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Clean Rooms &

HVAC Systems
GMP requirements for planning, qualification & operation


Dr Lars Kreye
Boehringer Ingelheim

Jesper Kure
NNE Pharmaplan

Dr Jean Denis Mallet

ECA & Former Head of the
French Pharmaceutical Bild: LEONHARD WEISS Fußbodentechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Inspection Dpt. AFSSAPS

7-8 May 2019, Vienna, Austria

Andreas Nuhn
Principal Consultant
„„ GMP Guidance for clean rooms and HVAC systems
„„ Zone concepts for sterile, non-sterile and highly potent
Jørgen Pedersen „„ HVAC components and concepts
NNE Pharmaplan
„„ GMP-compliant clean room walls, ceilings and floors
„„ Implementation of barrier systems (Isolator/RABS)
„„ Qualification of rooms and HVAC systems
Each participant
„„ Classification & particle measurements according to ISO 14644
receives an industrial
„„ Operation of clean rooms and barrier systems
guidance document
on the derivation of
–– Monitoring & Trending
–– Maintenance

This education course is recognised for the ECA GMP Certification Programme „Certified Technical Operations Manager“.
Please find details at
Clean Rooms & HVAC Systems
7-8 May 2019, Vienna, Austria

Objectives Programme

This course outlines the principles of planning, qualifi- GMP requirements for clean rooms and HVAC
cation and operation of clean rooms & barrier systems systems in the pharmaceutical industry
and their associated HVAC systems in the GMP envi- „„ The EU GMP Guide, Annex 1 and 15, ISO Norms
ronment. Both the protection concepts and the prem- and other GMP relevant guidelines
ises for aseptic and non-sterile manufacturing will be „„ Definition of cleanliness: particles and
addressed. microbiological limits
„„ Comparison of EU und US requirements
„„ Requirements during planning, construction
Background and operation
„„ Experiences from inspections
Knowing the regulatory requirements on rooms and
HVAC systems is an absolute prerequisite for all further Zone concepts
steps like design, qualification and operation of clean „„ Considering of the frame conditions: premises,
rooms. number of floors, products, technologies
„„ Estimation of the required spaces (with regards
It is therefore essential to be aware of all restrictions to the equipment and production capacities)
and relations between material and personnel flows „„ Requirements according to the different clean
before starting with the building of clean rooms for room zones
pharmaceutical manufacturing. This is the starting point „„ How to develop material and personal flows:
for the zone concepts and the required airlocks. from process to layout
The clean room itself consists of floor, wall and ceiling „„ Planning with the technical room book
systems suitable for the intended use. Now, which sys- „„ Specific pressures cascades and airlock
tems are suitable for which clean zones or processes? requirements
How can an isolator be integrated in the concept? „„ Examples for zone concepts for sterile and
non-sterile manufacturing including highly potent
The classification and qualification of the rooms have compounds
to be done after the construction. The formal require-
ments on qualification are the same for clean rooms HVAC systems: from planning to commissioning
dedicated to the manufacture of both sterile and non- „„ Background for HVAC systems
sterile dosage forms. Only the contents to be examined „„ Design criteria
and fulfilled are different. „„ GMP criteria and requirements for recovery time,
air changes, air velocity, differential pressures, …
Qualification – which serves the verification of the cor- „„ Usage of flow visualisation tools
rect functioning of the production rooms – merges into „„ The different concepts possible from 100% fresh
the routine monitoring. Moreover, the systems in air to recirculation
place for requalification, change control, deviation and „„ Different production types and the influence on
maintenance ensure the GMP status to be kept. HVAC systems and their GMP relevance
„„ Filters
„„ Control strategies
Target Group „„ Energy aspects
„„ Requirements for the construction site
This course is directed at staff in pharmaceutical engi- „„ Monitoring systems
neering departments and production, involved in the
planning, qualification or operation of clean rooms. GMP requirements for clean rooms walls, ceilings
Engineering companies and GMP planners are also the and floors
target group of this course. „„ Description of requirements coming from planning,
ISO norms and GMP guidelines
„„ Overview of the different wall and ceiling systems
Moderator used in the pharmaceutical industry
„„ Components of wall systems: terminals, doors and
Andreas Nuhn windows
„„ The GMP-compliant clean room drain
„„ Floors: Slip resistance vs. GMP
„„ Requirements for silicone joints (and coves)
„„ Assignment of the different systems to the different
clean room classes – which walls, ceilings and floors
are appropriate/allowed for which cleanliness class?
Participants’ comments (from the June 2018 course):
„Presentations were well done. Presenters were very knowledgeable & were able to answer all questions very satisfactorily.“
Elidio Gil, Novo Nordisk Pharmaceutical Industries, USA
„Really fantastic course! I gained a lot of useful knowledge. There were great presenters and I feel confident in the
information that they provided.“ Kristian Morton, Novo Nordisk Pharmaceutical Industries, USA,

„„ Specifying the intended quality: the URS Speakers

„„ How to determine the specified quality of
walls, ceilings and floors
Dr Lars Kreye,
Barrier systems Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
„„ Definition of Isolator & RABS Systems Dr Kreye joined Boehringer Ingelheim as
„„ Pros & Cons of the different systems Head of Regulatory Compliance. Currently
„„ Prerequisites for the usage of isolator/RABS he is managing two aseptic filling lines (con-
„„ Technical implementation of a barrier system ventional clean room, vial filling), and one
isolator line, as well as a packaging unit for final packag-
Particle testing and the ISO 14644 ing.
„„ Leak testing of filters
„„ Measuring over and under pressure Jesper Kure,
„„ Determination of the number of air changes NNE Pharmaplan A/S
„„ Measurement of the recovery time Jesper has a B.Sc. in Production Engineering
„„ Particle measurement and classification of the room and has more than 20 years of experience in
„„ Requirements for particle counters qualification, testing and balancing of clean
„„ Number of measuring points and volumes room facilities. Jesper has a position as Sen-
according to ISO ior Specialist at NNE Pharmaplan, Denmark.
„„ Air flow study, smoke study (UDF)
„„ Documentation of results Dr Jean-Denis Mallet,
ECA, former head of the French Inspection
Qualification of clean room & HVAC system Department AFSSAPS, NNE Pharmaplan
„„ Definitions: classification, qualification, Jean-Denis Mallet is a pharmacist. He was
requalification, monitoring and recurring tests previously the Head of the Pharmaceutical
„„ Organisation of the qualification of rooms and Inspection Department at the French Health
HVAC systems Products Regulatory Agency (Afssaps=ANSM). He also
„„ Usage and example of a risk analysis used to work in or with the pharmaceutical industry at var-
„„ Steps taken in URS, DQ, IQ, OQ, and PQ ious positions including QA, Production, and Engineering.
„„ Tests in the different qualification stages Now he is member of the ECA advisory board and works
„„ Typical problems in clean room and HVAC for NNE Pharmaplan.
systems qualification
„„ Periodic requalification – which tests are really Andreas Nuhn,
necessary? Principal Consultant GMP-Compliance
Andreas Nuhn holds a diploma in process
Operation of clean rooms / barrier systems technology and works as self-employed
„„ Recurring particle measurements GMP Consultant since 2013 after almost 15
„„ Routine microbiological monitoring years in engineering companies in different
„„ Tests for isolators jobs. He supports companies in general and specific
„„ What to do for maintenance? GMP issues like preparation for authority audits but also
„„ Cleaning in design and engineering of clean rooms.
„„ Requalification
„„ Trending of data, evaluation, the PQR Jørgen Pedersen,
NNE Pharmaplan A/S
Jørgen has a M.Sc. in Building Engineering
Social Event and has 40 years of experience in engineer-
ing and design of HVAC and utility systems.
In the evening of the first He has completed more than 35 pharmaceu-
course day, you are cordially tical, biotech, bio-containment and laboratory projects.
invited to a social event. This Jørgen has a position as Senior Specialist at NNE Pharma-
is an excellent opportunity to plan, Denmark. He has given various lectures on clean
share your experiences with room technology, standards and guidelines and is the
colleagues from other com- author of various publications on clean room technol-
panies in a relaxed atmos- ogy.
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Clean Rooms & HVAC Systems
7-8 May 2019, Vienna, Austria

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Schlossallee 8

P.O.Box 10 17 64

organisation etc.:
Radisson Blu Hotel

1140 Vienna, Austria

ECA Members € 1,490

Conference Language
APIC Members € 1,590

vation is recommended.

organisation of this event.

Phone +43-1-891109200
Non-ECA Members € 1,690
Fees (per delegate plus VAT)

EU GMP Inspectorates € 845

69007 Heidelberg, Germany
Phone +49(0)6221/84 44-0
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(Registration and coffee 09.30 – 10.00 h)

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For questions regarding reservation, hotel,

Tuesday, 7 May 2019, 10.00 to approx. 18.15 h

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CONCEPT HEIDELBERG has reserved a limited

mentation, dinner on the first day and lunch on

The official conference language will be English. 

ECA has entrusted Concept Heidelberg with the

receive a room reservation form/POG when you
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Wednesday, 8 May 2019, 08.30 to approx. 15.45 h

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