group,
or a sample has either poor lab or sensor values and should be repeated or
discarded and replaced.

The MOICAL calibration utility is very useful for recalibration and grouping.

6.8. Measurement Operations

6.8.1. Sample Paddle Setup

For the sample paddle setup:

1. Press the Offsheet button on the scanner to take the heads offsheet.

2. Verify short-term stability of the sensor.

3. Plug the connector at the end of the sample paddle into the receptacle
provided on the scanner near the cable end, below the sample/reference

4. Put the alignment pins into the proper holes for the sensor.

5. Adjust the slider plate on the paddle to the fixed position to match the
sensor. Make sure that the slider plate cam setting is tight enough to
prevent the selector from shifting during movement.

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6.8.2. Reference Procedure

The Reference procedure involves the following steps:

1. Put the interlocking rings together and place them in the paddle without
any sample.

2. Slide the paddle into the gap and position it on the alignment pins. Both
slots should be completely seated over the pins and should be
perpendicular to the sheet guide.

3. Push the REFERENCE button on the scanner.

The green light in the button will light.

4. When the light in the button goes out, remove the paddle from the gap.

6.8.3. Sample Procedure

The Sample procedure follows:

1. Clamp the sample into the interlocking rings, taking care to center it well,
and twist the rings to lock them.

2. Put the rings and sample in the paddle.

3. Slide the paddle into the gap and position it on the alignment pins. Both
slots should be completely seated over the pins, and the paddle handle
should be perpendicular to the sheet guide.

4. Turn on the paddle's motor to start the sample rotating.

5. Push the SAMPLE button on the scanner.

The amber light in the button will light.

6. When the light in the button goes out, turn off the motor and remove the
paddle from the gap.

When sampling is complete, remove all alignment
pins. Visually inspect the gap to make sure that it
is clear and that all of the pins have been removed
before scanning the heads.

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7. Da Vinci System Maintenance/Calibration


To run the Maintenance/Calibration software on a Da Vinci System, do the


1. Start the Real-Time Application Environment (RAE) system.

2. From the Scanner/Sensor menu, select the Sensor Maintenance display.

3. Select the Moisture sensor processor for the appropriate scanner.

Before going to Maintenance mode to load
the desired grade, follow the instructions
below for setting up the gain.

7.1. Gain Setup

To set up gain (Gain/Flag for HPIR), follow these steps:

1. Go to Setup on the horizontal dispatcher and choose the Recipe

Maintenance display.

2. Create a table for each gain setting in the following setup and
configuration tables:

x MSS Setup

x IRP Configuration Table

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Da Vinci System Maintenance/Calibration Software Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

The appropriate tables created above can be selected in the Main Code Table of
each grade code (Recipe) for the desired gain (Gain/Flag for HPIR) settings. You
can also set up a MOIP Calibration Table for each of the recipe codes, and select
the appropriate table in the Main Code Table for each of the grade codes (Recipe).
For temporary usage, the calibration constants can also be entered via the
Calibration Constants Table under Calibration Parameters in the Sensor
Maintenance display. Similarly, for permanent storage, you can enable/disable
the appropriate correctors in the grade codes via MOIP11 Configuration Table
in the Recipe Maintenance display on the setup menu. The appropriate
correctors can be enabled/disabled by setting True or False in the MOIP11
Configuration Table. This can also be enabled/disabled via the recipe-based
options under the configuration parameters in the Sensor Maintenance display
for temporary usage.

To enable a corrector, double-click on the appropriate corrector and a check mark

shows in front of it to indicate that it is enabled. (To disable a corrector, double-
click on it again and the check mark disappears.)

7.1.1. MSS Setup

Create an MSS Setup Table for each gain (Gain/Flag for HPIR); for example,
MSS 1 Setup00 to MSS 1 Setup03. (See Figure 7-1.) For each MSS Setup, do
the following:

1. Set the desired gain settings at the following lines: “IR11 Measure With
Gain 1” and “IR11 Measure With Gain 2.” Set these locations to 1 for
gain enabled or to 0 for gain disabled.

2. For HPIR, also set up the “IR11 Measure With Flag.” Set this location
to 1 for Flag IN or to 0 for Flag OUT.

3. For HPIR, set up the “IR11 Flag is Used.” Set the location to 1 for RAE
versions earlier than 1.1109 and 2.0. This is to put the Flag IN during
standardization for HPIR. If it is a standard power sensor, set this line
to zero. For later versions (RAE versions 1.1109, 2.0, and upward), this
line has been eliminated from the MSS setup.

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Figure 7-1. MSS Setup Table

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Da Vinci System Maintenance/Calibration Software Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

7.1.2. IRP Configuration Table

Create an IRP Configuration Table for each gain (Gain/Flag for HPIR); for
example, IRP11 Configuration Table00 to IRP11 Configuration Table03.
(See Figure 7-2.) For each IRP Configuration Table, set the desired gain settings
at the following lines: “IRP11 Gain 1” and “IRP11 Gain 2.” Set these locations
to True for gain enabled or to False for gain disabled.

Figure 7-2. IRP Configuration Table

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7.1.3. Main Code Table

Create a grade code (Recipe) for each gain (Gain/Flag for HPIR); for example,
Code00 to Code03. For each Main Code Table in a grade code, select the
appropriate tables created above at the following 2 lines to reflect the desired gain
settings: “MSS 1 Setup” and “IRP11 Configuration Table.” Note that the gain
settings must be the same for both lines in a grade code to produce the desired
results (a combination of hardware operations and software calculations). (Refer to
Figure 7-3.)

Figure 7-3. Main Code Table

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Following are summary tables of gain setup for the InfrandPLUS Standard Power IR Moisture
Sensor for scanner #1 and sensor #1.

Gain Setting Gain 0 Gain 1

MSS 1 Setup00: MSS 1 Setup01:

MSS 1 Setup IR11 Measure With Gain 1 = 0 IR11 Measure With Gain 1 = 1
IR11 Measure With Gain 2 = 0 IR11 Measure With Gain 2 = 0
IRP11 Configuration Table00: IRP11 Configuration Table01:
IRP11 Configuration Table IRP11 Gain 1 = False IRP11 Gain 1 = True
IRP11 Gain 2 = False IRP11 Gain 2 = False

Gain Setting Gain 2 Gain 3

MSS 1 Setup02: MSS 1 Setup03:

MSS 1 Setup IR11 Measure With Gain 1 = 0 IR11 Measure With Gain 1 = 1
IR11 Measure With Gain 2 = 1 IR11 Measure With Gain 2 = 1
IRP11 Configuration Table02: IRP11 Configuration Table03:
IRP11 Configuration Table IRP11 Gain 1 = False IRP11 Gain 1 = True
IRP11 Gain 2 = True IRP11 Gain 2 = True

Grade Code Code00 Code01

Gain Setting Gain 0 Gain 1

MSS 1 Setup MSS 1 Setup00 MSS 1 Setup01

IRP11 Configuration Table IRP11 Configuration Table00 IRP11 Configuration Table01

Grade Code Code02 Code03

Gain Setting Gain 2 Gain 3

MSS 1 Setup MSS 1 Setup02 MSS 1 Setup03
IRP11 Configuration Table IRP11 Configuration Table02 IRP11 Configuration Table03

For HPIR, in addition to the Gain settings at MSS1 Setup and also the IRP11
Configuration Table, set the IR11 flags to True for Flag IN and to False for Flag
OUT in the MSS1 setup, itself.

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7.2. Maintenance Mode Setup

To set up Maintenance Mode, do the following:

1. Clean the quartz-Teflon plates if they are dirty.

2. Check that the gap is in alignment.

3. Check that the pin alignment holes are aligned.

4. Press the button on the vertical dispatcher to bring up the

Scanner Control display.

5. Select the appropriate scanner(s) and press the button on the

Scanner Control display to take the select head(s) offsheet.

6. Change to Maintenance mode and load a grade code, as follows:

a. Press the Modes and Recipes… button on the Sensor Maintenance

display to bring up the Maintenance Select window (Figure 7-4).

Figure 7-4. Maintenance Select Window

b. Select the appropriate scanner.

c. Under Top Recipe Group, select the code.

d. Under Recipe ID, select a grade code that is set up for the particular

e. Press the Enter Maint. button.

f. Press the Retrieve button and save the information.

g. Press to close the Maintenance Select window. (Note: The

Exit Maint. button is used to switch from Maintenance mode to
Production mode.)

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Da Vinci System Maintenance/Calibration Software Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

The results of sensor operations such as Background, Reference, and Sample are
stored in the Sensor Reports.MDB file in the directory C:\HMX\Database. The
default maximum number of records per operation per sensor set to store records
in this file is 100. When the maximum number of records is reached, the newest
record replaces the oldest record in the file, so save the sensor report before it
reaches 100.

7.2.1. Sample Preparation

For sample selection, carbon correction, and preparation of samples, refer to
Chapter 6, “Static Calibration.”

7.3. Background
To check Background measurements, do the following:

1. On the Sensor Maintenance display (Figure 7-5), set Integration Time

(in seconds) to 4 for 4 seconds.

2. Perform 2 Background operations with nothing in the gap.

The Dark volts should be repeated within 2% and be between 0.45 and 0.6
for Fastcards.

Figure 7-5. Sensor Maintenance Display

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Request a printout of the Dark volts and Gain factors for each channel by going
into the Sensor Report display and selecting the Moisture Background Report.
(See Figure 7-6.) The desired parameters can be selected under the field name by
double-clicking on it and can be printed out using the printer button on vertical

Figure 7-6. Moisture Background Report

The Gain 1 Gain Factors (Gain 1 REF, MES, and 3RD) should be within the
ranges of 2.85 to 3.05. The Gain 2 Gain Factors (Gain2 REF, MES, and 3RD)
should be within the ranges of 9.6 to 10.1. If a Gain Factor is not within these

x The contact out patterns may be incorrect.

x The Backplane or a Fastcard may be malfunctioning.

x The delay in the software at the beginning of Background or the Integration

Time may need to be increased.

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7.4. Reference
Set up to request a set of 10 references. (See Figure 7-7.) Generally speaking, the
results of more than one set of operations usually give a reliable picture of the
short-term stability of the sensor. Compare the resulting statistics against the
specification (the REF, MES, and 3RD channel volts must be within 0.5V of each
other, and the standard deviation of the 2 standard ratios must be less than 0.0010.
If all 3 of the following conditions are met, the sensor is within spec.

x 2•V(RS)/Average(RS) < 0.0010

x 2•V(RS2)/Average(RS2) < 0.0010

x (Max-Min) volts for each channel are no more than 12 mV

Figure 7-7. Reference Display

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If the sensor is within spec, enter the following values on the data sheet as values
obtained without the paddle, then proceed to the next step:

x T0 REF (REF Channel Net Volts, Channel 1 Net Volts)

x T0 MES (MES Channel Net Volts, Channel 2 Net Volts)
x T0 3RD (3RD Channel Net Volts, Channel 3 Net Volts)
x RS0
x RS20

If the sensor is not within spec, troubleshoot the sensor to find out what caused
the reading to deviate from spec.

Next, insert the sample paddle and take 3 references.

For interlocking black rings, the REF and MES voltages should not be lower than
those for the empty gap by more than 0.5V. The 3RD or Straight-through voltage
should not be lower than those for the empty gap by more than 0.3V. RS should
not have changed by more than 2% compared with those obtained for the empty
gap. However, RS2 should be lower by approximately 1 – 4%. See Table 7-1 for
a summary of allowed voltage levels.

Table 7-1. Summary of Allowed Voltage Levels

for Hardware Checks of IR Sensors

Hardware Check Voltage

Allowed Dark Volts Fastcard board 0.45 to 0.6V

Allowed difference between REF, MES, and 3RD at Reference 0.5V
Allowed full spread (Max-Min) for each channel on 10 References 12 mV
Allowed maximum REF volts drop with paddle and black rings 0.5V
at Reference
Allowed maximum 3RD volts drop with paddle and black rings 0.15V
at Reference

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7.5. Sampling

7.5.1. Measurement Operations

Sample Paddle Setup:

1. Plug the connector at the end of the sample paddle into the receptacle
provided on the scanner near the cable end below the Sample/Reference

2. Put the alignment pins into the proper holes for the sensor (corner holes
for PrecisionPak heads).

3. Adjust the slider plate on the paddle to the fixed position to match the
sensor. Make sure that the slider plate cam setting is tight enough to
prevent the selector from shifting during movement.

Reference Procedure:

1. Set Integration Time to 4 seconds on the Sensor Maintenance display.

2. Put the interlocking black rings together and put them in the paddle
without any sample.

3. Slide the paddle into the gap and position it on the alignment pins. (Make
sure that the interlocking black rings are approximately centered over the
quartz-Teflon plates.) Both slots should be completely seated over the
pins, and the paddle handle should be perpendicular to the sheet guide.

4. Turn on the paddle's motor to start the sample rotating. Turn the
Sample/Reference switch on the scanner clockwise (CW) for a Reference.
The amber light in the switch will light.

5. When the light in the switch goes out, remove the paddle from the gap.

Sample Procedure:

1. Set Integration Time to 4 seconds on the Sensor Maintenance display.

2. Clamp the sample into the interlocking black rings, taking care to center it
well, and twist the rings to lock them.

3. Put the interlocking black rings and sample in the paddle.

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4. Slide the paddle into the gap and position it on the alignment pins. (Make
sure that the rings are approximately centered over the quartz-Teflon
plates.) Both slots should be completely seated over the pins, and the
paddle handle should be perpendicular to the sheet guide.

5. Turn on the paddle's motor to start the sample rotating.

6. Turn the sample/reference switch on the scanner counterclockwise (CCW)

for a Sample. The amber light in the switch will light.

7. When the light in the switch goes out, turn off the motor and remove the
paddle from the gap.

When all sampling is complete, remove all of the
alignment pins. Visually inspect the gap to make
sure that it is clear and that all of the pins have
been removed before scanning the heads.

7.5.2. Determination of GFLAGs (HPIR Only)

For HPIR sensors, it is necessary to determine GFLAG, GFLG2, and GFLG3.
These constants correct for the attenuation of the flags that are not inserted for
certain grades.

Find a glass-encased sample that gives adequate volts (all 3 channels give
between 0.5 and 8.0V) on Flag IN Gain 2 or 3 and on Flag OUT Gain 0, then do
the following:

1. Set GFLAG, GFLG2, and GFLG3 to 1.0 in the grade code via the
Recipe Maintenance display in the Setup menu.

These constants can also be entered on the Calibration Table in the

Sensor Maintenance display.

2. Load a grade code that is set up for Flag IN Gain 2 or 3; verify that
GFLAG, GFLG2, and GFLG3 are set to 1.0 on the Calibration Table in
the Sensor Maintenance display.

3. Perform a Background.

4. Perform a Reference with the glass Reference disk in the paddle.

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5. Measure the glass sample on the sensor with the paddle.

6. Load a grade code that is set up for Flag OUT and Gain 0; verify that
GFLAG, GFLG2, and GFLG3 are set to 1.0 on the Calibration Table in
the Sensor Maintenance display.

7. Perform a Background.

8. Perform a Reference with the glass Reference disk in the paddle.

9. Measure the glass sample on the sensor with the paddle.

10. Request a printout of the REFA values:

a. Change over to the Sensor Reporting display.

b. Select the Moisture Sample Report.

c. Select the desired parameters to be printed under the Field Names by

double-clicking on the field.

A check mark shows in front of the field to indicate that it is selected.

(To deselect a field, double-click on it again and the check mark

d. Press the button to request a printout of the selected


11. Calculate the following:

REFA (Flag OUT, Gain 0)

REFA (Flag IN, Gain 2 or 3)

RN (Flag IN, Gain 2 or 3)

RN (Flag OUT, Gain 0)

RN2 (Flag IN, Gain 2 or 3)

RN2 (Flag OUT, Gain 0)

12. Enter the values calculated in the previous step into the grade codes via
the Recipe Maintenance display for permanent storage. They can also be
entered on the Calibration Constants Table in the Sensor Maintenance
display for temporary usage.

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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Da Vinci System Maintenance/Calibration Software

7.5.3. Bagged Samples

For each grade, perform a Reference using the sample paddle and interlocking
black rings before any sampling. (See Figure 7-8.)

The procedure is as follows:

1. Determine the appropriate gain (Gain/Flag for HPIR) for each grade by
performing a Sample using the lowest moisture sample in the grade,
making sure that the REF channel gives between 2.4 and 8.0V so that it
does not saturate the electronics.

2. Raise or lower the gain (Gain/Flag for HPIR), as needed, by loading a

grade code that has been set up for the appropriate gain.

For HPIR sensors, skip Flag IN Gain 3
because Flag OUT Gain 0 covers the
same range with a higher signal level.

Figure 7-8. Bagged Samples

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3. If the gain (Gain/Flag for HPIR) is changed, perform a Reference (with

sample paddle and interlocking black rings) again.

4. Perform a Sample on each sample in the grade. All samples from a grade
must be measured with the same gain (Gain/Flag for HPIR).

5. Repeat for each grade of bagged samples prepared.

If there are more than 100 samples to be measured,
proceed to the next step to print out the sample
results prior to reaching the maximum default
limit of 100 records stored in the Sensor Reports
database file, then continue with the rest of the

6. Request a printout of the Sample raw ratios.

7. Change to the Sensor Reporting display and select the Moisture Sample
Report (Figure 7-9).

Figure 7-9. Moisture Sample Report

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8. Select the desired parameters (for example, RN, RN2, REFA, etc.) to be
printed under Field Names; this can be done by double-clicking on the

A check mark shows in front of the field to indicate that the field is
selected. (To deselect a field, double-click on it again and the check mark

9. Request a printout of the selected parameters.

Fastcards saturate at 10V; however, with strong enough
signals, the output voltage drops to as low as 7.5V.
Therefore, you must raise gain only if the REF voltages
are below the lower limit in Table 7-2.

Table 7-2. Allowed Voltages for Sampling on Aclar-Bagged

Paper Samples and Glass-Encased Samples

Sample Voltage

Aclar-bagged sample, REF channel 2.4 to 8.0V

Glass-encased sample, each channel 0.5 to 8.0V

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Da Vinci System Maintenance/Calibration Software Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

7.6. Data Reduction

For data reduction, either request the assistance of the Calibration Dept. at the
Honeywell-Measurex factory in Cupertino or use the MOICAL Calibration
Utility, Version 1.10 or later. You will need the following values for each
sample: RN, RN2, (REFA, if using carbon correction), the lab water weight in
gsm, and the lab basis weight in customer units. If you are calibrating the
temperature compensation, you will also need the following values for the glass
samples: RN, RN2, (REFA, if using carbon correction), the lab water weight in
gsm, the lab basis weight in customer units, and the approximate glass sample
temperature in degrees centigrade (usually 22, 60, and 22qC).

7.6.1. Accuracy Specification

For grades without carbon or iron oxide, with a moisture range of 10% and
maximum moisture of 12%, the accuracy specification is 2xV = r0.25%.
Above 12%, the accuracy is degraded to 2xV = r0.02xmaximum moisture.

For grades with carbon or iron oxide requiring Carbon Correction, with
a moisture range of 10% and maximum moisture of 12%, the accuracy
specification is 2xV = r0.50%. Above 12%, the accuracy is degraded
to 2xV = r(0.02xmaximum moisture  0.25%).

7.6.2. Standard Calibration

Use the MOICAL Calibration Utility and follow Section 3.1 in the MOICAL-IR
Moisture Sensor Calibration Utility (P/N 46000344). EEE should be restricted
within the range 0 – 0.5 for Standard Power sensors and 0 – 0.8 for HPIR sensors.

7.6.3. Carbon Correction

Use the MOICAL Calibration Utility and follow Section 3.9 in the MOICAL-IR
Moisture Sensor Calibration Utility (P/N 46000344). The REFA values should
show 6 decimal places so that an accuracy of 1% is guaranteed.

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7.6.4. Forms for Calibration Constants

Prepare the following forms (see Appendix C, “Forms”) for entry of the
calibration constants into the system, selecting the form appropriate to the sensor
and applications:

InfrandPLUS Standard Power IR Moisture Sensor - Static Calibration Data

InfrandPLUS High Power IR Moisture Sensor - Static Calibration Data

IR Moisture Sensor Suggested On-Site Corrections

Enter the following on the Static Calibration Data form(s):

x Enter the time-zero values determined in Section 7.4, “Reference.”

x Indicate in the appropriate boxes the correctors to be enabled.

x Enter the calibration constants AAA, DDD, GGG, EEE, FFF, CURV,
BBB, CCC1, C2, and C3, determined by using MOICAL calibration, and
also the carbon correction.

x Indicate the appropriate gain (Gain/Flag for HPIR) for each grade.

Select the appropriate Suggested On-Site Corrections form for the grades
calibrated. Enter the appropriate value for ZCR1, which depends on EEE. Use
the following table for determining ZCR1:

EEE 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
ZCR1 0.24 0.33 0.41 0.50 0.58 0.67 0.75 0.84 0.92

ZCR1 can also be determined by using the following equation:

ZCR1 0.85 x EEE  0.24

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Enter the appropriate suggested DMBE (dynamic intercept) values for the scanner
type and application, as shown in Table 7-3.

Table 7-3. DMBE Values

Basis Weight
Application (Reel (Other
Scanner) Scanners)

Tissue and Toweling 0 – 50 0.75 0.0

Newsprint and light paper grades 35 – 90 0.60 0.0
Fine and medium paper grades 60 – 150 0.40 0.0
Board and pulp grades 125 – 1000 0.20 0.0

7.7. Verification

7.7.1. “Advanced…” Button

Advanced maintenance procedures are performed using the Advanced window,
which is brought up by pressing the Advanced… button in Maintenance mode
from the Sensor Maintenance display. The Advanced window for the moisture
sensor is shown in Figure 7-10, and its buttons are described in Table 7-4.

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Figure 7-10. Advanced Window

Although maintenance operations are handled on a “per scanner” basis, only one
Advanced window can be brought up at a time. The common interface
maintains only one copy of working memory for the verification.

On top, the window shows which moisture sensor in the system is under
maintenance and which units, either engineering units or customer units, are being
used. These 2 settings are inherited from the Sensor Maintenance display and can
only be changed from there.

P/N 46019901 7-21

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Table 7-4. Moisture Advanced Mode Button Descriptions

Button Description

For moisture sensors, the Advanced window contains only

the Verification mode. It is used to verify a previously
obtained calibration.
If the Sample Data Table is empty, press this button once to
add a sample, which also enables the Sample operation. A
new sample is added to the Sample Data immediately after
the row in which the cursor is highlighted. By default, the
newly added sample has Entered BW and Entered Moisture
values of 0. To modify, place the cursor on the sample entry
row of interest, and change the lab values using the BW and
Moisture numeric controls.
To delete a sample from the Sample Data Table, place the
cursor on the row that you want to delete, then press this
button to remove the row.
It is possible to avoid re-entering all of the lab values, if they
turn out to be identical, by copying them from a file that was
created and saved earlier. To do so, press this button, which
will prompt you to select a source file. Select the desired
source file to copy from, then acknowledge the choice by
pressing OK.
To start a brand new verification, press this button to have a
blank working Sample Data Table.
At any time during the verification procedure, you can save
the data to a file by pressing this button. The default path for
a moisture sensor is:
%MXRoot%HMX\Database\Calibration Data\Moisture
and requires that you enter a filename.
At any time during the verification procedure, you can open
the data from a file by pressing this button. The default path
for a moisture sensor is:
%MXRoot%HMX\Database\Calibration Data\Moisture
and requires that you enter a filename.

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7.7.2. Entry of Calibration Constants

To enter calibration constants:

1. Enter the appropriate determined calibration constants in the grade codes

(recipes) via the Recipe Maintenance display on the Setup menu for
permanent storage according to the forms filled out in Section 7.6.4,
“Forms for Calibration Constants.”

For temporary usage, the calibration constants can also be entered via the
Calibration Constants Table under “Calibration Parameters” in the Sensor
Maintenance display.

2. Enable/disable the appropriate correctors in the grade codes (recipes) via

the Recipe Maintenance display on the Setup menu for permanent storage
according to the forms filled out in Section 7.6.4 “Forms for Calibration

For temporary usage, correctors can also be enabled/disabled via the

Recipe-based options under “Configuration Parameters” in the Sensor
Maintenance display.

3. To enable a corrector, double-click on it and a check mark shows in front

to indicate that it has been enabled. (To disable a corrector, double-click
on it again and the check mark disappears.)

4. Press the button, which is accessible from the vertical dispatcher,

to go to the System Setup and Debug window, then set the basis weight
units to the appropriate customer units in the Units Setup button.

5. Check the “In Customer Units?” check box on the Sensor Maintenance
display to inform the system that the basis weight values entered at
verification are in customer units.

P/N 46019901 7-23

Da Vinci System Maintenance/Calibration Software Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

7.7.3. Verification of Calibration

To verify calibration:

1. Load a grade code containing the calibration constants and correctors of

the samples to be verified.

2. Re-check to make sure that the appropriate calibration constants and

correctors are properly restored on the Sensor Maintenance display to be
used by the Gauge Support Processor (GSP).

3. Request a printout of the calibration data by pressing the button

on the Sensor Maintenance display.

4. In Maintenance mode, press the button from the Sensor

Maintenance display.

5. Start from a blank working space (Sample Data Table).

It is blank the first time you call up the Advanced window; otherwise,
press the New Cal. button to reset the working space to blank.

6. Set up the Sample Data Table by pressing the Add Sample button once
for every sample in a grade.

7. For each sample, enter the calculated basis weight in customer units in the
BW field, and enter the lab %-moisture in the Moisture field.

8. Save the entered data to a file as a safety measure.

9. With nothing in the gap, press the button to request a

background operation.

The result will show up in the Background/Reference Table at the lower

left corner.

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10. Perform a Reference with the paddle and interlocking black rings.

The result from this will also show up in the Background/Reference Table.

11. Place the cursor on the 1st row in the Sample Data Table, and perform a
Sample using the paddle and interlocking black rings.

When the operation is complete, the result will be displayed in the Sample
Data Table. The cursor (the highlighted row) will automatically move
down to the next entry/sample.

12. Verify that the Error (%) is d the 2xV accuracy specification
(see Section 7.6.1, “Accuracy Specification”).

The verification results can be graphed with virtually any combination of

variables. Select a view that is the most informative in determining the
goodness of the verification (for example, Error (%) on the vertical
Y-axis vs. Entered Moisture on the horizontal X-axis).

13. Repeat the sample measurement until all of the samples in a grade are

14. Save the data again to include the verified data as a safety measure.

15. Do a frame copy of the verified data by pressing the button from the
vertical dispatcher.

Repeat the steps above for each grade of samples prepared.

Note any samples that measure with an error of greater than the 2xV accuracy
specification (see Section 7.6.1, “Accuracy Specification”). If more than 20% of
the samples that were not omitted during data reduction fail this criterion, the
verification and/or calibration should be repeated until success is achieved. If
more than one sample needs to be omitted per grade, then the omitted samples for
that grade should be replaced with freshly made samples.

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7.8. Verification of Sheet Temperature Insensitivity

Organize the following materials:

x Glass-encased samples

x Empty Reference disk

x An oven set to 60qC (140qF)

x Sample paddle

x A towel, cloth, and/or hot glove (to protect the hands and to keep the
samples hot on the way to the scanner)

To verify sheet temperature insensitivity:

1. Set up a grade code or codes with the appropriate gains (Gain/Flag for
HPIR), calibration constants, and correctors to be used for the glass-
encased samples.

2. Load the appropriate grade, and ensure that the proper grade data is loaded
on the Sensor Maintenance display.

3. Set up the Sample Data Table for the glass samples to be measured
through the Advanced… button; enter the appropriate sample calculated
basis weight in customer units.

When there is a change in gain (Gain/Flag for
HPIR), a new Reference is required before

4. Perform a Reference with the paddle and empty glass Reference pair.

The REF and MES volts should be about 5% lower than those obtained
with an empty gap, while the 3RD or Straight-Through volts should be
within 2% of those obtained with an empty gap.

5. Perform a Sample with the paddle and the appropriate glass-encased

sample at ambient temperature (do not use rings or the pair of glass plates
used for the Reference). Repeat for the other glass-encased samples.

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6. Heat the samples for 5 minutes in the 60qC (140qF) oven along with the
Reference pair, then carry them to the sensor in a towel.

7. Perform a Reference on the empty glass Reference pair, and repeat

Steps 1 – 5 for each hot glass-encased sample.

8. Allow the sample to cool to ambient temperature for at least 10 minutes

(longer for heavier samples).

9. Perform a Reference with the Reference pair, and repeat Steps 1 – 5 for
each cooled glass-encased sample.

The result should be that the 2 ambient temperature readings would repeat
within 0.10% moisture.

10. Calculate the percent moisture reading change between the averaged
ambient temperature readings and the hot reading; it should be less than
r 0.30% moisture.

11. Print the sheet-temperature insensitivity verification data.

12. Record the Date, Ratios (RN and RN2), and Moisture (%) values for each
glass-encased moisture sample in the table on a form titled “Moisture
Sensor Stability Record Sheet.” (Refer to Appendix C, “Forms.”)

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7-28 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Dynamic Calibration

8. Dynamic Calibration

Dynamic correction is included to correct for flashoff (evaporation from hot

sheet) of moisture between the scanner and reel (Reel scanners only), any
difference between static calibration readings on bagged samples and onsheet
readings, and/or for any residual sheet temperature dependence in the sensor. It
should only be performed after static calibrations have been performed and
verified. This type of verification is necessary whenever a quartz window is
replaced, a filter is changed, or the static calibration is significantly changed. It is
advisable to perform dynamic verification once a week.

8.1. Nominal Dynamic Correction Constants

Table 8-1 gives recommended initial values for dynamic correction for various
grades at 6% moisture. They may be used before dynamic testing is possible.
They are only approximate because the sheet temperature varies widely in
different applications, and the sheet temperature will strongly affect the flashoff.
A sheet temperature drop of 23°F (13°C) is normally accompanied by evaporation
of 1% moisture. Flashoff may also be negative for very dry sheets. The effect
from any residual sheet temperature dependence of the sensor should be less than
±0.25% and would be unpredictable, so it is not included. In addition, sensors
built before October 1993 are supplied with fully white Quartz-Teflon plates
(08607800) which require a larger dynamic correction to correct for sampling.
Starting in October 1993, sensors have been provided with Optically Tuned plates
(08607801 and/or 08632100) that have a black border on 3 sides. This eliminates
any difference between onsheet readings and static calibration with bagged
samples. The recommended DMBE values given below include flashoff for Reel
Scanners, but not for other scanners which cannot be dynamically verified. These
are conservative values for the correction (about 75% of the actual expected

P/N 46019901 8-1

Dynamic Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Table 8-1. Recommended Initial Values for Dynamic Correction

Fully White Plates Optically Tuned Plates

(08607800) (08607801, 08632100)
Reel Scanner Without Flashoff Reel Scanner Without Flashoff
Tissue 1.35% 0.6% 0.75% 0%
Newsprint 0.9% 0.3% 0.6% 0%
Fine Paper 0.7% 0.2% 0.5% 0%
Board 0.4% 0.15% 0.25% 0%

If the moisture target is significantly different from 6%, the effect should be
multiplied by (0.17•Target Moisture). Both effects are truly slope rather than
offset effects. If there is likely to be more than 2% range in moisture, the
dynamic slope corrector DMAE should be used instead of DMBE. In this case,
use DMAE = 1 - 0.17 • (Suggested DMBE) and DMBE=0.

If different suggested values are supplied with your system, they should be used
instead of those given in Table 8-1.

8.2. Terminology
The following is a list of terms and their definitions:

Percent moisture of the sample determined in the lab.

Percent moisture reading of the sensor, including dynamic correction.

Percent moisture reading of the sensor, without dynamic correction
(correction calculated out).

Dynamic offset corrector.

Dynamic slope corrector.

8-2 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Dynamic Calibration

Dynamic temperature corrector.

Air gap temperature at calibration time (default 100qF).

Air gap temperature at slice position.


Normally we do not use dynamic temperature correction, and set KAYE=0.

In this case:

Often we use only intercept correction, setting DMAE=1 and KAYE=0.

In this case:

P/N 46019901 8-3

Dynamic Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

8.3. Dynamic Sampling

8.3.1. Reel Sampling Procedure

A minimum of 30 samples off 5 or more reels is needed for a verifiable dynamic
calibration. Gathering and processing the samples should take place as soon as
possible after startup. However, no dynamic samples should be taken before
verifying sensor stability and static calibration. The procedure is as follows:

1. Prior to taking samples, verify the following:

x The sensor has been aligned and stability-checked.

x The static calibration has been verified.

x The Air Gap Temperature sensors have been adjusted (see the
Precision Basis Weight Sensor Model 4202 User’s Manual,
(P/N 46018400)).

x Dynamic calibration constants have been set either to best-known

values or to the appropriate default values given in Section 8.1,
“Nominal Dynamic Correction Constants.”

2. Choose the section of the reel to be sampled.

3. Take measurements or mark the reel (Figure 8-1) to assure that the section
being sampled corresponds to the slices chosen on the profile frame.

4. Cut and bag the samples very quickly to reduce conditioning effects.
This usually requires 2 people.

For medium and heavy weight paper, follow the sampling procedure in
Section 8.3.2, “Sampling for Medium and Heavy Weight Grades.” For tissue and
toweling, follow the procedure in Section 8.3.3, “Sampling for Tissue and
Toweling Grades.”

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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Dynamic Calibration

Figure 8-1. Reel Marked with Sampling Template

8.3.2. Sampling for Medium and Heavy Weight Grades Equipment Required

x Pre-weighed and numbered plastic bags, at least 11 by 18 inches

(28 by 46 cm)

x Pre-weighed rubber bands

x Tape measure (of adequate length to measure from edge to center of sheet)

x Reel Sampling Template (Figure 8-1)

x Sharp utility knife for cutting samples from reel

x Dynamic Sampling worksheet (see Appendix C, “Forms”)

P/N 46019901 8-5

Dynamic Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

x Laboratory balance accurate to 0.05% of sample weight.

(Usually a top-loading balance accurate to .01g is acceptable.)

x Forced-draft, temperature-regulated drying oven, located in a room

with constant temperature and humidity. The oven must be set for
105.0 r0.5qC (221.0 r0.9 qF).

Figure 8-2. Reel Sampling Template for

Medium and Heavy Grades Sampling Procedure for Medium and Heavy Grades

Set the filter factor on the Scanner Setup frame to 0.2 as follows:

1. Choose the Scanner/Sensor button from the horizontal dispatcher.

2. Press the Measurement Setup button.

3. In the Measurement Setup frame, under Select Measurement, choose

the Moisture Sensor.

4. Under Measurement Array, enable the trend filter and set the trend filter
factor to 0.2. (See Chapter 9, “Da Vinci System Production Software.”)

For dynamic calibration, set the dynamic calibration constants (DMAE, DMBE,
and KAYE) either to best-known values or to the appropriate default values given
in Section 8.1, “Nominal Dynamic Correction Constants.”

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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Dynamic Calibration

To set the calibration constant, perform these steps:

1. Press the SETUP button followed by the RECIPE MAINTENANCE


2. In the Recipe Maintenance frame, press Main Code Table and, under that,
choose the MOIP11 Calibration Table.

3. In the MOIP11 Calibration Table frame, enter the dynamic calibration


When you load the code, these calibration constants should also be loaded
to the calibration constant table in the sensor maintenance frame. For
details, refer to Section 7.1, “Gain Setup.”

4. Choose the section to be sampled:

5. Prior to turn-up, use the Profile Display frame to locate one or more
sections of six slices or more where the moisture and basis weight profiles
are relatively flat.

If more than one section is used, try to find sections with different average

6. Use the Quality Data frame to single-point the scanner at a slice at the
center of the chosen area.

7. Monitor successive moisture Now values on the Quality Data frame.

If the values vary by more than 1% moisture, the short-term variations are
too high to produce usable calibration data. In this case, do not perform
calibration; instead, either try another area or investigate the causes of
such high variations.

8. Return the sensor to Scan mode.

9. Make sure that the section being sampled is the same as the slice chosen
by measuring from the edge of the sheet to the centerline of the basis
weight and moisture sensors. Record the distance and slice.

10. Set up the profile report to automatically produce a profile report of the
moisture, basis weight, and air gap temperature.

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Dynamic Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

11. Allow the scanner to complete 15 scans before turn-up, and monitor the
average moisture on the Quality Data frame until turn-up.

If the average moisture differs from the trended value by more than 0.5%,
do not sample the reel.

12. As soon as possible after turn-up, locate the slice at which the sensor was
single-pointed and center the template over it. Mark the sections
corresponding to the chosen slices (see Figure 8-2).

13. Use the knife to cut at least 6 wraps into the reel (more for lighter grades)
at each slice using the template marks.

14. Quickly peel off the layers together and insert them into a plastic bag.

15. Peel off two layers from the top and one from the bottom, then seal the
bag with a rubber band, squeezing out the excess air.

16. Mark each bag with the slice number.

17. Put the bagged samples in a large plastic bag, then take them to the lab for
weighing and drying. Weighing and Drying Medium and Heavy Grade Samples

The procedure for weighing and drying medium and heavy grade samples is as

1. Use the same scale for all weighing, and record all entries on a Dynamic
Sampling worksheet (P/N 42000852, page 5).

2. Verify the oven setting and the oven temperature with a thermometer
(105.0 r0.5qC (221.0 r0.9qF)).

3. Record the lab temperature and humidity.

4. Weigh the bagged samples as soon as possible. Record their weights in

the column "Wet Sample+Bag." Record the bag weight in the column
"Wet Bag."

5. Remove each sample from its bag and mark it by slice number.

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Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Dynamic Calibration

6. Check that the oven is empty, then place the marked samples in the oven,
fanning out each one to promote drying.

Avoid crowding; it is not necessary to dry all of the samples at once.

Place a sign on the oven to prevent others from opening the door,
changing the oven setting, or putting in other samples.

7. Allow the samples to dry for 4 hours at 105.0 r0.5qC (221.0 r0.9qF)

8. While the samples are drying, weigh a second set of bags and rubber
bands (one per sample) for the dried samples. Do not re-use the "Wet
Sample" bags because trapped moisture may cause errors.

9. Remove one sample at a time from the oven and quickly put it in a pre-
weighed bag in the hot oven air. Keep the oven door open only long
enough to get the one sample bagged.

The samples will be very hot.
Be sure to wear gloves when
removing them from the oven.

10. Squeeze as much air as possible out of the bag and seal it with the rubber
band. Let the oven return to 105qC (221qF before opening the door

11. Weigh the sample and record it in the column "Dry Sample+Bag. Record
the bag plus rubber band weight in the column "Dry Bag."

12. For each sample, calculate the Wet Sample and Dry Sample weights, and
the percent moisture:
Wet Sample = Wet Sample+Bag - Wet Bag

Dry Sample = Dry Sample+Bag - Dry Bag

Lab Moi = 100 • (1 - Dry Sample/Wet Sample)

P/N 46019901 8-9

Dynamic Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

8.3.3. Sampling for Tissue and Toweling Grades Equipment Required

• Large plastic sheets: 0.5 mil (20 micron) thick dropcloth about
4 by 8 ft (1.3 by 2.7m)

• Pre-weighed and numbered plastic bags, at least 12 by 18 inches

(30 by 45 cm)

• Pre-weighed rubber bands

• Tape measure (of adequate length to measure from edge to center of sheet)

• Masking tape

• Sharp utility knife for cutting samples from reel

• Dynamic Sampling worksheet (P/N 42000852, page 5)

• Laboratory balance accurate to 0.05% of sample weight

Usually a top-loading balance accurate to .01g is acceptable.

• Forced-draft, temperature-regulated drying oven, located in a constant

temperature and humidity room. The oven must be set for (105.0 ± 0.5°C
(221.0 ± 0.9°F). Tissue and Toweling Sampling Procedure

Set the filter factor on the Scanner Setup frame to 0.2 as follows:

1. Choose the Scanner/Sensor button from the horizontal dispatcher.

2. Press the Measurement Setup button.

3. In the Measurement Setup frame, under Select Measurement, choose

the Moisture Sensor.

4. Under Measurement Array, enable the trend filter and set the trend filter
factor to 0.2. (See Chapter 9, “Da Vinci System Production Software.”)

8-10 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Dynamic Calibration

For dynamic calibration, set the dynamic calibration constants (DMAE, DMBE,
and KAYE) either to best-known values or to the appropriate default values given
in Section 8.1, “Nominal Dynamic Correction Constants.”

To set the calibration constant, perform these steps:

1. Press the SETUP button followed by the RECIPE MAINTENANCE


2. In the Recipe Maintenance frame, press Main Code Table and, under that,
choose the MOIP11 Calibration Table.

3. In the MOIP11 Calibration Table frame, enter the dynamic calibration


When you load the code, these calibration constants should also be loaded
to the calibration constant table in the sensor maintenance frame. For
details, refer to Section 7.1, “Gain Setup.”

4. Choose the section to be sampled.

5. Prior to turn-up, use the Profile Display frame to locate one or more
sections of six slices or more where the moisture and basis weight profiles
are relatively flat.

If more than one section is used, try to find sections with different average

6. Use the Quality Data frame to single-point the scanner at a slice at the
center of the chosen area.

7. Monitor successive moisture Now values on the Quality Data frame.

If the values vary by more than 1% moisture, the short-term variations are
too high to produce usable calibration data. In this case, do not perform
calibration; instead, either try another area or investigate the causes of
such high variations.

8. Make sure that the section being sampled is the same as the slice chosen
by measuring from the edge of the sheet to the centerline of the basis
weight and moisture sensors. Record the distance and slice.

9. Return the scanner to Scan mode.

10. Using the known slice width at the scanner, calculate the edges of the area
to be sampled.

P/N 46019901 8-11

Dynamic Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

11. Set up the profile report to automatically produce a profile report of the
moisture, basis weight, and air gap temperature.

12. Allow the scanner to complete 15 scans before turn-up, and monitor the
average moisture on the Quality Data frame until turn-up.

If the average moisture differs from the trended value by more than 0.5%,
do not sample the reel.

13. As soon as possible after turn-up, locate the slice at which the sensor was
single-pointed and center the template over it. Mark the sections
corresponding to the chosen slices (see Figure 8-2). Reel Sampling Procedure for Toweling and Tissue

Sampling must be complete within 1.5 minutes to prevent conditioning. This
requires 2 people.

1. Draw a line in the cross direction along the reel where the cut will be

2. Use the utility knife to cut along the line, cutting through 250 to 400 layers
to get a representative sample. Slab this material onto the floor.

3. On top of the slabbed-down tissue, and behind a 10-inch (25 cm) width of
it, lay down a piece of plastic sheet 2 feet wide and 4 to 6 feet longer than
the reel width (see Figure 8-3).

4. Cut off a 10-inch-wide sample (measuring back from the leading edge) the
full length of the reel, cutting down to the floor.

5. Peel off the top 10 to 15 layers and discard them.

6. Quickly roll up the tissue in the plastic, forming a long sausage of tissue
inside the plastic sheet. Use masking tape to bind the sheet.

7. Tie a knot in each end of the plastic sheet, or seal the ends by twisting the
plastic and securing it with rubber bands. Mark the position of the high
slice number on the end.

8-12 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Dynamic Calibration

Figure 8-3. Sampling for Tissue and Toweling

P/N 46019901 8-13

Dynamic Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Weighing and Drying of Toweling and Tissue

The procedure for weighing and drying of toweling and tissue is as follows:

1. Verify and record the oven setting and temperature.

2. Mark the roll off in units of slice width so that each segment is centered
on a slice boundary (marks at 14.5 and 15.5 give a segment centered on
slice 15). Place a rubber band around each segment to hold it together.

3. Working quickly, cut a segment off one end and weigh it, keeping the cut
end of the roll covered with a small plastic bag while you weigh the
segment. Keep the segments in order or mark each one before weighing.
Record the weight in the column "Wet Sample+Bag."

4. After all of the samples have been cut off and weighed, unwrap each one
and weigh the plastic that was weighed with it. Include any rubber bands.
Record this weight in the column "Wet Bag."

5. Check that the oven does not contain any other samples. Dry only as
many segments at one time as can be placed in the oven without crowding.
Place the segments in the oven, fanning out the layers as much as possible.
Hang a sign on the oven to prevent others from changing the oven setting,
opening the door, or putting other samples in it.

6. Allow the samples to dry for 4 hours at 105.0 r0.5qC (221.0 r0.9qF)

7. While the samples are drying, mark new plastic bags and weigh them and
a rubber band for each sample. Do not re-use the "Wet Sample" bags
because trapped moisture may cause errors.

8-14 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Dynamic Calibration

8. Remove one sample at a time from the oven and quickly put it in a pre-
weighed bag in the hot oven air. Keep the oven door open only long
enough to get the one sample bagged.

The samples will be very hot.
Be sure to wear gloves when
removing them from the oven.

9. Squeeze as much air as possible out of the bag and seal it with the rubber
band. Let the oven return to 105qC (221qF before opening the door

10. Weigh the sample and record it in the column "Dry Sample+Bag.” Record
the bag plus rubber band weight in the column "Dry Bag."

11. For each sample, calculate the Wet Sample and Dry Sample weights, and
the percent moisture:
Wet Sample = Wet Sample+Bag - Wet Bag

Dry Sample = Dry Sample+Bag - Dry Bag

Lab Moi = 100 • (1 - Dry Sample/Wet Sample)

P/N 46019901 8-15

Dynamic Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

8.4. Dynamic Correction

When taking profile samples, check for positioning errors (correspondence
between slice number and sample taken) by plotting MLAB and MDYN against
slice position on the same graph. If they do not track, there may be a positioning

If you have only a few data points (<10), it is probably best to use only an
intercept correction. If there is no dynamic correction,

DMBE = Average[MDYN - MLAB].

If there is dynamic correction, calculate for each point the value of MSTAT,
the sensor value without dynamic correction (see Section 8.2, “Terminology”).
In the simplest and most common case, DMAE=1 and KAYE=0; therefore,

Then use DMBE = Average[MSTAT - MLAB].

When you have at least 20 data points, make a graph of lab percent moisture
MLAB (vertical axis) against Sensor percent moisture (if there is already dynamic
correction use MSTAT as calculated above).

Determine if the graph looks like a "ball" or a "line." If the range of moisture
levels is narrow, the points may form a "ball." In this case, the best you can do is
to use a simple intercept correction. Use DMBE = Average [MDYN - MLAB] if
there is no existing dynamic correction, or DMBE = Average [MSTAT - MLAB]
if there is already dynamic correction. Be sure to use DMAE = 1.

If the range of values is great enough that a line can be discerned, perform a linear
regression on MLAB (y) vs. Sensor (x). If there is already dynamic correction,
use MSTAT, as calculated above, as the sensor values. Use DMAE = slope and
DMBE = - intercept.

Use the Dynamic Correction Record Sheet or its equivalent on a computer

spreadsheet to keep track of dynamic test results and corrector values. To avoid
making arbitrary or hasty changes in DMBE, use the running average of the last
column [MSTAT - MLAB] as the appropriate value for DMBE.

8-16 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Dynamic Calibration

8.5. Z-Correction and Dirt Correction

Z-Correction and Dirty Plate Correction are onsheet correctors that may be
enabled on the Moisture Status frame and calibrated on-site.

8.5.1. Z (Gap) Correction

Z-Correction is used to correct for the variations in gap in a scanner that bows due
to differential heating of the beams. It should not be necessary on IsoTherm
scanners. Other scanners may have gap variations of -0.05 inches (1.27 mm) or
even more. Because a narrowed gap will cause more average passes of light
through the sheet, the sensitivity of the sensor will increase. For InfrandPLUS
sensors, there is also an effect because the straight-through optics is not affected
in the same way as the INFRAND optics. The degree of change depends on the
value of the calibration constant for the Optical Correction, EEE. The following
table gives some typical results for a -0.05 inch (1.27 mm) deviation:

EEE 0 0.5 0.8

% Moi Error 0.25% 0.6% 0.8%

The need for Z-Correction may be checked by interpolating from this table. Nominal Correction

The Z-Corrector is applied to onsheet and Sample readings on the basis of the
Z-value relative to that at Standardize. There are 2 versions of the algorithm. The
original version is the same as for INFRAND VI sensors, and requires different
calibration constants for different EEE values. The InfrandPLUS Z-Correction
algorithm (see Section 3.4.2, “Gap (Z) Correction”) gives a more accurate
correction that is independent of EEE. The calibration constants ZCR1 and ZCR2
correct the ratio RN, while ZCR3 corrects RN2.

P/N 46019901 8-17

Dynamic Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

The standard values are shown in Table 8-2. If different suggested values are
supplied with your system, they should be used instead of those given in the table.

Table 8-2. Standard Values

INFRAND V, VI Algorithm InfrandPLUS Algorithm


0 0.25 0.8 0 0
0.5 0.65 0.8 0 0 0.55 0.1 -0.9 0
1.0 1.1 0.8 0 0

You may check the adequacy of these values by entering them in the MOIP11
calibration table, putting shims under the wheels of the upper head to increase the
gap over a few slices. Look at profiles with the Z-Corrector enabled and shims
present vs. profiles without shims. The profiles should look the same, with no
step in the profile where the shims are. Sampling
If the nominal corrector values are not adequate, they may be calibrated using the
bagged calibration samples and shims under the wheels of the upper head.

Choose a set of (typically 3) grades of representative basis weight. Pick the

nominal moisture level sample from each. Disable the Z-Corrector. Without
shims, perform a Reference of the Z-Sensor (or a Standardize) with an empty gap
and note the Z value.

Perform a Moisture sensor Reference with the paddle and rings. Perform a
Sample with each of the samples. If you need to change gain, perform a
Reference again before sampling.

Shim the wheels of the upper head and perform a Z-Sensor Sample, noting the
Z value. Repeat the Samples without References. If you need to change gain,
perform the Reference without the shims and the Sample with the shims.

8-18 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Dynamic Calibration Data Reduction

For easiest and best results, use the MOICAL-IR Moisture Sensor Calibration
Utility (P/N 46000344).

For data reduction by hand, note the RN, RN2, and REFA for each Sample
measurement. Calculate for each sample (for the InfrandPLUS algorithm):

RN(noshims)  1 RN2(no shims)

ZCF  1 ZCF2 1
RN(shims)  1 RN2(shims)
1 1

It is normally sufficient to assume the ZCR2 value from Table 8-2 and ZCR4=0,
and calculate only ZCR1 and ZCR3 from the following formula:

ZCR1 = Avg[ZCF/(REFA+ZCR2)] ZCR3 = Avg[ZCF2]

In some cases where there is a large basis weight range, you may find it necessary
to fit both ZCR1 and ZCR2. Plot ZCF vs. REFA and perform a linear regression
to obtain the slope and intercept; that is, ZCF = A • REFA+D. Then

ZCR1 = A, and ZCR2 = D/A.

Enter the values in the MOIP11 calibration table and check it with shims as in
Section, “Nominal Correction.”

P/N 46019901 8-19

Dynamic Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

8.5.2. Dirty Plate Correction

Buildup of pitch or other light-absorbing material on the sensor windows causes
them to be less reflective, thereby reducing the sensitivity of the sensor. Refer to
Table 2-5 of Section 2.2, “Specifications,” for an example of the magnitude of the
effect for dirt with 50% attenuation. (Volts at Standardize are 50% of volts with
clean windows.) The need for Z-Correction should be checked if the dirt buildup
causes the REF volts at Standardize to decrease by more than 10%.

The need for Dirty Plate Correction may be determined as follows:

1. Choose a typical sample.

2. Clean the windows.

3. Perform a Reference with empty gap, and again with the paddle and rings
in the gap.

4. Allow the sensors to scan until the plates are dirty.

5. Take the scanner offsheet, and enter the REF volts as T0 REF (T0
Channel1) in calibration parameters in the sensor maintenance frame.

6. Enable Dirty Plate Corrector in the recipe-based option of the Moisture

Sensor Maintenance frame.

7. Perform a Reference with the paddle and rings.

8. Perform a Sample with dirty plates.

9. Repeat the Reference and Sample again after cleaning the windows.

If the sample readings differ by more than 0.25% moisture, then Dirt
Correction should be used.

If there is enough dirt buildup on the quartz-Teflon plates
to significantly reduce the volts on the offset optics
channels (REF and MES), RS2 may be lowered also and go
out of limits. In this case, you should clean the plates more
often and, if necessary, increase the tolerance for the limit
check on RS2. To change it, go to the MOIP11 limits
table. The default value of this tolerance is 0.05.

8-20 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Dynamic Calibration Nominal Correction

The corrector is applied onsheet and during Sample to the ratios RN and RN2
after Z-Correction. The Z-Correction algorithms for both INFRAND VI and
InfrandPLUS are given in Section 3.4, “Sample/Onsheet.” The INFRAND VI
Dirt Correction algorithm used on InfrandPLUS sensors measuring products
above 100 gsm will typically have grade-dependent KDTY.

The calibration constant KDTY applies to RN, and KDT2 applies to RN2.

The nominal values for these correctors are given in Table 8-3. You may test
them by entering the values for KDTY and KDT2 in the MOIP11 calibration table.
Load the code and repeat the test above. If different suggested values are supplied
with your system, they should be used instead of those given in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3. Nominal Values

INFRAND VI Algorithm InfrandPLUS Algorithm


Tissue 0.3 0 0.3 -0.2

Newsprint 0.36 0 0.3 -0.2
Fine Paper 0.36 0 0.33 -0.16
Board 1.0 1.0 0.4 -0.13 Sampling
If the nominal values are not adequate, you may calibrate the values using the
procedure below (and the procedures in the following sections):

1. Choose samples representative of the full basis weight range and moisture
values near nominal moisture.

2. Allow buildup of dirt on the plates for a maximum period between


3. For each grade, enter the grade code and target basis weight.

4. Perform a Reference with the paddle and rings.

P/N 46019901 8-21

Dynamic Calibration Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

5. Perform a Sample on the sample for that grade.

6. Repeat the grade code entry, target weight entry, and Reference and
Sample for each grade.

7. Clean the plates and repeat the sampling, as above. Data Reduction

Note N0 = T0 REF = the clean window REF volts at Reference, and NS = the
dirty window REF volts at Reference. Note the RN, RN2, and REFA for each

For easiest and best results, use the MOICAL-IR Moisture Sensor Calibration
Utility (P/N 46000344).

For data reduction by hand (using the InfrandPLUS algorithm), calculate for each

(RN − 1) Clean AVG [(CF - 1)]

( RN − 1) Dirty  N0 
REFA •  -1
 NS 

RN2 Clean AVG [(CF2 - 1)]

CF2 = KGDT2 =
RN2 Dirty (1 - REFA ) •  N0 - 1
 NS 

Use the REF volts on a clean window Standardize as the value for T0 REF. Enter
these values in the calibration table and repeat the sampling with clean and dirty
windows, as above, to verify the corrector.

Subsequent recalibration and verification on bagged samples should always be

performed on clean sensor windows, either with the Dirt Corrector disabled via
the Moisture Status frame or with the REF volts on a paddle with the rings
entered as T0 REF. This will prevent erroneous correction resulting from the
drop in REF volts caused by the paddle and rings. During onsheet measurement,
the empty gap value of REF volts should always be used as T0 REF.

8-22 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Da Vinci System Production Software

9. Da Vinci System Production Software

To change from Maintenance mode to Production mode, do the following:

1. Go to the Sensor Maintenance frame and press the Modes and Recipes

The Scanner modes & Maintenance recipes frame will pop up.

2. In the Scanner modes & Maintenance recipes frame, press the

Exit Maint. button, which will take you to Production mode from
Maintenance mode, as shown in Figure 9-1.

Figure 9-1. Scanner Modes and Maintenance Recipes

Before scanning, make sure that the gap between the sensor heads is clear and that
all of the pins have been removed. Also, make sure that the proper recipe codes
have been retrieved and that proper correctors have been enabled in the recipe-
based option frame.

P/N 46019901 9-1

Da Vinci System Production Software Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

To set up the scan width in CD direction, do the following:

1. Go to MSS Setup Diagnostic on Horizontal dispatcher and

choose the MSS scanner calibration test.

2. In the scanner calibration test frame, set the scanner width,

sheet width, and slice width according to the instructions given
in the Da Vinci Operator’s Manual (P/N 46020000).

Now the system is ready to scan.

3. Press the button on the vertical dispatcher to bring up

the Scanner control frame, as shown in Figure 9-2.

Figure 9-2. Scanner Control Frame

9-2 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Da Vinci System Production Software

In the Scanner control frame, press the scan button to scan the head.
Before the sensor starts scanning, it takes the background and Reference reading
from all of the sensors (basis weight, Moisture, etc.) and stores it. While it is
scanning, you can choose the position snapshot, the partial scan snapshot, or the
single point by selecting the appropriate button in the Sensor maintenance frame
(see Figure 9-3).

Figure 9-3. Bars for Choosing

Various Types of Scan

For the single-point snapshot, set the single point to the desired position (in terms
of bins), then press Single Point as shown in Figure 9-2. For the position
snapshot, you can set the position on the Sensor Maintenance of the Production
frame and the measurement readings can be monitored on the mainframe as
shown in Figure 9-4. For the partial scan snapshot, choose the Partial Scan
snapshot button (Figure 9-3). Customer unit can be chosen by enabling the
customer unit. Default will be set in gsm/square meter(gsm), Degree C, and unit
length of meters. You can change the units by pressing System Setup and the
Debug button on the vertical dispatcher. Units can be set by pressing the
Report Units setup bar.

To set the filter factor on the Scanner Setup frame to 0.2, press the
scanner/sensor button on the horizontal dispatcher. Next, press the
Measurement Setup button. In the Measurement setup frame, under the select
measurement option, choose Moisture for measurement. Under the
measurement arrays, set the trend filter factor to 0.2 (Figure 9-5).

P/N 46019901 9-3

Da Vinci System Production Software Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

Figure 9-4. Sensor Maintenance Frame for Production Mode

To set up the profile report, choose Favorites in the horizontal dispatcher. In

Favorites, choose the profile button. In the Profile frame, you can choose the
profile report of the desired measurement; for example, basis weight, moisture, or
air gap temperature. You can monitor Now value or trend value by making an
appropriate selection. A sample of the profile report is shown in Figure 9-6,
which shows the profile of the basis weight, moisture, and air gap temperature.
Use such profile displays to locate one or more sections of the slices where the
moisture, basis weight, and temperature are relatively flat. After finding the flat
region, allow the scanner to complete 15 scans before turn-up, and monitor the
average moisture on the sensor maintenance frame until turn-up. As soon as
possible after turn-up, locate the slice at which the sensor was single-pointed and
center the template over it. Mark the sections corresponding to the chosen slices,
as explained in Section 8.3.1, “Reel Sampling Procedure.” Use the knife to cut at
least 6 wraps into the reel at each slice using the template marks. Quickly peel off
the layers, then insert them into the previously weighed bags and seal them. Mark
these bags with the slice number. Take all of the samples to the lab for weighing

9-4 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Da Vinci System Production Software

and drying. For each of the samples, calculate the wet sample and dry sample
weights and also the percent moisture. (See Section, “Weighing and
Drying of Toweling and Tissue.”) By plotting the lab data vs. the sensor data,
you can determine the dynamic correction (see Section 8.4, “Dynamic
Correction”). Use the dynamic record sheet to keep track of dynamic test results
and corrector values.

Figure 9-5. Measurement Setup Frame

P/N 46019901 9-5

Da Vinci System Production Software Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual


Air Gap Temperature (deg C - now)


Moisture (%)- now


Figure 9-6. Profile Report of Basis Weight, Air Gap Temperature, and Moisture

9-6 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Preparation of Static Moisture Samples

A. Preparation of Static Moisture Samples

The accurate preparation of bagged standard samples for calibration and

verification is probably the most critical procedure required in calibrating a
moisture sensor. Extreme care in technique is necessary to ensure accurate and
repeatable determination of the moisture content of the calibration samples.
Special care must be taken in determining the oven dry weight of the samples.
Without precise knowledge of the dry weight, you cannot determine the sample

A.1. Equipment Required

x Lab with controlled humidity and temperature (23qC or 73qF, and

50% Relative Humidity), free from drafts and vibration

x Forced-air drying oven, controlled to 105 r 0.5qC (221 r 0.9qF)

x Lab thermometer or thermal-couple accurate to 0.5oC (0.9oF)

x Balance accurate to 0.1 mg

x Faraday cage for balance (P/N 08494400, or 08265500 for 4.5-inch

samples only)

x Aclar bags (P/N 42000025 for 4.5 inch samples, 42000806 for 5.5-inch

x Permanent ink pen for labeling the Aclar bags

x Impulse bag sealer (P/N 42000030)

x 4.5-inch (11.43 cm) diameter sample die (P/N 07279100)


5.5-inch (13.97 cm) diameter sample die (P/N 07612500)

x Mallet

P/N 46019901 A-1

Preparation of Static Moisture Samples Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

x Wood backing block or hard rubber backing for sample die

x Sample drying rack (fabricate locally)

x Rubber gloves (P/N 42000272)

x Tweezers

x Beaker of boiling water or humidity cabinet

x Plastic freezer-bag or aluminum foil for sample protection

x Paper samples from grades to be calibrated

A.2. Dry Weight Determination

Use gloves to keep Aclar bags and samples
clean and dry. Accumulation of dirt and
fingerprints will cause errors.

The procedure for determining dry weight is as follows:

1. Allow Aclar bags to condition near the weighing balance for 24 hours
prior to sample preparation. Following the customer’s requirements,
choose a set of moisture levels for each grade of samples to be
moisturized. It is recommended that a minimum of 5 samples be prepared
for each grade. Typically, samples are made at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 percent

2. Die out the appropriate number of sample discs with the appropriate
circular die, taking care not to use discs that have torn or frayed edges
(they will cause errors if pieces fall off). Mark the samples by System #,
Scanner name, Grade ID, and target percent moisture near the edge.

3. Check that the oven is empty, then place the marked samples in the drying
rack and place the rack in the oven so that the samples can later be
removed individually in the shortest time possible.

4. Dry the samples for at least 4 hours at 105 r 0.5oC (221 r 0.9oF) without
disturbing the oven.

A-2 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Preparation of Static Moisture Samples

Place a sign on the oven to prevent others
from opening the door, changing the oven
setting, or putting in other samples.

5. While the samples are drying, label an Aclar Dry Bag for each sample
with the System #, Scanner name, Grade ID, and target percent moisture

6. Weigh each Dry Bag on a precision balance using the Faraday cage to
prevent static effects.

7. Record Dry Bag weights on the moisture sample worksheet to 0.1 mg.

8. After the samples have dried for at least 4 hours, remove each bone-dry
sample. Working quickly, open the oven door, use the tweezers to take
one sample, insert it in its Aclar Dry Bag, then remove it from the oven,
keeping the door open only long enough to bag the sample.

9. Squeeze out all of the excess air quickly, and immediately seal the bag.

10. Allow the sample and bag to cool until air convection does not affect
weighing, then weigh the “Dry Bag + Dry Sample” and record the weight.

11. Repeat for each sample.

12. Also for each sample, subtract the Dry Bag weight from (Dry Bag + Dry
Sample) weight and record the result as “Dry Sample Weight.”

A.3. Sample Moisturizing

For sample moisturizing, follow these steps:

1. Label an Aclar Wet Bag for each sample with the System #, Scanner
name, Grade ID, and target percent moisture level.

2. Weigh each Wet Bag on a precision balance using the Faraday cage to
prevent static effects.

3. Record Wet Bag weights on the moisture sample worksheet to 0.1 mg.

P/N 46019901 A-3

Preparation of Static Moisture Samples Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

4. For each sample, calculate a target wet weight corresponding to the

moisture level desired.

Dry Sample Weight

Target Wet Sample Weight in grams
§ Target Percent Moisture ·
1- ¨ ¸
© 100 ¹

5. For each sample to be moisturized, remove the Dry Sample from the Dry
Bag and bring it to its “Target Wet Sample Weight in grams.”

6. As soon as the “Target Wet Sample Weight in grams” is reached, place the
sample in its pre-weighed Aclar Wet Bag, squeeze out all of the excess air,
and seal the bag.

For moisture up to 4%, sample moisturizing can be done in
the balance. For higher moisture levels, it will be necessary
to use steam or conditioning chambers. When steaming a
sample, hold it over boiling water and steam both sides
evenly (use a screen over the water). Large errors can result
from uneven wetting and from water drops (either spattered,
or picked up condensed water). Discard and replace any
samples that pick up water drops.

Grades should be individually stored in plastic freezer bags or wrapped in

aluminum foil for sample protection when they are not in use.

Allow the moisturized samples to condition for at least
24 hours (preferably 72 hours) to even out the moisture
distribution in the samples before measurement on the
sensor. This is particularly important if the samples were
steamed to obtain high moisture.

A-4 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Preparation of Static Moisture Samples

Weigh the samples immediately before using the moisturized samples for
measurement on the sensor. Calculate the WW (gsm), BW (in customer units),
and %-Moisture as follows:

1. Weigh the bagged samples and record the weights as “Sealed Bag + Wet
Sample.” For each sample, subtract the Wet Bag weight from Sealed
Bag + Wet Sample weight and record the result as “Wet Sample Weight”:

Wet Sample Weight (Sealed Bag  Wet Sample) - Wet Bag

2. Calculate the Basis Weight of the Wet Sample in customer’s units:

Basis Weight Wet Sample Weight x Conversion Factor

Table A-1. Basis Weight Unit Conversion Factors

for Samples of Different Diameters

Conversion Factor
Basis Weight Units
4.5-Inch Diameter Sample 5.5-Inch Diameter Sample

gsm 97.458 65.241

lbs/3300 ft2 65.871 44.096
lbs/3000 ft 59.883 40.087
lbs/1000 ft2 19.961 13.362

3. Calculate the water weight in grams (that is, the weight of the water in the

Water Weight (grams) Wet Sample Weight - Dry Sample Weight

4. Calculate the water weight per unit area in gsm using the appropriate gsm
Conversion Factor for the sample size from the table above:

WW (gsm) Water Weight (grams) x (gsm Conversion Factor)

P/N 46019901 A-5

Preparation of Static Moisture Samples Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

5. Calculate the percent moisture in the sample:

§ Water Weight (grams) ·

% Moisture 100 x ¨¨ ¸¸
© Wet Sample Weight (grams) ¹

6. Record the Basis Weight (noting the units), the Water Weight per unit area
in gsm, and the percent moisture.

A-6 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Preparation of Glass-Encased Samples

B. Preparation of Glass-Encased Samples

Glass-encased paper samples (Accessory Kit 09767400) must be prepared for

verification of the sheet temperature independence. The Reference disk is made
from two 6.75-inch diameter Pyrex disks (P/N 07550100) sealed together using
Marine Epoxy. The paper sample is sealed between two 6.75-inch diameter Pyrex
disks using Marine Epoxy to keep in the moisture as the sample is heated. The
epoxy is made by Gougeon Brothers Inc. of Bay City, MI (517-684-7286) and
consists of 3 parts:

x #105 Resin

x #205 Fast Hardener

x #423-6 Graphite Powder Filler

These are available from Honeywell-Measurex (Sensor Engineering or the

Calibration Department).

The Procedure for making the samples is as follows:

1. Select 3 or 4 grades, representative in terms of weight and paper type.

2. For each grade, die or cut with scissors a sample of 5.75-inch diameter.

Allow the samples to come to equilibrium with the ambient air (that is, to
approximately 6% moisture).

3. Assemble the parts needed: Glass plates, epoxy, mixing container, stirring
rod or spatula, large quantity of paper towels, squirt bottle of alcohol.

4. Mix the epoxy according to directions. Mix enough for only 2 or

3 samples because it cures quite quickly. Allow about 10 minutes for
curing to begin.

5. As soon as the mixture starts to thicken a little, lay down a ring of epoxy
at about 0.25 inch (6 mm) in from the edge of a glass plate. The bead
should be about 3/16 inch (5 mm) wide and 1/8 inch (3 mm) high.

P/N 46019901 B-1

Preparation of Glass-Encased Samples Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual

6. Take one sample and place it on a glass plate concentric with it and inside
the ring of epoxy.

7. Immediately place the other glass plate on top and push down to distribute
the epoxy so that it touches the paper all around and fills fully the space
between the glass plates.

There should be no clear spaces where you can see through both of the
glass plates to what is behind them. This will guarantee that no light leaks
around the sample.

8. Clean excess epoxy from the glass plates.

9. Repeat the steps above for the other samples.

10. Allow all of the samples to condition at room temperature for at least
24 hours.

11. Take 2 additional glass plates and place a thin bead of epoxy 0.25 inch
(6 mm) in from the edge on one of them, then place the other plate on top
of it and press the two together.

This double plate will be used for shooting the Reference before shooting
the glass-encased paper samples.

B-2 P/N 46019901

Precision IR Moisture Measurement User’s Manual Forms

C. Forms

This appendix contains forms and worksheets intended for use with the Precision
Infrared (IR) Moisture sensor as well as with other IR Moisture sensors. The
forms may be photocopied. They are:

x InfrandPLUS Standard Power IR Moisture Sensor – Static Calibration Data

x InfrandPLUS High Power IR Moisture Sensor – Static Calibration Data

x InfrandPLUS Moisture Sensor Suggested On-Site Corrections

(Tissue and Toweling Grades (0 – 50 gsm)

x InfrandPLUS Moisture Sensor Suggested On-Site Corrections

(Newsprint and Light Paper Grades (35 – 90 gsm)

x InfrandPLUS Moisture Sensor Suggested On-Site Corrections

(Fine and Medium Paper Grades (60 – 150 gsm)

x InfrandPLUS Moisture Sensor Suggested On-Site Corrections

(Board and Pulp Grades (125 – 1000 gsm)

x Moisture Sensor Stability Record Sheet

Also referred to in this manual are forms and worksheets that are shipped along
with the sensors, as follows:

Title of Form/Worksheet Part No.

“Precision Infrared (IR) Moisture Sensor” P/N 42000852

“Precision High-Power Infrared (HPIR)

Test Alignment” P/N 42000859

P/N 46019901 C-1


System #:
Customer: Sensor Hardware: 094205-01 InfrandPLUS Standard Power IR, 10 mm gap
Location: Algorithm: Water Weight InfrandPLUS
Date: Calibration: (RCOR-1) against Water Weight in gsm
* DSD should be 0.0 for tissue and towelling, 0.144 for other grades.

Time-Zero Values Correctors Enable Disable Constants Scattering Power

REF Channel Net Open Volts EEE ASD 35000
MES Channel Net Open Volts FFF DSD*
3RD Channel Net Open Volts HiCurve CURV ESD 0.750
RS0 BBB MCOF 0.000
RS20 CCC1 MCST 0.000


Grade Data Grade Data
Group AAA DDD GGG Grade Gain Grade Gain
Group Group

System #:
Customer: Sensor Hardware: 094205-02 InfrandPLUS High Power IR, 10 mm gap
Location: Algorithm: Water Weight InfrandPLUS
Date: Calibration: (RCOR-1) against Water Weight in gsm

Time-Zero Values Correctors Enable Disable Constants Scattering Power

REF Channel Net Open Volts EEE ASD 35000
MES Channel Net Open Volts FFF DSD 0.144
3RD Channel Net Open Volts HiCurve CURV ESD 0.750
RS0 BBB MCOF 0.000
RS20 CCC1 MCST 0.000


Grade Data
Group AAA DDD GGG Grade Gain Flag
InfrandPLUS Moisture Sensor Suggested On-Site Corrections Honeywell

System #:

Sensor Hardware: InfrandPLUS 094205-00, 094205-01, or 094205-02

Quartz Plates: Optically Tuned (Black Border 08607801 and/or 08632100)
Z-Correction and Dirt Correction Algorithms: InfrandPLUS (ICS 1.401 or later or 2002 Maxiflex)
Basis Weight Range: Tissue and Towelling Grades (0 - 50 gsm)

Corrector Enabled / Disabled Constant Value

ZCR1 0.55
ZCR2 0.10
Z(Gap)* Disabled
ZCR3 -0.90
ZCR4 0.00
KDTY 0.30
DIRT** Disabled
KDT2 -0.20
Dynamic Intercept Disabled DMBE ***
Dynamic Slope/Temp**** Disabled DMAE 1.00
DKAE 0.00

* Z-Correction should be used if there is more than 0.25 mm (10 mils) scanner deflection. ZCR1 for the
INFRAND VI algorithm depends on value of calibration constant EEE. Namely ZCR1 = 0.85*EEE + 0.24
** Dirt Correction should be used if the REF counts decrease by more than 10% between cleaning the quartz plates.
*** See the InfrandPLUS Moisture Sensor User's Manual 46000314 Section 7 for default values and verification methods.
**** Dynamic Slope Correction should be used rather than Dynamic Intercept Correction if the online moisture range is more
than 2%. Use DMBE=0 and DMAE = 1
1 + (suggested DMBE / Target Moisture)
InfrandPLUS Moisture Sensor Suggested On-Site Corrections Honeywell

System #:

Sensor Hardware: InfrandPLUS 094205-00, 094205-01, or 094205-02

Quartz Plates: Optically Tuned (Black Border 08607801 and/or 08632100)
Z-Correction and Dirt Correction Algorithms: InfrandPLUS (ICS 1.401 or later or 2002 Maxiflex)
Basis Weight Range: Newsprint and Light Paper Grades (35 - 90 gsm)

Corrector Enabled / Disabled Constant Value

ZCR1 0.55
ZCR2 0.10
Z(Gap)* Disabled
ZCR3 -0.90
ZCR4 0.00
KDTY 0.30
DIRT** Disabled
KDT2 -0.20
Dynamic Intercept Disabled DMBE ***
Dynamic Slope/Temp**** Disabled DMAE 1.00
DKAE 0.00

* Z-Correction should be used if there is more than 0.25 mm (10 mils) scanner deflection. ZCR1 for the
INFRAND VI algorithm depends on value of calibration constant EEE. Namely ZCR1 = 0.85*EEE + 0.24
** Dirt Correction should be used if the REF counts decrease by more than 10% between cleaning the quartz plates.
*** See the InfrandPLUS Moisture Sensor User's Manual 46000314 Section 7 for default values and verification methods.
**** Dynamic Slope Correction should be used rather than Dynamic Intercept Correction if the online moisture range is more
than 2%. Use DMBE=0 and DMAE = 1
1 + (suggested DMBE / Target Moisture)
InfrandPLUS Moisture Sensor Suggested On-Site Corrections Honeywell

System #:

Sensor Hardware: InfrandPLUS 094205-00, 094205-01, or 094205-02

Quartz Plates: Optically Tuned (Black Border 08607801 and/or 08632100)
Z-Correction and Dirt Correction Algorithms: InfrandPLUS (ICS 1.401 or later or 2002 Maxiflex)
Basis Weight Range: Fine and Medium Paper Grades (60 - 150 gsm)

Corrector Enabled / Disabled Constant Value

ZCR1 0.55
ZCR2 0.10
Z(Gap)* Disabled
ZCR3 -0.90
ZCR4 0.00
KDTY 0.33
DIRT** Disabled
KDT2 -0.16
Dynamic Intercept Disabled DMBE ***
Dynamic Slope/Temp**** Disabled DMAE 1.00
DKAE 0.00

* Z-Correction should be used if there is more than 0.25 mm (10 mils) scanner deflection. ZCR1 for the
INFRAND VI algorithm depends on value of calibration constant EEE. Namely ZCR1 = 0.85*EEE + 0.24
** Dirt Correction should be used if the REF counts decrease by more than 10% between cleaning the quartz plates.
*** See the InfrandPLUS Moisture Sensor User's Manual 46000314 Section 7 for default values and verification methods.
**** Dynamic Slope Correction should be used rather than Dynamic Intercept Correction if the online moisture range is more
than 2%. Use DMBE=0 and DMAE = 1
1 + (suggested DMBE / Target Moisture)
InfrandPLUS Moisture Sensor Suggested On-Site Corrections Honeywell

System #:

Sensor Hardware: InfrandPLUS 094205-00, 094205-01, or 094205-02

Quartz Plates: Optically Tuned (Black Border 08607801 and/or 08632100)
Z-Correction and Dirt Correction Algorithms: InfrandPLUS (ICS 1.401 or later or 2002 Maxiflex)
Basis Weight Range: Board and Pulp Grades (125 - 1000 gsm)

Corrector Enabled / Disabled Constant Value

ZCR1 0.55
ZCR2 0.10
Z(Gap)* Disabled
ZCR3 -0.90
ZCR4 0.00
KDTY 0.40
DIRT** Disabled
KDT2 -0.13
Dynamic Intercept Disabled DMBE ***
Dynamic Slope/Temp**** Disabled DMAE 1.00
DKAE 0.00

* Z-Correction should be used if there is more than 0.25 mm (10 mils) scanner deflection. ZCR1 for the
INFRAND VI algorithm depends on value of calibration constant EEE. Namely ZCR1 = 0.85*EEE + 0.24
** Dirt Correction should be used if the REF counts decrease by more than 10% between cleaning the quartz plates.
*** See the InfrandPLUS Moisture Sensor User's Manual 46000314 Section 7 for default values and verification methods.
**** Dynamic Slope Correction should be used rather than Dynamic Intercept Correction if the online moisture range is more
than 2%. Use DMBE=0 and DMAE = 1
1 + (suggested DMBE / Target Moisture)

System #: Grade Code:

Scanner: Target BW:
Customer: Ream Size:
Location: GAIN:
Date: FLAG:
By: AAA:
Moisture (%)
22 C
60 oC
22 oC

*Enable the appropriate correctors as indicated on the Moisture Sensor Static Calibration*

Date RN RN2 Moisture (%) Condition

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