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Exam Name : Online exam on Business Studies

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1. Total duration of the examination is 45 minutes.
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10. Each question carries 1 mark for correct answer.
11. Penalty for wrong answer.


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Choose the appropriate answer
1. Commercial bank generally lend on a _________basis.

A. Short term B.Long Term

C. Both medium and long term D. None of these

2. The central bank of country is

A. State Bank of India B. Reserve Bank of India

C. Bank of India D. Indian Bank

3. Which of the following is not a function of insurance?

A.Risk sharing B. Assist in capital formation

C. Lending of funds D. None of these

4. Insurable interest must be present both at the time of taking the policy and at the time of loss in the case of

A. Fire insurance B.Marine insurance

C. Life insurance D. All of the above

5. Time utility is created by

A. Transportation B. Warehousing

C. Banking` D. Communication

6. Insurance which is used to protect an employer from the dishonesty of an employee is called.

A. Health insurance B. Fidelity Insurance

C. Mediclaim insurance D. Hull insurance

7. DTH services are provided by

A. Transport companies B. Banks

C. Cellular companies D. Advertising firms

8. Which of the following is not applicable in life insurance

A. Conditional contract B. Unilateral contract

C. Indemnity contract D. None of the above

9. CWC stands for

A. Central Water Commission B. Central Warehousing Commission

C. Central Warehousing Corporation. D. Central Water Corporation

10. Which Warehouse facilitates entrepot trade?

A. Public warehouse B. Bonded warehouse

C.Private warehouses C. Government warehouse

11. Name the type of account opened in a bank with an overdraft facility

A. Current account B. Saving bank account

C. Fixed deposit C. None of the above

12. Principles of indemnity does not apply to

A. Life insurance B. health insurance

C. fire insurance D. Marine insurance

13. Shibu, a textile dealer wants to know the non-insurable risk from the following. Can you help him to identify it?

A. Fire B. Theft

C. marine D.Change in fashion

14. Which of the following is not a principle of insurance?

A.assurance B.Insurable interest

C. Indemnity D. Causa proxima

15. ____ Principle states, the insurer step in the shoes of insured

A. Causa proxima B. Subrogation

C. Indemnity D. Utmost good faith

16. When the same subject matter is insured with more than one insurer, it is called___________

A. Assurance B. Reinsurance

C. Double insurance D. None of the above

17. These banks are governed by the provisions of state cooperative society Act. Which banks is this.

A. public sector bank B. private sector bank

C. cooperative bank D. specialized banks

18. _________ warehouses are licensed by the government to accept imported goods prior to payment of tax and
custom duty.

A.Govt warehouses B. Bonded Ware houses

C. Public warehouses D. cooperative warehouses

19. Warehouses fully owned and managed by the government is called ________

A.Govt warehouses B. Bonded Ware houses

C. Public warehouses D. cooperative warehouses

20. Insuring goods on a ship against various risks at sea is called ___________insurance.

A.Ship insurance B.Cargo insurance

C. Freight insurance D.None of the above

21. Insuring a ship against many dangers at sea is known as _________insurance.

A.Ship insurance B.Cargo insurance

C. Freight insurance D.None of the above

22. This principle states that the insured must disclose all material facts about the subject matter to the insured, which

A. Causa proxima B. Subrogation

C. Indemnity D. Utmost good faith

23. Which type of bank is SBI

A. public sector bank B. private sector bank

C. cooperative bank D. foreign bank

24. HDFC bank is a ________type of bank

A. public sector bank B. private sector bank

C. cooperative bank D. foreign bank

25. Foreign exchange banks are _______ type of banks

A. public sector bank B. private sector bank

C. cooperative bank D. specialized banks


1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25

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