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assignment 2

Subject Name : Artificial Intelligence

For each of the following agents, develop a PEAS description of the task environment:
a. Robot soccer player;
b. Internet book-shopping agent;
c. Autonomous Mars rover;
d. Mathematician’s theorem-proving assistant.
a. Robot Soccer:
The task environment is to design Robot to play and win soccer.
Performance measure: To play, make goals and win the game.
Environment: Soccer field, teammates and opponents, referee, audience.
Actuator: Navigator, legs of robot, view detector for robot.
Sensors: Camera, communicators, sensors.
The properties of the task environment of Robot soccer player are
• Observable: It is partially observable.
• Deterministic: No.
• Static: No.
• Discrete: No.
• Single agent: No
• This is a goal-based agent, with specific goals.
b. Internet book-shopping agent;
Performance Measure: Minimizing cost, information about interesting books, obtain requested,
minimize expenditure
Environment: Internet browsers,
Actuators: Add a new order, retrieve existing order information, display information to user, follow
link, and enter/submit data in fields.
Sensors: Web pages, user requests, buttons or hyperlinks clicked by users.
c. Autonomous Mars rover;
Performance Measure: Collect, analyze and explore samples on Mars, terrain explored and
reported, samples gathered and analyzed.
Environment: Launch vehicle, Lander, Mars.
Actuators: Wheels/legs, sample, motion devices, collection device, analysis devices, radio
Sensors: Camera, touch sensors, accelemetres, orientation sensors, wheel/joint encoders, radio
receiver, and communication links.
d. Mathematician’s theorem-proving assistant;
Performance Measure: Theorems proved good math knowledge, new theorems discovered, time
requirement, and degree of correction.
Environment: CPU, the theorem to prove, existing axioms, internet, library.
Actuators: Display to user, accept the right theorem, reject the wrong theorem, infer based on
axioms and facts.
Sensors: User input (keyboard, file system), input device that reads the theorem to prove.
GPS stands for Global Positioning System. GPS uses satellites that orbit Earth to
send information to GPS receivers that are on the ground. The information helps people
determine their location.
GIS stands for Geographical Information System. GIS is a software program that helps
people use the information that is collected from the GPS satellites.
Learn more about GPS by watching this video from the United States Air Force.

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