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NPM : 13-097

Why I Prefer Vaginal Birth Method?

There are two method of give birth, consist of caesarean section and vaginal
birth. Caesarean section is an operation to deliver the baby without going through
the birth canal (vagina). In the operation, doctor dissected mother's abdominal wall
and uterus. While, a vaginal birth is safer than a caesarean birth, this is method of
give birth via vagina. So, if I will give birth to my first child, I will prefer method of
vaginal birth. Because, I think vaginal birth has more benefits than c-section. Here
are some helpful benefits to both mom and baby who birth vaginally.
Benefits for baby :
1. The baby is ready to birth, in that its lungs and other major developments
have finished maturing and the baby is able to survive without any medical
2. Lowered risk of respiratory problems.
3. Skin-to-skin contact between the mother and baby can occur easily after a
vaginal birth. This has many physiological benefits to the baby including
optimal brain development as well as better attachment and breastfeeding
4. Babies receive protective bacteria, as they pass through the birth canal, the
baby picks up a protective bacteria that they ingest.
Benefits for mother:
1. Quick recovery and shorter hospital stay
2. Lower maternal mortality. Problems can arise in any birthing incident, but
studies have shown that the mortality risk to the delivering mother is far less
severe than that of a C-section operation.
3. There is no risk of complications in future births due to previous surgical
In addition, vaginal birth costs cheaper than c-section. So, that’s why I chose
vaginal birth rather than c-section. Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

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