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University of South Florida

Department of Electrical Engineering

Concentration in Control Theory

Spring 2019 MSEE (non-thesis) Graduating Portfolio

Mohannad Alkhateb
UID# U95675882
1.1. Systems and Control Theory I
The primary objective of this course is to learn, master and practice methodologies to
control systems, as they are: controllability and observability, determination of the state
equations of a system, selecting the appropriate values for a system in question, parameter
optimization, state-feedback, controllers, etc. As final work of this course, a series of
papers with related topics were first investigated, so that we could generate a proposal for
modification in the control system contained in the paper, perform different analyzes and
calculations to determine the feasibility of the new system and apply the tools and
knowledge acquired in the semester.
It is decided to work with the topic the first paper “STATE SPACE CONTROL FOR A
STEP-UP CONVERTER”. As indicated in the title of the paper, it consists of the design
of a state space control for a step-up converter. The process to be studied is: one can
establish two describing differential equation systems for a closed switch and open switch
on the primary. These two systems can be combined into one system of differential
equations. Then this system of nonlinear differential equations is linearized about its
operating point. It is proposed to add a resistance in series to the inductance to the initial
circuit, this will help to better simulate the losses in the conductors and equipment.
 Original system The set of
equations is
transformed into a
linearized system
around the
operating point,
 System modified and according to
this presented
analysis, matrix
A, B, C, and D are

As the appropriate value of added resistance. Then, the control used is based on a state
space controller, which is determined for the rated system operating point using the pole
placement approach. Also, conventional controllers (like P, PI, PID) are designed to
practice the knowledge acquired in the course, study and visualize the behavior of them
in this type of systems and compare the results. Closed-loop diagrams were drawn.
Computational tools such as MATLAB and Simulink to verify, compare and learn more
about the system were used. The controllability and observability of the system were
checked and it was obtained that the system is controllable and observable. In the graph,
the red curve represents the step response of the original system, and the blue curve is the
step response of the modified system. After the respective calculations, the effectiveness
of adding the resistance to represent losses by equipment and conductors is concluded,
the expected results were obtained.
1.2. Embedded Systems
The specific goals of this course are to learn the characteristics and differences of the
microprocessors and the microcontrollers so that we program our embedded system using
Assembly and C language to perform a specific task. The final work of this course was
the implementation of wireless stepper motor control using Bluetooth technology and the
PIC18F4550 microcontroller. To achieve this a system was designed to control a stepper
motor using a Bluetooth HC05 IC that can transmit and receive information from and to
a cell phone applying the tools and knowledge acquired in the semester.
It was decided to work with the topic "TWO PROTOCOLS OF COMMUNICATIONS".
The objective is to connect the PIC18F4550 microcontroller to the Bluetooth HC-05
module to wirelessly control the stepper motor and apply the second communication
protocol, which is the Serial Peripheral Interface protocol to communicate between two
PIC18F4550 microcontrollers using one of them as Master and the second as Slave.
To reach the goal, we proceeded to configure the operation of Bluetooth module such as
device name, pin code and baud rate, etc. Whereas data transfer mode is used when the
data is sent to the Bluetooth module wirelessly i.e., through the mobile phone.
The Bluetooth module used here is the HC05 module and works only in a master mode.
This module works on different ranges of baud rate, the default baud rate used here is
9600. Then, an SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) was configured, which is a full-duplex
synchronous serial communication system interface used for high-speed data
communication with multiple slaves compared to the I2C interface. SPI is a 4-wire bus
since four cables are required to connect the slave device to the master.
There can be one master and several slaves and the number of slaves depending on the
number of GPIO available as Clock, Master in Slave Output and Slave in Master Output
Cable are still the same in all devices, but each device has a Chip Selection dedicated
When Chip Select is in Low, the SPI communication of that device is enabled.
Following parameter need to be configured same on Slave and Master so that they can
work together in sync. Any difference in configuration will result in invalid data, the
expected results were obtained.
2.1. Introduction to VHDL
The specific objectives of this course are to know the characteristics of VHDL: Hardware
Description Language which can be said to be identical to VHSIC: Very High Scale
Integrated Circuits, U.S. Department of Defense Project in the 1980s. We will also know
PLD programming (CPLDs / FPGSs) and Digital ASIC design/fabrication (marks) in
their VHDL versions 87, 93, 2002 and 2008. The final work of this course was working
with simulations in VHDL Standard Cells using Artisan's TSMC 180 nm and
STMicroelectronics 65nm.
It was decided to work with the topic” SIMULATIONS IN VHDL STANDARD
CELLS”. The objective is to understand the necessary steps to achieve a and successful
simulation in VHDL using the Linux or Windows operating system.
We write a design file using the same name for the input and output ports that the library
uses, taking into account the case of each letter. The design file will include the
corresponding entity and 1 architecture. The mean delay in the architecture of each cell
is included.
It is proceeded to calculate the mean delay in the architecture cell, for TSMC180nm: Find
the column marked as X1 in the Delays Table, and for STmicro65nm: Find the selection
Propagation Delay at 25C, 1.00V Typ process and the column marked with the smallest
X. The mean of the values in that column is calculated. It will convert the value to mean
picoseconds and round the value to the nearest integer.
We analyze for each one the different type of test benches and create the corresponding
design file, and simulate the circuit: Type I Testbench for a Registered MUX, Type IV
Testbench for a Registered MUX. Automated Timing Simulation, Type IV Testbench
with a Record Type and Type IV Testbench with a Data File.
Now design and simulate a 16-bit Carry Lookahead Adder (CLA). The design has also
been on the standard cells available in the STMicroelectronics 65nm technology node. It
calculates the Gate delays, optimizes the 4-bit carry lookahead chain block, defines the
Partial Full Adder and the 4-bit carry lookahead chain block as components and uses them
to build the 16-bit CLA.
For Simulation, create a directory named tsmcLib in the vhdl18 directory in S.C. and put
all the design and testbench files for the cells in that directory, to avoid crowding the
working directory, delete the contents of work after each simulation when we have the
corresponding .ps and .pdf files. Then create a directory named stmLib in the vhdl18
directory in SC for microcells and repeat the previous process, now create a directory
named chap10 in the vhdl18 directory in SC for the simulations of Second Part and create
a direct and named CLAadder in the vhld18 directory in SC for the carry Lookahead adder
We follow this convention for the signal colors:

Finally, we proceed to do the simulation. The results were the expected with what was
learned in the course.
2.2. Rapid System Prototyping
The Rapid System Prototyping course could not be taken due to Introduction to VHDL,
which is a necessary course, that is why Rapid System Prototyping will be registered for
the spring semester after having approved Introduction to VHDL.
3.1. Vector Analysis
The specific objectives of this course are to know the characteristics of the vectors, the
mathematical operations that we can perform with them such as Addition. Subtraction
Multiplication (Scalar Multiplication, Inner (dot) product, Vector (cross) product, Outer
(matrix) product), Coordinate Systems (Cartesian, Cylindrical, Spherical), as well as
vector concepts and relationships such as: Conservative Fields, Identities, Curve / Surface
Orientation, Line Integrals, Surface Integrals, Volume Integrals, Divergence Theorem,
Stokes' Theorem, Green's Theorem, Transport Theorems, and all its applications that can
be given in the area of physics, mathematics and especially in engineering.

It was decided to work with the topic “VOLUME INTEGRALS” using triple integrals to
calculate the volume of a solid of revolution given its Cartesian equation.

Calculate ∭𝑣 𝑓1 𝑑𝑉 over a cube of edge length 2 centered at the origin.

𝑓1 = 7 cos 𝑥 − 611𝑥𝑦 + 4𝑧
Remove X from the second term
∭ 7 cos 𝑥 − 611𝑦 + 4𝑧𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑧

Solving the unknown X we have

∬ 7 sin 𝑥 − 𝑥611𝑦 + 4𝑥𝑧𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑧
∬ 0.2443336901 − 2 ∗ 611𝑦 + 8𝑧𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑧
Solving the unknown Y we have
∫ 0.2443336901𝑦 − 611𝑦 + 8𝑧𝑦𝑑𝑧
−1 11 ln 6
∫ −36814707.2 + 16𝑧𝑑𝑧

Solving the unknown Z we have

𝑑𝑉 = −73629414.4
3.2. Linear Algebra
The specific objectives of this course are to know the concepts such as vectors, matrices,
systems of linear equations and in a more formal approach, vector spaces, and their linear
It is decided to select the Jacobian matrix - how / why used as a topic to work on the final
project of the Linear Algebra course. This topic is closely related to the course since the
Jacobian matrix helps us to create a bridge between two reference systems (vector spaces)
so that through a transformation (the Jacobian), we can express a vector of a first system,
to another system.
An example for a Jacobian matrix would be:

To illustrate the knowledge given and acquired in this course, we have “PASCAL’S
MATRIX”, which is the matrix whose rows are the elements of the corresponding row of
Pascal's triangle completed with zeros. An exercise on this is:
Find the triangular matrix E that reduces the 5th order lower triangular “Pascal’s matrix”
to the smaller Pascal (4th order) shown above.
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
𝑃=𝑬 1 2 1 0 0 = 0 1 1 0 0
1 3 3 1 0 0 1 2 1 0
[1 4 6 4 1] [0 1 3 3 1]
𝐸𝐴 = 𝑃 , 𝐸 = 𝑃𝐴−1
Because it is a 5x5 matrix, we use the Gaussian method to find its inverse. We write an
extended matrix with two blocks, in the left block we find the matrix to which we want
to obtain its inverse, and to the right the matrix identity. We perform elementary
operations on the matrix in question to obtain the identity matrix in the left block.
1 0 0 0 0
−1 1 0 0 0
𝐴−1 = 1 −2 1 0 0
−1 3 −3 1 0
[1 −4 6 −4 1]
𝐸 = 𝑃𝐴−1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 −1 1 0 0 0
𝐸= 0 1 1 0 0 1 −2 1 0 0
0 1 2 1 0 −1 3 −3 1 0
[0 1 3 3 1] [ 1 −4 6 −4 1]
1 0 0 0 0
−1 1 0 0 0
𝐸 = 0 −1 1 0 0
0 0 −1 1 0
[0 0 0 −1 1]

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