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Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation

Martin P. Posadas Ave., San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines



Name : Aaron Manamtam, MBA

Program : Doctor of Philosophy Major in Administration
Title : Service Delivery of Water Districts in Pangasinan: Basis for Development
Adviser : Pedro F. Sison, DBA
Chairman : Jose Emmanuel C. Mandapat, DA
Members : Nora F. Benavides, EdD
: Deborah B. Castillo, PhD
: Marcelo G. Paz, PhD
: Editha R. Pridas, PhD
Date of Defense: May 6, 2018

Section/Page Comments/Suggestions Compliance

p. vii Change “Certificate of Admission to Candidacy p.vii
for the Degree Master of Arts in Nursing to
Certificate of Admission to Candidacy for the
Degree Doctor of Philosophy
p.1 Include a discussion about Service Delivery, p. 3

The delineation among global, national, and pp2-7

local perspectives on service delivery is not
seen in this section of your manuscript.

What is the reason for conducting the study p.8

Theoretical Consider adding a theory related to customer p.12
Framework satisfaction
Conceptual Attach the SERVQUAL Model In the Appendix
p.17 Briefly discuss in the introduction of your p.19 – 20
Statement of the Problem that you will be
having two groups of respondents. (Internal:
Employees; External: Concessionaires)

Provide a sub-problem on the significant pp19-20

differences for each of your original sub-
problems (which are answerable by both the
internal and external respondents). But sub-
problems which are answered separately by
the internal and external respondents need not
have a test on significant difference
Hypothesis Modify your null hypothesis in relation to your Hypothesis was
revised statement of the problem replaced with an
assumption to be
consistent with the
Use: “as perceived by” suggestion in the
statement of the
problem that no
comparison will be
made that will require
test of significant
difference. p.20
Significance of Re-arrange. Please refer to Dr. Mandapat’s p.22
the study manuscript.

Change “consuming public” to p.22

Definition of Remove “Level of Effectivity” p.22
Chapter II Modify the topics: service quality, good pp24-46
governance practices, service culture, and

p.37: Related studies must be presented in

such a way that their methodologies, results pp24-46
and findings are briefly discussed, *Related
studies must include the author, Year of
Publication, Title of the Study, and the brief
Discussion of the methods and results.
The title “Local Studies” should be changed to
“Local” only.

Synthesis: compare and contrast each of the Pp46-50

studies reviewed to your study.
Chapter III Include the number of employees and p.54
Population concessionaires.
Instrumentation Have your questionnaire validated by experts. p.55
and Data
Questionnaire Improve your questionnaire and have it Placed in the appendix

Make a separate questionnaire for the eternal

respondents, and another for the internal
Recorder: Carlo Paul C. Sana

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