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Pangasinan State University

Supreme Student Council
TeleFax: (075) 592-4460



Supreme Student Council


We, the bona fide students of Pangasinan State University, Bayambang Campus
imploring the aid of Almighty God in order to establish a Supreme Student Government that
shall embody our ideals, rights and responsibilities, to promote, preserve and protect the
democratic rights and welfare of the PSU Bayambang students to develop and enhance the
social and national consciousness of the youth and to integrate them into the mainstream of
the people’s peaceful struggle, to build a truly humane and just society in a genuinely free
and democratic nation, contribute to the mandated Mission and Vision of the University, do
ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.

Article I

Section 1. This organization shall be known as the SUPREME STUDENT COUNCIL of

the Pangasinan State University, Bayambang Campus. It shall be hereinafter referred
to as SSC or the Council.

Section 2. The Supreme Student Council shall be recognized as the highest governing student
body of PSU Bayambang among all accredited student organizations, clubs and
associations within the campus.

Section 3. The Supreme Student Council shall be in presidential form.

Section 4. The Supreme Student Council is the only organization authorized to hold its office
at the Student Center Building of the Campus.
Article II

Section 1. The Supreme Student Council adheres to the following principles:

a. that quality education must be afforded to every student;

b. that education should develop the students’ potentialities in order for them to
maximize their part in community and nation building;
c. that education should develop critical thinking to inform, enlighten and formulate
wise decision and judgment, and
d. that every student is entitled to be respected as a person with human dignity.

Section 2. Objectives – The SSC aims to:

a. foster unity and cooperation among students through active participation in

college undertakings which seek to promote maximum student welfare and
b. provide avenues for the effective pursuit of excellent ideas, skills and experiences
for enjoyment of student academic life;
c. promote, preserve and protect the rights, interests and aspirations of the studentry
through means not contrary to college rules and regulations and existing laws of
the land, and
d. develop a sense of belongingness and brotherhood with every student through
holding affairs like acquaintance party for freshmen and socialization for higher

Article III

Section 1. Every bona fide student of PSU-Bayambang Campus is a member of the Supreme
Student Council

Section 2. Every member shall pay a membership fee every semester; the amount of which
shall be included in the scheduled fees as determined by the Legislative Department
and Administration, which will be approved by the Board of Regent.

Article IV

Section 1. Every student shall have the following rights:

a. the right to a competent instruction through adequate academic facilities;

b. the right to be informed on the first day of classes the following:
1. syllabi of the courses
2. teaching method and policies of his instructors
3. criteria for grade computation
4. the vision and mission of PSU-Bayambang together with the objectives
and/or principles of every department
c. the right to freedom of expression provided, however, that the exercise of such
will not interfere with the operation of the college;

d. the right to be informed by the SSC activities concerning the whole studentry in
coordination with the official student publication, THE REFLECTOR;
e. the right to due process before being subjected to the disciplinary action;
f. the right to have access to his school records and documents the confidentiality of
which shall be maintained and preserved by the college;
g. the right to assemble and petition for redress of grievances in a manner within the
limits of the College rules and regulations and other existing laws;
h. the right to be free from compulsory/involuntary contributions and sale of benefit
tickets either directly or indirectly by any person, organization, or entity from
within and outside of the college;
i. the right to be free from compulsory assignments not related to his subjects or
course as defined in his course syllabi. He shall likewise be free from involuntary
servitude as a requirement for the completion of his academic deficiencies;
j. the right to be informed of the rules and regulations of the College;
k. the right to hold co-curricular activities and other activities not inimical to the
interest of the College;
l. the right to receive reasonable protection within the college premises during
school days and on any day while undertaking activity/activities cleared with
appropriate college authorities;
m. the right once officially admitted by the college, to continue and pursue his course
of study therein; up to graduation, except in case of academic deficiencies and/or
misbehavior that might warrant his expulsion;
n. the right to run for any elective position in the SSC election subject to the
provisions of the Election Code passed by the Electoral Tribunal, and succeeding
articles of this constitution to this effect;
o. the right to the issuance of official certificates, diplomas, transcript of record,
grades, transfer credentials and other similar documents within reasonable period
but not more than one month;
p. the right to adequate guidance, counseling, medical and dental services and other
student services afforded to by the college;
q. the right to be assisted by the University through its placement officer relating to
job opportunities, and
r. every student shall be assured of all other rights granted by the laws of the land.

Article V

Section 1. It shall be the duties and responsibilities of every student to:

a. support and participate in the activities and projects initiated by the Council;
b. observe and uphold at all times, the rules and regulations of the College
c. exercise his rights responsibly;
d. pay only authorized dues, fees and contributions that concern the whole studentry
administered by the proper authorities of the College;
e. respect the rights of fellow students, the members of the faculty and the
administrative staff of the College;
f. recognize, respect and appreciate the role of his instructor/professor as his
surrogate parent;
g. protect and preserve the properties of the College;
h. respect and strive to perpetuate the desirable customs and traditions of the Filipino
people; and
i. defend and protect this Constitution and By-Laws and abide all its provisions.

Article VI

Section 1. The legislative power shall be vested in the Legislative Department. It is the
highest policy-making body of the Supreme Student Council (SSC) with the sole
power to appropriate funds for the Council’s operations.

Section 2. The Legislative Department shall have its separate office within the Student Center
Section3. The Legislative Department shall be composed of representative by year level in
each program. No member of the Legislative Department shall represent the same
year level of the same program.
Section 4. No student shall be elected as member of the Legislative Department unless he is a
bona fide student of PSU-Bayambang Campus with a grade point average (GPA) of
not lower than (2.50) in his last two semesters. No student previously subjected to
disciplinary action due to misdemeanor shall qualify as member of Legislative
Department. Any student having just one incomplete grade cannot run as candidate
for a Legislative Office. Candidates should carry normal load prescribed throughout
the whole school year
Section 5. The members of the Legislative Department, who are graduating, shall hold office
for one academic year. The non-graduating officers shall serve until their successors
have been elected and sworn into office.
Section 6. The Legislative Department shall promulgate rules that shall govern the conduct of
its business and its members, independently from the Program Organizations.
Independent in the sense that Legislators are not obliged to attend Program
Organization meetings if there is a meeting of the Legislative Department being
held simultaneously.
Section 7. The Legislative Department shall elect its presiding officer who shall be called as
the Speaker of the House. Furthermore, the Legislative body shall be composed of
Deputy House Speaker, Majority Floor Leader, Minority Floor Leader, Legislative
Secretary, members of the different committees such as Committee of Finance,
Audit, Press, Physical Properties and other Ad Hoc committees whenever necessary.
Section 8. The Legislative Department shall render semestral progress report to the General
Section 9. The SSC President may request the Legislative Department to a meeting should
there be a compelling reason for such.
Section 10. In case of vacancy in the Legislative Department, a special election may be called
to fill such vacancy in the manner prescribed by the election code of the Council.

Section 11. The Legislative Department shall determine the rules of its proceedings, in which
any member of this department who is found guilty for disorderly behavior shall be
punished. However, its tribunal committee shall determine the corresponding
Section 12. The Legislative Department shall be the sole power to impose impeachment
proceedings on delinquent officers as defined by the provisions of Art. XVI Sec. 1.
Section 13. The Legislative Department may not increase the appropriation recommended by
the President for the operations of the Council.
Section 14. A special appropriation bill shall specify the purpose for which it is intended and
shall be supported by the funds actually available as certified by the Secretary of
Section 15. No bill passed by the Legislative Department shall become SSC Ordinance unless
it has been passed three (3) readings on separate days, and printed copies thereof in
its final form have been distributed to its members three days before its passage,
except when the President certifies the necessity of its immediate enactment to meet
Section 16. Every bill passed by the Legislative Department, before it becomes SSC
Ordinance is presented to the SSC President. If he approves the bill, he shall sign it,
otherwise, he shall veto it and return the same with his objection to the Legislative
Department which shall enter the objection at large in its journal and proceed to
consider it. After such reconsideration, two-thirds 2/3 of all the members of the
Legislative Department shall agree to pass the bill. It shall be sent, together with the
objections of the President, again for approval. The President shall communicate his
veto of any bill to the Legislative Department within twenty (20) days after the date
of receipt thereof; otherwise, it shall become an ordinance if he has not signed it.

Section 17. Freshmen representatives shall not hold key offices in the Legislative

Section 18. Any member of the Legislative Department shall not hold other positions in the
homeroom, interest clubs or other organizations within the Campus.

Article VII

Section 1. The Executive Body of the Supreme Student Council shall be the Executive
Department. It shall be composed of students of good moral character and high
scholastic standing.

Section 2. The Executive Department shall have a separate office within the Student Center

Section 3. The Executive Department shall be composed of the President, the Vice-President,
the Executive Secretary, the Deputy Executive Secretary, the Finance Secretary, the

Deputy Finance Secretary, the Audit Secretary, the Press Secretary, the Physical
Logistics Secretary, the Deputy Physical Logistics Secretary and other Ad hoc
committees. The Vice-President, the Vice Governors and all Undersecretaries shall
not be a senior student. The Program Organization Officers shall be separated from
the Executive Department. The Audit Secretary and the Press Secretary shall be
elected by the elected Program Auditors and the elected Program P.R.O.s among
themselves respectively.

Section 4. The Executive power shall be vested to the President of the SSC.
Section 5. The President and Vice President shall be elected by direct votes of the students;
provided, however, that no student may be elected as President or Vice President
unless he is a bona fide student of PSU-Bayambang Campus with a Grade Point
Average (GPA) of not lower than (2.50) in their previous semester and in the second
year or third year, at the time of filing his candidacy. Candidates should carry a
normal load prescribed through the entire curricular year, and not having found
guilty of any act incurring disciplinary or administrative actions involving moral
Section 6. The President shall be assisted in the implementation of SSC programs and
policies by a Cabinet composed of the following: Executive Secretary, Deputy
Executive Secretary, Finance Secretary, Deputy Finance Secretary, Audit Secretary,
Press Secretary, Physical Logistics Secretary, the Deputy Physical Logistics
Secretary, and other Ad hoc committees appointed by him among the students who
possess the necessary qualifications confirmed by the Legislative Department. The
Deputy Secretaries shall not be senior students.

Section 7. The President may call for special meetings of the Executive Department when he
deems it necessary.
Section 8. Should the office of the President becomes permanently vacant of its incumbents
due to non-continuance of schooling, resignation, death or any other cause, the Vice
President automatically assumes the office.
Section 9. In the event the office of the Vice President becomes permanently vacant on
account of death, resignation, expulsion, or any other cause, the House Speaker
automatically assumes the office.
Section 10. The Executive Department shall render to the General Assembly the semestral
Financial and progress reports on the status and performance of the SSC.
Section 11. The officers of the Department shall serve from the day they assume office to the
day their successors take over.
Section 12. In order to ensure the continuity of functioning SSC Officers, the unexpected
portion of the term of its graduating members shall be continued by non-graduating
officers; Vice President or the House Speaker or the equivalent in that order of
succession. Provided, however, that replacements in temporary capacity shall
relinquish position upon the election and induction into office of their successors.

Section 13. The Executive Department shall submit to the Legislative Department within
thirty (30) days from the opening of every regular session as the basis of the general
appropriation bill, a budget of expenditures and sources of the financing, including
receipts from the existing and proposed revenue measures.
Section 14. The President shall address the Legislative Department of its regular session. He
also appears before it at any time.
Section 15. Any officer of the Executive Department shall not hold other positions in the
homeroom, interest clubs or other organizations within the campus.

Article VIII

Section 1.The Program Organization shall be the highest governing body of each respective
program (College of Teacher Education, Institute of Nursing, and Institute of Arts,
Sciences and Technology). It shall direct the operations of its organizations.

Section 2. The Program Organization Officers shall be composed of the Governor, Vice-
Governor, Treasurer, Auditor, Business Manager, Press Relation Officer,
Representative in each year level and an appointed Secretary by the elected

Section 3. Any student with a grade point average (GPA) of lower than (2.50) in his previous
semester is not qualified to run for any position in the Program Organization
Section 4. Any officer of the Program Organization shall not hold other positions in the
homeroom, interest clubs, or other organizations within the campus.

Article IX
Section 1.T here shall be a non-partisan Electoral Board, which shall be called THE
ELECTORAL TRIBUNAL and shall be composed of Chairman, Vice Chairman
and four representatives from each program as well as one representative from the
College Paper. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, and the Secretary shall be chosen
from among the Board.
Section 2. No student shall be appointed as member of the Electoral Tribunal unless he is a
bona fide student of PSU Bayambang Campus with a grade point average (GPA) of
(2.50) or higher in his last two semesters except for freshmen students. In case of
the freshmen students, the GPA of (2.50) or higher in his previous semester shall be
Section 3. A Board of Faculty Program Advisers from the 3 Degree Programs (CTE, IN, and
IAST) shall appoint the members of the Electoral Tribunal in concurrence to Article
XIV, Section 2.

Section 4. Any member of the Electoral Tribunal shall serve until their graduation, with good
performance maintained unless he chooses to resign or is removed in his position by
the majority votes of the Faculty Advisers justified reason.
Section 5. The Electoral Tribunal shall exercise the following powers and functions:

a. enforce and administer all rules and regulations relative to the conduct of an
election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum, and on recall;
b. exercise exclusive original jurisdiction over all contents relating to the election,
returns and qualifications of all the elective officers, and appellate jurisdiction
over all contents involving elective officers decided by the body itself together
with the Board of Faculty Advisers of general jurisdiction.
c. decide, except those involving the right to vote, all questions affecting elections,
including determination of the number and location of polling places,
appointment of election officers and inspectors;
d. deputize, with the concurrence of the Presidents, the Legislative Department and
other and other instrumentalities of the Council for the exclusive purpose of
ensuring free, orderly, honest, peaceful and credible elections;
e. register, after sufficient publication, political parties, organizations, or coalition,
which, in additional to other requirement must present their platform or program
of governance and accredited student’s arms of the college electoral board.
Those, which seek to achieve their goals through violence or unlawful means or
refuse to uphold and adhere to constitution, shall likewise be refused

Section 6. The Electoral Tribunal with the board of faculty advisers shall sit en banc and shall
promulgate its rules and procedures in orders to expedite disposition of election
cases including pre-proclamation controversies. All such election cases shall be
heard and decided in division if motion of reconsideration of decision shall be
decided by the commission en banc.

Section 7. A free and open party system shall be allowed to evolve according to the free
choice of the student subject to provision of this article.

Section 8. Funds certified by the Electoral Tribunal as necessary to defray expenses for
holding regular and special election, plebiscites, initiatives, referenda and recalls
shall be provided in the regular or special appropriations upon certification by the
chairman of the Electoral Tribunal.

Section 9. In case of a tie of the position in the council or program organization, the Electoral
Tribunal shall decide on this matter.

Article X

Section 1. Election of homeroom officers shall be held on any day of the second week after
the opening of the regular semestral classes under direct supervision of their
respective homeroom adviser. Oath taking of elected homeroom officers shall
immediately follow the elections with the section adviser as the inducting officer.


Section 2. Election of interest clubs and co-curriculum officers shall be held on any day; a
week after the opening of the school year under direct supervision of their
respective adviser. Oath taking of elected interest club and co-curriculum officers
shall immediately follow the elections with the Club Adviser and Department
Chairmen respectively as the inducting officers.

Section 3. Election of the first year representative shall be held on any day of the first week
of July of the next school year. Oath taking of elected freshmen representative shall
immediately follow the election with the campus dean as the inducting officer.

Section 4. Election of SSC officers shall be held on any day of the second week of February
of the current school year. Oath taking of elected SSC officers shall be held
immediately after the proclamation of winning candidates with the Campus
Executive Department as the inducting officer.

Section 5. Campaigning and election procedures shall be held in accordance with the election
code promulgated by the Electoral Tribunal.

Section 6. Qualified student candidate(s) who intend(s) to run for SSC position shall file
seven (7) days before the SSC Election. Application my be done individually or by

Section 7. Unmarked ballots shall be used to preserve the secrecy and integrity of the votes.

Section 8. In case of a tie the chairman of the Electoral Tribunal shall decide this matter by
“draw lots/tossed coin.”

Section 9. In case of a protest, it shall be submitted to the Electoral Tribunal one (1) day after
the conduct of election and the Electoral Tribunal shall review the protest for the
basis of the sufficient ground of fraud from the side of the elected officer(s) within
two (2) working days.

Article XI

Section 1. The officers of the Supreme Student Council shall be as follows:

a. Legislative Department Officers

b. Executive Department Officers
c. Program Organization Officers
d. Interest Club Officers
e. Homeroom Officers

Section 2. The Legislative Department

a. The House Speaker shall:

1. preside over the meetings/sessions of the Department;

2. have the prerogative to appoint the chairmen of different working committees

listed in Article VI Section 7;

3. automatically assume the position of the President or the Vice-President

provided however, that it corresponds with the underlying provisions of Article
VII Sections 9, 10 and 13 and other underlying ordinance;

4. sign bills passed by the Legislative Department, and

5. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

b. The Deputy House Speaker shall:

1. have the duty and functions of the Speaker of the House in case of latter’s
temporary absence, incapacity, or resignation, and

2. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

c. The Majority Floor Leader shall:

1. represent the Majority in the House and uphold their right;

2. assume the position/office of the Deputy House Speaker in case of death,

permanent disability/inability of the latter as approved by two-thirds (2/3)
votes of all the members of the Legislative Department, and

3. uphold the rule and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

d. The Minority Floor Leader shall:

1. represent the Minority in the House and uphold their right;

2. assume the position/office of the Majority Floor Leader in case of death,

permanent disability/inability of the latter as approved by two-thirds (2/3)
votes of all the members of the Legislative Department, and

3. uphold the rule and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.
e. The members of the Legislative Department shall:

1. have the authority to enact ordinances for the Supreme Student Council and
formulate policies for the implementation of the Executive Department;

2. approve by two-thirds (2/3) votes of all matters/business concern, and

3. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

Section 3. The Executive Department.

a. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the SSC. It shall be his duty

1. preside all the meetings of the General Assembly;

2. for his official capacity as president of the SSC, see to it that the provisions of
the Constitution and By-Laws of the SSC is enforced;

3. direct control and supervise all members of his Cabinet and the operations of
their respective departments;

4. perform such other duties as may be necessary or incidental to the discharge of

performance and functions of his office, and

5. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

b. The Vice-President shall:

1. assist the President in matters where his/her assistance is needed;

2. take over the functions of the President when the latter cannot discharge his
duties on account of capacitating sickness or of any cause, and

3. perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him/her from time to
time by the SSC President.

4. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

c. The Executive Secretary shall:

1. keep journal of all proceedings of the Council;

2. keep all the correspondence and papers of the same;

3. furnish the minutes of the meetings and other information and notices to all
concern, particularly the SSC Adviser;

4. prepare the semestral or annual report of the plans and accomplishments of the
Executive Department to the General Assembly;

5. perform such activities as assigned to him/her from time to time by the SSC
President, and


6. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

d. The Deputy Executive Secretary shall:

1. assist the Executive Secretary in matters where his/her assistance is needed;

2. perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him/her from time to
time, and

3. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

e. The Finance Secretary shall:

1. as head of the Financial Committee, keep financial records of the Council;

2. disburse the funds as appropriated by the Legislative Department;

3. submit financial reports at the end of each semester to the Executive

4. prepare the semestral or annual report of the plans and accomplishments of the
Executive Department to the General Assembly;

5. perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him/her from time to
time as delegated by the SSC President, and

6. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

f. The Deputy Finance Secretary shall:

1. assist the Finance Secretary in all matters where his/her assistance is needed;

2. perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him from time to time
by the SSC President; and

3. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

g. The Audit Secretary shall:

1. audit all receipts of income of the SSC, the expenditure and disbursement
made thereof;

2. render an audit report to the Council whenever necessary;

3. perform such other activities as the President assign to him/her from time to
time; and

4. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-
Laws of the SSC.

h. The Press Secretary shall:

1. disseminate all information regarding activities and meetings of the SSC;

2. coordinate with all the Press Relations Officers of all the homeroom, Interest
and other Organization;

3. perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him from time to
time by the SSC President; and

4. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-
Laws of the SSC.

i. The Physical Logistics Secretary shall:

1. make an updated inventory of the SSC properties;

2. be the Officer-in-charge whenever such properties are borrowed;.

3. Perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him from time to time
by the SSC President, and

4. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

j. The Deputy Physical Logistics Secretary shall:

1. assist the Physical Logistics Secretary in all matters where his/her assistance is

2. perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him from time to time
by the SSC President, and

3. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

Section 4. The Program Organization Officers:

a. The Governor shall, as the need of the Organization:

1. preside over all meetings of the organization;

2. execute the policies and programs of the organization;

3. manage and supervise the affairs and activities of his organization;

4. coordinate the activities of his class organization to the SSC and Office of the
Student Services;

5. require semestral financial report from the Treasurer as the need arises;

6. sign all business transactions for and in behalf of the organization;

7. submit a general written report about the condition of the organization at the
end of every semester to the SSC Assembly ;

8. perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him from time to time
by the SSC President, and

9. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

b. The Vice Governor shall:

1. assist the Governor in all matters where his/her assistance is needed;

2. perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him from time to time
by Governor, and

3. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

c. The Secretary shall:

1. prepare and keep the minutes of the meetings of the organization and maintain
the records of all proceedings;

2. perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him from time to time
by the Governor, and

3. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

d. The Treasurer as custodian of the finances of the organization shall:

1.keep the records of the funds of the organization;

2.disburse the funds as appropriated by the organization;

3.prepare, submit and present the organization’s financial report as many as
required by the officers/members of the organization;

4.perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him from time to time
by the Governor, and

5.uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

e. The Auditor shall:

1.audit all the receipts of income, expenses and disbursement made by the
2.render and submit an audit report to the class organization and to the Council as
may be necessary;

3.maintain an independent review and examination of financial records; to the organization any irregularity/ies as he may found therein;

5. perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him from time to time
by the Governor, and

6.uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

f. The Business Manager shall:

1. deal with all the business/transactions of the organizations;

2. represent the organization and take charge in all business contracts; business outputs and results to the organization;

4. perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him from time to time
by the Governor, and

5. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

g. The Press Relation Officer shall:

1.serve as a link between the students of CTE/IAST/IN and of the Program

Organization where he/she belongs; in-charge of the press releases of the Program Organization, which shall be
prepared when deemed necessary;

3.handle all matters related to information regarding the activities of the Program
Organization as well as other functions may be assigned by the organization;

4.perform other functions and duties as maybe assigned to him from time to time
by the Governor, and

5.uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

Section 5. The Homeroom Officers shall:

1. help the class organization in implementing their programs

2. perform other functions and duties as those of class organization officers, and

3. uphold the rules and regulations promulgated by the Constitution and By-Laws
of the SSC.

Article XI

Section 1. The President shall call and preside over a General Assembly meeting which shall
be held once every semester, a week before the finals provided however, that it could
hold special meetings dictated by pressing necessity through the respective Program

Section 2. The General Assembly shall serve as the body of the Supreme Student Council and
the avenue where its members bring about student matters and problems of general
concern for discussion.

Section 3. The General Assembly shall be composed of Homeroom, interest Clubs, and
Program Organization Officers and members of the Executive and Legislative
Departments of the Supreme Student Council.

Section 4. The General Assembly as an avenue for clarifying student matters shall be
attended by the Campus Dean, Administrative Officer, Program Deans, Department
Chairs, Program Advisers and Co-Advisers, Heads of the Library, Registrar,
Accounting, Security, Janitorial and Canteen.

Article XII

Section 1. The Executive and Legislative Department, the Program and Homeroom
Organization shall have regular meetings. The opening of the regular meeting shall be
held immediately after the oath taking of the body which the date and time of such
shall be determined by the concerned body.


Section 2. An absolute majority (one-half plus one) of the total members of the body being
convoked shall constitute a quorum and three-fourths of those who shall validate the
act of the body.

Section 3 All meetings of the SSC shall be conducted according to Parliamentary rules.

Section 4. Special meetings shall be called upon by the SSC as the need arises.

Article XIII

Section 1. The Supreme Student Council shall have its own funds consisting primarily of
Student Body Organization (SBO) fee collected from students during the registration
period every semester. The amount of fee shall be determined by the Legislative
Department of the Council and Administration as approved by the Board of Regents.

a. Fifty percent (50 %) from the SBO shall be transferred to the President a week
after the election for operational expenses. The remaining 50% will become a
trust fund of the SSC and it can be withdrawn anytime through a resolution.
The SBO Fund shall likewise be used to subsidize student-enrichment activity.
b. The SSC may generate its additional funds from solicitations, popularity
contests, benefit shows and other legal sources.
c. All funds generated by the Council from student fees and other legal sources
shall be deposited in the nearest bank in the name of the SSC with the Finance
Secretary, the President and the Adviser as co-depositors.
d. The funds of the Council shall be disbursed in accordance with proper
accounting and auditing procedures.
e. The co-depositors as appropriated by the Legislative Department shall make
withdrawals of funds. Two-thirds concurrence of the body means an automatic
f. The unspent balance of the council for specific term shall be accrued to the
fresh funds collected or generated during the next succeeding term.
g. The SSC shall be free to disburse its own money in manners provided for by
its constitution.

Section 2. The Program, Interest Clubs and Homeroom Organizations shall have funds of
their own, collected or generated from legal sources.

a. The funds shall be deposited to the nearest bank in the name of the
Organization with its Treasurer, Governor, and Adviser as co-depositors;
b. The funds shall be deposited to the nearest bank in the name of the
organization with its Treasurer, President of the Club, and Adviser as co-
c. The funds of Homeroom Organization shall be deposited to the nearest bank in
the name of the Organization with its Treasurer, Mayor, and Adviser as co-
d. Withdrawals of funds shall be made only by the official depositors upon the
approval of the officers of the organization and the Adviser, and
e. The Program, Interest Clubs, and Homeroom Organizations shall be free to
dispose their own money subject for proper accounting and auditing. Program
Organizations are required to submit financial reports to the Finance

Article XIV

Section 1. There shall be one faculty adviser for the Supreme Student Council.

Section 2. The terms on electing SSC Adviser are as follows:

a. The President of the SSC, after consultation with the members, through election,
submits to the Coordinator of the Student Services of the Campus at least three (3)
nominees for advisorship probably faculty members with permanent status.

b. The Campus Coordinator of the Student Services conducts a screening of the

most qualified among the three nominees considering the following factors;
acceptability, orientation to organizational climate, dedication to duty, adherence to
organizational thrusts and willingness to work.

c. The Campus Coordinator of Student Services forwards the consolidated list of

adviser to the Campus Executive Director for consideration.

d. The Campus Executive Director appoints the Adviser of the Student Council.

Section 3. The election of the SSC Adviser shall be held on the third week of February of the
current school year.

Section 4. The SSC Adviser shall serve for two consecutive years to minimize unnecessary
interruptions of speedy actions and to ensure continuance and completion of medium-
term projects initiated by the SSC.

Section 5. No SSC Adviser shall serve for more than two consecutive terms. Voluntary
renunciation of the office for any length of time shall not be considered as an
interruption in the continuity of line service for the full term for which he/she was

Section 6. The SSC Adviser shall not hold any major position (e.g. Coordinator,
Administrator, College Dean, Director, and the like) in the College/University
Administration to minimize conflict of interest and to protect the cause of the Council
in the decision-making concerning College and University matters.

Section 7. The SSC Adviser shall have the following duties:

1. to advise the SSC on matters and affairs of the Council;

2. to act as a liaison officer between the College/University Administrators and
the SSC;
3. to help explore avenues for student leadership trainings;
4. to turn-over an inventory of SSC properties to the President and Vice
President and/or the House Speaker, and
5. to be responsible with the turn-over of the SSC properties to the next batch of
the SSC Officers.

Section 8. Should the office of the SSC Adviser become permanently vacant on account of
death, resignation, or that of the provisions of Arty. XV Sec. 5 and any other cause,
the position shall be assumed in a special convention to be called by the SSC through
the Electoral Tribunal a week right after the vacancy.

Section 9. There shall be one (1) adviser and one (1) co-adviser for each program

Section 10. The Program Organization Advisers and co-adviser shall be designated by the
Program Dean as recommended by the Section Advisers.

Section 11. The Program Organization Advisers shall serve only for one school year.

Section 12. There shall be one club adviser for every interest club and for every curricular

Article XV

Section 1. Impeachment proceedings shall be initiated against any officer of the SSC on
grounds of deliberate negligence of duties and functions imposed by his office or

Section 2. Any officer who fails to perform his duties and functions assigned to him shall be
fined to be decided by the Legislative Body and shall be accrued to the fund of SSC.

Section 3. All graduating SSC Officers shall be given a Certificate of Recognition duly
signed by the SSC Adviser, Student Services Coordinator, Campus Executive
Director during the testimonial party conducted upon for such purpose. Due
recognition shall be given to those officers of the SSC who are outstandingly
performing their duties and functions as officers of the Council. Such recognition
shall also be given during the testimonial party

Section 4. Any plan, activity and proposal made or recommended by the program
organization shall be put in writing and addressed to the SSC for approval.

Article XVI

Section 1. Any amendments to or revision of this Constitution and By-Laws may be proposed

a. The Legislative Department upon a vote of three fourths (3/4) of all members;

b. A Constitutional Convention created by the SSC President.

Section 2. Amendments to this Constitution may be directly proposed by the students through
an initiative upon a petition of at least thirty percent of the total studentry of which
every Program Organization shall be represented equally.

Section 3. The Legislative Department may, by a vote of two-thirds of all its members, call a
Constitutional Convention or by a majority vote of all its members.

Section 4. Any amendments to, or revisions of this constitution shall be valid only when
ratified by a majority of votes cast in a plebiscite which shall be held not earlier than
fifteen (15) days nor later than thirty (30) days after the approval is made by the
Legislative Department of such proposed amendments or revisions.

Article XVIII

Section 1. Effectivity. This Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect immediately during
the First Semester of the S. Y. 2013-2014; its adaptation shall remain reinforced until
amended or repealed.

Section 2. Separability Clause. If any of the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws is
declared invalid, the remainder or any provision not affected thereby shall be valid
and effective.

Section 3. Transitory Provision. The first SSC under this Constitution and By-Laws shall
give priority to the following:

a. completion of the Organization of the PSU Bayambang and members;

b. providing for the rules to govern its proceedings; and

c. adoption of other measures that promote students’ welfare and interest.

Section 4. Existing Extra Co-Curricular Organizations that are duly recognized by the
Student Affairs Officer prior to this Constitution may continue to operate subject to
the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws.

1st Reading : January 9, 2013

2nd Reading : March 11, 2013
3rd Reading : March 15, 2013



Approval of the Amended Supreme Student Council – Constitution and By-

Laws 2013
We, the undersigned affix our signatures herein as a proof of our strong approval for
the Amended 2013 Constitution and By-Laws of the Supreme Student Council of Pangasinan
State University, Bayambang Campus, which shall take effect immediately upon approval of
the majority.



1st Year IN Representative 1st Year CTE Representative


1st Year IAST Representative 3rd Year IN Representative


4th Year IAST Representative Legislative Secretary


Minority Floor Leader Majority Floor Leader

Deputy House Speaker

House Speaker


Approval of the Amended Supreme Student Council – Constitution and By-

Laws 2013
We, the undersigned affix our signatures herein as a proof of our strong approval for
the Amended 2013 Constitution and By-Laws of the Supreme Student Council of Pangasinan
State University, Bayambang Campus, which shall take effect immediately upon approval of
the majority.


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