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10, OCTOBER 2011 4487

Electricity Smart Meters Interfacing the Households

Francesco Benzi, Member, IEEE, Norma Anglani, Member, IEEE, Ezio Bassi, and Lucia Frosini

Abstract—The recent worldwide measures for energy savings programs, and 2) general functions, addressed to the needs of
call for a larger awareness of the household energy consumption, the home inhabitant, which can take advantage indirectly from
given the relevant contribution of domestic load to the national the meter information, like optimal heating, air-conditioning,
energy balance. On the other hand, electricity smart meters to-
gether with gas, heat, and water meters can be interconnected in or lighting based on actual energy tariffs—such services should
a large network offering a potential value to implement energy preferably be integrated with other home automation networks.
savings and other energy-related services, as long as an efficient Moreover, other energy smart meters (gas, heat, and water),
interface with the final user is implemented. Unfortunately, so far, when equipped with proper technical connectivity, could join
the interface of such devices is mostly designed and addressed the network by carrying out similar functions and increasing
at the utilities supervising the system, giving them relevant ad-
vantages, while the communication with the household is often the effectiveness of services.
underestimated. This paper addresses this topic by proposing These considerations bring to the requirement for a smart
the definition of a local interface for smart meters, by looking meter device that is able of simultaneously and effectively
at the actual European Union and international regulations, at the communicating with both the world of energy service (energy
technological solutions available on the market, and at those im- producers and distributors) and the household world.
plemented in different countries, and, finally, by proposing specific
architectures for a proper consumer-oriented implementation of a A number of international and local resolutions, supported by
smart meter network. experiments and actual realizations and aimed at maximizing
the energy efficiency, make the perspective of new infrastruc-
Index Terms—Communication standards, home automation,
smart grids, smart metering. tures and “smart grids” predictable for the next few years,
where the energy meters play a relevant role. The authors will
I. I NTRODUCTION therefore raise the issue of providing a local interface between
the meter and the house and the design of network architectures,
T HE electronic meters for electricity (smart meters) are
undergoing an increasing deployment in private homes
all over the world, which is mostly triggered from the govern-
specific devices, and protocols well fitted to a general exploita-
tion of the smart meter that is profitable for the individual user
and the community.
ment decisions in order to fulfill energy-saving targets. As a
This paper presents in Section II some relevant international
consequence, an ever growing physical communication net-
projects, aimed at the optimization of energy networks, where
work, made up of millions of local meters, has been established,
the role of electricity smart meters is emphasized. In Section III,
whose considerable advantages are so far in favor primarily, if
significant implementations of smart meter deployment in se-
not solely, of the energy distributors, since they are enabled
lected countries are reviewed.Section IV describes in detail how
at simplified, more efficient, and less costly transactions with
digital meters interfacing the consumer premises can play a
the customers, e.g., for meter reading, billing, and energy
more active role and provide relevant benefits to the final user.
supply administration [1]. By its nature, however, a digital
Finally, Section V discusses the technical requirements of smart
communication network has, among its features, the flexibility
meters in order for them to provide the aforementioned benefits
and extensibility of the structure, so that new applications can
and proposes and compares a number of technical solutions,
also be provided. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that
particularly architectures and communication protocols. An
the meters themselves, by increasing their capabilities, become
acknowledgement is due to the Italian Regulatory Authority for
players in a more extended and different network, which is
Electricity and Gas, and namely the Electric Service Quality
available not only to the distribution or energy production com-
Unit, in behalf of which a study related to this subject has been
panies but also to the domestic energy final users, by providing
conducted by the authors.
them with useful services: 1) value-added services specifically
In the following, the term “smart meter” stands for “electric-
based on the meter data, such as power consumption in-home
ity smart meter,” unless differently specified.
display, automatic load management in order to comply with
the maximum contract power, and demand response (DR)
Manuscript received February 26, 2010; revised August 26, 2010; accepted
December 8, 2010. Date of publication January 20, 2011; date of current For several years, internationally, the concept of intelligent
version August 30, 2011.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University interconnection among energy networks, known as smart grid,
of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy (e-mail:;; has been assessed. On a different perspective, the final user of; the same energy, within the house environment, is nowadays
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at at the center of a quite extended communication network, in-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2011.2107713 cluding telephone, data transmission, home automation, and the

0278-0046/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE


Fig. 1. Smart House areas (adapted from [2]).

most pervasive of all, the Web. Thus, the two worlds (the util- Fig. 2. Service groups according to the Intelligrid Consumer Portal (adapted
ity’s and the house’s) are closely related but still differentiated from [3]).
with respect to many parameters (protocols and physical media)
so that such important information as that related to energy among others, projects of smart metering, DR, and saving for
consumption cannot be easily interchanged. The smart meters, consumers. The characteristics of the consumer portal are sum-
being exactly at the border of the two worlds, can play a crucial marized in the final document [3], with the goal of defining the
role, as it has been concluded by two relevant international best interaction with the consumer or the resident population.
projects, whose proposals and outcomes are resumed in the Here too, the goal is to define the common and interoperable
following. characteristics required in order that devices and communica-
Smart House (2001–2005)—The Smart House project has tion systems can interface effectively. This effort resulted in
been sponsored by Comité Européen de Normalisation Elec- the scheme in Fig. 2, which shows a classification framework,
trotechnique (CENELEC) TC 205/WG 16 and European Asso- operating in parallel with the more traditional International
ciation for the Co-ordination of Consumer Representation in Standard Organization’s Open System Interconnect (ISO/OSI)
Standardisation, the European standard organization of final level scheme, where a wide variety of communication protocols
consumers, with the goal of coordinating standardization in employed in the energy and consumer sector can be included.
home applications and trying to include the largest number Accordingly, all of these systems are grouped in service groups
of players of different categories (utilities, manufacturers, and represented in the figure, where, e.g., the Internet protocols
integrators). It was conducted in two phases: The first, from (IPv4 and IPv6) pertain to the core networking service group
2001 to 2003, concluded with an interim report highlighting and the standard IEC 61850 is included in the power system
among others the pivotal role of entertainment and broad- operations group. In this scheme, the smart meters are included
band access for the house connectivity, the positive effect of both in the local area networks, providing technologies such
CENELEC/TC-205-type home bus systems, particularly if they as Ethernet, WiFi, and ZigBee, and in the consumer appli-
are truly integrated with an electrical power distribution system, cation area, where it is registered a significant role of both
and the role of interoperability standards, and the second ended protocols for home automation (e.g., Konnex and LonWorks)
up in 2005 with a more operational code of practice [2], and metering-dedicated protocols such as Device Language
which is a very rich document, including a comprehensive Message Specification (DLMS)/Companion Specification for
overview of technologies, applications, and standards, based on Energy Metering (COSEM).
consultations with almost all operators. A significant number In conclusion, both projects provide a relevant role for the
of areas are identified inside and around the house (see Fig. 1). smart meters and foresee for them a common interface capabil-
In the area called home equipment, such devices as the smart ity with both the power system and the household devices and
meters and energy consumption displays are included; the code services.
suggests, with some detail, possible reference for interface and An attempt to a more effective definition of a common stan-
communication system standardization in order to make these dard comes from the 2009 European mandate of the European
devices interoperable with a general data network. Commission, addressed to Comité Européen de Normalisation,
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Consumer Portal— CENELEC, and European Telecommunications Standards In-
Intelligrid (2005)—It is a project born in the U.S. EPRI, with stitute for the development of an open architecture for utility
the aim of establishing a framework of reference supporting a smart meters, involving communication protocols enabling the
“consumer portal,” which establishes a two-way communica- interoperability. The mandate terms envision the integration of
tion between utilities and customers, thus enabling advanced all relevant meters (electricity, gas, water, and heat) and set a
services for the consumers involving energy and home au- 30-mo deadline in view of an effective accomplishment.
tomation. To this end, it is proposed to adopt an architecture Some of the specified requirements are addressed to an inte-
that defines the structure, requirements, and standards needed gration of the meters within the households: “Solutions meant
to design interoperable products and systems, implementing, to be installed in living quarters should be silent, nonintrusive,

and safe” [4]. A number of large projects have therefore been

stimulated in Europe, totally or partly based on the mandate
guidelines. Open Public Extended Network Metering (OPEN
Meter) is supported by a team of the more important European
utilities, research, and industrial companies. The envisioned
architecture is strongly centered on the role of the smart meter
and its interface with the concentrator and utility central system;
a role is provided even for end-user devices, even though, so far,
these are defined as optional and one-way communication [5].
E-Energy is a large spectrum project, initiated in Germany,
whose general aim is to create a smart electricity system, which
will extensively control itself with all energy-sector processes Fig. 3. Communication ports belonging to the metering installation (adapted
optimally adapted to one another. Smart metering is one of the from [12]).
topics, and a focus has been given to standardization issues [6]. ing of deployment for all companies so that it seems reasonable
now that the deadline of more than 95% of coverage by 2012
III. S MART M ETER D EPLOYMENT. will be observed.
I NTERNATIONAL OVERVIEW Other details in smart metering international deployment
can be found in [9]–[11]. Here, for the sake of reference and
In an international overview of smart metering deployment, better understanding of the following paragraphs, the standard
a variety of proposals and a differentiated level of implemen- solution proposed in The Netherlands is shortly reported. The
tation in a number of nations have to be highlighted. In the Institute for Dutch Standards completed in April 2007 the
following, the more relevant results either for extension or specification NTA 8130:2007 [12], [13] to define the minimum
technical aspects will be discussed. standard of domestic meters for electricity, gas, and heat in
United States and Canada. The requirement for DR policy order to provide an integrated management and an awareness of
and smart meter deployment was first raised in California in the energy consumption by the user. The data exchange is defined
last years of utility crisis and is now further stimulated from the through a number of ports/interfaces defined by P1 to P4 (see
$4.5 billion federal economic package, allocated for research Fig. 3). In addition to port P2, which is explicitly provided for
related to smart grids. In the development of the DR potential the exchange of information with other energy meters (gas and
scenarios that rely on dynamic pricing, the Fourth Assessment water), the interest is focused on port P1, which establishes
of Demand Response and Advanced Metering issued by a a link to service modules available to the final user, which is
federal commission [7] estimates 7.95 million advanced meters a local interface. This is also considered an access by third-
installed nationwide in 2009. A potential at five and ten years party providers to the remote center through P4 to offer further
is then estimated under different scenarios. Under the quite services. Port P1 is unidirectional from the meter to the user.
likely “partial deployment” scenario, about 80 million meters The physical connection is implemented with a standard RJ11
will be installed by 2019. The initial target set by the Canadian telephone connector (transistor–transistor logic level) and a
government of 800 000 homes by 2007 has been surpassed. communication protocol IEC 62056-21 (DLMS) at 9600 b/s, as
Australia. The Essential Services Commission of Victoria has well as the object identification protocol Object Identification
rolled out a timetable to install 1 million smart meters by 2013. System (COSEM). The data readings are made available on
Developing countries like China and India are looking request on this port at a frequency of 10 s: energy consumption,
toward smart grids and smart metering as crucial technologies instantaneous power, energy fare (on-peak/off-peak), position
to cope with an efficient management of energy distribution and (on/off), and threshold value (maximum current in amperes).
control in overcrowded areas. Through the same gateway, messages can be forwarded from
In Europe, a relevant role is played by regulator authorities the distributors to the end user about the following: reasons for
and governmental agencies, according to the general directives the supply detachment, limitations of the threshold power, and
assumed by the European Union (EU), namely, the European exhaustion of credit for prepaid supplies. Third parties can also
Directive 32/2006 on end-user energy efficiency services [8] access port P1 to send messages up to 1024 characters. For gas
and its following transposition and implementation in single meters, there is a similar port P1, but the data are provided every
states. 24 h, except for the change in position of the opening valve,
Italy. Among other European and international countries, it which is transmitted immediately.
deserves a special mention since, with more than 30 million
smart meters installed, it covers more than 80% of house-
holds and leads the deployment of smart metering devices in IV. B ENEFITS OF S MART M ETER I NTERFACING
the world. These have been installed since the beginning of THE H OUSEHOLD
2000, following a strategic choice of the national utility Ente The smart meter installation brings quite evident benefits to
Nazionale per l’energia ELettrica, initially based on the EN the utilities in a medium or short span of time: It provides
14908 protocol and lately modified on the basis of proprietary a more timely and precise billing and reduces the costs of
solutions. In the meanwhile, a decision of the Italian Authority interacting with customers by activating, closing, or suspend-
for Energy and Gas has defined technical requirements and tim- ing contracts with no personnel displacement, it also gives

significant help in avoiding electricity-related frauds, and, fi- must be established between the meter and any device that is
nally, it offers the potential for better power peak control and able to implement the mentioned specific functions, including
distribution. The interest of electrical energy distributors is intelligent appliances (e.g., appliances endowed with hardware
therefore self-evident, and it is reasonable to assume that, even and software for automatic management) [18]. Within this
for other energy sources (gas, water, and heat), the utilities frame, the smart meter becomes a potential tool for the imple-
could find it technologically sound and profitable to extend mentation of policies relevant to the community, as generator
a similar smart metering philosophy, even though it can be and storage of information and sensitive data. On the other
expected some delay due to the lack of such a preexisting phys- hand, the actual implementation of such added services implies
ical interconnection as it is the low-voltage powerline for the even an economic evaluation since the cost of the metering
electricity meter. On the other hand, alternatives (e.g., wireless devices and their installation must be considered in the budget
solutions) are available, and regulatory authority decisions can to conclude on the effectiveness of the energy-saving policies.
offer additional obligations or incentives. This is clearly considered in EU directive 32/06.
Nonetheless, a complete exploitation of smart metering ad- Finally, when it comes to the benefits for end users, a number
vantages is only achieved when an efficient local interface of issues still require to be addressed to make them effective.
between the smart meter and the household is accomplished. Again, the requirement of a good efficient economic interface
Benefits can then be extended to the community and to the final is mandatory. This is particularly true wherever the typical
user. As a matter of fact, the interconnection of energy users and meter location is in sites that are remote from the everyday
the ability to easily provide data related to energy consumption life spaces, like basement, cellars, or dedicated common rooms.
are crucial opportunities for the management of such a critical However, once an efficacious interface is enabled, a number of
area as the energy saving. After the Kyoto Protocol, even the services could be implemented, and they can take place and
most recent 20-20-20 agreements converge at implementing be integrated within the functions and services that fall under
policies aimed at saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions. the category of home automation and that have found so far
The role of smart meters in this context is enhanced by a num- a significant spread on a national basis. Home automation is
ber of added services, discussed hereinafter in two categories. mainly associated not only with such features as security, enter-
1) Consumer information and awareness. The energy- tainment and comfort, and care for sick, elderly, and disabled
related data can be made available from the meter to the people but also with energy savings. Unfortunately, so far, the
home inhabitant: instantaneous power and total energy more common home automation equipment dedicated to energy
consumption, possibly grouped in statistically significant saving disregards the official smart meter mainly because of the
ranges (hours of the day, periods of the month, or year). lack or complexity of a local interface in favor of other indepen-
The aim is to make the user aware of its consumption dent and low-cost power metering devices, which in turn would
in order to reduce it or adapt it to the actual needs. be difficult to be integrated in programs for DR policies.
This requires an easy-to-see display, showing simple and In conclusion, at the state of the art of the metering deploy-
immediate information, allowing the consumer to interact ment, the user does not perceive an immediate benefit from
in almost real time. the presence of the smart meter; therefore, he does not activate
2) Interactive services for the regulation of energy de- saving policies for itself and the community, which in turn fails
mand. These fall under the category of demand side at achieving the overall objectives expected. Hence, it can be
management, a general strategy for optimal energy effi- expected that a revision of some technical characteristics of the
ciency, including DR techniques. DR services are offered actual meters and of the architectures where they are included,
by the distributor or supplier of energy; they are often even in light of more recent and significant national and interna-
based on incentives offered at the government level, tional regulations, can significantly improve their exploitation.
which motivate the consumer to adhere to plans aimed at In this perspective, the consumer will be encouraged at using
optimizing the distribution of energy consumption during this information in a more concrete and effective way. Thus,
the day and encourage savings that will impact both on the data are to be made available to the customer not only in
consumer spending and on the energy request from the the form of display for easy and simple reading but also in the
community. These services take advantage from energy form of data to be used in a network, including other devices or
rate differentiation during the day and mechanisms of the services.
energy market. Among these actions are as follows: the
choice of the better distribution of energy sources in case
alternative (e.g., renewable) energy sources are available, V. T ECHNICAL S OLUTIONS FOR L OCAL I NTERFACE OF
the reduction of the power level supply based on the S MART M ETERS IN THE H OUSEHOLD
knowledge of the actual consumption, and the choice From the aforementioned paragraph, the following technical
of the more convenient usage hours based on multihour requirements can be derived for both the devices and the archi-
rates. All of these can be done on a voluntary basis or can tecture needed to implement a proper local interface between
be implemented automatically on the basis of a contract the meter and the household, while still keeping the existing
with a distributor or an energy service manager [14]–[17]. interface between the meter and the power distribution system.
For implementing all the aforementioned services, the data Location of the local interface. The interface must be located
available at the smart meter (actual consumption and energy or have a termination node within the home living area for
tariffs) are necessary, and a flexible two-way local interface immediate accessibility of the data required for the implemen-

tation of the added services previously mentioned. The distribu-

tion companies indeed favor a location of the devices in cellars
and common service areas of the buildings that are internal and
sometimes external to the building itself and away from the
indoor location in view of an easier access for maintenance or
inspection. This can conflict with the final user, who is inter-
ested in an easy continuous availability of the information for
reading and data manipulation.
Architecture of the reading network. The smart meters, being
inserted as nodes in a communication data reading network,
play a different role according to the chosen architecture; when
a master–slave solution is preferred, as it happens frequently in
power distribution networks, to guarantee a hierarchical deter-
ministic reading, the master unit is placed at the concentrator
level, located in the distribution substation, or at an higher,
supervising level; the smart meter instead plays usually a slave
unit role. As a consequence, any access of the meter to the com-
munication line requires a specific authorization from above,
which results in a slow communication and interaction cycle
between the meter itself and any node that is different from the
concentrator master unit. In practice, the communication delay
of any information coming from the meter, even when directed
to a closer local interface, can be on the order of minutes,
which is not compatible with many real-time operations (e.g.,
suppose the active power instantaneous data are required from
a local device installed in the apartment for intelligent load Fig. 4. Reference scheme for local meter interface.
management to avoid exceeding the contractual power). Peer
architectures or high-priority roles for the meter are thus to be turning on. While many devices and metering systems are
suggested. designed with attention to security issues, these aspects still
Standard communication protocols. It would be difficult for require double checking in case of any new extension of the
end consumers to use the meter data, as long as they are communication network [20].
formatted according to protocols that are proprietary or use The aforementioned criteria need to be addressed when
strictly industrial standards, as it happens frequently at present proposing new viable solutions for a local meter interface, the
for the communication between the meter and the utility side. In first goal being to make the smart meter data closer and avail-
the first case, the proprietary protocol has to be made available able to the end user in his/her everyday living location. In the
to third parties (open solution); however, even when industrial following, a number of technical solutions (A–D) are sketched
standards are applied, a suitable bridging device has to be and discussed, with reference to the scheme in Fig. 4, where
provided to interface with the protocols normally employed for the communication between the meter and the concentrator is
home automation, which are different from the industrial ones supposed to be based on powerline communication (PLC), as it
and frequently pertain to the sector of consumer electronics. In happens quite frequently in distribution systems. In the scheme,
conclusion, the best solution seems that of an open protocol the right section refers to the end-user home, where the meter
flexible enough to serve both the industrial measurements and location has been assumed to be separated from the day living
the home automation requirements [19]. apartment. Within the house, a number of devices have been
Security issues. The knowledge of detailed metering data considered meaningful for the present discussion, including a
from a customer can suggest a complete pattern of his/her generic network node (e.g., located in the electric panel), an
everyday life; therefore, it is a sensible information deserving energy consumption display, a CPU-based device for man-
confidentiality. Moreover, another security issue is related to agement of added services, and a residential gateway (RG)
the integrity of the information: The data completeness and required for interconnecting the house with Internet and Web
precision must be guaranteed against technical unwanted errors services. On the left section in Fig. 4, the main elements
or interference and even against possible frauds. A third rele- of the distribution system communication network have been
vant issue is related to the availability of the data and that of sketched. These include a concentrator, connecting a number
the service: An unsecure system can affect the interests of the of single house meters through a PLC, and a centralized remote
utility in case the metering data are temporarily unavailable. On management unit, usually connected to the peripherals through
the other hand, even for the final user, the availability issue is telephone data lines or PLC; a large bandwidth connection of
relevant: The smart meter is indeed also a switch that can be the distribution system to the Web is also considered. Two
turned on or off remotely from the utility management center. possible paths have been singled out for data transmission from
Wrong or untimely switching can bring a service interruption the smart meter to the house. Path 1 is referenced for solutions
or even worse consequences in case of unexpected electricity A, B, and C, while path 2 is suggested for solution D.

A. Dedicated Line Connection Between the maximum distance between nodes. This is guaranteed at 10 m
Meter and the House for indoors even though higher distances are attainable but not
guaranteed, depending on conditions and routes of communica-
The first solution is based on a dedicated serial line (e.g., a
tion: It can be a problem with tall buildings and with thick walls.
copper-shielded or copper-unshielded twisted pair) extending
This can be overcome owing to the inherent structure (mesh) of
from the meter location inside the house. The smart meter has
the wireless standard, where intermediate nodes operate as a
thus to be provided with a suitable physical connector, and the
repeater; it is thus necessary to create within each building an
data are transmitted according to a simple and open protocol for
infrastructure with a number and distribution of nodes, ensuring
data exchange, if possible a standard one (e.g., IEC 62056-21
a proper connection and full coverage. Better performances in
already available in many electricity meters). The serial con-
this regard could be provided with a transmission frequency
nection can be implemented through a low-cost telephonelike
band on the lower 868–902 MHz. This implementation how-
physical connector (RJ11) or connectors suitable for the lower
ever requires a different encoding with respect to the more
levels ISO/OSI layers (such as RS232, RS485, or universal
common 2.4 GHz commonly used for home automation and
serial bus). As long as the data are provided within the meter
consumer services, which can create interoperability problems.
according to a standard or open format, a proper gateway makes
The advantages as follows: no cabling required, easy inclusion
them available for external use. With this solution, the local
of significant data coming from other meters similarly equipped
requested services (either the simple display of consumption or
with wireless nodes, and availability of protocols viable for
more complex interactive services) and interfaces with other
both metering and home automation. The disadvantages are as
suitable devices in the house (e.g., smart thermostats or lighting
follows: possible signal interferences and security problems due
switches) can be implemented by the final user or by home
to the use of an open physical mean. This issue has been specif-
automation service providers. The home display or gateway can
ically addressed and reasonably worked out by the manufac-
receive and manage information even from other meters (e.g.,
turer of devices and protocol software developers [23], [24].
gas, water, and heat) as long as interoperable protocols and
transmission lines are provided for them. This will allow more
significant energy balancing and services to be accomplished. C. Powerline Connection Between the Meter and the House
The advantages are as follows: this solution is based on quite A third viable solution to overcome the distance between the
cheap physical means and simple protocols, and the dedicated meter and the household, specially advisable for architectures
line assures a low level of interference and high data security. employing PLC between the meter and the concentrator, is the
The disadvantage is as follows: the physical wiring from the extension of the PLC network until the house electrical panel,
meter to the house can still be an obstacle for an easy imple- including it as a PLC network node. This installation is likely
mentation of this solution, particularly for tall or old buildings, to be done by the distribution utility operator and by using
due to cost and installation complexity. the already installed low-voltage lines that bring energy to the
house and require very limited installation work. However, at
least two reasons make it not immediately available.
B. Wireless Connection Between the Meter and the House
1) So far, in Europe, the communication band reserved by
This solution is, in principle, very close to the previous one, the standard committees for the utilities (i.e., commu-
where the dedicated physical line is substituted by a wireless nication between the concentrator and meter) is Band
link. This involves the implementation of a wireless network A (CENELEC), while the use of data over powerline
by providing nodes both on the meter and on the connected for home automation and private users is on a different
device within the home, all of them requiring possible protocol frequency range (Band C or B); in the proposed solution,
adaptation. the use is mixed, so that a frequency band adaptation
The reference standard for such transmission in this con- seems required, or alternatively, a normative change must
text is IEEE 802.15.4, which defines the first two lower lev- be considered.
els ISO/OSI (physical and access). The implementation of 2) The protocol in use by utilities for communicating with
higher levels of application could be, e.g., the well-known and the meter can be a nonstandard.
widespread ZigBee standard which is endowed with specifi- The latter is a quite common problem of interoperability for
cations well fitted to this application, like very low battery standards, and it can only be addressed with the cooperation
consumption due to the sleeping mechanism and also provides of utilities either in opening their protocols or in changing
specific profiles for both the home automation and energy them to standard solutions (see above the OPEN Meter project).
measurement [21]; however, other protocol solutions are not Once these problems are overcome, the PLC solution could, in
excluded. End users or service providers, at the house location, principle, be implemented even with the actual installed meter
can use information directly as long as the same protocol is generation. The advantage is as follows: As in the previous
employed for meter data transmission and home automation solution, there is a considerable cabling reduction, with a
services. As an alternative, they need to adapt the data to the simple extension, through the low-voltage lines of a previously
wireless protocol chosen. The wireless network can operate at installed network. The disadvantages are as follows: 1) The dis-
2.4 GHz (license free) throughout the world or at a reduced tributor could have a monopolistic advantage in offering added
frequency (868–868.8 MHz in Europe and 902–928 MHz in the services, unless some regulation is provided; 2) the network has
U.S.) [22]. A possible limitation for the wireless choice is the been optimized for system distribution, so it could not comply

to home user requirements; 3) as previously mentioned, possi- associated with smart metering and exploited to spread policies
ble signal interferences and security problems arise due to the addressed at energy efficiency behaviors. The disadvantage is as
use of an open physical mean; and 4) even for PLC, the fault follows: At the state of the art and with the given architectures
issue has been addressed [25]. of the data communication in energy distribution systems, the
The ability to access the data of energy consumption through frequency update of energy consumption data is useful only for
the Internet (Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/IP network statistics- or tariff-related services, but it is useless for real-time
over IPv4 or IPv6) is surely expected from many users already operations, such as those related to DR strategies.
accustomed to make use of Web services, e.g., for telephone
bills or bank reports. Such a communication medium can be VI. C ONCLUSION
considered sufficiently widespread and rapidly expanding: The
most recent statistics point to a penetration rate of broadband in The communication between electricity smart meters and
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development households offers a number of opportunities to the privates
(OECD) countries amounting at 23.3% (OECD Report on and the community in a world urging for solutions intended at
Broadband Penetration, December 2009), and in perspective, energy saving. This paper has shown that a number of available
one can see this as a common tool to access information even and technically sound solutions are at hand and make it possible
if, for the next years, it is far from exhaustive. the implementation of a local interface offering to the end user
added services related to energy saving and home automation.
The solutions proposed and discussed here are based on open
D. Web-Based Communication Between the interfaces and different physical media (twisted pair, wireless
Meter and the House communication, powerline, and Web); the features, advantages
In principle, a Web-based communication between the meter and problems of each of them have been stressed. In conclu-
and the house can follow both Path 1 and Path 2 (see Fig. 4). To sion, whatever is the choice, new improved architectures are
implement the first solution (Path 1), the metering data should implied for the entire grid system, where the meter should be
access the TCP/IP network available in the house directly from endowed with a greater autonomy from the concentrator and
the meter, as long as a proper node or gateway is provided could interact more effectively with the house, making plenty
on it (a cabled or wireless solution, e.g., WiFi). In this case, of information and data available. A relevant role can also be
the meter is seen as an addressable node in the home network played by smart connections with other types of counters, such
with its own IP address, and a quite effective interaction can be as gas or water smart meters, whose installation is still at the
enabled with the required services. Unfortunately, this solution beginning and that, in turn, could play an important role in
is hardly compatible with the present architecture provided by creating a more complete and cooperative network relevant for
most distribution networks, where, as mentioned before, the the general energy saving.
role of the meter is ancillary so that they can make only the
raw measuring data available at a reasonable rate, while other R EFERENCES
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[12] Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut, Netherlands Technical Agreement tory, Berkeley, CA, in 1999 and October 2000–April
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Thermal Energy for Domestic Customers, Apr. 2007. Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical
[13] L. O. Al Abdulkarim and Z. Lukszo, “Smart metering for the future energy Engineering, University of Pavia, where she current-
systems in The Netherlands,” in Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Critical Infrastruc- ly teaches and does research in the field of energy management, energy plan-
tures, 2009, pp. 1–7. ning, modeling, and renewable sources. Her current focus is also on efficient
[14] C. Su and D. Kirschen, “Quantifying the effect of demand response compressed air systems. She has coauthored more than 30 scientific papers.
on electricity markets,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1199–
1207, Aug. 2009.
[15] T. Handa, A. Oda, T. Tachikawa, Y. Watanabe, J. Ichimura, and Ezio Bassi was born in Voghera, Italy, in 1951. He
H. Nishi, “Table-based scheduling method for distributed demand man- received the Laurea degree in eletrical engineering
agement,” in Proc. IECON, Orlando, FL, Nov. 2008, pp. 2748–2753. from the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, in 1976.
[16] P. Palensky, F. Kupzog, A. A. Zaidi, and K. Zhou, “Modeling Since 2000, he has been a Full Professor of elec-
domestic housing loads for demand response,” in Proc. IECON, Orlando, trical machines and drives with the Department of
FL, Nov. 2008, pp. 2742–2747. Electrical Engineering, University of Pavia, where
[17] G. Mine, T. Handa, T. Tachikawa, Y. Watanabe, J.-I. Ichimura, and he is also currently the Director. His research in-
H. Nishi, “Evaluation of cooperative demand control system on micro terests include modeling of converter-fed electrical
grid,” in Proc. IECON, Porto, Portugal, Nov. 2009, pp. 3593–3598. machines, identification and control procedures of
[18] G. Lin, S. Lee, J. Y. Hsu, and W. Jih, “Applying power meters for appli- adjustable speed drives for automation and robotics,
ance recognition on the electric panel,” in Proc. ICIEA, Taichung, Taiwan, and integration of drives in industrial environment.
Jun. 2010, pp. 2254–2259. Prof. Bassi is a member of the Italian Technical Committee on Electrical
[19] H. Park, M. Choi, E. Hyunpaik, and N. Kim, “Interoperability model Drives.
for devices over heterogeneous home networks,” IEEE Trans. Consum.
Electron., vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 1185–1191, Aug. 2009.
[20] W. Granzer, F. Praus, and W. Kastner, “Security in building automation Lucia Frosini was born in Pavia, Italy, in 1970. She
systems,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 3622–3630,
received the M.Sc. degree and the Ph.D. degree in
Nov. 2010.
electrical engineering from the University of Pavia,
[21] K. Gill, S.-H. Yang, F. Yao, and X. Lu, “A ZigBee-based home automation
Pavia, in 1994 and 2000, respectively.
system,” IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron., vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 422–430,
She is currently an Assistant Professor with the
May 2009.
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
[22] J. Lee, Y. Su, and C. Shen, “A comparative study of wireless protocols:
Pavia, where she is also a Lecturer of “Diagnostic
Bluetooth, UWB, ZigBee, and Wi-Fi,” in Proc. IECON, Taipei, Taiwan, Systems for Electrical Machines and Drives” and
Nov. 2007, pp. 46–51.
“Design and Technology of Electrical Machines and
[23] V. C. Gungor and G. P. Hancke, “Industrial wireless sensor networks:
Drives” in the Faculty of Engineering. She is the
Challenges, design principles, and technical approaches,” IEEE Trans.
author of about 50 scientific publications on journals,
Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 4258–4265, Oct. 2009. books, and conference proceedings. Her research fields mainly include model-
[24] X. Cao, J. Chen, Y. Xiao, and Y. Sun, “Building-environment control with
ing and diagnostics applied to electrical machines.
wireless sensor and actuator networks: Centralized versus distributed,”
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 3596–3605, Nov. 2010.
[25] S. P. Valsan and K. S. Swarup, “High-speed fault classification in power
lines: Theory and FPGA-based implementation,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Elec-
tron., vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1793–1800, May 2009.
[26] S. Karnouskos and A. Izmaylova, “A.: Simulation of web service enabled
smart meters in an event-based infrastructure,” in Proc. IEEE Conf. Ind.
Informat., Cardiff, U.K., Jun. 2009, pp. 125–130.

Francesco Benzi (M’89) received the Laurea degree

(with honors) in electronics engineering from the
University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, in 1978.
From 1984 to 1985, he was a Visiting Researcher
with the Wisconsin Electric Machines and Power
Electronics Consortium Laboratory, University of
Wisconsin, Madison. He is currently a Full Professor
of electrical drives with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, University of Pavia. His research in-
terests include adjustable speed drives and actuators
in industrial automation and robotics. He is also in-
volved in issues concerned with process integration, including communication
protocols for industrial and domestic environments and building automation.
Dr. Benzi is a distinguished member of the Italian Electrical and Electronics
Association, where he has served as Chairman of the Automation Committee.

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