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Section Four:

Alignment to Curriculum & Professional Standards


In this section of the portfolio I seek to demonstrate my ability to meet and connect

curriculum and professional educational standards to daily work and responsibilities that are

expected of an elementary teacher. In the previous section I included eight artifacts that

demonstrate my work and preparedness in the various areas of educational competencies and

connected them to several curriculum and professional standards; in this section of the portfolio I

will identify and define each of the standards while providing their importance as they relate to

teaching and student learning. I will explain which artifacts are connected to each of the standards

demonstrating my capacity to align my work and teaching to the standards put in place to ensure

quality pedagogy, best teaching practices, subject matter knowledge, and the ability to be a caring,

supportive, and effective teacher. This section will also include a chart that provides a visual for

each of the artifacts and the standards that are aligned with them. It is imperative for an effective

teacher to align their work with the standards set before them in order to ensure excellence and


Curriculum & Professional Educational Standards

InTASC Standards.

The Interstate Teacher Assessment Support Consortium (InTASC) Standards provide a set

of standards that outline what teachers should be able to do and know in order to ensure the students

meet the requirements to progress through K-12. The standards also describe what effective

teaching looks like in a transformed education system where students are encouraged to take

responsibility for their own learning. The 10 standards have been group in four general categories:

The Learner and Learning, which includes Learner Development, Learning Differences, and

Learning Environments; Content, which includes Content Knowledge and Application of Content;

Instructional Practice, which includes Assessment, Planning for Instruction, and Instructional

Strategies; and Professional Responsibility, including Professional Learning and Ethical Practice,

and Leadership and Collaboration. Each one of the artifacts I provided in the previous section is

in alignment with multiple of the different InTASC Standards as the standards truly encompass all

areas in effective education.

NYS Code of Ethics for Educators.

The Code of Ethics is a public declaration by educators that set expectations and guidelines

to inspire professional excellence and speaks to the core values of the profession. It is comprised

of six principles that can assist in each individual’s professional judgement. The principles include

nurturing the students, creating and maintaining a challenging learning environment, committing

to furthering and developing their practice, collaborating with other professionals in the field,

collaborating with parents and the community to build trust, and advancing an intellectual and

ethical foundation. Each one of my artifacts are aligned to one of the NYS Code of Ethics


Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards.

The Ontario Teach Ethical Standards represent a vision of professional practice that is

committed to students and their learning. The purposes of the ethical standards are to inspire

educators to uphold the honor and dignity of teaching, to identify the ethical responsibilities, to

guide ethical decisions and actions, and to promote public trust and confidence in the teaching

profession. The four ethical standards include care, respect, trust, and integrity. I have connected

each of my artifacts to one of these standards, demonstrating my understanding of the importance

of aligning my work within the ethical standards.

P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards (ELA and Math).

The NYS Common Core Learning Standards are internationally-benchmarked and

evidence-based standards that consist of a set of expectations for what students should learn and

be able to do in the areas of ELA and Math. This set of expectations also dictates the curriculum

standards for each grade in these areas to ensure that they have reached these benchmark

expectations at the right time. I aligned the Common Core standards along with the following

artifacts: Artifact 1- SMART Notebook Author Study (Grade 1), Artifact 5- Literacy Lesson Plan,

and Artifact 6- Cultural Awareness, Responsive Teaching and Learning Experience: Multicultural

Family Event.

NYS Learning Standards.

The NYS Learning Standards are set by the New York State Education Department in order

to provide student learning expectations for what students should know and be able to do as an

outcome of accomplished instruction. Each local school district develops a curriculum based on

these set standards or expectations. These learning standards include the expectations set out by

the Common Core, however, they also encompass the arts, sciences, technology, social studies,

health, physical education, and any other related standard, such as foreign languages. The artifacts

that I have aligned with the NYS Learning Standards are: Artifact 1 - SMART Notebook Author

Study, Artifact 2 - Science Lesson Plan, and Artifact 4 - Social Studies Learning Segment.

Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum Expectation.


The Ontario Curriculum identifies the expectations for each grade and describes what the

students in Ontario are supposed to learn, use, and demonstrate in their classwork, tests, and

activities in which their achievement is measured. This curriculum is a guideline for teachers to

follow in order to progress through the various expectations set out for each grade. The artifacts

that align with the Ontario Curriculum Standards are: Artifact 1 – SMART Notebook Author Study,

Artifact 2 – Science Lesson Plan, Artifact 4 – Social Studies Learning Segment, Artifact 5 –

Literacy Lesson Plan, and Artifact 6 - Cultural Awareness, Responsive Teaching and Learning

Experience: Multicultural Family Event.

DOE Claims & CAEP Standards.

The DOE Claims are the commitments of the Department of Education of Medaille College

ensuring the quality of its graduates who are ready and competent to become school teachers. The

claims are supported by the CAEP Standards which are the standards set by Council for the

Accreditation of Educator Preparation for the college to maintain its accreditation. The CAEP

Standards seek to provide evidence that the graduates are competent and caring educators. The

CAEP Standards have been aligned with each of the artifacts listed in section three of this portfolio

demonstrating my content and pedagogical knowledge.

International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and Students (ISTE).

The ISTE Standards are a framework for educators and students to rethink education and

create learning environments in the digital age. The standards help create innovative changing to

the classroom and effective technology integration. As the digital age has allowed for an

exuberance of information and abilities, the ISTE Standards provide a roadmap for navigating

through the new and constantly developing technologies. The artifacts that I have aligned with the

ISTE Standards are: Artifact 1 – SMART Notebook Author Study and Artifact 7 – Weebly Teacher


International Literacy Association (ILA) Professional Standards.

The ILA Professional Standards for Reading set the criteria for developing and evaluating

preparation programs for reading professionals. The standards describe what the candidate should

know and be able to do. The six standards are for 1) Foundational Knowledge, 2) Curriculum and

Instruction, 3) Assessment and Evaluation, 4) Diversity, 5) Literate Environment, and 6)

Professional Learning and Leadership. The Artifacts that I have aligned with the ILA Professional

standards are: Artifact 5 – Literacy Lesson Plan and Artifact 8- CTLE Professional Development

Workshop: Western New York Children’s Book Expo.

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).

The Council for Exceptional Children provide a set of ethical principles and professional

standards and expectations for special education professionals at all levels. As an educator, one

can expect to have a diverse group of students with students who may require additional support;

the standards are put in place to respect the diverse characteristics and needs of individuals with

exceptionalities and their families and consist of 12 different principles. I made the connection to

this set of standards in my Artifact 7 – Weebly Teacher Website, to demonstrate my understanding

of reaching a diverse group of students and extending the learning environment in order to

accommodate and meet the needs of students and their families.

Alignment to Curriculum and Professional Standards Chart


Artifact INTASC NYS Code of NYS NYS DOE ISTE ILA CEC Ontario Ontario
Title Standards Ethics P-12 Common Learning Claims & Standards International Standards Curriculum Teacher
Standards Core Learning Standards CAEP for Literacy Standards Ethical
for Standards Standards Teachers Association Standards
Educators and/or Professional
Students Standards
Standard #3: Principle 1- ELA Grade 1: Science Standard 1. Teachers: ELA Grade Ethical
Artifact #1: Learning Educators Grade 1: Content 1: Standard of
Environments- nurture… CCS.ELA- and Standard 2: Care
SMART 3G, 3M LITERACY.RI Key Idea 3 – Pedagogica Leader- C 1. Listening
Notebook .1.1 Performance l to
Author Standard #7 Indicator 3.1 Knowledge Standard 5: Understand:
Study Planning for CCSS.ELA- : 1.5 – Designer- B 1.4
(Grade 1) Instruction- LITERACY.R Model and
7C, 7H L.1.7 apply Students: 2. Reading
technology for Meaning:
Standard #8: Math Grade 1: standards Standard 1: 1.4
Instructional Empowered
Strategies- 8G, Numbers and Learner- C Science
8M, 8N, 8O, Operations in Grade 1:
8R Base Ten Standard 3:
Extend Knowledge Understandin
Counting Constructor- g Life
Sequence: 1 C Systems: 2.3,

Math Grade

Sense and
Read and
print in
words whole
numbers to

Standard #2: Principle 2 – Science Standard 1. Science Ethical

Artifact #2: Learning Educators Grade 2: Content Grade 2: Standards of
Differences- create, and Care
Science 2C, 2E support, and 2-PS1-1.A Pedagogica Understandin
Lesson Plan maintain l g Matter and
Standard #4: challenging Knowledge Energy – 1.2,
Content learning : 1.1- 2.2
Knowledge- environments Understand
4M … ing

Standards #6:
Standard #2: Principle 2: Standard 1. Ethical
Artifact #3: Learning Educators Content Standards of
Differences- create, and Respect
Classroom 2B, 2N support, and Pedagogica
Managemen maintain l
t Fun Box Standard #3: challenging Knowledge
Learning learning : 1.2 – Use
Environments- environments research
3A, 3C, 3D, … and
3I, 3K, 3O evidence
Standard #2: Principle 6: Grade 6 Standard 1: Grade 6 Ethical
Artifact #4: Learning Advance the Social Content Social Standards of
Differences – intellectual Studies: 6.5b and Studies: B1 Respect
Social 2A, 2H, 2I and ethical Pedagogica
Studies foundation of l
Learning Standard #5: the learning Knowledge
Segment Application of community… - 1.1
Content- 5B,
5G, 5M

Standard #6:
6A, 6E, 6G

Standard #7:
Planning for
7D, 7I

Standard #8:
Strategies- 8F,
Standard #2: Principle 1: ELA Grade 1: Standard 1: Standard 2: Grade 1: Ethical
Artifact #5: Learning Educators Content Curriculum Standards of
Differences- 2I nurture… L.1.1f and and Instruction 3.5: Parts or Care
Literacy Pedagogica speech
Lesson Plan Standard #4: l
Content Knowledge
Knowledge- - 1.1
4D, 4G

Standard #8:
Strategies- 8N
Standard #2: Principle 5: Grade 6: Standard 1: Grade 6 Ethical
Artifact #6: Learning Educators Content Social Standard of
Differences- collaborate ELAW.6.3.b and Studies: A. Respect
Cultural 2J, 2K, 2M, with parents Pedagogica Heritage and
Awareness, 2N and l Identity-
Responsive community… Knowledge A1.1, A1.2,
Teaching Standard #3: - 1.1 A3.7
and Learning
Learning Environments-
Experience: 3A
al Family Standard #10:
Event. Leadership
Standard #1: Principle 2: Standard 1. Collaborator Standard Ethical
Artifact #7: Learner Educators Content : 4C 3: Standard of
Development- create, and Promoting Trust
Weebly 1K support, and Pedagogica Designer: meaningfu
Teacher maintain l 5C l and
Website Standard #3: challenging Knowledge inclusive
Learning learning : 1.5 – participati
Environments- environments Model and on of
3A, 3B, 3G, … apply individuals
3I, 3M technology with
standards exceptiona
Standard #4: lities in
Content their
Knowledge- schools
4G and
Standard #8: es.
Strategies- 8R

Standard #9:
Learning- 9F

Standard #10:
Principle 3: Standard 1. Standard 6: Ethical
Artifact #8: Standard #9: Educators Content Professional Standard of
Professional commit to and Learning and Integrity
CTLE Learning and their own Pedagogica Leadership
Professional ethical learning…. l
Developmen practice- 9A, Knowledge
t Workshop: 9N : 1.2 – Use
Western research
New York Standard #10: and
Children’s Leadership evidence
Book Expo and

Within this section I have gone over the importance and purposes for each of the

curriculum and professional educational standards. I defined the different sets of standards: The

InTASC Standards, NYS Code of Ethics, The Ontario Ethical Teacher Standards, the NYS

Common Core Learning Standards, the NYS Learning Standards, the Ontario Ministry of

Education Expectations, the DOE and CAEP Standards, the ISTE Standards, the ILA

Professional Standards, and the CEC principles. I have demonstrated how I have connected each

of my artifacts to these standards providing evidence of my ability to align my practice with the

standards in place. This section also contained a chart providing a visual for the various artifacts

and their aligned standards. It is essential for effective teachers to defend their lesson, activities,

and character in light of the expectations put in place. In the next section, I will provide a

Teacher Candidate Reflection that includes a reflection on my teacher education learning

experiences and my readiness to become a teacher.

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