FC Truth

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Filename: FC_TRUTH.

Author : =Abyss- / FC
Date : 06.10.1993

The background:

This file was created because certain rumors have been

spreaded by various people. Their rumors have been based
on absolutely nil information. This is to correct the
current situation. All the information contained here in
(in the case of no later modifications) is true.

The story:

Rumors: - The computer was changed to a faster one to run Second

- An additional GUS was added to machine.
- The VGA card was changed to a faster one.
- Marvel scanned his picture (Ice Kingdom)
- Marvel didn't compose his tune "Can't remember you"
- FC did something to the tunes, because they sounded so
- FC used dirty tricks in the The Party II
- FC skipped some parts of other groups demos to hurt their
- FC conducted a ballot-stuffing (fake voting)

Question 1) Was the computer changed?

Answer 1) No. All the competitions (music,gfx,intro and demo) were
run on the same 486/33mhz 64kb cache GUS 1mb and ET4000
1mb machine with 4mb of RAM. This machine belongs to me
and is the very same machine (except for the GUS) which
was used to display the demos at The Party II.

Question 2) Did you change the VGA card?

Answer 2) No we didn't. The same ET4000 1MB VGA card was used all
the time.

Question 3) Was a second GUS card added to the machine?

Answer 3) At first few months before the Asm'93 we thought that
Dolby Surround Pro Logic was only possible to make
if you had 2 GUSes. Then we found out that it is very
easy and possible to do with only one GUS card. So no
second GUS card was added.

Question 4) Why is Marvels Ice Kingdom so like BEAR1.GIF?

Answer 4) Let me explain at first about the background. Most of
you arent familiar with the Amiga scene. On the amiga
scene it is forbidden to scan a picture, but it is
ok to use a existing picture as a model from which to
draw. What this means is that many of pictures made
are not ORIGINALLY created by the author (for example,
EEVI which came second at Asm'93 is originally by H.
Giger (the guy who did the gfx for Alien (I-III) for
What Marvel did was, that he draw the outlines from the
BEAR1.GIF and the proceeded on his own with the most
difficult task. If you compare BEAR1.GIF and ICEKNGDM.LBM
1) they are in different resolutions
2) there is no wall in the ICEKNGDM.LBM
3) if you zoom in the picture you will see that the
colouring (dithering) of the picture is completely
different than in Marvels picture.
4) BEAR1.GIF looks scanned, it looks helluva good and
it looks very different than Marvels picture.

Question 5) When is Second Reality going to be out?

Answer 5) Second Reality is most propably going to be out during
Aggressive Party held in Finland 8.10 - 10.10. The size
will (unpacked) around 2.3mb.

Question 6) Did Marvel compose the tune "Can't remember you"

Answer 6) Yes, he did. Among his other talents, Marvel is a quite
good composer. He has made around 5-6 tunes during his
amiga coureer (though not too famous songs). He composed
the "Can't remember you" using ST ]I[ beta.

Question 7) Did you refuse to use any other player than ST3?
Answer 7) No we didn't. Most of the songs were supplied to us as
plain MOD files. No player was included with them. Only
one song had it's own player, and that player was used
to play it. In the Assembly'93 text file there was a
notion:"Bring your own player" (about the PC multichannel
competition). Because no player was supplied with most of
the MODs/multichannel files, we used the best player
we know of, the ST3 beta.
It is also claimed by people who have never used nor
seen ST3 that ST3 has still serious bugs in its .MOD
capabilities. This can't be more wrong as ST3 is one of
the very few composers that really play all amiga commands
really correctly, not like many PC composers. So it's more
likely that composer used to create the tune wasn't enough
amiga MOD compatible than ST3 to have bugs in it's MOD
playing module.

Question 8) Did you do something to the tunes to make them sound so

Answer 8) No, we didn't. The PA system broke down. The left speaker
broke and didn't play most of the middle-sounds. We are
very sorry for this, but it's very rare that this kind of
things happen.

Question 9) Did you use dirty little tricks in The Party II?
Answer 9) Rick Dangerous / S!P has claimed that we used the
following dirty trick in The Party II:
� First telling everyone there'll be no demo from them
� then, all of a sudden, at the END of the compo Gore
shouted (you know in this certain style) And Now!
The new demo by the Future Crew.... (all other things
were anounced like uhh.. hmm yes.. copper? by humm...
� and finally they turned the volume up to give the
sound a special boost...
1) We telled nobody of our demo (Panic) because we feared
that it would scare off people. The allmight FC is gonna
so a new demo, we can't win, so why compete? We thought
we could this way get a lot better compo.
2) Gore shouted? In fact the man who announced ALL the
competitions (Amiga, PC and C64) was some of the amiga-
organizers. We didn't even know him. In fact Gore was
nowhere near the compo room, only I and Wildfire were
(of FC) at the compo room.
3) We couldn't have boosted the volume because PA system
was operated by two other guys. They controlled the
volume during all the compos. Not us.

Question 10) Did FC skip parts of other groups demos?

Answer 10) Yes. Some parts were skipped because the demo run just for
too long displaying the same effects all over again.
If the audience began to almost die of borement because
of looking at the same boring screen for 3-4 minutes it
was the time to skip to next part. This could have not
hurted the group, because people already were bored with
the screen. Boring them more would affected the groups
score even more.

Question 11) Did FC conduct a fake voting?

Answer 11) The counting of votes was an open happening. Anybody could
have joined us to help with the counting. We invited
everybody to join us. We made every attempt to make the
voting as reliable as possible and it's our opinion that
the votes were counted as correctly as possible.
What comes to faking votes, it is a complete lie. No votes
were forged. The results of the music competitions might
have been surprises, but for those surprises only the
voters can be blamed.

Signed, =ABYSS- / Future Crew

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