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M‘QUISTON MAGAZINE. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS sas ees yr. D. Heaziey, L-P.S.1. (PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST), AND HAVE THEM CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. PERSONAL SUPERVISION. COMPLETE STOCK OF MEDICINES. LOWEST PRICES 343, Woodstock Road, Belfast. ~ ‘Telephone 1568. Ple. Charles B. 'Comb. Lanoe-Seests aia tay Se wi ee Se ee oes Sore 2 We were gad te sce amongst ox agin, safe and sound in mind and body, our two gallant esllor lade, Alexander Egether ‘snd dass’ Cini, after thet, ching expen tes in the naval bate oA 3, of the Stiend hast ° SECOND LIEUT. EDWARD HAMILTON. We diva learned with great, satisfaction that Cadet Edward ‘Haniton, has, posled hs miliaey_ examination with reat dsnction, having obtained 82 Der cane On nly 6, 1815, Ses Hamilton was gazetted Second iewtenant out Royal Tesh Fusion. ° We wars io mn meng ore wawhizeas om Sa dap, July 16 De Samer aid Alrn “Monten, We bal thom Hearty weloome during her visi, ae conga inf tie Dontze on hin appeininen to an inportan pat on in the town ot Dooly PULPIT SUPPLIES FOR AUGUST. enday, Aug. 6..Rev. 8 R. Jamison, BA Sunday, Aug. 13..Hev. BA Ora, A, Ballymena Sunday, Aug. 20..Rev. W. J. Guy Macbeth, BA. Ballyclare Sundag, Avg. 97..Rev. H. ¥. Clemente, B.A, Connor. Ar. Jamison is one of the most. promising preachers of Mi. Craig is "Cregogh man, and hes just been appointed 10 ‘West, Onureh, "Ballymena. "ie guined a {ine reputation for himself as a preacher. Mr. Macbeth is also a Crogegh man, and is brother. inlaw of Mv. Hensley, one of our inembers, ‘MMs. Clemente is «fon of & former tember of our chureh, His father was formerly a Convener of os Bow Sand. Stipend. Committe. ‘We would Despeak @ yood aitendauee of the members gad nds of ihe congregation to" hear our young ‘intends. Mis. Boyle's addvest ducing the manth of August is Lisnara, “Heathmount, Dertstewart, Co. Dery. Me Buiton Waddell, BA. is ia charge during the ont, and all iatimetions seyarding lines: or funerals should be sent to Me- Waddell, 352, Woodstoue Road, oF tole. J. W. A’ Manilien, Ulida,” Cregagh Road. EVENING EDUCATIONAL CLASS! ‘THESE OLASSES WILL COMMENCE THIS YEAR ON TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12. FULL PROSPECTUS AND FORMS OF APPLICATION WILL APPEAR IN THE AUGUST ISSUE OF THIS ‘MAGAZINE. Friends will confer a favoug by making these dames tors, inlending fui pe requ he prea rom the epening eresing. “The Clase will be hed in the hastibol se former ° QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY HONOURS. We congratulate Me. James Boyd, MS, B.Sc, upon having ldsined his dled dogs’ of SEB, wi aed ‘aes honours, We congratulate Miss Margaret Boyd, MSc, upon having ‘obigined ‘The Higher Univeeaty Diploma in Teaching We congratulate Mr. Semiuel Ballantine upon obtaining his second medical examination with a scholenship of 220) ‘andthe pesition of Demonia. ° CLOSING OF RAVENSCROFT Ss. SCHOOL. Alter careful consideration of the position, the Seacion have decided to close Ravenscroft Sinday School. Both Igachers and pupils desired to be in atiendance at the Church Sunday Schools, and wo ask parents to co-operate with us in this action, by. being good eapugih to send their children to the Chugh Sunday. Schools, "We desire ‘0 thank both Superintendents and "Teachers. who. teaght sm this Sunday School dor their faithfal and. painstaleng, Ihours. . af RETIRING COLLECTION, JULY 16. Mz. Boyle acknowledges with gratitude and much satinction tho Kindnesw and liberality of tae. congreyee, fon in subsenbing ten guinens in response to this special appeal. "And he also’ bags to acknowledge ‘wit, thenks alzulscripiion of ane pound weaeived by fim Uivough the ‘post on July 17, irom'an anonymous donor. The. congre gation will be glad to learn that thie tou sum of eleven Pounds ten shillings ic ‘considered adequate to tect the ‘present need of the special canes ° We acknowledge with :deopest thanks another sub scziption of one pound toward our Building Fund fora Rose Caruthy 9, Redoak Road, Wilmington, Dela ‘ware, U.S.A.” This is Mies Caruth's second subscription, and it was sent by her ix respoase to our final appeal in the April istue of our mayazine. Mies Carat ie" sister of Abs. MQuoid, 1, "Willowfeld Street.

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