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I Feminist wall made in Prague in 2018

Welcome to Voice. on an ideological superstructure and
International Feminist and Anti-Fascist rather than enact reforms within this
Voice to be precise is an occasional superstructure the point is to change it.
publication of feminists drawn from Finally our commitment to anti-fascism
the 8th of March Coalition/Koalice stems from our view that recent anti-
8. Brezna. The Coalition was set up democratic changes in Central Europe
in early 2018 to organize events and and around the world we are facing
a demonstration to mark International attacks on all fronts. With the destruction
Women’s Day which takes place every of working-class organisations by neo-
year on the 8th of March. The structure liberalism we see it as our task as
of the Coalition allows Czech and non- building to defend democracy and for
Czech feminist groups and supporters a co-operative world.
to work together for a common goal.
Groups active in the Coalition have
included SocSol, RFK This magazine has
and the Asamblea the core theme of
abierta de Praga. sexual harassment.
Additionally The issue came to
individual activists world prominence
have found a home last autumn with the
to advocate political scandals involving
feminism. Some of us Harvey Weinstein
have come together and the #Me Too
under the umbrella movement. However,
of International this is not just a media
feminists in Prague story but everyday
for this publication. experience for many
of us. The magazine
We are committed to three broad aims: tracks both personal experiences as
internationalism, feminism and anti- well as looking to see what the law says
fascism. Our vision of internationalism about the issue. Sexual harassment is
encompasses both acts of solidarity a real danger in academic life and so
with women in struggle around the we hope you will find the outlines of
world but also the understanding that your rights as a student. We include
oppression, whether it be class, race some feminist analysis – in words and
of sex oppression, is an experience pictures – of the ideological role of
which knows no boundary. We value sexual harassment and finally include
feminist education but not to the a Directory of political feminist groups
exclusion of practice. We recognize – Czech and non-Czech - in Prague
that women’s oppression is consequent and the rest of the country.
Below are some excerpts from a roundtable discussion between women from
different countries (Chile, Czech Republic, Spain, USA, Romania). They shared
their opinions and experiences on sexual harassment and abuse - in universities,
workplace or even in the streets- as well as how these behaviours are perceived,
perpetuated and/ or fought against in society. The full version of the transcript can
be requested at

AlmeEa: I believe in the sisterhood Daniela: I think a big problem is that

that feminism creates. Feminism is us young girls are taught to ignore their
sticking together, supporting each other instincts and alarm very early; people
and fighting a system that is trying to in the family, in the schools they teach
put us down. I wish we could all shake you that if you feel uncomfortable with
the patriarchy inside which still makes us something, “just smile; “don’t worry;
sabotage ourselves and the others, and he is a little bit weird, nothing else;
use our collective resources to build. he doesn’t have bad intentions”; “it’s
not so bad”. From a young age, you
Melissa: I want to put it on the record, learn that if you feel uncomfortable it’s
we’re not a feminist group that excludes. ok, it will happen. So you also start to
Whoever you are, join us, please. No think it’s your imagination when you
matter the color of your skin, your feel uncomfortable. Feminism tells you
religion, your orientation. Join us! otherwise.
Violeta: Read. Read a lot of feminism. It will empower you so much. You will stop
with the fear in a way that you never imagined. Because you will know the reason
a lot of things are happening around you. Even if you cannot change it right here
right now, it shows you’re not the only one, and you have the right to feel what you
feel despite society telling you the opposite. And so it doesn’t take 5 years to realize,
“what happened to me back then?”

KATERINA: Harassment can have AlmeEa: Shortly after moving to

different implications in universities, Prague, I met a Spanish girl who did
depending on whether it’s bachelor’s, her ERASMUS in Romania. I asked how
master’s or doctorate. The higher you it was, and she said, “It was amazing,
go the more blurred the lines get. The I loved it. But I was badly surprised by
ties become closer, since the number of how women are treated there”. She
students is lower, and the relationships then told me some really ugly stories
are closer. The cases of harassment of how she and her friends were really
during doctorate are even tougher afraid for their own safety. That was
because it’s over more years, and take a wake up call for me, because I had
for example the supervisor of your been living there most of my life, and
thesis; you’re completely defenseless I couldn’t say the same thing; I was
against them. I’ve heard stories of a used to it. I was definitely unhappy
people that have been blocked in a with the way I was treated as a woman
situation like that and they could either there, but I didn’t see that it was due
lose all their work or continue being in to a patriarchal society where some
this very uncomfortable situation. people still see women’s purpose as
to serve men’s needs. Where not even
your body belongs to you because
being grabbed on the street is just what
happens. And the worst thing is that if
you are obviously being harassed,
you are clearly in distress, nobody
will come to your help, people
simply walk by; it’s a horrible
feeling. And then I came
here and I have to say that
Prague is one of the safest
cities I have ever been in.
I have this feeling that
I am safe here, that I
don’t always have
to be on the alert.
ISABEL: You all pointed out the need for
a strong feminist movement in order to
highlight that women actually don’t need
to be nice to everyone, to avoid conflict
especially when it means tolerating
abusive behavior. Women can set limits
to define what sort of conducts are
acceptable and which are not, but as
long as people have this idea of women
being the mediator even in their own
detriment, it makes things very difficult.

ALMEEA: While researching the

mention of harassment in the ethics
code of some universities, I didn’t find
much; it’s very vaguely referred to and
no clear prescription. Nothing close to
a behavior and a recommended course
of action/ sanction. It impossible to
stop abuse like this. I also read about
a small-scale study that revealed as
the first reason why people do not file
a complaint or go public is fear of
retaliation. There it is again, the abuse
of power.

MELISSA: I went through a situation,

with one of my co-workers while we
were out of town. He sent me a very
inappropriate text and I felt really
uncomfortable. I remember not really
being sure what it was, not being able to
define it. But I actually felt sympathetic,
thinking “if I report him, he might lose
his job”. This is what we tend to do,
think of the consequences of our actions
more than they do. we look out for them
and their well being when we should be
looking out for ourselves.
KATERINA: It happens here in the Czech
Republic, that you hear on the street
very rough, very vulgar, explicit things
such as “I would fuck you right now.”
It happens in a very low voice so only
you would hear it and nobody else. And
then you think, “Am I crazy? Did it really
happen?”. In the southern countries,
they would shout it out loud.

DANIELA: That moment when you are

being catcalled you are not a person.
You’re a piece of meat. It’s the way they
show the power over you. No matter
what you might say back, the guy will
smile because he proved his point, “I
have the power”, you’re just being
objectified. The machismo of Latin

VIOLETA: The university is worse than

the work environment in terms of sexual
harassment. In the work environment,
you can have a career, are a bit more
in control, more experienced; as a last
resort you can change the job, but in
university quitting would mean starting
from scratch, losing all your work. There
are also more clear boundaries when it
comes to a job. But in university you are
young, there to learn and grow, you are
more vulnerable.
What is commonly seen as sexual What are the most common sexual
harassment? harassment behaviors in czech
1) Unwelcome touching, hugging or
During their university studies, more
2) Sexually suggestive comments or
than 77% of respondents encountered
jokes that are offensive
behavior which can be classified as
sexually harassment according to the
3) Inappropriate advances (physical,
objective definition.
textual, or online), such as invitations
for dates

4) Intrusive questions about private life

Over 50% of students indicated that
that are offensive
they have experienced:
5) Intrusive comments about one’s - Differential treatment based on
appearance that are offensive students’ sex/gender.
- Improper, mocking and/or degrading
6) Inappropriate staring or leering comments about women and men.
construed as intimidation

7) Someone sending or showing

unsolicited sexually explicit pictures,
photos, or gifts Incidence other types of behavior was
as significant and was higher than
8) Someone indecently exposing 10%:
themselves - Belittling, even offensive behavior,
motivated by the person’s gender.
9) Unsolicited sexually explicit textual - Jokes about sex and/or with sexual
evidence (emails or SMS messages) connotations, including jokes about
that are offensive. homosexuals and homosexuality.
- Materials depicting women or men
as sexual objects.

However, only 3% of respondents

viewed their experience as sexual
SOURCE harassment.
1 out of 2 women have experienced psychological
violence by a partner age 15 (CZ 47%, EU 43%)

4 out of 10 women have experienced abuse which

involved controlling behavior by a partner since
age 15 (CZ 41%, EU 35%)

1 out of 5 women have experienced physical

violence by a partner since age 15 (CZ 19%, EU
16% of women suffer from economic violence by a
partner since age 15 (CZ 16%, EU 12%).

7% of the women population have lived through an

episode of sexual violence by a partner since age
15 (CZ 7%, EU 7%) which is more common than
sexual violence perpetrated by a stranger (CZ 4%,
EU 6%)

Although 47% of women have

experienced at least some episodes of
psychological violence, only 16% of
the population recognize these events
in their close circle of family and/or
friends, compared to the 35% of EU. It
means that there is still a deep silence
about these issues.

“The presented data, along with pervasive international

headlines, proves that gendered violence is pandemic
(as it was defined by the World Health Organization).
Gendered violence impacts our society despite age,
education, or working status. Therefore, we need to
fight together against it because we want women to
Which are the main programs/activi-
ties Konsent is carrying out in this pe-

We are now focused on educating tee-

The previous statistics display that nagers in schools, as we developed
sexual harassment and assault is evi- workshops on the topic of consent and
dent in the Czech Republic. Let´s see prevention of sexual violence. The aim
how activist groups like Konsent are of the whole program is to explain to
making a difference in the interview them the importance of communication
below. What is Konsent? Why did you with your partner before sexual activi-
choose that name? ty. The kids responded very well. Ac-
tually, almost all of them are happy to
We are actually just a bunch of wo- speak about sex and skip, for example,
men (but we have a math lesson. We
also some boys in were quite surprised
the team) who feel that they are able to
an urgent need to But we also use, on easily recognize pro-
fight against sexual facebook for exam- blematic sexual be-
violence and ha- havior and violence.
rassment. Everything ple, the name “Když to Unfortunately, our
started as a facebo- nechce, tak to nech- lecturers quite often
ok post in reaction to find that in the class
a survey, which said ce”, which explains there is somebody
that 63% of Czech the main message - No who was sexually
people think woman abused. Therefore,
is somehow responsi- means No. we continue with
ble for her own rape. the online campaign
Each of us wanted to and we are trying to
do something against it, so we establis- support the ratification of the Istanbul
hed Konsent. Regarding to the name, it convention; which is a convention of
was a long debate; names are always the Council of Europe on combating
[the hardest part]. We actually want gender based violence. One event I
to be positive, we want to fight sexual am looking forward to is our benefi-
violence, but we believe that sex is an cial party with workshops and debates
important part of our lives so we want close to our topic, which will take pla-
to promote consensual sex and the ce in Prague in November 24th, so we
whole term. But we also use, on face- would like to invite all the readers.
book for example, the name “Když to
nechce, tak to nechce,” which explains
the main message: “No means No”
How does an intersectional perspecti-
ve influence Konsent´s campaigns and

I have to say we are struggling a

bit in the field of intersectionality.
However, we are aware of it. We were
organizing a public debate on the topic
of sexual violence inside the LGTBI+
communities, as well as we were trying
to cover the situation of refugees and
migrants. I would like to focus more on
Roma minority, but I still have no idea
how. As we are also trying to combat
the rape myths, we try to explain to
the broad public that sexual violence
happens regardless age, social status,...

Sexual violence is still a big tabú

around the world, even in those called
“more developed” countries, but what
does sexual violence really mean and
how is it officially recognised by Czech

I have to say that Czech sexology is

not very up to date. One of the most
famous sexologists, Radim Uzel, is ac-
tually publicly claiming that he likes to
harass women and that he will never
stop doing it. He was also, in one of
the interviews, denying marital rape.
His colleague, Laura Janáčková, who is
one of the biggest opponents of #Me-
Too, is doing the same thing. I have not
found even one sexologist who I would
really appreciate.

“According to the statistics, in Czech Repubilic are

comitted min. 7000 rapes per one year, but reported
on police are about 600 rapes per year”

Which kind of sexual violence is the

Is the Czech society aware of this most officially reported in this country
universal problem and of the need to and, on the other hand, which is the
somehow report it? most difficult to recognize by a person
to report?

Czech society doesn’t According to the

want to realize that statistics, in the
we have this pro- Czech Republic
blem about sexual rapes are committed
violence, and that a minimum of 7000
every 10th woman rapes per year but
has experienced are reported to
rape during her life- police about 600
time-- even if it is a times per year. Most
bit improving... We often, these crimes
also need involved are committed by
politicians to claim some unknown
that this situation is rapist. Seldom is
unacceptable. I put rape reported that is
my hope in the Is- done by a partner or
tanbul Convention, which is crucial friend, which is also understandable
for demanding quality prevention and because it is very hard to report
describes violence towards women as a someone whom you have had feelings
consequence of gender inequality. for. Often, in many cases, women do
not recognize rape if it doesn’t fit into
their typical image of rape (such as a
stranger violently committing the action
somewhere like a park or alleyway) as
rape. But most of these cases happen
within partnership or marriage. Sexual
harassment is almost never reported.
Which impact did the campaign How can people contact Konsent to
#MeToo have in the Czech Republic? support or/and to join you?

There were not many people who joined We have a Facebook page and our
the movement and shared their story. I website is www. Teachers
believe it was because of the media, from schools can contact us on our
which started immediately describing website in case they are interested
#MeToo as a “witch hunt,” and the in our workshops for their students.
ones who shared their sad experiences Besides that, we welcome every helpful
were construed as “attention whores.” hand. The basic thing everybody can
Anyway, I am sure there were some do to support a world without sexual
women who got the message; that they violence and harassment is to speak up
are not the only ones who suffered and and be supportive to women. And I also
that sexual violence is not an individual hope to see you at the benefit party!
but rather a social problem.
rights and responsibilities as a student.
It is often written in a legal language
which can be off putting - particularly
if it is not in your first language. But it is
written in a legal language because it is
a legal document and has the force of
a contract once it has been signed. The
university is an incorporated body and
so the institution is recognised by law
and the rules set by the university are
approved by the ministry of education
and for many private universities
they are approved by the accrediting
Congratulations! body, perhaps in
Welcome to your the United States. A
new university. So, While every universi- university interested
now you are studying in transparency will
abroad as a part of ty has its own cha- walk you through
your first degree or racter there are the school code
in a new venture in explaining your rights
a higher degree. Part standards and ex- and responsibilities
of the stimulation and pectations which we in non-legal terms
inspiration comes and in your own
from studying in a would regard as fun- language. A
new environment damental and which university committed
and a new culture. to accountability will
However, one must should be upheld. show you how you
not be taken in by the can claim your rights.
premise that ‘this is how we do things
here’. While every university has its To illustrate this point further, let’s look
own character there are standards and at how marks are allocated and grades
expectations which we would regard are awarded. Your teacher, professor,
as fundamental and which should be instructor has asked you to write an
upheld. The two key principles we will essay, it has to be 2000 words long
illustrate in this article are transparency and is due in two weeks. You know it
and accountability. is marked out of 20 but beyond that
it’s all a little vague. Now that’s unfair
When you join your new university and your teacher lacks a little in terms
you are likely to be offered to sign the of transparency. Also, because of this
school code. This outlines both your lack of transparency it makes it difficult
to dispute his/her marking of your the responsibilities of the university
paper this clearly leads to a lack of to investigate the report. While the
accountability. Thus clear assessment definition may differ from other parts
criteria should be available before an of Europe or North America sexual
assignment is set. Each university should harassment in the Czech Republic is
have a procedure which allows students a criminal offense and so this must
to contest marks and grades. For be appreciated for the institution to
example, New York University Prague be accountable for the actions of their
has a Grade Challenge Procedure employees.
which involves the completion within
a month of a ‘grade dispute’ form We hope you enjoy your time in
after which a review may take place Prague and get the most out of your
with the possibility of the work being studies. remember that you have rights
remarked by teachers/professors on as well as responsibilities and that the
another campus to university needs to
ensure a degree of maintain standards
impartiality. This we in the Czech republic, of transparency and
would regard as a sexual harassment is accountability. “We
basic standard of do things differently
accountability on the a criminal offence, here” - is simply
part of the university. so the institution not good enough.
Rights are not simply
With regard to an is accountable for granted but will
issue such as sexual the actions of their wither on the vine if
harassment then they are not claimed
we must remember employees and maintained.
that your personal
safety may depend
on transparency and accountability. SOURCE
Many universities will say that their
sexual harassment policies are
available on their website. While
this is a permissive act it shows little
commitment to combating the issue if
it is not addressed specifically in the
early days of your time in Prague. New
York University in Prague has a very
full definition of sexual harassment
and outlines steps that can be taken
to report the harassment and indicates
Activist/political grouP

8th of March Coalition Holla back czech

Koalice 8. Brezna Fighting street harassment,
empowerment, collecting women and
International feminist activism, advo- LGBTQ stories
cating political feminism, education, Facebook: OzviSe
Facebook: Koalice-8-breznaCoalition-
Sex education, consent, activism,
Alternative Prague Pride, organizing fighting sexual violence
lectures, discussions and workshops Tel: +420 722 018 115
Facebook: altprideprague Facebook: kdyztonechce

NEzávislého SociáLNě Ekolo-

Čtvrtá Vlna gického HNUTÍ (NESEHNUTI)

Women empowerment, social justice, Education, workshops, fighting gen-

feminist videos der stereotypes, sexual violence, and sexism in advertising
Facebook: ctvrtavlna
Tel: +420 543 245 342 / 05 239 579
Třída Kpt. Jaroše 18, 602 00 Brno
Facebook: nesehnuti

Feministická společnost
Feminist Society

Charles University feminist group
Facebook: femuk
Christian feminist group, fighting
hierarchy, patriarchy and capitalism, Integrační Centrum Praha
Facebook: RFK-1025323714261154 Integration of migrants, legal
counseling, educational seminars,
community interpreting, intercultural
workshops and events
Transgender issues and support Tel: +420 252 543 846
group for trans and non-cis persons Žitná 1574/51, 110 00 Prague Facebook: ICPraha
Tel: +420 608 713 537 InBáže
Facebook: transparentCZ
Inclusion of migrants, consulting
and assistance (legal, social and
psychological), intercultural work
Self-managed Tel: +420 739 037 353
social centers Legerova 357/50, 120 00 Prague
Facebook: InBaze
Infocentrum Salé
In Iustitia
Anarchist infoshop, library and
bookshop, public events Fighting hate speech, racism, homophobia, and right-wing extremism
Orebitská 14, 130 00, Prague
Facebook: infocentrumsale,
Rybná 24, 110 00 Prague

NGO Gender Studies
Autonomous social center, lectures,
concerts, free shop Gender Studies library; information, education and consulting office
Jeseniova 60, 130 00, Prague
Facebook: klinika45
Tel: +420 777 910 941 / 224 915 666
Masarykovo nábřeží 8, 120 00 Prague
You have read through the zine and now it is time to test your knowledge!
Solve this crossword puzzle and find out what we need more of in a con-
temporary feminist society.

1. Which type of harassment is a core theme of Voice?

2. 1 out of 2 women have experienced this type of violence by a partner

since age 15.

3. 1 out of 5 women have experienced this type of violence by a partner

since age 15.

4. Which traits are young girls taught to ignore in Daniela’s opinion?

5. Which document outlines the rights and responsibilities of a student?

6. What will empower women the most in Violeta’s opinion?

7. Which minority group does Konsent wish to focus more on?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11

8. Name of the document Konsent thinks is crucial for demanding quality


9. Name of the global, online movement that has changed public discus-
sion on sexual harassment since October 2017.

10. A university interested in maintaining and upholding this standard will

give thorough and accessible rights and responsibilities in the Academic
Codex or Student Agreement.
Feminist wall made in Prague in 2018
Editorial team BILBIOGRAPHY
Almeea Mardale
Diana Young Sources for Statistics
Isabel Pérez
Melissa Cafagna violence-against-women-eu-wide-survey-
AUTHORS “Sexual and gender motivated harassment
Isabel Torres at Czech universities: incidence, percep-
Violeta Martín tion and implications for sexual ethics” by
Irena Smetáčková and Petr Pavlík.
Design team
Anna Gallego Transparency and Accountability
Luis Alipio
COLLABORATORS anti-harassment-policy-and-complaint-pro-
Clara González cedures.html
Aleksandra Hołubowicz
Kateřina Pavelová Ľubica Kobová: bibliography.
Daniela Uribe Johanka Nejedlová: Konsent interview
Thea Favaloro: Transparency article
The views, information, or opinions ex- Economic support: Integrační Centrum
pressed during the interviews are solely Praha / Integration Centre Prague
those of the individuals involved and do
not necessarily represent those of Voice


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