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Start with the entire network

Identify sub-structures as parts that

are locally denser than the field as a A k-core is a maximal group of actors, all the actors are
Cliques whole. connected to some number (k) of other members of the group
is the maximum number of actors who have all possible ties
present among themselves

Looking for “weak spots”

The weak spots define line of division

or cleavage in a larger group, and point If there is a tie XY and tie YZ and also XZ has equal value to the
N-cliques F-groups XY & YZ, we call it strong tie triad.
to how the weak spots be de-composed
define an actor as a member of a clique if they are connected to But if XY & YZ are stronger than XZ, it is weakly transitive triad.
into smaller units.
every other member of the group at a distance greater than one. But the tie XZ is greater than some cut-off value.
The cut-off value is the value you give in the algorithm.
1.Start with dyad
2..See if the kind of tight structure can be extended outward
Top-down approaches
Bottom-up approcahes
Components of a graph are sub-graphs that are connected
N-clans Cliques and sub-groups within, but disconnected between sub-graphs.
is a relatively minor modification on the n-clique approach that
requires that the all the ties among actors occur through other Component
members of the group.
This approach is to find the certain“connections”in the graph ,
and if we removed those connections the whole structure will be
disconnected. Lambda sets and bridges
The idea of this approach is :
1.Finding the weak spot in the graph
relaxing the strong assumptions of the "Maximal Complete Sub- 2. If the a node was removed, the structure will divided into
Graph" is to allow that actors may be members of a clique even if “unconnected two parts”
they have ties to all but k other members 3. If there is a such node, we call it cut-off node.
Cutpoints and blocks And the division which cutpoint divide in to, we call them
There is a condition, in a group , each person was closely tied to
all others in their own subgroup, but there are no connection at
all among subgroups, and each subgroup is a component.
So Factions are used to compute a network conform to the Factions
typical scenario.

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