Design Dissertation Synopsis

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D. Y. P. C. A.
The study of the history of civilization reveals the existence of an intimate tie between the
development of the spirit of mankind and the practice of sport. Sports can be defined as playing
of games or participation in competitive past times involving physical exertion and skill. Sport
basically is a fundamental part of our day to day life and it is absolutely essential to the mental
and physical well-being or our present day society.

It is no longer just “playing games”, but is a part of a huge leisure market which began
expanding in the 70’s and shows no sign of diminishing in the foreseeable.

It is recreation or free time activity for and for many it becomes entertainment or sponsored
program to be enjoyed from the comfort of one’s home. “WORK” has been seen as a focal point
of life and its relationship to quality of life cannot be underestimated, but, leisure as much as
work is crucial to the development of self-identity and self-realization. Sports is not just
breaking established records and winning medals. In today’s strife from world, it cuts across
caste, communal, national and political barriers. It inspires the participants, enthralls the
spectators establishing a strong invisible link between them. Sports is much more than a leisure
activity, it is a matter of national pride.

A close relationship exists between the sporting activity and the physical framework since the
culture of the body transcends what is merely physical, reaching spiritual spheres that relates to
changes in thought and interpersonal communication. The awareness of this reality inspires
architects to create works that go beyond mere functionality to become representative symbols
of the urban or rural landscape where they are located.

SPORTS benefit us in the following ways :

 They provide relaxation and entertainment.

 They increase the physical fitness and the mental alertness of an individual.
 It helps develop the overall personality of a person.

Sports complexes provide recreation to participants, entertainment to spectators and act as

institutions for social interaction. Growing spectator interest and commercialization in the 20th
century have brought much glamour into modern day sports as well as some grand and
imaginatively designed stadia today have been modeled on arenas and the open airs theatres
built by the Greeks and the Romans in the earlier centuries.
Sports have been given secondary importance and are quite a neglected aspect, particularly in
huge metropolitan cities. This is due to the lack of sufficient and proper facilities and due to the
hectic lives that we all are living.

Increase in migration rate causes overcrowding and reduction in open spaces. There is an acute
shortage of playing facilities. Reasons behind this are:

 Encroachment of civilization which have robbed us of our natural playing fields.

 Shortages of funds as the people have still not realized the importance of sports in their
lives and hence no initiative is taken by them.

While other countries have progressed by leaps and bounds, Indian sports are still far behind.
Even commercial centers like Mumbai don’t have facilities for competitions along with training
facilities which is absolutely necessary. There are few sports clubs but restricted only to a
chosen few as these are commercial clubs. Talented younger generation has to remain satisfied
within the building courtyards.

Amidst the mushrooming concrete jungle, a place like a sports complex would cater to an
important aspect of human life. It would open the door to another dimension of the metropolis
man, so respectfully ignored and neglected by majority. In cities we have a lot of talented
youngsters but the facilities are lacking at that level. A lot of talent is present in the junior and
sub-junior level. They are our future and we should promote the games at these levels, in order
to spot talent.

The design of sporting installations is a fascinating challenge which often leads to te creation of
magnificent works that typically combine pragmatism and aesthetics. The diversity of these
works is a direct consequence of the evolution of sport which has led to the replacement of
artistic academism by innovative ideas and new forms, even though there are still certain
common aspects which have become the distinguishing features of the typology known as

The public nature of a sports complex is a direct consequence of a view of sporting activity as a
pleasant social activity and an effective means of promoting interpersonal communication. Its
designing would involve not only spatial design but also the structural design is given equal
weightage. Another aspect which the architect has to consider is the various services involved.

Therefore in dealing with a SPORTS COMPLEX as a design dissertation topic, scope for
architectural ability along with applied sciences like services is present.
Initially the stadiums were constructed due to staging of major international multi-sport
competitions such as Olympics, etc. with the change in time and the high cost inputs; they have
been submitted to a change in their role. Now they are just not used for hosting sport meets,
but also for staging and promoting various community as well as non-sporting events. This part,
basically discusses the multi-purpose aspect and the economic benefits. Such stadia can provide
to local, regional or even a national economy.


An ‘arena’ is a facility with a minimum free activity (floor) space of 36m x 20m. it should also
have permanent seating on (at least) two opposite sides of the central floor space, as much of it
as possible fixed but maybe complemented by retractable, demountable, tiered seating units
and flat seating. Also other support services should be sufficient so that they can serve the
purpose of management and the optimum number of participants, spectators and media.
These include changing rooms, toilets, warm-up facilities, catering, security, car parking, etc.

In Europe, North America and now in Japan, there has been a tendency for a city to establish its
own municipal stadium for the use of a large number of sports clubs. For instance, up to 1986,
Seven American cities had enclosed stadia. Now there are at least a dozen cities which have
covered stadiums under study or in construction and other municipalities are expected to

For these cities, the need of constructing stadia lies in the fact that they consider this an
opportunity to show their civic power and in some cases, seen as a way of enhancing the image
of the city. For them, such stadiums symbolize not only the vitality of a city, but the support for
its professional teams. Also the possession of professional teams confers upon a city a status
and importance, are more valuable than the cost of a stadium. That is why, these cities put
huge amount of money into the construction of such stadia.

Also stadia are utilized by them as a facility for tagging various types of non-sporting events
such as:

- Entertainment.
- Exhibition.
- Conferences and conventions.
- Community recreation programs.
- Social events.

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