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Section Three:

Teacher Candidate Artifacts


In this section of the portfolio I have provided a list of artifacts that display my various

works, educational accomplishments and development throughout my time at Medaille College. I

have selected these artifacts to demonstrate my knowledge, skills, abilities, and preparedness to

teach in the elementary classroom. This is the material evidence that I hope will support my claims

made throughout the first two sections, representing the areas of competencies I have developed

and hope to demonstrate. I have included artifacts that I hope will provide a broadened sense of

who I am and will be as an educator; as an inclusive, caring, and knowledgeable individual.

I have included artifacts that demonstrate my experience in planning, instruction,

assessment and learner accommodations; lesson plans and classroom activities that include

multiple considerations of knowledge of the learners, the subject matter, curriculum standards,

objectives, and motivational strategies. The lesson plans I have included demonstrate my caring

characteristics, taking various considerations to meet the needs of diverse learners. They also

demonstrate my ability to plan and instruct, as well as create and apply different forms of

assessments taking the needs of various learners to heart.

I have included artifacts that demonstrate my expertise in the application and integration

of technology within the classroom to promote deeper understanding and learning experiences that

incorporate various methods of instruction and opportunity for participation and interaction. The

artifacts that I have included support my claims that I am technically savvy and have a great

knowledge of educational technologies to improve the classroom. Technology is also a wonderful

tool for communicating with students and families and providing regular class updates and


I have included artifacts that provide evidence of my culturally responsive teaching and

my deep appreciation for diversity within the classroom. Highlighting my incorporation of

diversity for community engagement and further learning and appreciation of various differences.

I have also included an artifact that demonstrates my determination for continued professional

development. I hope that all of these artifacts demonstrate my personal and professional

disposition and earnest desire to be the best teacher I can be. Through this section of the portfolio

I seek to demonstrate mastery in my instructional competencies of knowledge, skills, and attitudes

that are necessary for professional teaching, throughout the following artifacts.

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