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M'‘Quiston Magazine. ‘The Monthly Organ of the M-Quiston Memorial Presbyterian Church, Belfast. Kaditor—Mtx. We J. Wassos, f Me. J. Hivcmes, 36, Greenville Road. Convenees | fr. J. Kimmrarmice, 355, Woodstock Road VoL 1x. JULY, 1916, No. 7. MOTTO FOR 1916. “Be thou faithjud unto death.” THE LATE PRIVATE FRED C. GRANT. aise mate Hoping CE ai Pens Beatie Dec SSR Re /Sce ek saame aan oe Ocean Ne ont ete acer ee fare agen pec eg tea es oe es ee ee ee Niche Le PR ee Bhar" pent Mattie Boe “oar fer mouths age Bred como i so his pris sa see oe Det moe om i re eee te el ee Sune, eee ee Sn pcs eiae was attached to the sigualling cection, nnd, unfortunate) ati fe ace ate nee eater act et Bota se Be oon nue Aas oe wo ccs et ed Pelt ne eg ae rer ie are se no ae eet sy ly nd hi he ra era ace a pe arora od Beceem clos Me te eee, i She eer awe ins, ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION. ‘This meoting, which may be sad to be our anual stock- taking, was held on Wedneoday’ evening, May Si, au tho ‘Minot Hall of the Institate. ‘The lew, B.D. BoVle pre. sided, and thero war's Tair attendancs of the merabesy of the: Congregation. We give In this isso a summary. of ‘the work tt is being carried-om throughout, the bounds cf the parish. ‘The reports indicate the high-water marie of ehureh entarprso, and the diferent conver and theis workers deserve the ‘warmeet appreciation and heartieet cooperation of every member and Wellvisier of the ongreraion, "Our let of a Christin fai ia every Iie is, Does it wotk? And for very worker who hay a tent which he or she wishes. to conseorate #3 the highest and noblest work on exh there is a feid of labots, sad 3 hearty welcome with ux . CHURCH COMMITTEE, ‘The following members coustitate the Church Com- mitee = Tet 1019, Retce 1918 tivo 1917. James Beat, glen Brown. = W. A Ee Boyd, Willie Bells’ Jammes Cairns, J.D. Garee George Birch. Wiliam Dunlop. Alex’ Gane RAV Grwford W. J. erguon. Alex) Rall Tuc Hughes MB dos. Kiskpatric, Yola Mitebell, Janes Gowdy. Alo lastine D.R Motaié. Wad. Graham, Robert Mill Aloe. M'Brido. Witdo Kalle, ola Koken: Bone MiG AD Mase” Hat Ra Samuel Porte” Gorge Caughey. Chorloc Sanit William ‘Tursbull, Allan Petterna, ” Fasale Shaw George Watson, William Wak” Samael Wasson, PUBLIC WORSHIP. Zhe dy i he and a wl nda shes esas eae oa owsog amr nl 00a the wenig note ah Teil eet desis nn, te wat oe eerie Tae 2 cot adie see ae ee oe lees ots bss ai tael ale Suurtre choweptees jects me Saati a Peder ee Ne ee Popeye eaters Sots EME rig cue na de eat Seat abe hoch seve fn Chote fees Rae Behecl, ie Ganon Saeee Misise Halt alin Beet Steal Medial SG Re seen cae oa Mienied ile obenait van tte WAG Mth Sekey Sa as aT TL eet ta he Sep a wee Fo any tee =z VISITATION. Our peter hil ve ech fail of the har ‘once @ year, and is diligent in his attention to those sid and afflicted. af ‘this, sake we. aay nh eae is, Spel by tho ies win hse Stipa ke ptt Gidtets in ds path” Tip Shouse St piionl ese fe ty we es wen ees areal SU recess PBtigta Padme 2 Saar oer aoe MQUISTON MAGAZINE. MEDICINE AND QUALITY. Freshness is of vital importance in Medicine, Drugs may be fal strength and pure, but if kept tl th ‘eco stale their nae may be dangarous to life in critical eases, 7 Se Peter Z Purity is of equal importance: Seoond quality medicine is doar at o gift, and eannot be too strongly condemned. ‘Aceuracy in compound i also required to ensure the results the Physician expects - Knowledge, Judgment, Care, ste also required to ensure fll potency of medicinal remedies. ‘Wo guarantee all medioines supplied uy us, to-be pure, to he fresh, to be accurate, ‘Fair and rensonsUle Peioas charged. Compare our quality for yourself, Yow are safe in dealing with ANDREW WILSON, ‘rmageonce 2221, ORPHAN SOCIETY AND OLD-AGE FUND. ‘As this wat the Jaubileo Your of this fund, and a our rante from it now exceed 2300, Miso Dunlop aad her {Eithtal collectors made.a special ellrt, whieh was crowned ‘slr unigue sarees Miss Dunlop and hr able Teutenant (Gfise Sarwh Foley) deserve our special Uhanks in raking BiGr Te. Mr, Ai. R. Boley, whose eal as been grainy re stored, has beateo last your's record for the Oid-Age Fund, fand we wih him bounding prosperity BIBLE-CLASSES, etc. ‘The work done by ‘Ms. J. W. A. Hamilton in conaec tion with Helping ‘and Bible Clas, in muperintendng ‘our senior Suuday-echool, and in his joint offers of Cle GF Rink 'Boarion and Secretary of Commitées is beyond all Paiva; aa alo is Uhe work dono by Mr. J. a, Kirkpatrick nd ‘his band of stewards im providing salty recreation ‘by our pleasant Bacarday evening entertainments. ‘These plovide & healt sphere for Use cultivation of our spiitwel End teat life.” Anyune, making himeelf nequainted with tho epiitoal, moral, and social work of our choreh ean not fail to see tat) we. are a living organism seeking to Duild up a vinle type of eluen, ctarchran, and Christian Tie in Chis vast city, wich i bound to bave « good eect ‘upon its fatare. wel bein BOYS’ BRIGADE AND GYMNASIUM, Mr_5. A. Kinkgatrek, explain of our Boys! Brigade, es ie ‘alae vie i ur ade and under is {inspiration they gained the Cripples’ Challenue for he largest collection taken i Ure aby by the boys of the ‘whole Bolton; wale in the gymnasiaaa Me, Allan Date feson in sence indaatigaa service. Th, Yt Hone deserve the largest patronage acd support of ox Thee and young men Ths action of the Bows Briged Tas i fosegeing their prises thie your in order dist they right add to our Building Fond their quote is greatly Epprecisted, and displays the sprit which this insiention I ever fostered CONVENERS. Ms. Hogh Thompson, Pew and Stipend Convener, bas achieved 4 record, witch giver the congregetion m8 ordhy position, Tt mey'bo diicult to maintain this prsisom [igh ctandatd: but Me, ‘Thonspeon das torprised us by Vks iisterly methods 69 often that we are must hopeful of its rigintenance ‘Mr. D. if. Bell Bag surged“ the sick child of the éingeh,” to nee Mc. Cammaing’s expressive phree, bck tolhealth end vigour, and he did itso quletiy that its ac Complichisest wenite high praise and ‘abiding. gratiade We thanks him very heartily far his help, Mr- and Mrs, Mott bave guarded tho fmancer of the ccongiegition with auch coneamioate alll that hele exacts ‘nos in deta eflcleney, and ordertines: bave brought, n= Youmded praise to both of them, especially for the Lime, fare, and talent bestowed upon, the Balding Wand. The Ghureh ower then sp abiding indebtedness. Dispensing Chemist, 187, Y.M.C.A, Buildings, Mountpottinger BUILDING FUND. ‘This being the concluding. year of aur gest ort o> veard debt estinetion, we fave the greclee pleasure. in Conralslating Mee Thome Stewart, nd ts kady colle: {Satin nlagig oe dabt within the limita of £1,000." The Tatlonc, parscerazes, and practical business instincts of Min"Sieware snd hi’ weonkhes have Been crowned with cavible succes: By Giese comecrted selé-mcrifee, made Sheen Floun‘notable=the- mast notable—sn our history “of 8 Juarter of 2 centans ® OUTSTANDING EVENTS. Preeminent among these has been the celebration of the silver wedding of Mi, and Mise J. We. Hamilton, Ue ‘rw wow ‘chooviedged ye hale congregation by Peeling ibe) Hamilton with © handsome gold -Wat nk ure of ocean, and Ar, Homo gid txpandiog wvstiet watch Our prayer iz thay both fa Eetiyared for nny Yost to id ina work so dese to helt Tears ‘they arte bean idontied ith everything Sat Its made for the prosperity of ACGuiston. “We iow that tere fs one plince fuletiole tamper upon ter heat, find Unt plirtse Toe APGutom Che. ‘The ordination of the Rev. W. B. Hall, B.A., in Gort rnessy marks an epodl in out histors, as he is te frst son thal die M-Quiston Chasel bas jgver, to Ube ministry. the Presbyterian. Chareh ia Ireland. We shall follow 3 fhinistriel career ith prsverful btevect, cenvineed that iy"hie conescented Tite the ideals of the ministry will be envi’. ‘The legons in systematic giving inculeated by our fivo years’ united effors to reduce ou debt ill Save ah ine bla marx upon the spilt of oar people, andthe fact at they love paid off 810 each week during the past five yeurs by the conceccation of tele porsetions to" the {Guu of od angers well for the futre of our ebmeeh Hee {ir ite development of all the Christan’ graces. No finer chapler in the annals of Christian puiziotiom will ever be ‘writin than that given by the eespoase of Sur sons to tha eall of King and country.” During the year the sapreme sacrifice was made Dy bWo of the nobledb of four sone—Private dim Scott, of the Royal Mavines, and Private red C. Grant, of the 60th Battalion of the Cana ‘Gian Expecitionnry Force, To all who bave been called ‘Spon to" bear the cross of Bereswement, and to. all Tove Nhe carry in their earls the borden of anslety for the ‘Nellare of Gieir beloved in the butlefdds of Europe ond ASD'Ne tender oa heartfelt censslabna, and secure them Sf our constant. peeves for their talely and heavenly sie- at UU UE

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