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A Complete Guide of ApiTherapy


Thanks to Modern science, today we are very good at correcting the wrong in our biology and treating
diseases. But modern medical science is not so good at preventing it. Modern day medicine still fails
to prevent onset of diseases and disorders. To really prevent them and heal human body properly, we
must look for alternative medicine and therapies. Our daily life-style and habits are the main cause of

diseases and sicknesses.

Bee-Therapy is one such therapy! This therapy uses different bee products to treat human diseases.
These products include: venom, Bee honey, Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly and other derived chemical. Bee
sting therapy on the other-hand is performed by live bees. The Patient is stung by bees.

Chapter1: What is Apitherapy (Bee-Therapy)?

It is the science of correcting human biological clock with bee products. It uses every bee product,
from honey to venom. It was very important practice in the ancient world however; recent scientific
studies have shown the real usefulness of Bee-Therapy.
Apitherapy literally means “Bee-Therapy”. It utilizes each and every product of bees as a medicine.

Such products are venom, honey, pollen, bee-wax and royal jelly. Some products might also be used

as alternatives to antibiotics.

Many of the researches have proven benefits of this therapy, in autoimmune disorders, HIV, Cancer

and arthritis. Studies show that this particular therapy was also used in ancient India, China and

In Short, Bee-Therapy starts where modern medicine ends.

Chapter2: Apitherapy History

Though the beginnings of Apitherapy may be shrouded in mystery, we have reasons to believe that the
treatment has existed for several thousands of years. In order to understand the origins of Apitherapy,
we probably need to look back to ancient Greece, China and Egypt. In any case, the use of honey is
reflected in religious texts like the Bible and the Vedas. In the oldest Sumerian texts maybe four
thousand years old, the use of honey is mentioned. Egyptian sources indicate the use of propolis, a
substance that resembles gum on barks of trees, being used on vases and trinkets, besides honey being

used to embalm dead bodies.

Have you heard of the father of medicine, the great Greek physician Hippocrates? He used bee venom
for treatments of arthritis. Honey was used to give doses of energy. Pliny, a great Roman scholar,

wrote that propolis relives pain and swelling, and can heal boils.

Modern research in 1919 indicates that honey possesses antibiotic properties. Earlier in 1888, the
Austrian physician Phillip Terc made a detailed study of Apitherapy like bee stings. Then came the
work of the beekeeper Charles Mraz from Vermont. His work spread bee venom therapy for sixty

years. As a result, literally thousands of practitioners and common people took to this alternative

After bacterial was traced to cause infection in the nineteenth century, studies in 1919 proved that
honey had antibiotic properties. Honey was no longer used by the 1940s when a range of antibiotics
came to be administered. Honey continued to be used though in folk medicine. In recent times, when
alternative medicine has regained popularity, honey is back again with a bang.

Which bee products are used for treatment?

Besides raw honey, bee venom and bee pollen along with propolis are used for therapeutic purposes.
The honey, pollen and propolis can be sued as health foods that dramatically increase energy levels.
Dextrose and levulose are the names of sugars found in honey, simple sugars termed
monosaccharides. Since they represent t the simplest form, they undergo absorption quickly in the
human body through the intestines. The energy is immediately felt.

Athletes and diabetics would benefit from honey too. Athletes get abundant energy by mixing honey
with fruit juice. Diabetics need to avoid excessive sugar but honey would provide more sweetening
agents than sugar.

The gathering of pollen by bees from flowers is well known. Pollen indicates spores that contribute
to reproduction in plants that produce seeds. It is believed that pollen supplements can help weight

loss and constipation besides physical weakness and aging disability. The vitamin C present also

strengthens immunity.

What is the source of the antiseptic property of honey? Honey has high acidic content but that is

hidden by the sugars. The presence of the three acids - citric, malic, succinic – was confirmed in
1931. Antibacterial effects were also seen against staphylococcus aureus, the common bacterial that
infects wounds.

Arthritis and Rheumatism are known to benefit greatly from Apitherapy. Osteoarthritis and

rheumatoid arthritis are the two common painful conditions. The cause of osteoarthritis is the
weakening of cartilage around joints when the bones come into painful contact. Inflammation occurs
in rheumatoid arthritis. The cause of both problems is weak circulation of blood as result of which
wastes do not get carried away and bacterial grow. People usually resort to heat massage and
exercise to improve oxygen supply. Therapy with bee venom relives the distress symptoms intensely.

If a patient is not allergic to bee stings, the treatment can proceed by increasing the sting count by one
each day. Allergic reactions could cause death. An injection could be substituted for the bee sting.
When bee venom enters the body, inflammation is caused; circulation increases and hormones are

launched by the body to fight pain, and thus the benefit. Treatment needs to be sustained for the
hormone to work.

Since the basis of honey, pollen and propolis is sugar, they are processed in health foods. The high
density sugar content also brings antiseptic properties. If used in dressing wounds, bacterial growth is
Chapter3: Bee Biology for Apitherapists

Get familiar with BVT or be venom therapy that involves delivery of actual honeybee stings upon

patients for treatment. Such a therapy is traditionally supposed to treat several diseased conditions
like multiple sclerosis, gout, shingles, wounds and burns. Arthritis and bursitis sufferers, tendinitis
and infections are also believed to be cured by BVT. In recent times, a possible cancer curing
property is believed in BVT while rheumatism and arthritis have been treated in China, Egypt and
Greece in ancient times. Recognition came in 1888 through research.

What are the impediments then if any? The problem of allergic response arises and that can threaten
life. Tests have indicated a fairly high prevalence of such allergies. Hypotension, hives and
respiratory problems could arise. More research requires to be carried out in this significant area.

Besides, bee keepers have the experience of several bee stings that caused symptoms of arthritis. It is
commonly accepted that stings cause irritation and pain.

Nociceptive and anti-nociceptive effects of bee venom

The impact of bee venom and the polypeptides it contains have been studied by two groups. Firstly,
subcutaneous injection of bee venom upon humans, rats and cats have been studied. Toxic effects have
been observed.

Since bee venom can engender inflammation and pronociceptive unpleasant impact, experiments have
been carefully done. Experiments have not really injected an injection of bee venom in humans to
study nociception and pain.

What is bee venom actually?

After the sting is inserted into the skin, it separates along with the venom sac from the bee’s abdomen.

About 140 μg is injected in one sting that induces intense pain. The venom contains a complicated
formula of polypeptides and enzymes, lipids, amino acids and amines. A few components show an
anti-nociceptive impact while others may have a set of harmful or beneficial effects, dependent upon
conditions. The polypeptides generally impact the nervous system and CNS, leading to various

Melittin, Apamin, and Adolapin

Some polypeptides may be toxic while others are allergenic. Melittin is a 26 amino-acid polypeptide
that constitutes about 50% of the dry venom and has complex impact. Besides anti-bacterial and anti-
fungal activities, melittin had biological and toxic actions upon the cell lipid membranes and
hemolyzing activity. Further experimental research is awaited.

Apamin contains 18 amino acids that contribute to 2% of dry bee venom. Apamin inflicts inhibitory
impact upon calcium potassium channels in the CNS.

Adolapin with 103 amino acids make up 1% of dry been venom. Adolapin alone has anti-pyretic and
anti-nociceptive impact. Adolapin reduces prostaglandin fusion by inhibiting cyclo-oxygenase

The importance of bees for planet earth

We do not consider bees with seriousness in spite of the fact that they work so hard. Bees are given
credit for manufacturing honey though and humanity recognizes some therapeutic properties of honey.
Come to think of it, the world would be quite different in the absence of bees that carry out
pollination of 18% of flowering plants and 400 kinds of agricultural plants. Maybe money would

speak better and $19 billion worth of crops in USA in 2010 owes its success to bees. Bees maintain

the world’s food system! It is true that other pollinators like butterflies and bats do a good job and
they contributed $10 billion in 2010 in USA. Bees are truly the champions.

Can you imagine that 25,000 species of bees roam the earth, divided into 4000 genera that make up
only nine families? Apidae contains the well known bumble bee, honey bee and carpenter bee.
Pollination by bees is facilitated by the hairs and pockets on the legs to carry pollen for dispersal
between plants. Bumble bees do better with stronger bodies and greater wing vibrations.

Pollination is compulsory to plant reproduction; otherwise food on the table would be scarce. Your
favourite apples, cherries and watermelons, cucumber, broccoli and asparagus would be available no
longer! Don’t forget the mighty food product honey for which bees are most famous though most
people fear their stings. Bees collect nectar from flowers that they regurgitate into the honeycomb,
meant for food during winter. This yellowish brown slurpy liquid in 2013 was valued at over $300

Understanding the pollination process would help. Pollen gets transported from the male part called

the anther to the female part called the stigma. As a result, the nut, seed or fruit gets to develop. Does
every plant propagate in this manner? Animals like bats can also do the job and some plants can very
well pollinate themselves. The wind does a lot of dispersal of pollen too.

Bees cleverly concentrate on a single species of plants in an outing as a result of which the
pollination process is far more effective. What would happen in the mess if many kinds of pollen
were getting dispersed?

The beautification factor cannot remain untold! All the dynamic gardens you ever admired and
photographed to upload in social media were the handiwork of bees thorough the pollination magic.
Birds and insects find refuge in flower laden plants in cities and in the wild. Hats off then to the

global community of bees, for giving us gifts of fruits and vegetables too.

Chapter 4: Importance of bee products for a bee colony

In spite of a history of usage of thousands of years, the modern world is only slowly waking up to the
astounding power of bee products. Most people do not know much about them and thus the lack of
interest. Yet with the growing interest in alternative and complementary medicines, such an interest is
bound to grow in view of the mighty benefits that wait. Get to know the seven gems.

Organic Honey
Honey for millennia and now the costlier Organic Honey of course! Organic standards are carefully

followed during the honey production process to earn due certification. Where was the nectar

obtained? Bee management and area of forage. How were the honey extracted, temperature processed
and packaging materials?

Honey Wine

Maybe you did not hear of mead but that was the first fermented drink invented by humans, much
earlier than the traditional beer from molasses and wine from grain and fruit. Mead in the present day
does include flavouring of fruit, malt, herbs and spices. Your own recipes would be just fine.

Bee Bread

Let us begin to learn of the supposed curative properties for insomnia and stress, hepatitis and
anaemia, cholesterol and digestion problems. Shops sell the stuff that helps kids’ physical and mental
growth, their memory, and prevents weight gain too. In the hive, bee bread is food for almost all the
bees and larvae, except those that would become queens! Bee bread contains important amino acids,
enzymes and flavanoids and plenty of vitamins.

Royal Jelly

The queen bee must dine on special food of course! The Royal food represents superior vitamins B5
and B6 along with amino acids. We think it is an antioxidant that rejuvenates and builds muscle, tissue
and cells. Discharge from salivary glands of worker bees is the source of this bizarre concoction.


Sticky resins from trees are gathered by honey bees. The resins undergo processing in salivary glands
and blending with other substances. Propolis is crucial in the fight against cold and wind, and
protects from disease. Being anti-fungal and anti-bacterial, propolis protects from several illnesses.
Cuts are healed by using it as an ointment.
Bee Pollen

Don’t confuse it with the allergy causing pollen. Bee pollen is actually the male seed in the flower.

Honey bees collect them and mix them with their own digestive enzymes. It is a fabulous mixture of
vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins and carbohydrates, besides being low in calories. Bee pollen

contains bioflavonoids that are anti-bacterial and lower cholesterol. It revives the body and
stimulates organs. Sports people love it.

Bee Wax

The honey bee body produces a wax that goes into building the honeycomb, chambers for the little
bees. Skin care medications and candle and furniture polish making are some uses of this wax that
originates in the bees feeding on honey.

Chapter5: Importance of Bee Products for Humans and Animals

Benefits of Bee-Therapy

Enhanced Immune system

Bee-therapy can boost your immune system in more than just one ways. Eating a spoon of honey
every day, alone could have huge benefits on overall human physiology.

This practice is quite new for modern science, but it has been used since 2000 years. A spoon of raw
natural honey can treat many disorders and diseases. Honey can cure inflammatory and immune-


Doctors in ancient Greece and china were famous for their medicinal advancements. Doctors kept
special bee venom collectors to collect and purify the venom. Then it was given to patients with
special oils and herbs, according to their needs.
Cancer-Fighting therapy

Cancer has been the biggest enemy of mankind, since the beginning of human life. Bee propolis can
prevent and cure cancers. Bee Propolis kills the bacteria and cancer causing agents.

Components of propolis, CAPE and artepillin C together fight cancer. Propolins contains more than
180 compounds, which are essential for human metabolism.

Moreover it is enriched with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Propolins also provide many
essential amino acids for the body. Which help to endure normal cell functions and reduce cancer

causing cells.

Propolis has been effectively used as a mouthwash to fight cavities, since

Increase Body Energy & Stamina

No one likes to get stung by bees, at least without any good reason. The latest research has shown
that bee-sting therapy can increase Body energy and stamina. A spoon of honey everyday helps to
increase metabolism and has significant benefits over sugar.

Honey, when used as a substitute of sugar, can lower the risk of cardio vascular diseases and
cholesterol. Honey also has lactose Slashing Bacteria or LAB. These LABs destroy pathogens and
fatty acid molecules in the body.

Many ancient medical practices have used honey as fat reducing and Stamina increasing agent.
Royal jelly: The complete Food

Besides honey, wax and venom, bees also produce Royal Jelly. Bees feed royal jelly to their young
queen. A normal bee lives about a month or two while a Queen bee lives up to 3-5 years. All due to
Royall jelly.

Royal jelly is very nutrient rich mixture. It only has around 5% of fat, while rest is protein and
nutrients. If one takes one spoon of royal jelly every day, his overall health will improve. Bodily
disorders are less likely to appear.

Royal jelly promotes neurogenesis or regeneration of brain cells. Royal jelly is also the only natural
supplement that contains 10-HAD, which improves cognitive capacity.

Royal jelly can be used as a supplement. It is a great alternative to chemical supplements. It has
almost every nutrients, collagen, minerals, enzymes and amino acid required.
Fight Allergies

Many people have plant allergies, such as allergy from pollen and others. By taking a small amount
of bee pollen every day, you can reduce effect or get rid of your allergies.

Bees keep in special Beekeeping equipment (used to grow bees) provides 40% protein based
honey. This protein comes from plant pollen or flower pollen. Bees ingest these pollens and process
them into honey & other products.

Many cases of chronic allergies have benefited from the regular use of bee pollen. More and More

studies support these facts.

Treat Arthritis and more

New studies are being conducted on Bee-Therapy almost every single day. Some of the latest
researches are showing Bee-Therapy show.

“Bee-Therapy can slow down arthritis onset and growth, in some cases, it can
be used as an excellent cure for arthritis.”

Various chronic disease patients have shown significant improvement in their conditions. These

chronic diseases include Asthma, migraines, sinusitis, and Multiple sclerosis.

Some of these therapies can also be performed at home, with the help of beekeeping equipment and
proper training.
Miraculous Bee Venom

Last but not least, Bee venom. It is a very important product of bees. A pure form of the venom is very
important in the production of many drugs. With the help of special Bee venom collector, the venom
is extracted and then purified.

This venom acts as anti-inflammatory agent. 4% of this venom solution is excellent for wound
dressing and healing. It has more than 40 compounds which promote healing of damaged tissues. One
of them is melittin. Melittin pills are widely available in the market today.

Melittin infused with nanoparticles have had success in killing HIV virus and treating AIDS. Melittin
is widely used as drops or pills by HIV patients worldwide.

Bee-sting therapy has been used as a folk therapy in many countries. Bee sting therapy has had
positive effects in epileptic patients. Also, Reyah Carlson claims that bee sting therapy has helped her
to treat her lyme disease.

Apitherapy is gaining popularity due to its amazing benefits. Thousands of years before, Bee-Therapy
was an essential medical practice in China and India.

Truly, this is a gateway for future medicine and science.

Chapter 6: Origin,Types, Characteristics and Composition

Bee Pollen:

Bee Pollen is derived from floral pollen. The worker honey bees make it from nectar and saliva. Only
recently has bee pollen been collected from the legs of worker bees. Bee pollen has been found to
possess extraordinary properties like being anti-fungal and anti-oxidant, anti-microbial and anti-
radiation, anticancer and anti-inflammatory.

What are the bee pollen constituents? Carbohydrates, proteins and lipids along with crude fibers
make up the major proportions. Besides, all the amino acids required for humans are present. Minor
quantities of vitamins and minerals, carotenoids and phenolic compounds, flavonoids and sterols are

also present.

In research conducted in Portugal, the following pollen types were found:

Family Pollen type

Cistaceae Cistus

Boraginaceae Echium

Rosaceae Prunus

Fagaceae Castanea

Asteraceae Leontodon

Fabaceae Trifollium

Ericaceae Erica

Fagaceae Quercus

Mimosaceae Mimosa

Myrtaceae Eucalyptus

Rosaceae Rubus
Several claims have been made in favor of bee
pollen. Sports persons and the aged can benefit in fitness and performance as a result of long term

consumption of bee pollen. Gastric health and liver condition would be improved. Yet European
procedures require scientific proof of nutritional values. Besides, circumstances differ according to
geographic regions and species. In the Portugal study, it was suggested that bee pollen could prevent
disease containing free radicals. Bee pollen may be considered a valuable food supplement.
The composition of the bee pollen is not a guaranteed one. There are many theories regarding the
same. Yet in short the average composition of this substance is reportedly 40-60% simple sugars
namely the fructose and glucose. There are 2-60% proteins. The concentrations of the other
compounds are herewith.
3% minerals and vitamins
1-32% fatty acids

5% of miscellaneous other things

There was a recent study with the bee pollen which also proved that the material had 188 kinds of
fungi. Further innovations found that bee pollen has bacteria.

Bee Bread:

A study was conducted in three regions of Latvia to research the properties of bee bread and
microscopic analysis was attempted. The analysis revealed willow pollen, a kind of native pollen.
Bee bread of the three different regions showed little differences of physical and chemical properties.

Ambrosia or bee bread refers to natural pollen that underwent fermentation. By pollen we mean the
fine grains that have several forms and colors, the diameter being about 0.03 mm. The pollen grain
consists of an inner intine wall and an outer exine wall. The intine is made up of pectin and cellulose.
Each plant species has a different kind of pollen.

The exine consists of sporopollenin that preserves well in soil and lasts for millennia. Sporopollenin
consists of biopolymers of fatty acids, phenolics and carotrenoids besides phenylpropanoids.

After bees gather pollen, then mix it with nectar and saliva. In the beehive, other bees put it into the
honeycomb cells. After anaerobic lactic fermentation, bee bread forms.

How does bee bread differ from pollen? Bee bread has a lower pH than pollen with less fats and
proteins. Bee bread also has better bio-availability because the pollen has been partly destructed
through fermentation and energy rich pollen content can be absorbed better. Pollen has about 24%
water along with almost 50 compounds. Some of them are fats and vitamins, enzymes, carotenoids
and flavonoids. Elements like copper are also found. In bee bread, carbohydrates and lactic acid
increase, proteins are cut into amino acids, and fats are destructed.

In terms of vitamins and enzymes, pollen decreases with a storage time of two months while bee
bread maintains a longer activity.
What is significant is that bee bread maintains the positive influence of pollen. The pollen impact is

anti-oxidant and anti-microbial, protects the liver and modulates immunity. Pollen protects the

nervous system and regenerates tissues. Bee bread has a greater influence and can be better absorbed
because of fermentation.


Honey is one of the most favoured stuff in Apitherapy. This is made by the bees in a strange and
startling manner. This is a highly concentrated solution of water with the mixture of two sugars
namely dextrose and laevulose, with little amounts of at least 22 other more composite sugars. There

are many more components of honey but these are the main components. This is one of the most
remarkable materials made by the bees with the materials from the flowers.

This major and amazing bee thing is of two kinds: namely, the floral honey and the honey dew honey.

Honey has an anti bacterial property. This is used in many disease treatments for a long time as the
solvent in many solutions. This is also a high energy carbohydrate. Honey helps in growing immunity
and shielding many diseases. This is also used for emulsifying fat.

As mentioned earlier honey has water with dextrose and laevulose. There are several other
components as well mixed with it. The major components are in the proportion of: 25% water, not

more than 0.25% ash, and not more than 8% sucrose. The nectar is the main source and starch is the
main resultant in honey compounds. Honey also has many acids in it like formic acid, Sugar Acid,
Glucomic acid.


Honey dew is a less saturated solution of the nectar driven component. This is also a complex
compound which amalgamates water with dextrose and laevulose. The only difference between honey
and honey dew is in the saturation of the fluid. While honey is thicker, the dew is a lighter one. The
amount of mineral salts like Ash and lactones are higher in Honey dew honey.

The honey dew is a liquid which is also rich in sugar. This is a secretion from the Aphids. This

mainly is secreted when the scale insects feed on the nectar and plant sap. It happens that the mouth
part of the insects is injected in the phloem and a sugary liquid is forced out of the gut. This is the

origin of the substance named as honey dew.

Honey dew is packed with vitamins and proteins and thus is very good for the health. It can be
exceptionally gift like in maintaining the blood pressure levels. They also are good for collagen
repair and make the skin glow. Honey dew is a fat coagulant.

Honey dew has a lot of vitamins in it like B vitamins thiamine, niacin, and pantothenic acid, mineral
copper etc. composed of 90% water, the honey dew is 60 calories only. It is also a hoard of the
vitamin C.


The other name of this compound is bee glue. This is a resinous compound. This is also collected
from flowers. The sap secretes this when the bee sits on the same. The Propolis is found as the
sealant in hives. The secretion is primarily availed from the Apis mellifera bees. The Propolis
secretion is taken from the floral resources and then the bee secretions are mixed with it to make the

resin strong. This is non toxic. There are 12 types of the same.

This is non toxic and used for both medical and other purposes. This is an important part of drug
research in bio medication. This can treat cold, snores and cough. This is used ion musical
instruments, specially the bowing ones as varnish equipment. This is also used to make chewing gum
and car wax.

The composition of the same varies from hive to hive and from the types of the bees. The color of this
can be variant. The color of the substance can vary from green, red, black, and white hues. The colour
depends in the type of resin found in that area. The bee gum has a number of components. There are as
many as 50 constituents of the bee gum. The components which are in majority are resins and
vegetable balsams (50%), waxes (30%), essential oils (10%), and pollen (5%). Propolis also

contains persistent lipophilic acaroids, a natural pesticide that deters mite infestations.


Bees wax is a mythical object with the citations in Iliad and Odyssey. This is found in the book of
famed roman philosopher Pliny who lived from 23 AD to 79 AD. This ancient product is made by the
bees of Apis genus. The working bees of this genus have eight wax producing glands. They discard
the same while they make the hive. The bees secrete this colourless compound which is a fluid when

secreted to seal the walls of the hive and store the nectar safely. After the fluid comes in vicinity of
the external atmosphere it solidifies and bees wax is made. The other names for this are Cera alba
and Cera flava.

Bees wax is widely used in cosmetic industry. This is also used to make very good quality wax. This
is used in modelling industry and used widely in the lost wax process for casting. This is used to
make the sealing wax and used in making the modern bows. This is used as a common sealant as well.

The chemical formula of the bees wax is terminated as C15H31COOC30H61. Among the major

components of the bees wax are palmitate, palmitoleate, and oleate esters. These are characterised by

the long-chain (30–32 carbons) aliphatic alcohols. There is a ratio of triacontanyl palmitate which is
formulated as CH3 (CH2)29O-CO-(CH2)14CH3 in bees wax. The other major component is cerotic

acid[8] which is formulated as CH3(CH2)24COOH. The ratio between the two above mentioned very

important components of bees wax is 6:1.

Royal Jelly

The royal jelly is widely used to feed the young bees. This causes a huge uprising in bees. Not only
the boosted growth but also increased birth-giving is initiated with the royal jelly feeding. The royal
jelly is made in the glands present at the hypopharynx. This is majorly found in the worker bees.
The royal jelly is said to be the finest example of a controlled phenotypic polymorphism. The reason

is that though the basic DNA nature is same, the material is variegated depending on the area from

where it is secreted. The presence of a epigenetic DNA named as phenotypic polymorphism is cited
as the main reason behind this startling characteristic. This is a good dietary compound for human

beings and a good remedy for the asthma and other assorted problems.

The composition of the royal jelly constitutes of 67% water and 12.5% crude protein. This
composition includes small amounts of different kinds of amino acids. There are 11% simple sugars
(monosaccharide) in the royal jelly. There is a relatively higher amount (5%) of fatty acids. The

major acidic compound found in this is the 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid or 10-HDA (about 2 - 3%).
The royal jelly has a constituent of some traces of minerals and some enzymes. There are the
antibacterial and antibiotic components like the pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). There is vitamin B6

(pyridoxine) and certain amounts of vitamin C. This composition strictly lacks the fat-soluble
vitamins like, A, D, E and K.


This is a product very widely used in the api therapy. This is made from the male bee brood. The
brood is a genitival term. This refers to the children of bees which means the pupa, larva and the

eggs. This product is made by the bees before they grow up and this is an integrated component of bee

This is a highly active animal component which is derived from the larval stage and thus this is vital
for many things. They can be used for treating growth problems in infants. This can be used to treat
anaemia. This can also be used for treating the problems like delayed puberty, nocturnal enuresis,
epilepsy and several other problems. This is used to treat both young and adults. This is good for

This is a highly complex substance. This substance which is an extract from the drone of the bee
community has an important conglomeration of mineral salts like calcium, magnesium, Phosphorus,
Iron, copper, manganese, zinc, sodium, potassium. There are the chest of vitamins like vitamin A,
beta-carotene,provitamin A, xanthophyll, vitamin B6, vitamin PP, choline, vitamin B1. This

component is a highly animal component and thus the vitalities of life is present here as the
compositions. The next thing which is present here are the amino acids like lysine, histidine, arginine,

spargic acid, Tronina serine, glycine, alanine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine,
phenylalanine. The amino acid selection is highest amounting to 11.4 g% amino acids.


The nature has filled us with all the boons and gifts. Man has turned a long way back shunning those
gifts. Technology has taken us far behind time. Thus there were so many discomforts in daily life.
Today man is learning more and the therapies with the natural components are increasing in practise.

Apitherapy is such a therapy. The bees have been preserving the righteous way to lead the life for
many years. The dexterous ancestors had understood the same and had preserved the ancient art in
books. Apitherapy finds the utterance in myth and history. The bees had so many different sources of
treatment for man. Today, the Apitherapy is widely used to treat.

One of the major good sides of the natural treatments is that there are no side effects to this. The

innate compounds can be extracted and mixed with the technological inventions to make new
compounds stronger and sharper.

This is the modern tenet to have a good treatment. Knowledge of the same and the preaching of the
same are important. This research aims at not only to make one acquainted with the important and
good sides of Apitherapy but also to make the others understand the usefulness of the same.

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