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thee small droplets wil main ia suspension, ving the mitre a eloedy oe milky appearance. ‘his intr i called an emulion. Ther are nin chemical hat have the ality to i with tis an 0 foc an easily emulsifiable xtce. ‘Tiss the cae with peactats and emulsifiers ‘When a petroleum based penevant is combined ‘wthan enue, te mature ean be removed sh wate spray. There ar we pee of ‘insist inthe removal pocess = Upophite and hydvophilc. Lipoic end Ijdrophs processes have eniely different fs of ection in removing penetrant fom pat ace. Refence A Refacnse B Lipophilic Emulsifier Action ‘Bosc emulsifier works thmgh a process called dfision Dison ithe mixing of ‘olecles beease of thee rancom motion. When two missile liqede that donot eat chemally ste placed inthe same vessel their molecular moon allows them fo penetrate each oer and ‘really become uniform throughout The ete Of ‘isin increases with ineeased concentration ‘au higher emperatues, For example, whea ast ‘olson is placed in corse: an piin waters layered ontop, the gus remsin separated at fist. ‘The molecule motion at he itrace causes the Figure 3. mea Diffusion Complete PEieme eee ee ‘Mechanism of action of lipophilic emulsifiers @ Apply Penetrant Apply Emulsiier Dittusion Begins i) © o fe 9 liquids to mix. Over spi of ime, the guide will migrate fuse inp each ther Event, te solution eaces egulium when the entire ‘quantity of igi sof uiform concentaon In the ease of penevant and emulsifier, the peneiant ‘ifses int the emulsifier end the emlstiee fuses int the penerant This diffusion process Istesponsiie forte rising of pstemusified penetra that is covered with a layer of erulsifie Figure 33 lutea the mechanism of ston of Tipopiie emulsifiers. Reference A. Referens B ‘Hydrophilic Remover Action Hyophilic remover ia mixture of chemica called surfactants. They ace supplied 4 ‘concentrate and are mixed with wate either before ‘or dung the removal process. The surface active ‘agent in the mover combines wit a small, {uanity of penstat fom the sface and prevents the peneant fom recombining with he remning surface penetrant. Unie pope emul, hhydropilic remover i immiscible in penetant and dfsion docs not ose All emoval action ket lave atthe exposed scfae and the net just, ‘below the surace sna involved unit bacomes exposed. Some agitation i required to remove te Aisplaed penevant and to allow fest remover to ‘caine into contact wit he newly exposed (Clean Surface » [ESC Apply Penetrant ® wd bbg g oom Detergent Action Ends Sasso nae astro pape oti We Prerase og het bog yoy © ‘Detergent Action Begins 2 (Clean Surface pencrant igure 3.4 llusvats the mechanism of Scion of byérophilc emulsification, Reference A Reference Solvent Removal, Method C All oil based penerants are soluble in large numberof organi quid. The most commonly sed ae color contrast, Type If and postemulsiied “Type [Because chlorinated hydroestbons are no longer avalabl, the solvents ae usualy vole mixtures of aliphatic pesrleam o alcool, The ‘mechanism of moval shrug solvent nd “ution acon: Some petroleum distillates contain slowly evaporating ols; however, when used asa Penetantemover, ds does nt afect is ei Com isconsinaities, Reference B Developer Action ‘The bse function of al developers 19 Improve the visibility of penetean indications. The improvement in visibly i achieved tough 2 ‘umber of mechanisms Including 1 lding inthe extraction ofthe penetra roman espe below the prt surace and the taster ofa lest some of thie Denevan othe surace, 2. Increasing the effotve tz ofthe curface fil of penetra exuded fom the enetrant entrapment, and 3. Increasing the conrast between the Indleation andthe Background. Developer actions combination of solvency fet adsorption and absorption. Adsorption isthe Surouoding ofthe developer particles by adhesion, ‘which coats te surtace a he pales. Absorption 's the assimilation of penevan into the bulk of the Daaticles, As the thin ayer of exuded ponotnt ie ‘sorbet/absnebed,srtaceteasion draws ‘udtional penetrnt fom the earapmet, which nlurges ba the thickness ofthe surface penetra ayer and is size Developer ls increase contrat for observing penatst indications Under ultraviolet lg the Aeveloper appears blue-leck, whereas the ‘enapped penetrant Iireses yellow gre, Visible dye developers provide a dal white ‘background for viewing rd indieations, Developers aio rede light eflotion from shiny surfaces of test parts, whih can essen ee fatigue. Reference A Reference B 4.1 Sever propetios of tiguid that contol ts penetating capably are contact angle and viscosity. onact angle and capillary ation. ‘erfae tension and eoaist sng. ‘splay aston and sacice tension. 4) Whats the highest contact ange that 7° pneu ean hve and sl penetrate ontneousy? 13 depres. pil acon is fastest in 1 wide, tong eck. tong die led cack. fine, clean crack wid, sallow eae, law eotapmeateffcency i term that esrbes the ably of a peoeant © eater 3 scontinity and forma visible Indication. Properties that influence the Uscontiity entrapment elfcieney include: the peneailiy ofthe penetra. the size and typeof the dsconinly. ‘he processing procedures, the typeof pens, sllof the above Micka Chapter 3 Review Questions 3s 36 a7 38 39 Mitte =| 2 ‘The contot angle is measured atthe air liguid surface inesface ona solid mes, ‘Whit ofthe Flowing is tr? 4 The contact angle isthe same oa all mater having the same surface roughnes. b, Dilferent serials wit th same ‘smooth finish ean have differ amet angles. «Th suface roughass does ot influence the comet angle. 4 Te contact anges the same for all lof the above "law entrapment ficiency is best ‘measured by the: wate was est. {Hvorescet intensity test {vorescea sabilty text ‘The rat of penton canbe compeasated for by varying the: emulsification ine 2. penenating tine drying time. water wacing tine, “The abil ofthe penetrant to eater a lscohauly is convoted by its suctace tension. its coma angle its wseosiy, both sand,

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