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Time: 1 Hour Maximum: 25 Marks

I. Answer any one of the following. Carries 5 marks. (5x1 = 5 marks)
1. Construct a small paragraph using all 8 parts of speech(underline those parts of speech in your

Here are examples of the 8 parts of speech used in sentences. In the following sentences, the main
verb is in red , any nouns are in blue , pronouns in green , adjectives in yellow , adverbs in
purple, prepositions in orange , conjunctions in brown , and interjections in grey. The third and fourth
example sentences contain all 8 parts of speech.
Hurray! Spain won the World Cup!
My investments doubled last year and I bought a yacht . Yippee!
Susan was accepted into an Ivy League school because of her excellent scholarship .
Yo! I love to listen to modern rap music because I enjoy the wild rhymes . Word!

Part of Speech Definition Example Words

a person, place, thing, or idea pen, dog, work, music, town, London,
teacher, John
action or state of being (to) be, have, do, like, work, sing, can,
a quality of a noun some, good, big, red, interesting
describes a verb, adjective, or quickly, silently, well, badly, very, really
another adverb
stands in for a noun I, you, he, she, we, they, your
links a noun to another word to, at, after, on, before, around, over, of,
in, for, with, throughout, from, beneath
joins words, clauses, and and, but, when, or, however, although,
sentences nevertheless, therefore, yet, so
short exclamation, sometimes oh, ouch, hi, well
inserted into a sentence

2. Make Sentences using below conjunctions

a) both . . . and
The game is suitable for both children and adults.
b) not only . . . but also
The car not only is economical but also feels good to drive.
c) not . . . but
She led the team not only in statistics but also by virtue of her enthusiasm
d) neither . . .nor
He neither drinks nor smokes.
e) whether . . . or
A student will have to learn all the lessons whether they are easy or difficult.
3. Define Adverb and explain types of adverb with examples.
An adverb is a word that modifies (tell us more about) a verb or an adjective or any other adverb in a
 Adverbs of manner: Angrily, Happily, Easily, Sadly, Rudely, Loudly, Fluently, Greedily, etc
 Adverbs of Place: Near, There, Here, Somewhere, Inside, Outside, Ahead, Top, High, Bottom, etc
 Adverbs of time: Yesterday, Now, Then, Tomorrow, Today, Late, Early, Tonight, Again, Soon etc
 Adverbs of frequency: Often, Sometimes, Usually, Frequently, Seldom, Daily, Again and again,
Generally, Occasionally, Never, etc
4. Explain Rules of forming plural form of Noun with examples.
1 To make regular nouns plural, add -s to the end.
cat – cats
house – houses
2 If the singular noun ends in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, add -es to the end to make it plural.
truss – trusses
bus – buses
marsh – marshes
lunch – lunches
tax – taxes
blitz – blitzes
5 If a singular noun ends in -y and the letter before the -y is a consonant, change the ending to -ies to
make the noun plural.
city – cities
puppy – puppies
4 If the noun ends with -f or -fe, the f is often changed to -ve before adding the -s to form the plural
wife – wives
wolf – wolves
Sometimes a word may completely change its form when a plural is made. One child two children
Sometimes a word may stay the same in both its singular and plural form.
One fish many fish

II Write the summary of Bishop’s Candle Stick play. (10 Marks)

The play opens with a scene in the kitchen of Bishop’s cottage. Bishop’s younger sister Persome and maid
servant, Marie are busy in conversation while soup is being cooked on the stove. Persome is worried that her
brother has gone out in extreme cold. When she learns that her brother has gone to see Marie’s ailing
mother, she bursts out in anger at the selfishness of the people, who went about troubling him. Persome’s
anger is genuine because her brother has already sold off his estate, furniture and other valuables to help the
poor and the needy. Persome is shocked to discover further that the Bishop has even sold off his silver salt-
cellars to help another ailing lady, to pay her rent.
The Bishop promptly arrives and dispatches Marie to tend to her mother. He gives away his comforter to her
to ward off the cold outside. Persome gets furious and says, “You’ll sell your candlesticks next.” The Bishop
thanks her for giving him the idea, although he admits that the candlesticks were his proud possessions, a gift
from his dying mother and he would not like to part with them. Persome takes leave and the Bishop settles
down to read. It is already midnight. A convict enters the room stealthily, seizes the Bishop from behind and
demands something to eat. He threatens to kill the Bishop if he raises an alarm. The Bishop is unflustered. He
calls the convict ‘son’ and wakes his sister to serve some food and wine to the convict. He also calms down
Persome who was frightened to see the knife in the convict’s hand.
The convict pounces on the food greedily. After eating, the convict warms up to the Bishop and relates his sad
story. He tells the Bishop that he was once a normal man. He had a wife and a home, but no work. So he stole
to feed his sick wife. He was caught and sentenced to serve ten years in prison. He was chained like an animal
and beaten mercilessly. The Bishop consoles him and arranges for him to rest there for the night.
The next morning Persome finds that the convict and the silver candlesticks are missing. She raises an alarm
and informs the Bishop about the theft. The Bishop is upset, but he refuses to report to the police.
Soon a Sergeant appears with two soldiers and the convict in chains. They had arrested the convict on the
suspicion of stealing the Bishop’s candlesticks. The Bishop tells the police that the convict was his friend and
he had gifted the candlesticks to him. The police free the convict and go away. The convict is thunderstruck by
such kindness. He promises to reform himself and begin his life in a new manner. The Bishop blesses him and
gifts the candlesticks to him. He shows him a secret path to Paris, where the convict could lead a safe and
respectable life.

III Find out appropriate parts of speech for the underlined words (10x1= 10Marks)

1. You have to believe in yourself if you ever expect to be successful at something. pronoun
2. We left for the mountain just before six in the morning. verb
3. We first went to the store to buy a few things. preposition
4. We had a breakfast at a café near the rail station. noun
5. My friend wasn't strong enough to lift his heavy rucksack. adjective
6. I helped him carry it. pronoun
7. The weather was very cold. adverb
8. My friend said, "Oh! What a cold weather!" interjection
9. We didn't spend the night there. adverb
10. We got back home late at night but we didn't go to sleep immediately. We were very
hungry. conjunction

SECOND INTERNAL 3rd October 2018

Answer any 3 Questions from the following. Each Question Carries 5 Marks
1. Explain with example different usage of Present Simple Tense
1) Regular habits or daily routine:
Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a
hobby, a daily event or something that often happens.
•E.g. -I playBadminton
-The College opensevery morning at 9 AM.
-He always forgetshis bag.
-Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun.
2) Facts or generalizations: The Simple Present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true
before, is true now, and will be true in the future. It is not important if the speaker is correct about the fact. It
is also used to make generalizations about people or things.
•E.g. -Cats likemilk.
-Delhi is the capital of India
-Windows are not made of wood.
3 . Present State orCondition: we use verb to express the present condition or state of the subject
1.The Lord hears(hear) our prayer.
2.The weather today is(be) cool.
3.She belongs(belong) to the first group.
4. Scheduled Events in the Near Future: Speakers occasionally use Simple Present to talk about scheduled
events in the near future. This is most commonly done when talking about public transportation, but it can be
used with other scheduled events as well.
•E.g. -The bus leaves tonight at 6 PM.
-When dowe boardthe plane?
-The party startsat 8 o'clock.

2. Explain usage of “Since” and “For” with examples

We use the present perfect tense with since and for to say how long an action has lasted.
We use since with the present perfect tense to refer to the starting point of an action.
e.g. I have studied at this school since 2013
We use for with the present perfect tense to refer to a period of time.
e.g. I have studied at this school for five years.
3. Explain usage of Past Perfect with example
To talk about a past action that ended before another action or time in the past, we use before and after.
We use the simple past too.
Use -1
We use Past Perfect Tense to describe happening before ANOTHER ACTION ONE ACTION
The train had gone when I arrived at the station.
We also use the past perfect to show the cause of a past action
•I was tired on Monday because I hadn’t slept well the night before
With time expressions such as when, after, before, as soon as, by the time, by and until
By the time I got home, my mother had already prepared dinner

4. Describe grammatical structure of Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative form of Future Continuous
tense with example.
Subject + Auxiliary verb + Main Verb + Object
Subject + Will be + Present Participle (1st form of verb + ing) + Object
They will be making preparations for their exams.
He will be feeling good tomorrow.
Subject + Auxiliary verb + Main Verb + Object
Subject + Will NOT be + Present Participle (1st form of verb + ing) + Object
They will not be working there.
He will not be listening to the music
Will + Subject + Be + Present Participle + Object
Will you be helping the people?
Will he be taking his exams?
5. Spot the errors from below and correct the sentence with proper reason, if there is no error then write
“No Error”
Example: John usually clean his car on Sundays. He are cleaning his car at the moment.
Answer: John usually cleans his car on Sundays. He is cleaning his car at the moment. Reason: cleaning
is habitual action so simple present tense and John is “He” so whenever He/She/It comes “s” has to be
added to the verb and He is singular person so “is” comes not “are”
a. My brother always cry. Listen! He cries loudly now.
My brother always cries. Listen! He is crying loudly now.
b. I have washed the dishes yesterday
I washed the dishes yesterday
c. Tara hasn't been feeling well for 2 weeks.
No Error
d. They learn to play the piano five years ago
They learnt to play the piano five years ago
e. How did you traveled when you were young?
f. is there “WhatsApp” eighty years ago?
was there “WhatsApp” eighty years ago?
g. Tom was doing his homework when Mom come home.
Tom was doing his homework when Mom came home.
h. The train had gone when I arrive at the station.
The train had gone when I arrived at the station.
i. By the time the police arrived, the thief escaped
By the time the police arrived, the thief had escaped.
j. What will you doing tomorrow at 12?
What are you doing tomorrow at 12?
Compulsory Question. Question Carries 10 Marks
6. Write an Essay/Paragraph(300 words) on Teacher’s Day celebration at your college, Paragraph should
contain tenses like present simple, present perfect, past simple, past perfect, Future simple, Future
continuous. Underline those tenses wherever you have used and write in bracket type of tense used.

THIRD INTERNAL 3rd October 2018

Answer any Questions from the following.
II. Convert Active voice into Passive Voice. (10 marks)
1) He does not write a letter
A letter is not written by him.
2) They are eating apples.
Apples are being eaten by them.
3) She decorated the walls.
The walls were decorated by her.
4) Had they won the game?
Had the game been won by them?
5) She will not write a poem.
A poem will not be written by her.
6) He will have received the letter.
The letter will have been received by him.
7) He must learn this book.
This book must be learnt by him.
8) You ought to help her.
She ought to be helped by you.
9) He might have killed the snake.
The snake might have been killed by her.
10) Respect the elders.
Let the elders be respected.
III. Convert Direct into indirect speech. (10 Marks)
1) Ramesh said "She will leave tomorrow.“
Ramesh said she would leave the next day
2) Sam said "She arrived last week."
Sam said she had arrived the previous week.
3) Julie said, "He moved a year ago."
Julie said he had moved a year before
4) They said, “We are going to cinema today”.
They said that they were going to cinema that day.
5) They said, “We have not gone to New York.
They said that they had not gone to New York.
6) He said to me, “ I was waiting for you”
He said to me that he had been waiting for me.
7) He said: "My mother is here."
He said that his mother was there.
8) "I never understand you," she told me
She told me she never understood me.
9) "I have broken the window," he said.
He said that he had broken the window
10) "She went to Rome," she said.
She said that she had gone to Rome.
IV. Write the General format of Report writing (5 Marks)
a. Title Page (1 page)
b. Summary (1 to 2 pages)
c. Content (1 to 3 pages)
d. Introduction (1 - 10 pages )
e. Body (10 - 100 pages)
f. Recommendations (1-3 pages)
g. Conclusion (1-3 pages)
h. Appendices (1 to 3 pages)
V. Write the General format of Resume (5 Marks)
Resume must contains below sections
 Heading
 Objective
 Professional Summary
 Work Experience
 Projects
 Achievements/Accomplishments
 Education Qualification
 References
VI. Write the General format of Bio-data (5 Marks)
a. Name:
b. Father’s Name:
c. Mother’s Name:
d. DOB:
e. Gender:
f. Marital status:
g. Nationality:
h. Siblings:
i. Height:
j. Complexion
k. Religion:
l. Cast:
m. Education Qualification:
n. Experience:
o. Present Address:
p. Permanent address:
q. Declaration:

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