Comprehensive Report

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A comprehensive report format is a systematic

arrangement of information gathered on one particular

topic. It can be divided into five major parts including
preliminary pages, introduction and background of the
topic, body of the report, conclusion and

Preliminary pages contain details such as the name of the author, an acknowledgment page and a
table of contents. The introduction provides a description of the topic under investigation. Facts
and other related issues are covered in the background of the study.

The body of the report contains findings from the investigation. A report provides a vivid
description of the findings with visual illustrations such as tables, graphs and charts also used in
presentation. A summary of all information provides the basis from which the author can draw
his conclusion. In the final part of the report, the author can give recommendations based on the
conclusion made in the study. A list of sources of information used in the report should be
included at the end of the report. The format enables a researcher to exhaust all information
gathered during the research process and present it to the reader. A comprehensive report format
is used across different fields such as business and medicine.

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