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M‘QUISTON MAGAZINE. MELVILLE & 60, Ltd FUNERAL FURNISHERS— »y Every Branch Undertaken. (Established 1858.) POSTING MASTERS, &¢, Fashionable Carriages for Weddings a Spevality. MOTOR CARS, ar specially catered for. Stylish Private Motor Cabs supplied on Shoztest Notice. Weldings by Motor FONERALS BY MOTOR.—-Punorals can now be caried out by specially designed Limousine Funeral Gars, which can also carry a number of mourners in addition tothe casket. Long distances ean, ‘horeforo, be eovrod much quicker, and with considerable lessespense than by ral. ‘oben ve bose Head Offices: TOWNSEND ST., BELFAST. Byte a yee te . Gigend at Letom ‘Local Branches —Ciuan Pince, Sisrmount Street; 196, Ravenkill Road ; 284, Newtownards Read. THE LATE PRIVATE WM. HARPER. We tender our sincere sympathy to Mx, Abts, Robert Harper and family, 92, My Lady's Road, on the death of their son.” He belonged to the Bonibers’ Section of the 8th London Regiment. He joined his Majesty's Forces in March, 1915, and was sont to France in August, 1915. He was killed in battle on Tuesday, September 19, 1916. He was greatly beloved at home, where he was a great chim, and is much mourned by the iem- Dore of his family. One of his comrades, HL. ‘Townley, writes: “Ho was one of the dearest fel. lows we ever had in our platoon.” At such costly sucrifices is our freedom being maintained. ® EVENING EDUCATIONAL CLassES. ‘These classes opened on Tuesday evening, Sept. 12, at 8 o'elock. On the first night there were 284 pupils present. This number inevensed exch evening until the number on the rolls now stands at 463, ‘This is a most gratifying response to appeal of the Session and Committee. And it is a. great joy that so many young people realise the immense value of these classes amd gvail themselves of their privileges. We heartily congratulate Mr Scott and his efficient staff, who have justified the hopes entertained of them, ® BAPTISMS. CARDWELL.—On Thuniday, August 31, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cardwell, 76, Ogilvie Street, @ daughiter—Dorethy—baptized in the Church, on Wednesday, October 4, 1916, by the Rer. D. D. Boyle, GUTHRIE.—On Saturday, June 3, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Guthrie, Seccondee, Ardenlee Avenue, n son—Iohn Hastings—baptized on ‘Thursday, October 5, 1916, by the Ree. D D. Boyle ELLIOTT.—On Tuesday, July 18, 1916, to Me and Mzs, John Eliott, 219, Hasenbill Ave. a daughter—Elizabeth"baptized on Friday, October 13, 1916, by the Rev. D. D. Boyle. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS IN NOVEMBER. Sunday, Nov. 12...fome Mission. Sunday, Nov, 26...Xmas-bozes for Soldiers and Sailors. We asi for a gonerous response to both of these collections. ‘The Home Mission collection covers the’ weak congregations throughout Ireland, and grants to those ministers who earry the Gospel to Scattered auembers of our Church in every village and district in the South and West where the nunibirs are not sufficient, to, form a congregation and support a minister of their own. Tt also in- luiles the Tempersniee work of the General Assem- bly. Wil monibers remember that their givings will be divided among these three objects. Our Christmas-box collection for the soldiers and sailors of our own congregation needs no special advocacy. A sum of £30 will be needed to send an adequate and suitable parvel to exch umber serving with the Army and Navy. Col: lections for diese objects will be taken “at botle services on each occasion, We ask for a large attendance. ca DEATHS. PARKER.—At his residence, $8, Ravenhill Ave., October 6, 1916, James Parker, in “ninth year. Interred in Castle reagh Church Burying Ground on Sunday, October 8, 1916: Rev. D. D. Boyle officiated BELL.—At her busband’s iesidence, 201—203, Woodstock Road, Sarah, the beloved wife of William Bell, on Sarnrday, October Lf, 1916. Interred in Dundonald Cemetery on Monday, October 16, 1916. Rey. D. D, Boyle and Rev. Torrens Bord officiated. —At his residence, 15, Bangor Street, on ‘Wednesday, October 18, 1916, Moses Logan, aged 72 years. Interred in the City Ceme- tery on Friday, October 20, 1916. . Rey. D. D. Bosle officiated. MVITTY.—At her husband's residence, 19, Tamery Street, Blizabeth, wife of James M'Vitiy, an Monday, October 9, 1916. In- terred in the City Gemetery on’ Wednesdax, October 11, 1916. Mr. Samuel Waddell off ciated. Nw 1b nt eee MELVILLE & 60, Lt POSTING MASTERS, &c. MOTOR GARS:- ar specially catered for. (Established i958.) Fashionable Carriages for Wedidings Speciality. Styloh Private ‘Motor Cabs supplied on Shortest Notice. FUNERALS BY MOTOR—Funerals con now be carcied out by spesielly designed Limo Cats, which ean ‘also carry 2 number of mourners in addition tothe easket. Long distances can, therelre be eorered mach quisker, and with considerable lassexpenso than by ral. ‘QUISTON MAGAZINE. FUNERAL FURNISHERS— hy Every Branch Undertaken. ‘Weddings by Motor ine Funeral Teeragaieaaet Head Offices: TOWNSEND ST., BELFAST. Gigwsisiiitues ‘iacal Branches -—-Olaan Pinee, Stcrmount Stret ; 196, Ravenhill Road ; 261, Newtownards Road. MISS ALICE D! CAIRNS. DEATHS. ‘Miss Cairns writes: “Often when I am feeling lonely, T get out my Autograph Book, and read some of the'bits in it, and feel quite bright again. T have had one or two good nights with Tennyson too. . . . Will you please remember me to all the 8.8, teachers, and all my other friends in M*Quis- ton? Tell them I think of them all very often, and hhope to mieet them again before very long. T’have not started teaching yet, Int expeet to do eo soon, tas Sunday without schoo! doos not seem complete now.” We recipreeate Miss Caivins’ good wishes, and shall be glad to dee her again. She was one fof natnre’s gentlewomen. THE LATE PRIVATE WILLIAM HARPER. Since out appreciation in our last issue Mrz Harper, $2, My Lady's Road, has received the fel Towing letter regarding.the death of her soa:— France, October, 1916. Dear Mrs. Harperp—One of tay corporals was showing ime the other day- a letter you had sent fuking for aome more definite word about the death of your son. T saw him just after he was hit, ond ‘ean asmire you tliat his death was ‘in- stantaneous, “He was killed by a German bomb, which was thrown at him while he war in an Rdvance position, guarding us against a. possible atinck by the eneuiy, who were in the saine Tine May I tonder you cur sincerest sympathy in your sad los. Your boy was one of our best bombers, fnd-was well loved by us all for his cheeriness and bravery. He ad done splendidly inthe attack before his death, and died at n post of honour at which T put him as aman in -whom I had. the Dighest trust, Again. asmtring you of our sym pathy, and trusting that his loss may be made Fimerhat lighter by the knowledge that he died a brave man should,—T remain, yours sincerely, Haxot Avpreras, 2nd Bombing Officer ‘This is noble testimony to the high soldier-like qualities of our young friend. Cheeriness, brother- Hines, and bravery were the distinetive ‘marks of his too brief eareee. While we mourn his loss, we rejoice in the memory of his worth, He was 1 good son and 2 good soldier. MARTIN:—A¢ his residence, 7, Rokeby’ Street, on Monday, October 30, 1916," James Martin, aged 48 years. Interred in the City Cemetery on Wednesday, November 1, 1916, Rev. D. Boyle officiated. GRAHAM.—At 34, The Mount (private residence, ‘Areta, Ardenlee ‘Atenne), on Thursday, Nov. 2, 1916, Martha Graham, Interred in the City Cemetery on Sundar, November 5, 1916. Rev. D. D. Bosle officiated. BARR.—On Thursday, November 2, 1916, at her husband's residence, 3, Roden Terrace, Wood- stock Road, Mary Barr. Interred in Dun- Aonald Cemetery on Satarday, November 4, 1916, Rev. D. D. Bogle officiated. MBLYILLE.—At her father’s residence, 15, Frank ‘Street, Annie Melville, aged 21 years, on Pri- gx, 15th November, 1916. Taterred in the City Cemetery on Sunday, 19th November, 1916. Rev. D, D. Boyle officiated. BAPTISMS. MAWILLIAMS.—On Tuesday, August 1, 1916, to Mir. and Mrs. Thos. MWilliams, 8 Dublin 8t., dauighter—Annie—baptized on’ Wednesday, Sth October, 1916, by the Rev. D. D. Boyle SHAW.—On Monday, September 11, 1916, to Mr. ‘and Mis. Francis T. Shaw, 38, The Mount, a @aughter—Helen Martin“baptized in the Chareh, oa Wednesday, November 21, 1916, by the Rev. D. D. Boyle, MWKEAG.—On Wednesday, September 20, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. John M'Keag, a daughter— Sarah Mary—baptized on Wednesday, Novem: ber 8, 1918, by the Rev, D. D. Boyle. MAULEY.—On’ Tuerday, October’ 10, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs, M‘Auler, 50, Cheviot Avene, a son——Rohert—baptized on Monday, Novem= ber 13, 1916, by the Rev. D. D, Bore. 5 MARRIAGE. : Prams _acntrAneke Belmont Pretrterian a WP Her B.D, Bop cc aioe, Ounnae 9, tore We a ern: 1b Sue Mie Sear, Beltanio Sera MeBSen 5, ‘ilo snes Heat, belt

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