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A Smart Energy Meter for Power Grids

Claudio De Capua, Gianluca Lipari, Mariacarla Lugarà, Rosario Morello

DIIES, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria
Reggio Calabria, Italy

Abstract— The growing demand of energy and the need of order to produce electricity, needs to draw from a primary
finding alternative energy sources to the traditional ones, due to energy source. The main ones are:
the progressive decrease of fossil fuels and an increasing concern x hydropower
towards the environment, have led to a revolution in terms of
energy production in the last decade. As a consequence, the
x the thermal energy from fossil fuels or natural vapors
distributed generation is more and more widely spreading. The underground (geothermal production).
network, in this new dimension, has to change its management However, in recent years, due to strong incentives, the weight
and the energy distribution so to achieve and maintain high of the so-called "distributed generation" has considerably
efficiency requirements. Coming to drop the concept of grown over the traditional centralized production. In fact, with
centralized production, it is immediate to conclude that an the gradual spread of the plants producing electricity from
efficient distribution of energy must necessarily bring into renewable sources such as photovoltaic and wind, the places
account the energy footprint of the area, because the energy of production and consumption of electricity tend to coincide.
transport should be always as short as possible, to minimize
Distributed generation represents a different mode of thinking
losses and maximize the efficiency of the network. This concept is
the core of the smart-grid idea, on which the global scientific
and managing the power grid, no longer, or not only, based on
community is investing heavily in research, the idea is a power large power plants connected to extensive networks, but on
distribution grid, based on the experience in the information and small-medium sized production units (wind farms, solar,
communications technology field, which can route the energy biomass power plants, co-generators), geographically
through appropriate algorithms that are able to determine the distributed and connected directly to consumers or otherwise
optimal path. Of course, behind all this there must be a network to low-voltage networks. In recent years there has been a
structure capable of acquiring detailed data from widespread significant growth in the diffusion of renewable energy
production and consumption of energy and make them easily systems. The most common types of renewable plants are:
available along with additional information, e.g. the Power
photovoltaic systems; small wind power system and micro
Quality of the energy exchanged. This information is demanded
by simple user, who wants to personally evaluate the functioning
wind power systems; biomass plants.
of the system, and also by technical personnel, who needs to In this sight, the electrical network should completely change
access to reliable data to perform targeted and efficient its role in order to guarantee suitable efficiency requirements.
interventions. In the present paper, the authors propose a smart It is intended to gradually change from a "passive" network, in
energy meter for energy management in power grids. The which electricity flows only from the place of production to
measurement system has been projected and developed point of consumption, to an "active" and "smart" network, that
according to the IEEE 1451 (ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451) guidelines. is Smart Grid, which is able to manage and regulate electrical
The system is based on a mobile application in order to improve flows traveling in a discontinuous and bidirectional way, [1],
the data exchange and availability.
The traditional concept of electrical network is also known in
Keywords — smart meter; energy accounting; IEEE 21451;
the literature by the name of "Grid", in which the nodes
mobile application.
represent the single buildings, which use energy or power
plants that produce it. Adjacent buildings can be grouped into
smaller networks at medium and low voltage ("microgrids"),
able to exchange electricity between them or, possibly, with
The current global energy system is based mainly on a major production facilities. It is a structure divided into
reduced number of large power plants for the production of hierarchical levels comparable to the Internet network, in
electrical energy, usually powered by fossil fuels. The which energy flows traveling in a bi-directional way between
electricity is distributed through high-voltage lines, from the microgrid and the core high-voltage network. Moving
which medium and low voltage lines branch off, ranging up to towards an efficient system basically means to monitor flows
endusers. In such architecture, the energy flows are at various levels and adjust them, to reduce wastes as much as
unidirectional, from the producer to the user, who in this case possible. One of the major advantages of the proposed
has only a passive role as simple energy consumer. This approach is the shortening of the electricity transmission and
macro-system can be divided into several subsystems: distribution networks. High voltage networks lose about 7% of
production, transmission, distribution and user subsystems. the electricity transported along the way and, in addition it is
The production subsystem consists of the plants producing cause of high costs of construction and maintenance.
electricity and the power stations. Every power station, in Moreover, constant risk of interruptions and blackouts is

978-1-4673-6386-0/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

present. Distributed generation, instead, is immune from according to the phenomena originating them and their
similar risks, because draws the production site closer to the consequences. While in the past the Power Quality has often
usage area. It also increases the reliability of the network, been regarded as an implicit duty of system operators, today
since the failure of a plant does not involve the interruption of quality targets have become more and more explicit, both in
supply, but it is compensated by the presence of other the form of contracts negotiated with customers, and of clear
production facilities. This aspect is particularly important for objectives which are agreed with the regulatory authority. PQ
the renewable energy plants, which for the most part deliver disturbances include very common stationary and transient
energy in a discontinuous way. The flow of energy from events such as: current and voltage harmonics, micro-outages,
renewable sources, such as photovoltaic and wind energy, voltage fluctuations, short and long breaks, impulsive
depends on unpredictable weather factors, this means that the overvoltage and over-current, etc… [4].
voltage, current and frequency vary continuously causing high The effects of these disorders may also affect significantly, in
levels of stress to the existing networks, such as sudden high the worst cases, the proper functioning of the system
peaks of production or contemporary arrests of a large number components and even temporarily interrupt the normal course
of production plants. This highlights the need for active of the energy production process. For industrial and advanced
management of the distribution network in order to ensure the services, these disorders can lead to annoying, as well as
necessary requirements for adjustment of the fundamental expensive, disruptions in production, requiring the adoption by
parameters of operation of the electricity distribution network, the user of specific tools in order to reduce or eliminate these
particularly expecting a massive diffusion of distributed disorders. A low quality level of power can, in fact, bring the
generation in the future. Therefore, it becomes increasingly following adverse effects on equipment: malfunction; reduced
important to check the quality of energy transiting on the service life; damage; data loss; power losses.
power grid. But, while in the centralized approach this The Power Quality disorders are classified depending on the
information was observed only by the Network Manager, now type of their deviation from the ideal waveform: voltage
the Power Quality must be guaranteed even by small power amplitude variation; voltage phase variation; current variation;
producers that inject energy into the grid. In order to get asymmetry of the voltage phases; unbalance of the currents
information on the power quality in each node of the power phases; Voltage Harmonic Distortion; Current Harmonic
grid, it is necessary to project and develop suitable Distortion. The following types of disturbances may be
measurement systems, [3]. considered as events: voltage interruptions; voltage drops;
In the present manuscript, the authors propose a smart energy voltage surges; very fast events. For these last two events,
meter based on mobile application. The system is able to reference is made to raising/lowering of the supply voltage
acquire and process data to get information on energy followed by a recovery, in particular those of short duration
exchange and power quality. are called Voltage Swell/Voltage Dip, while those of long
In the next Section the Power Quality issue is discussed; in the duration are called simply overvoltage/undervoltage.
third Section the proposed smart meter is described. Reference is made to disturbances of short duration, typically
a cycle of the system frequency or even less, called Transient
Events, in particular the Voltage Sags transients are indicated
II. POWER QUALITY by the expression “notches”.
A. The quality of electric service
B. The Power Quality Regulation
In recent years, the quality of electricity supply has become an
The growing interest in the PQ has encouraged the
important requirement to be guaranteed. The distribution
formulation of new Standards. In fact both the IEEE (Institute
companies should ensure continuity of power supply and
of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) and IEC (International
voltage quality in order to guarantee compliance with the rules
Electrotechnical Commission) have edited some standards on
of authority and customer satisfaction. System operators are
this issue. The main IEEE Standards, [5], dealing with the PQ
increasingly encouraged to report information concerning the
performance of the power system to external parts like users
and Authority. It is therefore very important to consider the x IEEE 1159-1995 "Recommended practice for
power quality or service quality. A commonly accepted monitoring electric PQ", which defines the
definition of "service quality" of the electricity supply includes terminology used in the PQ, the impact of the PQ on
three aspects: reliability of supply, voltage quality and supplier and on user loads;
information availability. The first two technical aspects are x IEEE 1159.3-2003 “Recommended practice for the
included in what is commonly called Power Quality (PQ). transfer of PQ data”;
Studies of reliability of power are directed mainly to manage x IEEE 519-1992 “Recommended practices and
interruptions by means of probabilistic models of complex requirements for harmonic control in electrical power
systems in addition to the traditional analysis techniques for systems”;
electrical systems. The studies on the PQ regarding the quality x IEEE Trial-Use 1459-2000 “Definitions for the
of the voltage are generally directed to the analysis of the measurement of electric power quantities under
waveform deviations from the ideal trend of voltages and sinusoidal, non-sinusoidal, balanced, or unbalanced
currents. The indexes of voltage quality are established conditions”.
The IEC 61000-XY, [6], [7], addressed the issue of provide adequate or detailed documentation or a way of
Electromagnetic Compatibility, the sections of greatest interest accessing data easily and efficiently. In fact, the Smart Meters
for the PQ are: currently on the market use the communication protocols and
x IEC 61000-4-7 "General guide for harmonics and proprietary software, difficult to setup and use, making the
interharmonics measurements and instrumentation, monitoring of the electrical system nearly impossible for the
applicable to power networks and the equipment common user. Nowadays devices of this type are not very
connected to them", which defines the common and, even when present, the data coming out from
instrumentation and methods necessary to measure, them are not easily understandable by the end user, despite
for frequencies up to 9 kHz, the harmonics and their growing importance in relation to the new tariff
interharmonics produced by equipment connected to structures, to incentives for energy saving, to home
the electricity distribution networks at 50 and 60 Hz; automation and to the integration into smart grids of the
x IEC 61000-4-30 "Power quality measurement future.
methods". It defines measurement methods of the PQ In the light of the considerations outlined before, the authors
parameters in the alternating current power supply have projected and developed a Smart Energy Meter that
systems, at 50 Hz and 60 Hz, in order to obtain acquires the energy data of producer, both for the consumption
reliable results, repeatable and comparable, and and production, allowing a bi-directional control of energy
parameters that define the quality of supplied or flows. The project is compliant with the guidelines of the
exchanged power at a given point of the transmission IEEE 21451 Standards Family, thus providing a network-
and distribution network. PQ parameters considered independent communication interface for the Smart Meter.
in this Standard are: frequency, voltage dips, over The proposed measurement system integrates in a single
voltage, voltage outages, voltage harmonics and device two energy counters: one monitors the production, and
interharmonics, current harmonics and the other one records consumption. The projected system has
interharmonics, unbalance between the phases, useful features, such as: ease of installation and configuration;
flickers, transient voltages, signals transmitted on the reduced number of hardware components; counting of
network, rapid variations in voltage. Depending on absorbed and delivered energy with a single counter;
the purpose of the measurement only the measure of monitoring of Power Quality; possibility of remote control via
a subset of these parameters may be provided. LAN or the Internet network.
The IEC 61000-4-30 defines the measurement methods for The measures are carried out through a mobile application,
both single-phase and multi-phase systems, but does not capable of remotely managing the hardware dedicated to the
impose the choice of parameters to be measured. The voltage acquisition through the Internet network. Each node is thus
measurement can be made between phase and neutral, able to acquire data and to carry out the storage. The acquired
between two phases, or between neutral and ground. The data analysis is carried out both in steady state, considering
current can be measured on each conductor, including ground Power Factor and THD, and in the transient, considering
wires and neutral. The Standard defines, moreover, two voltage holes (SAG) and overvoltage (SWELL). Voltage
classes of performance, A and B, for each parameter interruptions are taken into account too, in fact, even though
measured. The class A performance is recommended when such systems have a characteristic of intrinsically
precise measurements are needed, e.g. for contract discontinuous generation, through the analysis of interruptions
applications, to resolve disputes, to verify compliance with is possible to evaluate the weight of disruptions related to the
rules etc. The class B performance is recommended to create a intervention of the monitoring relay, required by law in each
low-cost tool and there are not strong specifications on system. This device, in critical operating conditions, to
uncertainty levels. The definition of an interval for variables preserve the safety of people and equipment, operates
of influence allows avoiding that the measure of a parameter is disconnection from the grid. Characterizing the occurrence of
influenced negatively by the presence of a disturbance. If such events is now one of the research challenges.
either one parameter is not within this range, then the tool Considering all other available information, it is possible to
does not guarantee the uncertainty defined by the Standard. distinguish between voluntary disconnections, caused by the
device, and other causes of disconnection (such as faults or
environmental conditions unfavorable to the generation). All
III. THE SMART ENERGY METER events detected during the analysis are saved by storing the
With the growing relevance obtained by the Power Quality date and time of the event, the duration and the data window
topic in electrical systems, in particular for consumers, the that contains it. The evaluation of all this information allows
presence of equipment that can measure the quality of energy determining the causes of the event. The measures on currents,
has become an increasingly important challenge, as it provides voltages and power are averaged over different time intervals
real-time information necessary to prevent malfunctions and and stored on shared variables, so as to allow access to
damages to utilities, [8]-[12]. Today the market already historical data of the node. The entire measurement chain,
provides solutions for smart meters, capable of providing both from the technical specifications of acquisition hardware to
the services offered by the old generation counter that the processing software, has been designed according to the
measures of power quality. However, manufacturers do not specifications of IEC 61000-4-30 and IEC 61000-4-7. In this
way the performed measurements meet the specifications for
the range of uncertainty defined for instruments of class A.
Moreover the huge amount of acquired samples has been
reduced so to respect the Standard recommendations. During
the data processing, the system performs the following
operations: acquisition of voltage and current waveforms with
a sampling rate of 50 kHz, resampling of voltage and current
signals into even-angle-spaced signals that are synchronous to
the line frequency with a constant number of samples per
cycle; calculation of the Fourier transforms up to the fiftieth
harmonic, via FFT algorithms, to obtain the spectra of current
and voltage waveforms; calculation of power (active, reactive
and apparent) and Power Factor; calculation of cumulative
energy; calculation of voltage and current THD; identification
of power quality disturbance events. The events detected are
organized into a FIFO queue, which allows to keep memory of
the last ten disturbance events that have occurred. Each
element of the queue contains the following information: date
and time at which the event occurred; type of disturbance (sag,
swell or interruption); maximum value over the threshold,
upper or lower, reached by the voltage; duration of the
recorded event. The trend of power, averaged over intervals of
ten minutes, is calculated and stored in a text file. The
measures relating to the THD are performed on the current Figure 2. Smart transducer architecture.
produced, on the current drawn from the distribution network
and on network voltage. To implement the Network Capable Application Processor
The hardware includes: a NI WLS-9215 wireless data (NCAP) a Web Service has been developed in LabVIEW
acquisition card, a LEM CV 3-500 voltage sensor and a LEM environment on an host computer. The NCAP implements the
CT 10-T current sensor, see Fig. 1 for reference. following functions: TIM Discovery; TEDS Reading;
Transducer Data Reading. The TIM discovery function
allows individuating the available TIMs and automatically
adding them to the list of installed Smart Meters. In this way it
is possible to expand the wireless sensor network, thus
providing access to the acquired data of every measurement
node. In the TEDS of every transducer are reported, in
addition to data regarding transducer identification,
information on geographical locations where the sensors are
installed. This provides information on the morphology and
distribution of the whole network by reporting the location of
the sensors on a map that can be consulted by the user. The
transducers data are read by the host computer which performs
the data processing, calculates power and energy, estimates
PQ indexes and identifies power quality disturbance events.
The implemented LabVIEW web service allows remote access
to the measurement results through the SOAP
request/response protocol. It can provide, when queried, both
the instantaneous state of the node and historical data. Remote
Figure 1. TIM Hardware access to such information may be useful from different points
of view, for the user in order to control its consumption and its
Transducer Electronic Data Sheets (TEDS) for each production, for the provider in order to evaluate the
transducer have been implemented. The TEDS store operational status of the node and verify, for example, the
transducer identification, calibration data, correction data, and performance after a maintenance/repair. The knowledge of the
manufacturer-related information. This devices form the power quality indices of the generation system and the
Transducer Interface Module (TIM) of the smart sensor. evaluation of recorded historical events is certainly an added
Using the NI WLS-9215 wireless DAQ, it has been possible to value, as opposed to common counters that do not provide this
develop a smart sensor that fulfills the IEEE 21451.5 standard information. Such information instead would be a useful aid in
specifications, see Fig. 2. the diagnosis of malfunctions.
To ensure a greater accessibility to network and information, midnight, while on the ordinate there is power in kW unit, see
an application for iPhone/iPad has been developed on OSX Fig. 5.
operating system. It provides access to the data of a node, both
instantaneous and historical ones. Fig. 3 shows the user
configuration interface of the application.

Figure 5. Power graphs.

The user can interact with the chart area through touch,
Figure 3. Configuration user interface.
zooming with multitouch gestures and moving inside the chart
to analyze in detail different portions of it. A final tab shows
The user interface consists of five tabs: a configuration and the list of power quality disturbance events that have occurred
connection tab; a screen that shows the values of absorbed and during the day. Each cell of the table shows the type of event
produced power and energy, voltage and current THD and the and the time at which it is occurred; tapping on the desired cell
Power Factor; a third screen within which the graphs of daily the user accesses to detailed information on the event such as
delivered and absorbed powers, averaged over intervals of ten the peak voltage reached and the duration of the event. The
minutes, are shown. Each node can be selected interactively user can send commands to the webservice to check and
through a map on which are shown all the available nodes of change some configuration options of the acquisition system.
the network, considering, for example, an user owning Numerical simulations and experimental tests have been
multiple distributed production systems or a technician who carried out. The measurement system was able to correctly
has to do the maintenance for several clients. Once the unit to perform the monitoring of energy and Power Quality of a
be monitored has been selected, by default, the application distributed generation system, providing performances in line
displays information about the current day (Peak Power, with those of devices with similar characteristics. During tests,
Instantaneous Power, Power Factor, THD, and any transient the instrument was able to correctly identify the disturbance of
event), see Fig. 4 for reference. the Power Quality events, as defined by IEC regulations.
Experimental validation data will be reported in future works.

In the present manuscript, the authors have proposed a smart
energy meter. The measurement system has been projected in
compliance with the guidelines of the IEEE 21451 Standards
family. An iOS application has been developed to provide
additional tools in order to facilitate the data sharing of energy
production and consumption and Power Quality parameters by
using a smartphone.
The system has an intuitive and user-friendly graphical
interface. The use of graphs and histograms makes it easy to
understand the results and to perform the comparison between
data and information.
The use of a web-service has made it possible to overcome the
main limitations of smart meters currently used on the market.
Figure 4. Node information. So data can be accessed easily via the Internet network and
without the need of using proprietary software. Moreover, it
Through a dedicated command, historical data can be shown. has allowed reducing the computational complexity of the
On the abscissa there is time variable in hour unit, starting at Smart Energy Meter.
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