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> This command takes two meshes and creates an element-based attribute in
mesh1 that contains the number of elements in mesh2 that intersected the
respective element in mesh1.


> We define intersection as two elements sharing any common point.


> **intersect_elements** / mesh1 / mesh2 / [attrib_name]


> [attrib_name] specifies the name of the element based attribute in mesh1
that is created by this command. The default name for this attribute is
in_<mesh2>. For example, if the comand syntax was:


>> **intersect_elements**/cmo_strat/cmo_well/


> the element based attribute that stores the number of intersections would be
named in_cmo_well. It is worth noting that GMV does not take kindly to names
that are longer than eight characters and will truncate them without even
thinking twice, resulting in the name used in our example being changed to
in_cmo_w. Therefore, it is good practice to use your own attribute names less
than eight characters if possible.


> This code has been slightly modified to work with AMR grids produced in X3D.
This modification depends on an element based attribute that X3D creates
called **itetkid**. If this attribute is not present, **intersect_elements**
will **NOT** be able to recognize the AMR grid, and will intersect all
elements of the octree. With the itetkid attribute present, only leaves of the
octree which intersect will be flagged.


> **intersect_elements** is not designed to work with every element-element

combination, but it is pretty thorough. The following table shows what
element/element intersetion capabilities are available. An **X** in the box
means that the intersection is supported.


> &nbsp_place_holder;

> point

> line
> tri

> quad

> tet

> pyr

> hex


> point

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**


> line

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> &nbsp_place_holder;

> **X**


> tri

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**
> &nbsp_place_holder;

> **X**


> quad

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> &nbsp_place_holder;

> **X**


> tet

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> &nbsp_place_holder;

> **X**


> pyr

> **X**

> &nbsp_place_holder;

> &nbsp_place_holder;

> &nbsp_place_holder;

> &nbsp_place_holder;

> &nbsp_place_holder;

> &nbsp_place_holder;

> hex

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> **X**

> &nbsp_place_holder;

> **X**


> For example, this means that if you have a mesh that has hexes and tets in
it, you could intersect it with a mesh that has anything but pyramids in it.


> Finally, **intersect_elements** is based on a k-D-R tree implementation to

improve performance in many circumstances. Unfortunately, there is no way to
improve performance if the elements being intersected have many candidate
elements in their bounding boxes. As such, there are situations where running
time may be improved by refining mesh2 such that its elements are of
comparable size with those of mesh1.


> **intersect_elements**/cmo_grid/cmo_sphere/


> **intersect_elements**/cmo_grid/cmo_well/obswell

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