A Thirsty Sparrow

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Once there was a glass of water and five very thirsty birds. Hawk was the first to drink, and the water in the glass
receded. Hornbill was the second to drink, and the water in the glass receded. Egret was the third to drink, and the
water in the glass receded. Rail was the fourth to drink, but there was a very little water left in the glass. Sparrow is
small, his bill is stall, with very little water left inside it. How can sparrow drink water from the glass?

He gathered five pebbles. He dropped the first pebble and the water in the glass rose. He dropped the second
pebble and the water in the glass rose again. He dropped the third pebble, and the water in the glass rose again. He
dropped the fourth pebble and the water in the glass rose again. He dropped the fifth pebble the water almost
reached. The brim of the glass, at last sparrow was able to drink.

a. Elements of the Story

a. The five tiny birds
b. Glass of water
c. The pebbles

1. The five tiny birds who uses his common sense to get what he wants.
2. The water in the glass rose as the sparrow dropped the pebbles in to the glass.
3. The story has scientific value since it demonstrates that no two subjects can occupy the same space at the
same time.
4. The sparrow gathered the pebbles, and dropped into the water.
5. The bird was very talented.

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